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List of Tutorials W/Detailed Info.

Simply Tucker

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I'm making this post to put together all information I know about the buildables and such on the new map, Origins, simply to make it easier to find for people looking for the information and have it all in one place.

How to build each staff:

You first need to find the gramophone in one of the four caves located near Gen. 1, Gen. 4, Gen. 5, and under the church by Gen. 6. You will also need the blue music disc which is found just to the left of the mp40 on the staircase up to the excavation site. With both of these you will be able to enter the crazy places and open the pathway down below the excavation site to the spots to build each staff.


Each part (not including the disc) will be inside of the giant robots, and to get inside you simply look at the bottom of their feet, and if there are yellow lights on the bottom, you shoot them and jump under the foot before it comes down.

(Cave by Gen. 1)


Each part is obtained by killing one of the Panzer Soldats, and turning on all 6 generators.

(Cave by Gen. 4)


Each part can be dug up from random dig spots around the map. (Shovel equipment needed.)

(Cave under Church by Gen. 6)


Each part is found by jumping off of the tank at certain areas to collect them on the tanks path only.

(Cave by Gen. 5)

Once you get all three parts to one of the staffs, you need to bring the gramophone to the correct cave for the desired staff, place it down on the bench and enter the portal. Once inside you may grab the crystal on the table and make your way back to the excavation site where you will now be able to build the desired staff at the color specific spot at the very bottom of the E.S.


To PaP you need to power up all 6 Generator Sites and open up the area for 2500 points.

How to get 5 perks:

First, get the desired 4 perks you want, and once you do you can complete one of the box challenges (I believe it is 115 headshots) and you will be able to go the box and pick up your fifth perk, double tap.

Good training spots:

Gen. 4, going in a circuit around the area.

Gen. 3.

Gen. 5. (My preferred spot)

Gen. 6 isn't a personal favorite but I'm sure it's possible for others.

How to free yourself from the Panzer Soldat's claw:

Spray that SoaB in the face!

How to obtain DeadShot Daquiri, PHD Phlopper, and Electric Cherry:

There is a Perk-A-Cola machine at each generator and alike the mystery box only one is available one at a time, gives you a random perk, and every 6 or 7 perks bought (1500 each) there will be a teddy bear perk bottle that appears, and the Wonderfizz Orb goes to another PaC machine.

Hope everyone finds what they need, I can't think of anything else to cover, if anyone has further questions just ask and I will try to answer as best as I can. Also sprry for any mistakes in the info, I believe I have it all right. Furthest round so far is 24 with 4 people. (:

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  Ehjookayted said:
Awesome job, really useful information here! Great repository that I hope we can all build on. I've also seen someone get Double Tap from the Random Perk Machine, by the way.

I know but getting it this way I don't think you'll be able to get 5 perks, I don't know if the perk in the box changes from DT if you get it but if it does them sweet :) thank you for the feedback!


  ThrowAmonkeyBomb said:
Nice job mate,would read it but im on ps3 so not gonna read too much about origins cuz I cant play it! :lol: Perhaps youd be interested in contributing to the Origins strategy section for the Complete zombie Guide? ;)

Sounds like an interesting project! I'm only on my iPhone so I think it might be difficult to help in most ways but I'm saving up for one currently. I'll definitely keep that in mind and will help when needed! :)


The wonder fiz drink is interesting... There have been 3 confirmed perks so far: EC, PHD, and deadshot from what i've heard...

Certainly there's not a way to get tombstone in solo....

Vulture aid would be nice but its a bit op with the zombie blood use already...

My best hope is that who's who is not in the machine...


  Stop mocking me0 said:
The wonder fiz drink is interesting... There have been 3 confirmed perks so far: EC, PHD, and deadshot from what i've heard...

Certainly there's not a way to get tombstone in solo....

Vulture aid would be nice but its a bit op with the zombie blood use already...

My best hope is that who's who is not in the machine...

Based on my own gameplay (40 plus rounds overall) the confirmed perked are

In its own machine:

Quick Revive


Speed Cola


Mule Kick

In PaC machine:

All listed above +

DeadShot Daquiri

Electric Cherry

PHD Phlopper

Double Tap


Fire staff is wrong.

Disc - inside the church or rarely around the excavator area thingy.

Part 1 - kill the robot guy.

Part 2 - shoot down the plane in the sky that is glowing.

Part 3 - power up Gen 6 and the box next to it will give you a part.

These aren't in any special order.


Here's something

I found out 2 definite ways of reviving someone, possibly 3.

1. Normally as usual, just hold X (I don't know if this would count but doing it with zombie blood might count as another way?)

This is something people may have overlooked though, the Maxis Drone DOES revive downed allies!


  Brandon7991 said:
Fire staff is wrong.

Disc - inside the church or rarely around the excavator area thingy.

Part 1 - kill the robot guy.

Part 2 - shoot down the plane in the sky that is glowing.

Part 3 - power up Gen 6 and the box next to it will give you a part.

These aren't in any special order.

Are you sure about part 2? I've never shot at any of the planes and I've gotten all 4 staffs at least 2 times.



There's some stone symbol you pick up in the workshop next to generator 2, you can take it into the church and put it into some holder thing. No idea what it does though


  Luckasaurus said:

There's some stone symbol you pick up in the workshop next to generator 2, you can take it into the church and put it into some holder thing. No idea what it does though

Nice find! Bet it makes a big part for the EE. :)


@Simply Tucker,

Can you add a step by step process to where you find it and place it?

For example:

Lightning Staff:

1. Find the Gramaphone. This is located in the bottom of pap or by one of the generators as you mentioned.

2. Find the Music disc (Either side of excavation site signs or Side of the Church)

and so on...

This has the potential to be stickied with some formatting. Also adding screenshots is a huge plus.


If you going to put together a guide that will be stickied, I'm sure you can find all the info collected already and then combine it.

Would be really useful for some people use are just getting the map and for when ps3 comes out

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