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Nazi Zombies Prequel

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In Heaven, there was a war. Dark Angels and Light Angels fought to determine whether Man will join Heaven in death or not. This will also make God choose who to trust completely: Gabriel, Leader of The Dark Angels, or Michael, Leader of The Light Angels. But there were other angels he trusted: Lucifer, Angel, James, and Rose. Everyone knows Lucifer, but not the other three angels. Angel was Lucifer's girlfriend and the only person he can trust to keep secrets or help solve problems. James was Lucifer's older brother who is rather in love with nature and cares for Mankind, he is also completely honest and loyal to God. Rose was like a sister to James, always cute and childish around him.

While Earth was still in creation, God asked Lucifer and James to create medicine Man will find in plants. And so, they started working on the project.

"Looks like this might be a good sample this time." Lucifer said.

"That's what you see." James replied. "We need a test subject."

A prototype of Man entered the cage and ate the sample of the plant. Something was wrong. He was choking and screaming. All the sudden, his eyes turned green lights and acted like he wanted to eat something.

"Well looks like I stand corrected." Lucifer spoke. "Come James, let's abandon this lab."

"No thanks." James said. "I'm much more interested in this creature here. I think I'll study him from time to time."

"But God said to leave any failed-" Lucifer began.

"I'll ask him if I can study him." James nodded. "In the meanwhile, you should continue your work."

"I can't do this by myself!" Lucifer yelled. "I need you!"

"You have a girlfriend and so do I." James spoke. "We'll bring them in tomorrow."

Lucifer notices James was not heading to his house. "Where are you going?"

"To ask God." He replied.

In The Garden of Eden, still in creation, James came up to God. It seems God was planting a seed in the dirty ground. God got up and looked at James. "Yes James?"

James cleared his throat. "Almighty, today Lucifer and I made another failure on our experiment. However this cause a prototype to transform into something interesting. I don't know how to explain it, but I feel like I want to study it more. So I came down here to ask you if I may study this creature."

God stood still for a moment. He nods. "Yes James, you may study your creation. Can you help me with something?"

"Anything for you Almighty." James bowed.

God looked up in the sky. "There's going to be a time where some angels will fall and become something dark or evil. I don't know who it may be or when it will happen, but it's best if we are prepared for anything of such situation." He turns to James. "I need you to be completely honest with me as you always are. If you fall or get striped from angel or become an evil being, will you still be loyal to me?"

James looked up. "Even if I look evil, even if everyone I love is dead, even if I end up hating Man, yes. I will still obey you. You are like a father to us all, I can't ever betray you. But incase I do change, there might be a chance that I can't change back into this angel. So if I change, will you banish me and send me elsewhere for a limited time?"

God was surprised to hear that from James. He knew James was always honest and protective of angels, but to banish him from Heaven and Earth sounded like something hard to do to the most loving and caring angel. Despite his feelings, he knew James is right to take precautions. He nods. "Very well then. By the way, what do you plan to call your failed creature?"

James thought about it very hard. He came with a name and spoke. "Zombie."


Chapter 2 coming soon.

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Later at night, Lucifer brought his girlfriend, Angel, over to his house. Lucifer wanted to make sure they were alone before he spoke a word. He turned the lowered the candle to make the room a little dark. When Lucifer usually does that, he tells Angel a secret or has a problem only she can solve or heal. And the things Lucifer was going to say was about to change to Universe for all eternity!

"Angel." He spoke.

"Yes my love?" She asked.

Lucifer looked at Angel. "You are the only angel I can always trust. I need you to tell me you can keep this secret from everybody, even Almighty himself."

She nods with a serious face. "Yes, of course Lucifer."

Lucifer showed Angel the back of his hand. She starred at it for a long while, but then it happened. His hand started bleeding! The bleeding scars started to form into a number. The numbers were revealed: 666. Angel was surprised and impressed because she could feel a strong aura coming from the hand alone. That much power can only come from an entire angel!

"What is it?" She asked.

"I don't know." Lucifer healed his hand. "I was able to see only a small part of these powers. They are just as strong as His. I think I'm even more powerful than my older brother. Hell, with this power, I will be to rule all of this 'Third Kingdom' and enslave this Holy Kingdom. But of course, I cannot rule all these three kingdoms alone. With you on my side, we can rule as my name will be The Devil!"

"Or Satan." She added. "It sounds so much better if you added Satan in there."

"Hm..." Lucifer thought. "Satan. The Devil. I'll think about it. Thanks for the suggestion."

Meanwhile, James and Rose appeared to the lab with the zombie. James studied it really hard. He is slowly understanding the creature of what it is capable of and what it wants. "Sam?" He asked. "Sam, Sam, why does it keep yelling Sam?"

Rose comes up to James. "I didn't hear it say anything." She said. "All it does is scream."

"Then how can I hear it?" He asked. "Am I the only one who can hear it?"

He begins placing his hand through the bars of the zombie's cage. "What are you doing?" Rose asked.

Before he could answer, the zombie immidiately charges up to James and bit off part of his skin! James got his hand out of the cage too late. Something felt weird though. He wasn't feeling any pain nor suffering. The injury wasn't even bleeding! There was a hole in his arm, and he could see his bone turn from white to green.

"You're arm." Rose began. "It's not bleeding! There's nothing infecting about it! It's not even an inflection! It's-it's just there!"

"Get me God Almighty immediately!" James yelled.

In the dark lands of Heaven, a shadow you can call it, Lucifer came up to Gabriel's Office. It seems like he was in a meeting talking about a strategy for the next battle. Lucifer smiles at Gabriel. "My dear friend Gabriel. If its not too much trouble, I would like to have a word with you in private."

"What could be more important than striking an attack on those idiots?" Gabriel asked. "Foolish angels, do they not see what I see? What's the point of brining those talking monkeys to this place as their afterlife? This is our home, not theirs!"

"Well," Lucifer walks closer to Gabriel. "This word just so happens to be involved with those 'foolish angels' and 'talking monkeys'. And what if I told you this whole place can be yours?"

Gabriel seemed interested. He starred at Lucifer. "We will discuss this attack plan when I come back."

Both Lucifer and Gabriel walked by the big volcano. Lucifer told Gabriel all about his new future plans and wanted to invite him to his little conquer the worlds thing. "And why should I join you?" He asked.

"Look above you." Lucifer pointed up. "If you don't stand up to Him with me and Angel, all that will be filled with your hatred and anger. Oh yes, I can see it now: All the Children of God are Welcome! Have all Angels bow down to Man."

"Go fuck yourself." Gabriel spoke.

"How DARE YOU ANSWER THAT!!!?" Lucifer yelled at Gabriel. "He will choose Michael, Gabriel! And unless this war is won by your hands..."

"You speak of things in the future as if you can see them." He laughed. "Which gives me a reason to ignore you. There is no other person other than God who can create the future days."

"Oh yeah?" Lucifer asked. "Watch this!"

Lucifer placed his hand on the back of Gabriel's head and showed him the future of Earth: The Civil War, Trenches, Nazis, Cuba, 9/11, Korea, etc. Gabriel could not believe what he was seeing! "Lucifer could see the future?" He thought. "And he said Michael could win? Wake up stupid! Wake up!"

Gabriel looked at Lucifer back in the volcano. "Alright, when do we start?"

Lucifer smiled. "When the Time is right."

Back in the lab, Rose and God ran to James. Something was happening during the absence. Half of his skin was deteriating. He was almost as skinny as bones. If any other angel saw him this way, he would've been banished immidiately. God on the other hand thinks otherwise. "What happened to you?"

"I could hear the zombie speak." James looked at God. "It kept saying 'Sam'. I thought maybe if I could touch it, it could tell me who Sam was."

"And?" God asked.

James took a few moments to breathe and think what he was going to say. "I think I became another you."

"What?" Rose asked. "How?"

"I don't know." James answered. "I can see the future, I can feel almost everything in Heaven and on Earth, and I can sense disturbance in the atmosphere."

"Yes, I've been noticing that too." God said. "What can we do? The angels will not accept you that easy."

"No." James shook his head. "I have to attack Heaven and my brother to cause damage to Heaven. When I do, I'll be proven guilty, then you'll have the right to banish me."

"James..." God spoke.

"We all don't know what I'm capable of with these kind of powers." He said. "Wouldn't it be safer if I was gone than kept a secret?" God didn't want to answer. "You know I'm right. We have no choice. I attack tomorrow. Sayonara God Almighty."

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After Lucifer and Gabriel came back to Heaven, there was a battle going on. All the Dark Angels were heading towards one direction. Many other Dark Angels were flung back away from the direction. One of them landed right in front of Gabriel. He looked up and spoke.

"An angel..." He coughed. "Has fallen. The green angel is coming! The green!" He just died.

Gabriel looked at Lucifer. "You set us up."

"What?" Lucifer asked. "What made you think I would-"

"Lead me away from my army to annihilate them!" He yelled. "Screw your plans! You're on your own!"

Gabriel flew away and Lucifer wore an angry face. He grew so angry, he could feel his secret powers grow stronger than he thought. "Green?" Lucifer thought. "Green? The only green I remember was a failed experiment with my-"

He grew real pissed now. "JAMES!!!"

He ran past the Dark Angels and ran straight to his house. He could see a tall shadow holding a dead body. They both looked familiar. The shadow had green eyes, two arms, one body, one tail, and sharp teeth. "James!" The body looked like skinny, blonde, and lovely. "Angel?"

James laughed and threw the body at Lucifer. "Here, you can play with your new doll! I have no use for her. I wouldn't even feed a bird with her flesh!" He saw his little brother cry. "What's wrong Lucifer? Oh, was it something I did? Like hell I'd care. But perhaps you can join her."

"Lu..." Her voice was weak. "Cif...er..."

"Angel, you're still breathing?" He asked. "I guess you're a tough angel to slaughter."

Lucifer faced her. "Angel, lovely?"

"Don't...lose..." She spoke. "Promise...kill...all...and...live your own...life." She died at last.

Lucifer was crushing her arm so bloody hard, she would scream if she was still alive. He was truly pissed now. He looked immidiately at James. "You've done it now you fucker." He stood up. "Just look at yourself! How can you stand to use this power against God!? Also..." His sight was dead locked on James. "How could you fuck me up like this!?"

"Very easy." He smiled. "Too easy if you ask me or her."

"Don't say another fucking word about her!" Lucifer yelled. "I will kill you before any angel has a chance to banish you!"

"Well then, what a worthy challenge." He made a foggy swirl. "Let's have fun while no one's looking. Just you and me: Brother to Brother! Bring it on!"

James and Lucifer fought for a long time. Lucifer began to lose. He kept on getting up and falling down. There was no way he could keep his secret up. "Is this all you got?" James asked. "I know you got that strange power in you. Together, we can destroy Heaven, build Agartha, and rule the Three Kingdoms."

Lucifer closed his eyes. "My answer to that question," he opened his demonic eyes. "Is Fuck You!" He had black aura all over his body. "Behold, the True Power of Sin!"

"Now we're talking!" He smiled. "Let's get this show on the road!"

With so much anger, hatred, lust, greed, blood, treachery, and darkness surrounding around him, Lucifer was with no mistake about it, Evil. "What have I done?" James thought. "I can't control myself. What is this? Please make it stop!"

Lucifer was winning the fight no matter what move James made. James was defeated to the ground. Right before Lucifer had a chance to kill his own older brother, he lost his powers and fell to the ground, exhausted. "No. I...can't...let you...get out of here...alive...you...fucking bastard!"

The fog cleared, but everything was still blurry to Lucifer. All he could see are two angels and God. Right when he could see what happened next, he passed out unconscious.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Within the walls of prison cells, James awoken. He sits up and looks at someone who's been staring at him for a long time, his own brother Lucifer. He looked like he had stared at him for a very long time. "Morning brother."

"Lucifer," he felt weak to stand. "I'm sorry about Angel."

"Am I supposed to forgive you?" He spoke.

James looked at him. "What?"

"You fool." Lucifer spoke. "What you just did back there has made me stronger than I needed to be. Thanks to you, I am now more than capable to defeat Michael and Gabriel. You did the right thing on choosing what day to fall, my brother. Gabriel turned out to be useless to me after all. However, he had an army. An army you wiped out with just a snap of your fingers. You almost took out Heaven, now I will finish the job tomorrow, just one day before the Big Creation can take place."

"The Day of Adam?" James asked. "Brother, if you fall that deep, you will never be considered an angel anymore!"

"As if I give a shit." Lucifer softly punched the wall outside James' cell.

"How do you think all the other angels would feel if you fell?" James asked.

"You know something James, I don't give a damn about those angels." Lucifer punched the same wall with a few scratches on them.

James tried his last shot. "But what about God-"

"I DON'T EVEN GIVE A FUCK ABOUT ALMIGHTY!!!" Lucifer's punch completely destroyed the wall. "He will be on his knees after you leave. You'll see, Earth and Heaven will be mine."

A few hours after Lucifer left, Gabriel came. "I hope you're happy. Thanks to you, God has allowed to choose Michael to make the wise decisions. And that's not all, he's also allowing Heaven to be an afterlife for Man. This place should be all for the angels alone! Only angels should live here! Why should Man have to live with us!?"

"Gabriel-" James tried to speak.

"Silence!" Gabriel yelled. "Lucifer showed me the future! Man does not deserve to be here! They can destroy, disobey, and dictate! They're monsters. All of them! Every single one!"

"Are you sure?" James asked. "Are you sure Man is monster? I have seen the future too. Lucifer just showed you the negatives they will cause. I see that Man will be worth coming here when they die."

"We shall see." Gabriel left.

The time had come, James was sentenced Exhile for five thousand years. But before James was gone, God and a woman appeared.

"James," God said. "This is Mother Nature. She's going to make a body for you when you want to explore the world and watch Man until you come back."

"Nice to meet you." James nodded. "God, I should warn you now. The evil fallen angel you mentioned earlier, I am positive that it could be my own brother. He's even planning on taking you out tomorrow."

God looked sad. He sighed. "Thank you for letting me know. I'll take care of that. Goodbye James."

"Goodbye God." James left the Gates of Heaven.

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