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The trailer "Origins"

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Im sure most if not all of you have seen the trailer for Origins, which is presumed to be the name of the newest map coming either in late august or early September. It stands to reason with the years from the "Letters from the Field" and the images shown, that this map will take place in the WW1 era. A post I have read suggests that we will use machinery, weapons, and more from the era.

Now, maybe I am looking way to deep into the trailer, but I have a few questions that I would like answered:

When it shows the image of Takeo's katana, there is a box with a switch on the top. What does it do? What are your thoughts as to the purpose of this device?

There is a part where someone has an object looking like a pistol in a holster. There is a problem with this, for if you look at it, there is no possible way that this could a normal gun. Perhaps this is part of an EE or wonder weapon?

The third has to deal with some secondary grenades that someone is holding. Noticing that there are 4 gold stripes on the side of the canister, there is no way that those can be usual flashbangs or other secondary explosives. What do you think they could be?

And last but not least: In the scene right before you see the robot step on the person you are following, he turns a corner, and if you look at the wall to the right, you will notice... he is being shot at. There is shrapnel and a flash from the bullet hitting. So, why do you think this person is being shot at? Have the original zombies become more intelligent? Is this a soldier behind enemy lines?

MY thoughts as I have dug into the Origins trailer. I think enough people have seen that the two blood vials have the same serial number as two of the characters in MOTD. So, what do you think of these? Or am I just looking way to deep into this?

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