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Dr. Maxis and Samantha..... How Are They Older?


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I'm really confused from seeing the intro.

If you've watched the intro, with volume, you'd have seen Dr. Maxis.

If you haven't here's what he looks like:

At the end, the voice said "My name is Samantha..."

Now this brings me to some questions.

Dr Maxis looks very old. I know some will say that is could be Dr. Maxis Senior, but I don't think it is. We all know Maxis and Richtofen worked together. I don't recall seeing/hearing any radios of Richtofen working with Dr. Maxis Senior or Dr. Maxis JR mentioning it.

If it is the Dr. Maxis we know, how did he live to 1945? He looks like he'd have passed on by then.

I know some say that Maxis could be the one Richtofen was operating on. However, the corpse [to me] resembles a zombie more than a human being.

Now Samantha is much more interesting.

In 1945 she is a young girl. Likewise in Moon.

She wouldn't/shouldn't be alive in 1918.

But in the trailer, she sounds much older than when we hear her. [iDK over 20 IMO]

So.... how is Samantha older [and alive] in 1918 than 1945?

I know some will say Time Travel, but I don't think time travel would effect Samantha's voice and age. If it did, it'd been the same for the O4 would have been in wheelchairs in Moon and Shangri La. :P

Any possible theorists/explanations to why Samantha and Dr. Maxis are older than they should be in 1918?

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Samantha's voice sounds somewhat demonic like an announcer. Not to mention, she isn't actually in the map, it's from the perspective of her telling the story, so she could in fact be older.

As for Maxis, no one really knows. For all we know, that could be how he looks in 1945 (doubtful, yes). It's also possible he could be younger than he appears. Some people look old, but are young, and some look young, but are old. I really don't want to say time travel, but if it is involved he is the only one who really could. Everyone else looks 20 years younger at least.


  Zombieofthedead said:
Samantha's voice sounds somewhat demonic like an announcer. Not to mention, she isn't actually in the map, it's from the perspective of her telling the story, so she could in fact be older.

As for Maxis, no one really knows. For all we know, that could be how he looks in 1945 (doubtful, yes). It's also possible he could be younger than he appears. Some people look old, but are young, and some look young, but are old. I really don't want to say time travel, but if it is involved he is the only one who really could. Everyone else looks 20 years younger at least.

That's true, stress can do that. But I am seriously doubtful he'd be alive in 1945 regardless.

Also we don't know if Samantha is physically in the map yet. Who knows, she may make a physical appearence in the EE.

  Tattoo247 said:
Well this destroys my idea that the black portrait in Kino was Maxis, the face has no beard and appears much younger....I was really hoping this was Maxis :?

He may have had a shave. I'd dread to think what that beard would look like if he didn't shave it from 1918 to 1945. :|


Since the O4 had their memories wiped I'm sure after Moon they were confused. Maybe Sam is explaining to them what happened on the Moon and this is simply a flashback? I mean Richtofen kept his Aether sounding voice once he entered Samuel. I know the situation is a bit different there but that could just be how things are. Also considering she's in Richtofens body now her "spiritual aether" voice may age as well.

Maybe the next 3ARC COD has us playing as the O4 after Buried on the Earth with Samantha taking down her father from reign of MPD and fixing everything? No? ok *crawls back in hole*

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Is it possible that soul switching does not follow a linear timeline. Possibly the reason Ric looks so confused is because this is the same point samantha enter his body. Or if this is the starting point of a new cycle, this time its samantha in place of Richtofen. Im just spit balling, so excuse me it this makes no sense what so ever.


  boombyeyeah88 said:
Is it possible that soul switching does not follow a linear timeline. Possibly the reason Ric looks so confused is because this is the same point samantha enter his body. Or if this is the starting point of a new cycle, this time its samantha in place of Richtofen. Im just spit balling, so excuse me it this makes no sense what so ever.

I kind of understand what you mean.

Don't want another "Break the Cycle" EE like MoTD.

If that is the EE, Treyarch are out of ideas. :| [TranZit, Die Rise and Buried had you lighting up towers]


Well we know Samantha wasn't born even yet in 1918 so that means she's not really in this map, she's narrating the Story to someone after the events of the map.

My best guess is that Maxis told her about the events of Origins.

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  TheNathanNS said:
  boombyeyeah88 said:
Is it possible that soul switching does not follow a linear timeline. Possibly the reason Ric looks so confused is because this is the same point samantha enter his body. Or if this is the starting point of a new cycle, this time its samantha in place of Richtofen. Im just spit balling, so excuse me it this makes no sense what so ever.

I kind of understand what you mean.

Don't want another "Break the Cycle" EE like MoTD.

If that is the EE, Treyarch are out of ideas. :| [TranZit, Die Rise and Buried had you lighting up towers]

I agree, the only way I could support that is if there was an epic closing cutscene. Not a super disappointing cut to a white screen, with 3-4 words on it.


Samantha isn't actually this old at the time of the map. She's telling a story - her voice is from a future perspective.

At least, that's what I think.


  Lunatic said:
Samantha isn't actually this old at the time of the map. She's telling a story - her voice is from a future perspective.

At least, that's what I think.

Heh, Samantha isn't alive at the time of this map.


Maybe it's possible that this Samantha isn't actually Samantha Maxis? It's unlikely, but it's still possible.

I'll be disappointed if there's no reasonable explanation for the change in voice if it is SamMax.


Maybe an aged Samantha is just "looking back" on the events that started the zombie Apocalypse. Sort of like a memoir. It doesn't necessarily mean that she is the announcer for origins. Just the narrator for the Cinematic Intro, as well as the idea of using the map Origins as a way figuring out how the zombie apocalypse started. That's just my guess.

This raises another question. Who's going to be the demonic voice that says "Insta-Kill" or "Max Ammo" every time we, the players, get and insta-kill or a max ammo?


  Speedylecor said:
Maybe an aged Samantha is just "looking back" on the events that started the zombie Apocalypse. Sort of like a memoir. It doesn't necessarily mean that she is the announcer for origins. Just the narrator for the Cinematic Intro, as well as the idea of using the map Origins as a way figuring out how the zombie apocalypse started. That's just my guess.

This raises another question. Who's going to be the demonic voice that says "Insta-Kill" or "Max Ammo" every time we, the players, get and insta-kill or a max ammo?

The same one in verruckt, if there even really is someone saying those.


Didn't a similar thing happen in the 'Great Leap Forward' introduction, where a demonic voice we had no idea about said to Stu:

  Voice said:
Accept your fate, begin anew

The same could apply here, although there were so many different theories about the 'Great Leap Forward' voice I have no idea which everyone settled on :lol:

The devil, someone else in the Aether, a different voice, Stu's zombie cravings... I don't know :|

We all ask for a trailer in hope of getting answers and all we've gotten is a load more questions :lol: Oh Treyarch!

*EDIT: I also believe what 'boombyeyeah88' wrote about Richtofen looking confused, I'd like to think this was the moment in which the cycle restarted, meaning we need to break it, I mean if you look at them all after that moment they all look confused... although I'm not sure if it is that or because there is a 1000 foot machine about to crush them :lol:


  Zombieofthedead said:
  Speedylecor said:
Maybe an aged Samantha is just "looking back" on the events that started the zombie Apocalypse. Sort of like a memoir. It doesn't necessarily mean that she is the announcer for origins. Just the narrator for the Cinematic Intro, as well as the idea of using the map Origins as a way figuring out how the zombie apocalypse started. That's just my guess.

This raises another question. Who's going to be the demonic voice that says "Insta-Kill" or "Max Ammo" every time we, the players, get and insta-kill or a max ammo?

The same one in verruckt, if there even really is someone saying those.

I haven't played Verruckt in a while. I may re-visit some of the old maps soon :)

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