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Zombies merchandise

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As I expected, all fan-made stuff, from models of the Perk-A-Colas to shirts to posters.

On a side note: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Call-Of-Duty-Wo ... 4ac893c014

WAW Figures!!!

I knew that there would only be fan made stuff that was kinda what I was looking except it would have to be good quality. Even if Treyarch made stuff it would be for men.. and I dress kinda girly. :roll:

As for the WAW figures they are awesome! I wish they made some for zombies.

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As I expected, all fan-made stuff, from models of the Perk-A-Colas to shirts to posters.

On a side note: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Call-Of-Duty-Wo ... 4ac893c014

WAW Figures!!!

I knew that there would only be fan made stuff that was kinda what I was looking except it would have to be good quality. Even if Treyarch made stuff it would be for men.. and I dress kinda girly. :roll:

They'd probably make posters rather than jewellery.

I don't think Treyarch would ever make jewellery. It would be funny to see zombie-faced earrings.

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I honestly don't think Treyarch/Activision will ever do any kind of merchandise.

Well, I guess you could count Angry Birds, to an extent.

Anyway, on the plus side, fans making their own merchandise often brings out their artistic side.

Look at this! http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/ ... 640c3n.jpg

http://www.deviantart.com/art/Vulture-A ... -385182003

http://www.deviantart.com/art/COD-Black ... -387046878

Figures: most people who play COD are slightly over the age to be be playing with figures. Unless your a huge fanatic.

Costumes: Cosplayers. Plus most outfits can be made from everyday clothing items.

Perk bottles: Probably not that hard to make. The hardest part is most likely finding a bottle that resembles the perk bottles' size.

Guns: Most likely not legal. But re-creating the WW's will take ages. Some people on YT have re-made the box with working sound.

E: I apologise if the spoiler tag ain't working. Not my fault. :|

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I have spawn, resident evil, the walking dead and other figures, most still in the box. I have never played with any of them, mostly because I'm 27...but also because I just want to appreciate them for as long as I can so I don't want them tarnished.

It's very clear that if you make a "toy" that doesn't move so much and is more statuesque then it's viewed more as a shelf piece than a toy for your children.

I would pay stupid money for a limited series of the original four, or a set of zombies from each map. For the only reason to just look at them and know they're mine :twisted:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Hardened Edition!

Contains: Action figures of the N4/O4. With the TranZit map!

Ha ha.

It'd be cool if they did.

Bracelets, I don't know. I like your bracelets though. Clothing would be easier to find/make.

Well, the N4 are wearing everyday clothes. So the only thing to do would be to cut/rough up the clothes then tada! Outfits of the N4.

The O4.... Richtofen.... I don't think many people would be pleased if someone was walking down the street with a Nazi swastika on their arm. lololol

The MOTD group, could be easy I guess. Like for Sal you'd probably need a purpleish shirt.

The "Five" group, just wear a suit. :P Except for Castro.

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