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have you stopped having fun?

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so at first I played zombies for fun, but lately the fun has turned into a job. I find myself trying to find out what something. does, if that thing does something. else and so on I started to relize I wasn't. playing the game for the purpose. intended. , but for knowledge that really isn't going to change t how the game is going end.yes the ee give us the "story" but we still after completing play round after round untilled death.

I want to enjoy the game like I did before. I was worried about how some small detail in the game could tell me more.

if you have turned the game into a job every once in awhile play a pub. match or play a cutome game that u like not for the leaderboard but for fun.

let me know if you have done the same n started to get to the point of just being done with the game I'm always up for a game on psn.

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