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How about medals for the next zombies game?

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I had an idea a while back, but didn't post it on codz.

Does anyone remember Timesplitters 2? For anyone who doesn't, it was a really really good fps, made by part of the team that made Goldeneye for the N64.

At the end of each game, you used to get trophies, they were mostly comical, 'cowardly' for someone who kept running away, 'hypochondriac' for someone who would keep picking up health, even if they weren't that injured etc. Then there were normal ones too, 'most deadly' for the person with the most kills and 'most headshots' for the obvious.

What if in the next zombies game there was something similar. A selection of awards/trophies/medals for things you'd done.

There could be round ones, and headshot percentage ones, but cool ones too, like if you carried a team through a few games 'crutch' (maybe with a neat little picture of a guy carrying 3 people on stretchers) or if you were constantly the last remaining guy up 'survivor'.

You could have negative ones too, like if you left several games in a row, 'quitter'.

What do you guys think?

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No, more like the CoDz awards on this site. I don't like the idea of having the millions of multiplayer medals either.


If you went into gamer channel, there could be a section of 'awards'.


Remembered the names I had for some of the awards too.


So >50% headshots: 'Marksman'

Carry your team: 'Crutch'

The whole team goes down <round 10: 'Failure'

Get past round 65: 'OAP'

Play more than 5 days in a row: 'Addicted'

Play more that 10 days in a row: 'Rehab required!'

Quit a few games in a row: 'Quitter'



You could have map specific ones too, with challenges, like 100+ on NML.


And mocking me, just going to check out that thread now.

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