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Worst game ever of Origins ever

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So i found a game of the worst randoms i have ever meet one had a mic and was talking and playing music but when i told him to stop he said i sucked then there was one in a party and one with no mic so i say "can i have the wind staff" the one guy said sure and the other one nodded but then they stole my kills then let me get down FIVE damn times then when i say can you help me they just run past me then they used the box when ever they could so i got nothing (damn cultists) then when they need a door open i have to do it even when they had enough points too so i left after some...not so nice words


P.S the thread i referenced with the damn cultist thing is here http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php/topic/148894-the-mystery-box-cult-inspired-by-tankeo-dempsaki/ if you want to look

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If I'm ever in that situation, I just go on my own, and try to outlast them. If they want a door, they can do it themselves. Screw them, they'll leave with time.

Employ Grief tactics if you want. Activate the tank without telling anyone, lead a horde to them, have them deal with the Panzer Soldat, etc. but be careful it doesn't backfire.

Every public game I do, I go the opposite way the box is. All the time, we go down from the Panzer because they spend their points on the box and not on getting Jug. If they want the box, I'm not contributing.

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