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"inject" | A Zombies Storyline Theory

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The Editor, 
A friend of mine and myself made a Zombies map idea. When we were discussing it, we both decided that I would provide some story elements to his discussion, with his own story elements in it as well. Meaning, I don't agree on everything he says in the video- especially the Orgones part. But it really did turn out to be a good map idea. Fairly simple actually if you think about it. It was made last year and didn't come around to thinking of sharing it with you guys until this morning. This idea takes place in year 2459, humanity is nearing extinction with the dead stalking their nights. Some people are set to the Cocoons; blocking off their knowledge of what's really out there in the open. Giants, Necromances, Hell. Not knowing who their Over-Rulers are, they accept their inevitable decision that they will never find out who made the Cocoons, and why the sick people leave. Until one man has the Dream.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you 'Inject', by GermanJagernaut
(Transcript will be provided for the Discussions sake)









Hello everyone, GermanJagernaut here again, and I know that I said that Coliseum was going to be my last map idea for a while, due to Origins, but I’ve been…commissioned?  Maybe?  But this map idea may help explain a few things better about the zombies storyline we have just wrapped up, because it is a VERY confusing storyline to some people, me included, but after a while you can…comprehend it.  Hopefully, this map will do just that, and thus I call it “Inject”.




Now, this map is…huge.  As in, bigger than Origins and Tranzit and Moon combined.  Now, I bet you’re wondering how that’s going to work, because, as we all know, the reason Tranzit was shit was because of the fog and the lava, which was there because the consoles couldn’t handle the size of the map.  But, I’ve thought of that already.  Don’t worry.  This map also has the easiest, yet also the hardest, story easter egg we’ve ever seen before.  Which I think is nice.
Anyway, onto the map.  So, you’re playing as Dempsey and Co-oh, sorry, Cornelius and Co, I mean, and you start off in a room that’s…surprisingly similar to the starting room on Kino, actually, in structure.  You’ve got the two staircases to the sides leading up to a sort of second floor balcony, almost, but the similarities stop there.  The stairs lead up higher, the entire room is taller, and the stairs themselves are metal.  Sort of like the industrial stairs on wheels that you can just roll in when you’re working, because this entire building was pretty rushed.  ***** concrete and plaster walls, metal floors and stairs everywhere.  Quick Revive is on the top section, instead of a bar to the side, and the opposite side of the room, where there’s normally two windows, is solid rock.  Caved in rubble of these huge boulders.  Of course, there’s a spawn here, with zombies similar to those in the dark rooms in Labyrinth I mentioned previously, some other wall spawns, maybe a floor spawn, and ceiling spawns too.  Especially ceiling spawns.  And the difference is, there are four doors.  One under each staircase and one above each staircase.  Each of them costs 750 points.  The rest of the map is…random.  I mean, aesthetically, it would all be similar, with concrete and plaster and rocks, dimming lights because the power’s already on, and lots of scientific and civilian things, but the layout of such would be random.  I probably don’t make sense, so let me draw it out for you.
(note: this part is a “pen and paper” explanation, because I feel I need to draw this) (LOL TERRIBLE WRITING)
So, with the exception of the starting room, the final room, and three areas that I’ll go into later, everything in the map is random.  Of course, you can’t load up the entire map like this, and I’m envisioning a HUGE map, but hear me out.  How they would do this, if the map were to be made, is with chunks.  Sort of like Minecraft, in a way.  So, every area is, for simplicity’s sake, a cube, basically.  And in every cube, in every chunk, there can be anywhere from one to eight areas.  All of these areas are pre-coded in the game, but how and when they’re put in the map changes every game.  So, let’s see how four areas would work.  We start off with the basic cube, then split it into eight sections, eight rooms.  You’d go in through the starting room, depending on which door you opened, go into a room.  It could be a laboratory, or a school room, or an apartment, or a morgue, but that room is one area of the chunk that was loaded.  There may be a staircase that leads to the one below it, or doors that lead to one of the rooms adjacent to it.  Rarely, it may be a dead end.  But once you enter this chunk, the next chunk after the next chunk loads up.  The map is always two chunks ahead of you.  And as soon as you all exit the starting room, an enormous rock and/or a huge chunk of plexiglass just falls on top of the starting room, destroying it.  You can’t go back.  After that, every time you go two chunks ahead, that chunk, two chunks behind you now, gets destroyed in a similar fashion.  You’re always heading forward, and if you don’t, you’re trapped.  And it’s not always eight areas like this.  Sometimes it’s 4 longer areas.  Sometimes it’s 2 big rooms on top of eachother.  Sometimes it’s one huge room that takes up all the space.  And the perks and wall-buys are random too.  Some of these, idunno, template areas that can be put into the chunk have a specific place where a perk can spawn, or a wallbuy can spawn, and those are completely random.  You could run into Jugg two chunks in a row.  You could go 15 chunks without ever seeing Jugg.  Of course, some perks would be weighted to appear more frequently, if the box gets destroyed it automatically moves to the next chunk that’s loaded, but in this, we could have an enormous map that always left you guessing.  Always.  Of course, after playing it a while, you could figure out which areas have perks and wall-buys and where, but, who knows?  Maybe a patch from Treyarch could change all that.   And, of course, there would have to be precautions to make sure that weird stuff doesn’t happen, but all in all the map sort of pushes you forward, unless you like where you are.  And, it’s not actually a cube, of course, the sides here will always be solid rock, maybe caving in at the bottom here, meaning you always move forward, not side to side.  Also, buildables.  Pieces would be thrown around the map in predictable places, zombie shield, of course, maybe a melee upgrade of some sort, maybe a hacker-esque thing that changes powerups, maybe a piece of equipment that lets you carry more than four perks, but you have to buy them at over double their price?  Who knows, there’s still quite a bit of unexplored territory with these mechanics.
(back to standard video)
So, back to the story.  Right off the bat, you hear this demonic voice, saying,

The entire building trembles, lights flicker a little, and on some computer screens, you see a face flash for a brief moment.  You may recognize him from a certain forum post that I rather like.  So, the easter egg is just…reach the end.  Just keep running down the map, down the chunks, until you reach the final room.  Which sounds simple enough, but it’s hard for two reasons.  First off, it’s a frickin’ huge map.  Second, is a thing called “Sheol”.  There’s a great forum idea thread that I have to give credit to for this idea that I hope I’ll remember to link in the description, made by “House”, that is this idea of Sheol and its multiple levels leading to hell on Earth, which is important.  Basically, when the game starts, you’re at Sheol 1.  Standard zombies game.  However, progressing far enough into the map will lead you to a sort of…open area, two chunks long.  And here is where you see where you actually are.  You look up and see two huge cliff sidings, and above that, an enormous glass dome.  A little patchworked, but enormous nonetheless, stretching far forwards and backwards, but with some noticeable, horde-sized holes.  You’re in the Grand Canyon, turned into a means of survival, of preparation, almost, that, of course, failed.  Packapunch and N-Crypt-R are here, too, but there is a way to packapunch a gun without it that I’ve already mentioned.  So, this destroys the chunk behind you, so all there’s left to go is forward.  At this point, the dialogue gets a bit more informative, and the easter egg really starts.  Dempsey starts recalling a dream he had of a ‘ghost’, which is important, the others start questioning Richtofen a little, not like in the other maps, but as in, questioning whether his plan will work.  Now you start hearing talk of Orgones and Vril, which, if you haven’t heard about that already, let me explain. 
(pen and paper)
This guy, who’s name I can’t begin to remember, theorized that the world was filled with Orgone energy.  Every living thing, the air around you, even the dead, to some degree, has Orgone energy.  Living things especially.  We’ve seen Orgone three times in zombies, if I recall: Moon, Nuketown, and, of course, Origins.  Nuketown is a bit less apparent, but it is blatantly obvious once you know what you’re looking for.  In the pyramid easter egg step on Moon, and with the four fillable boxes on Origins take in Orgone.  When you kill zombies near them, you see their “souls” fill them up.  These “souls”…may not be souls.  I wouldn’t be surprised if they were Orgones.  Now, I’m not saying that souls are actually Orgones, because that would have unwanted religious connotation in a game and may not be true, because I can see a distinct difference.  Your soul is…you.  Get rid of your body, your pure consciousness, we’ll call your soul.  This energy that you can’t really feel or sense that flows through you and is a, if you want to call it, eternal part of you, but isn’t “You”, is your Orgone.  Your wavelength, even, and I know this may have some religious connotations of some sort, but let’s just leave all that at the door and just run with the idea of Orgone for now.  Now, where the Vril come in, and if you haven’t even heard of the Vril yet, then you are not really into the zombies storyline or have possibly never played Call of the Dead, where the Vril come in is that, there was this book written in the 1800’s, once again, can’t remember off the top of my head where, that told a story of this ancient “master race” of people called the Vril-Ya that knew how to…manipulate this energy called Vril to do things from healing, to destroying entire cities.  Very powerful stuff.  I believe Skuld has a great thread on this as well, but, if you ask me…Vril, this “all-permeating fluid”, as the author of the book called it, this great source of energy…sounds a lot like Orgone.  Not, as in, the same thing as Orgone, but very similar.  They’re both these sort of…Idunno, omnipresent energy sources that have been…apparent, in zombies, let’s say.  However, they do sort of…contrast each other.  Orgone is life force, an innate energy, whereas Vril can cause physical change, a more active energy.  And that’s all you need to know about Vril and Orgone right now.
(back to video)
Once you do move forward, you’ve entered Sheol 2.  The zombies stats are one round ahead of what they were before, they move at you faster, and everything looks a lot more macabre, destroyed, bloody, the works.  You go through a bunch more chunks, and then you reach another clearing, with the Packapunch and the works.  If you want to go on, you better be serious, because that is Sheol 3, or Hell on Earth.  Everything looks incredibly gloomy and hellish, the zombies really sprint at you, they jump straight through the barricades, every round increase counts as another five, lights flicker, you see more images of 626, until finally, if you’re good enough to handle that, you reach the end. 
The final room.  Zombies stop spawning.  It’s very dark, you can hardly see anything.  Unless…you’re Dempsey.  As Dempsey, at the end of the room, you see a window.  Through that window is a familiar sight, for those of you that enjoy zombies map ideas.  Through the window is completely dark, except for a spotlight and a lone man, with his back towards you, wearing a smoker’s jacket.  He comes forward once you notice him, closer to the window, and points towards a corner of the room.  In that corner of the room is a light switch.  None of the other characters can see this, so Dempsey has to go over there and turn the light switch on.  And that reveals the Mind-Savers, built into the wall.
(pen and paper)
Now, a lot of you may be wondering what a “mind saver” is.  More explaining for me to do.  If you’ve ever played all the way through Portal 2, then this is going to be quite a bit easier to understand.  We’ve actually seen a Mind Saver in zombies before, very recently in fact, I believe, but what these Mind Savers also do is a Mind-Transfer.  The reason this exists is because it’s a solution to the problem.  The problem is, “How do you safely get across the rift?”  The answer is, of course, a Mind-Transfer.  How it works is, it saves your mind.  To a machine.  It takes your consciousness, your personality, your thoughts and traits, your soul, even, and…almost removes it from your body and puts it into a machine.  Basically.  This, for all intents and purposes, makes you immortal.  Your consciousness cannot die, because your body dies alone, without your consciousness.  And, now that your consciousness is free from the relatively weak body, you can travel across the rift, across this…time vortex that the storyline has, into another body.  But there’s a catch or two.  First off, you can’t just travel into any old body.  You have to Transfer into a body that matches your…biological signature?  Basically?  Pretty much your parallel self, in that alternate…timeline.  And secondly, and most importantly for this story, is that, once you transfer, you lose your memories.  You become that person, who you were before gets erased, unless, UNLESS…you’ve been exposed to the future.  But that’s not important right now.  The important thing is, Richtofen (write down ‘Richtofen’) knew about these, and of course, brought the characters here to use them (write down “Belinski”, “Masaki”) Sorry about that, but I am not doing another take.  Anyway, the reason they do so is to…enter the loop.  They’re trying to stop Maxis, or at least, stay one step ahead of them.  But little do they know, Maxis is ten steps ahead of them…So, they get into the machines, their minds are “saved”, and after that is…Origins.  Which would explain quite a bit.
So, that’s my quick sort of map idea, hope you all enjoyed, if so, be sure to leave a like on the video, check out the forum threads that helped me craft this idea, and subscribe because I told you to.  Thank you all for watching to the end, and have a nice life.










The Editor,
Thanks for reading/watching this, it's a pretty cool idea. I know I don't post much on here, but it's mainly because I'm on PTG most of the time. I go by the name "House" if you'd like to talk about the storyline with me. If you're the kind of person after reading this, who thinks it's "wrong", then don't be misguided. It's just a map and story idea. I would usually go on a huge rant about people that think that are f**king stupid, but (...)
A'last, I'm a great guy to talk to about the storyline.

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Great read, keep em coming, we need more stories and theories :D


We do. The community in general are just not interested at all in the storyline anymore after that cutscene showed itself. It's extremely worrying, especially when Treyarch said to us themselves back in 2012 that 'we make the storyline'- as in You make the storyline.

If this is genuinely true then I think it's very important for the community to make more 'Future Zombies' post'- and it's not just your forum that are taking these hits, the PLAYtheGAME Forum is too. 


I think this is the perfect opportunity for Treyarch to devise another plan to surprise the community, another "GKNova6". It wouldn't be called that now since everything about GK having something to do with the storyline has been liquidated, over the past 3-4 years- and yes, Gknova0 was to do with this- but I'm not saying I didn't like it. Since we're entering a new era of Zombies knowing that the next game won't be called "Black Ops III", it's about time another marketing campaign introduces itself, and no. It can't be about the Campaign like it did last time, because Zombies is bigger than it ever was now.


Everything is changing, and I can't wait for what late 2014 will give us. Even if this means that everything we know and love about Zombies,

will change forever... 

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