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The Play Theory

Dub Zee

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I must say, although i strongly disagree with the current consensus that Zombies has all be a game/ manipulation/ imagination from Samantha and Eddie, it is a good theory, i want to say that upfront as this is not about who's theory is correct or not.

Rather a question about the above theories instead as i would like to hear what people's thoughts are on the matter.

Ok for a start the imagination theory as i like to call it that everyone seems as the most likely theory has a loop hole.

Say i agree with the whole imagination AND that the end is actually fact and not based of theories like mine and it IS Samantha's turn (due to W@W characters being used) AND the fact Samamntha says it will be HIS turn tomorrow.....

Then explain to me why the Templar knights eyes at blue yet the normal zombies eyes are not? This contradicts Eddie saying the zombies eyes should be blue AFTER origins is finished.

As i said the play theory is believable but some things are niggling in the back of my head. This is just one such example

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I think it's just an oversight by Treyarch. They were probably meant to glow white/purple like in the trailer, but Mob of the Dead used the maximum amount of data possible, Buried crashed the game sometimes, I'm shocked Origins can even load as it is without crashing the 360. If they need to make that sacrifice to get it to run then fine.


Hmmm possibly, however that may not be the case

In the intro the Soldier Templars have blue/purple ish eyes as we know, however in game UNLESS they are getting hit their eyes are actually the blue eyes we know from when Richtofen is in charge of them.

The kicker here though is the Power Templars HAVE the purple ish eyes mentioned above


If both types of Templar zombies had th same colour eyes then I wouldn't think much of it.

Btw thats my Facepalm zombie, he should be the officail Facepalm mascot for all zombie games

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