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Inside Zombies: The Cutting Room Floor (Wip)

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(Work In Progress)
Much like any other game, CoD Zombies contains a large amount of unused data and content that was cut somewhere during post-production
This thread is dedicated to unearthing all that content.
From upgradable Jetguns to Ambush Rounds, NML, music, textures, quotes and more.
Let's dive into the stuff that wasn't intended for the average zombie slayer to know or hear about.
Luckily for us, CoDZ is anything but average.



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Hellhounds in the Asylum

The Hellhounds were originally supposed to be introduced in the second Zombie map - Verrückt.

They were however, removed and instead made their first appearance in the third Zombie map - Shi No Numa.


Max Ammo Machine


Map Pack 3 originally featured a fifth Perk-A-Cola Machine, called the Amm-o-matic. 
Cut pretty late during development, texture and audio files for the removed perk can still be found in the gamefiles.
"Max Ammo Machine, hah, genius"                     - Dempsey
"An Ammo Machine, what a brilliant idea!"           - Nikolai
"This must be a blessing from the Emperor!"        - Takeo
"Ammo Machine! What a wonderful idea!"           - Richtofen
Other than that, not much is known about the perk itself.
It was probably cut because of balacing issues.







Map Pack 4 is a cut map pack from CoD: World At War. The zombie map Kino der Toten was originally planned for this map pack, and even its easter egg song '115'

was already completed just one month after Map Pack 3's release. The Map Pack was, however, cancelled because the release date would be too close to that of CoD's next installment: Modern Warfare 2. 





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These three perks were scrapped pretty early during Ascension's development. Only audiofiles remain.

Supposedly Tufbrew enhanced the players' resistance against explosives.

DTPBoom would create the now known as 'PhD Nuke' explosion when diving to prone.

And Pronaide would make the player go prone faster.






Ascension started out much larger than the version that got shipped. 
In the early version, there was a fourth lander station, the Sidequest had another step, Double Tap Root Beer was accessible to players and the total playable area was roughly 1/3 larger in size. 


Call of the Dead - PA Computer and Alternate Easter Egg 




There are 4 black boxes underneath Shangri-La. These boxes serve as the location where the players are sent to whenever they are teleporting. 

In the gamefiles, there's a string for a second wunder weapon. A so-called  'blowpipe' weapon.
















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Originally, travelling with the Bus in Tranzit was a lot more dangerous.

Upon entering special 'ambush' zones, there was a 25% chance of an Ambush Round starting. During this Ambush Round, the Bus would break down and Hellhounds would start spawning.
Upon killing all the hellhounds, the players would recieve a Max Ammo, and the bus would start moving again. 

"Hellhounds from the hollow earth!"  - Stuhlinger

"It's those horrible sasquatch dogs!" - Stuhlinger
"Suck bullets, devil dogs!"                    - Misty






In Tranzit, there are a lot of audiofiles from Richtofen suggesting that at some time during late development, he would actually comment about the players moves and actions.

The idea was probably scrapped because otherwise the whole - Samuel is the only person who can hear Richtofen - wouldn't work anymore.


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-When players first enter the bar-

"He's not going to say anything about vodka? Ah! You guys are boring!"

"Blah blah blah, vodka vodka, blah blah. Ahh, I think I'm starting to miss that drunk"


-When players make a crawler-
"Trying to take a break I see."
"Now, which one of you is going to take care of that little bastard while everyone else runs around?"
"Now go look at EVERYTHING!"
-When players go down in an early round-
"You know, I think I'm starting to miss the other three"
"Even a stupid American und drunken Russian could do better than that!"
-When players spin the box but aren't looking at it-
"Oh look! You've got the Wunderwaffe DG-2. Ah! Just kidding! Hahahaha"
-When players look at the lava-
"It's like playing Don't Touch The Lava -  but with real lava! Hahaha"
"It's that all the damage those missiles did? I was hoping for less ground and more lava"
-When players throw a monkey bomb in the lava-
"I remember doing that just to anger that little girl!"
"Ooohhh his screams are so delightful!"
-When players enter Nacht der Untoten-
"Ah this building looks familiar"
"No power, no juggernog. You have it easy compared to how they had it"
-When players don't pick up a powerup that's nearby-
"That gift was just for you! Und you throw it away! .. I think I'm offended"
-When players look at a powerup in the distance-
"It looks like a Max Ammo but I can't be sure. I can only see everything at the same time"
-When players first discover speed cola-
"Speed Cola! Oh how I miss that invigorating taste!"
"The best drink of them all!"




Power station
This texture file suggests that at some point, players could also play Survival and Grief around the power station in Tranzit.





A list of all the (cut) gamemodes that at some time were featured and/or playable in Tranzit.
'Race' was a special mode supposed to be played in the tunnel, power station and farm area.
Upon spawning, players were first introduced to the rules by Announcer Richtofen.
Then the race began. Everytime a player missed or reached either a new hoop or lap, they would get feedback from the announcer.
Played in Town, two teams of 4 are split into two opposing sides of the map. Upon starting, a piece of Meat  would then spawn on either the CIA's or CDC's side.
Zombies begin to spawn, but they only go after the team which has the meat on their side of the stage.
The objective is to stay alive for as long as possible by throwing and keeping the meat at your opponents' side of the stage.
After a certain amount of time passes, the first round ends and the teams will switch sides.
Whichever team stayed alive for the longest amount of time wins the match.
Other gamemodes include:
Dead Pool
No Man's Land
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Avogadro is far away from the player(s)
"The creature is too far away! You need his energy, or all your efforts are for naught"
Avogadro is near the player(s)
"The creature is near! Lure him to the Spire!"
"Nein! Don't do that! We need the creature's energies, killing it will only set back your purpose"
"That is but one of the required three poles, to complete the design"
"Nothing to see here, for now. Maybe down the road we will re-visit this place. Such a lovely place"
Grabbing the navcard
"It seems a new cargo is aboard and needs to be delivered"
Upon entering the Corn field
"The Spire! The Spire is nearby"
Shooting the Avogadro
"Nein! That makes him stronger - no!"
Activating Tranzit's Tower for Maxis
"Yes! The Spire is online! Now, if the other sides can only be likewise empowered then perhaps there is still a chance to complete that which was begun so many years ago. Your help has been invaluable. Farewell"
Constructing the Navcard Table
"You have constructed a Control mechanism. But to program the computer, you will need to secure an application navcard. You will have to seek it out, then return here and activate the spire. To save mankind!"

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Finding the navcard
"More nerd stuff? Suppose it can't do any harm to keep it."
Successfully inserting the navcard into the reader
"Well who'da thunk it. That thing we've been logging around actually worked"
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Finding the navcard
"More games, more puzzles. Super. What does it all mean?!"
Successfully inserting the navcard into the reader
"So it goes here. Well thank you, couldn't you have just told us?!"
Turning on the power
"I don't understand, how can there be power? Everything's gone.."
Reacting to the Zombies communicating
"Leave me alone!"
"Stop talking to me!"
"Keep it together Samuel.."
"Why is this happening to me!?"
"Ugh it's this book! It's cursed!"
Starting the sidequest
"Huh? Where are we? What happend to the Town? The light .. I remember the light"
During the sidequest
"It's not real... no, no! I know it's real!"
"Crazy German telling me to do things.."
"The Voice - he knows things I couldn't. He has to be real!"
First time hearing the Zombies 'talking'
"Aahh! It spoke! One of them spoke!"
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"We're a looong way from home"
Finding the navcard
"Another one huh?"
Successfully inserting the Navcard into the reader
"Hey! This thing fits!"
Starting the sidequest
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Finding the navcard
"I suspect that this particular card is intended for another location. Is it here, or somewhere else?"
Successfully inserting the Navcard into the reader
"Card accepted! It seems our manipulation grows ever more complex"

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"Without control of our towers, true success still eludes me!"
"Ja! The Towers are all under my control! It is time to begin the purge!"
"Stu you may wanna think before you speak. People are gonna start thinking you're not all together right in the head"
"Any chance you and your imaginary friend could, talk in private for a while?"
"Listenin' to voices only you can hear ain't a good idea, Stu. I talk from experience"
"Probably best to just keep it to yourself Stu. You sound like a damn crazy man"
"Ah put a sock in it Stupid-jerk! Before I use my boot"
"No one cares what your brain buddy tells you, droolfinger"
"Hah, I know one thing about the voice in your head Stoolfinger. It can't be all that smart if it wants to talk to you"
"Hey, stupid-jerk. Could you do me a favor and just shut. the f-ck. up!? Honestly! You just go on, and on, and on!"
"Ehhh, yeah. I for one do not intend to take advice from a German in your, mister Stuhlinger"
"I'm sorry Stuhlinger, your link with reality seems tenuous at best"
"If I was more prone to sarcasm I'd probably would say 'please, tell me more'"
"Heh it's highly unlikely that any good will come from following the advice of an invisible man"
"Oh boy. I guess the world ain't getting healed anytime soon" - Russman
"Have we just made things worse?" - Misty
"That sounds significantly ominous" - Marlton
"Yup. I think we just f-cked ourselves big time" - Stuhlinger
Stuhlinger killing Zombies possessed by Richtofen
"Sorry pal! I'm just happen you're not barking orders into my brain"
"NO! You weren't!"
"Lalalala I can't hear you! That's not really true, I'm just ignoring you"


Unused Music Box Theme



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really really cool thread idea.  Brains for sure.


I would love to see some sources documented as well though.  Not that I doubt the content, but it would be nice to see sources so we could even further investigate :)

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Those cut quotes pertaining to Die Rise and Buried are very, very, interesting.


This gives me a short story spar; of course, this in whole is a treasure.


Brains galore to you, friendo.


Thank you, Infest and Clay.

  On 1/29/2014 at 9:48 PM, the_clay_bird said:

I would love to see some sources documented as well though. 

I knew I forgot something in the intro.

All the information pertaining to cut content found in the thread is based on files from the three games. 

Aside from the Amm-o-matic texture (that I got from the cod wiki), everything's gathered straight from my gamefiles.

I don't use outside sources, unless I can vouch for them.


I'm working on getting images of the files as sources to fit alongside the information that's displayed.

And who knows, I might even release some gamefiles. 


Thanks so much for doing this mega thread. It's an absolute shame that they cut so many story quotes from the BO2 maps. It really could've supported the already weak storyline, even just a little. God, why would you ever cut quotes about Samuel struggling with the voices?!


I can be a second source of confirmation for some of these.





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Anygun Chalk. I think this was included for Map Pack 2 - Shi No Numa.


Kind of resembles what was introduced in Buried.








There are also the original recorded quotes from Der Riese, (I assume) before the voice actors were recorded.


Videos by the CoDz Legend - CJDOG


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I have never studied the the Black Ops & Black Ops 2 quotes to know what was included & what was cut.



The Call of the Dead Computer Sound files are interesting, the first time I heard those I was like WTF?



You also posted a infinite symbol texture, is that not part of the Easter Egg in Buried?



The Quick Revive emblem has appeared in Black Ops too I think, there are these "Specialty" perk icons in Black Ops.








You do have to be careful when looking at game files, as misinterpretation is easy.


Another Cool thread Slade.

  On 1/30/2014 at 1:44 AM, PINNAZ said:

You also posted a infinite symbol texture, is that not part of the Easter Egg in Buried?




Other than that, SERIOUS Brains to you. If you ever need a second set of ears/eyes, feel free to contact me.

  On 1/29/2014 at 10:30 PM, Slade said:

Thank you, Infest and Clay.

I knew I forgot something in the intro.

All the information pertaining to cut content found in the thread is based on files from the three games. 

Aside from the Amm-o-matic texture (that I got from the cod wiki), everything's gathered straight from my gamefiles.

I don't use outside sources, unless I can vouch for them.


I'm working on getting images of the files as sources to fit alongside the information that's displayed.

And who knows, I might even release some gamefiles. 



thank you! what a great idea Slade. 



I don't have the PC version, but I'd also encourage others to post anything interesting that they find in the files that didn't make it into the finished product.  cool stuff!


  On 1/30/2014 at 2:52 PM, Slade said:

Oui, s'il vous plaît. Ça serait génial. 

Hope you understand French, you must register to view links : http://callblackops-zombie.forumgratuit.org/t48-contenu-annule# (Videos are not mine and many are deleted, but they can be found here : http://www.youtube.com/user/melekword/videos )

There are sketches, and significant differences between the trailer and the maps that we can play (exemple : pictures of Castro in the bar of the Town replaced by pictures of the Tower of Babel).


Very nice list, though you missed out the Wii's cut stuff.


Just so people know, On Black Ops, "Five" Nacht, Dead Ops and Verruckt were supposed to be added into the Wii for DLC, however they were never released.


But, the map thumbnails do. You can find them on the ISO/Update patch. I cannot remember which. Also worth mentioning "Five" has it's intro on the Wii ISO with PS3/360 graphics. I'll try and find my source for that, incase proof is needed.



Nothing big, but they were cut too. :P


EDIT: Well, the guy who uploaded proof of "Five" DOA, Nacht and Verruckt had his Youtube account terminated. :/


But here's the "Five" intro from the Wii ISO.

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