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Is 40 the new 30?

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40 is the new 30, an expression used to explain how the time has evolved. With advanced technology and knowledge, reaching age 40 is equivalent to reaching 30 from a generation's time.

Such a parallel in zombies?

Back in BO1, reaching 30 was a goal, was an achievement, was a door into elite status. I recall the day I finally able to reach round 30 on Five, a day in which I shed tears from happiness. Harder maps likes Five and Verrukt take planning, dedication, skills, and patience to hit round 30, a plateau deem impossible for some. The novelty of round 30 was elite.

BO2 maps in general are easier. With more powerful weapons, help of perma perks, and stronger perks, round 40 is no longer a dream. With double tap root beer 2, headshot bonus, and Actuated Neutralizer-94, one can breeze through round 28 without moving. On BO1 you need more than 4 clips of AK-74 u2 to accomplish the same feat.

There was a time when going to round 30 co-op takes an afternoon. My Die Rise round 50 took less than 2 hours, and I'm slow. Not only can we hit high rounds, we can now hit high rounds faster. Anyone ever try four players on Five to round 30? 3-4 hours, given you are able to get there. Maps like Die Rise or Buried to 30 will be about an hour, with bathroom breaks and naps in between.

Round 30 is no longer a destination, it is now a rest stop. More and more people are able to reach 30 on BO2 that the rarity is wearing off. Not only are the rounds easier, they are faster to accomplish. The line that separates elite from pretenders, are now cut at 40.

I'm Jay, be sure to tip your waitress.

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I agree 100%.

However, i still do get a nice personnal accomplishment feeling when i hit 30. It takes an hour but most people still cant do it right!

But in all honesty i dont care about rounds. I want my stats better

Btw 173 k/d today. SHOTTIES BABY!


I play solo mostly and if I don't get 50 its not a good game :(. I was soooo pleased with 38 on cotd sol. And my 48 on moon with 3 players was great. I would have a lot of 40s on coop if I had a teammate that stuck around. On bo1 you didn't lose 90% of your motivation if a teammate lagged out.


  TheBSZombie said:
I play solo mostly and if I don't get 50 its not a good game :(. I was soooo pleased with 38 on cotd sol. And my 48 on moon with 3 players was great. I would have a lot of 40s on coop if I had a teammate that stuck around. On bo1 you didn't lose 90% of your motivation if a teammate lagged out.

Yeah mate :)


After 30 it's kinda meh... I mean, why really play if you aren't really having fun?

I rarely make it to 30 anymore anyways. Takes way too long (don't know what you're on saying it only takes an hour) and my friends and I often just screw up before we can reach there.


Really? I found the BO2 maps to be harder... (Not MOTD) Moon I could get to round 40 easy.,. But here, nada... I think it either has something to do with my incabilbility to NOT do everything the map has to offer or the fact I've recently had an obsession with reviving teammates no mater where they were...


  Stop mocking me0 said:
Really? I found the BO2 maps to be harder... (Not MOTD) Moon I could get to round 40 easy.,. But here, nada... I think it either has something to do with my incabilbility to NOT do everything the map has to offer or the fact I've recently had an obsession with reviving teammates no mater where they were...

I agree,im better In bo1


MOTD and Buried are really easy to hit high rounds for me.

Die Rise and Tranzit though, I am cursed on those maps for some reason, I always die on 29 or 39, I can never seem to cap it off :lol:

I really feel like Buried is picked straight of out BO1 map wise, which explains why I can play it so well. W@W and BO1 I can go into higher rounds with less of a problem than when I play BO2.

So I would say I am the opposite, I feel good when I get round 30 on Tranzit or Die Rise, otherwise no, rounds 40-50 are impressive on the other maps.


I had mid 40s on most BO1 maps.. I didn't break into the 60s until Buried.. Most BO2 maps are easier IMHO, the paralyzer is WAY over powered, especially when combined with Vulture Aid

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