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A new zombies map- Egypt.

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This post is probably going to be looong, so please bear with me.  :)


Timezone: Same as moon, but time travel is also included (for the easter egg)


Where: An Ancient Egyptian pyramid.


Zombies: Mummy zombies!


Who: This is the interesting part, I have an idea for a totally new group, for now, I'll call them 'GWCC group'.


A little bit of background story for them.

The group are part of an Allies secret service group. The four characters are:


Dr. Gavrel Grunwald- a slightly loopy Jewish scientist. Seems to know far too much about everything(scientific and esoteric) and always has a strange air of deja vu about him.


Vincent Walker- a British secret agent. Very bond-esque. Constantly talking about how things remind him of missions he has  done.


Cusi Cui- A Peruvian tribesman. He is high-priest, who often talks about 'out of body' experiences. His knowledge of the Aether and Agartha is extensive.


Giustino Cino- An Italian soldier. How he got into an international secret service group is unknown, but he does talk about his dear friend 'Reznov' a lot.


They are a group that has been assembled to stop Richtofen before the events of moon occur. They know much of what Richtofen is doing, although he is oblivious to them.
The previous DLC has led to this point in their adventure, much like Richtofen's story, every map involves them doing something to advance their progress to stop Richtofen, and at some point they have heard of another Vrill generator, called the 'Black Sun', which brings them to the Ancient pyramids of Egypt...


The weapons:

there will be two new Wonder Weapons. 'The Coleoptera Gun', and the 'Rod of Atum'.


The Coleoptera gun fires a capsule full of 115 laden beetles. It takes down 5 zombies per shot, then when pack-a-punched it kills 15, and becomes 'The Scaraber'. It has an effect a bit like the Sliquifyer, where beetles will jump from one zombie to another, but the kills are always limited to 5 or 15.


The Rod of Atum shoots out a bright light, and turns the zombies into ash. It kills 10 zombies, then when pack-a-punched it becomes Atum's Wrath, killing 24 zombies with one shot.



There will also be one new tactical, 'The Viceversa Concecrating device', which is something that turns zombies into Egyptian Priests, that "absolve" the zombies. Similar to the monkey bombs, but they insta-kill zombies once zombies reach them, and the effect lasts for ten seconds. I was thinking animation-wise that the zombies could have like a soul effect, where zombie souls fly up into the sky, and then they collapse. This device can also be used like zombie blood, if you throw it against a wall and it hits you, you turn into a zombie for 30 seconds.

The Map:

You start off being teleported into a snakepit, snakes everywhere, but only for cinematic purposes. The area is really dark, but is temporarily lit up as you spawn in from the teleportation lights, but shows that there is a torch in the corner of the room. When you hold down X or Square on the torch, your character lights up. As the torch is lit, round 1 starts.


The map has lots of rooms/tomb room, and is hollow all the way up the middle of the Pyramid. As you go through the map, height is involved, and it is five floors high. You can fall off the edge at any point, but don't worry, PHD flopper is here! In the initial starting room, there are chalk marked shapes. One in the middle that is Pack-a-Punch shaped, and nine others.


The objective of the map is to get to the top of the Pyramid, where there is a large teleporter. In a normal game, once all four players stand on the teleporter, they all get transported back to spawn, where Pack-a-Punch has also spawned and can now be used.

As for perks, each level has two perks on it and each have to be activated by killing zombies next to the perks, where the zombie souls charge the perk machines. As you charge each perk machine fully, it disappears and spawns back at the starting room. As each level goes up, the amount of zombies needed to charge the machine also goes up, so floor 1 would be 10 kills, second floor 20 kills... to the fith floor with 50 kills.


The important/life saving perks are easiest to get- so Jug and Quick Revive would be on the first floor, with the more useful/strategic perks harder to get. The order I thought was:


Floor 1- Jug & Quick Revive
Floor 2- Deadshot & Stamin-up
Floor 3- Phd Flopper & Speed Cola
Floor 4- Mule Kick & Electric Cherry
Floor 5- Double Tap & Pack-a-Punch



Next, the Easter Egg.

Step One- Get the teleporter working. Basically, just do the normal map till you have spawned in the PaP.


Step Two- Find the crystals. There are four crescent shaped crystals dotted across the map made of Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Amethyst, and a sphere of Element 115.


Step Three- Add the crystals to the teleporter, which primes it for time travel. Each crystal has to be placed in its own specific place, which are colour coded.


Step Four- Charge the teleporter for time travel. Someone has to change three zombies into Egyptian Priests with the Viceversa Concecratin Device on-top of the teleporter, once done, the teleporter will glow a purple colour (similar to element 115).


Step Five- Use the teleporter to go back in time to find the missing Canopic Jars. You are transported back several thousand years, the pyramid is not very old, there are no snakes in the spawn room, and there is just one tomb in the middle of the room, with four wooden crates/ boxes around it. Shoot the Scarab gun at the boxes for the 115 Beetles to break the boxes. Each box has a Canopic jar in them.


Step Six- Go back to present day, and attach the Jars to the teleporter. There is a time limit of 3 minutes in the past, then the players get transported back. You can go back in time many times, each time you just have to get three priests into the teleporter. Each Jar is colour coded, again, match the Jar to the crystal. Once complete, the teleporter will change colour to an electric blue.


Step Seven- Teleport to NML to stop the O4. As they use the teleporter, the GWCC group see the O4 taking the teleporter to Moon. A full train of zombies will turn from facing the O4, to running at the players, but you will all have decent weapons and perks to fight them off. Once the teleporter is charged again, the group get onto the teleporter to go to moon. They teleport to moon, but the teleport animation doesn't quite finish, and they are transported back to the Pyramid.


Step Eight- Re-align the teleporter. Go back in time, and the tomb will now be glowing a faint green. Shoot at the tomb with 'Atum's Wrath' and it will disapear, leaving the 'Black Sun' Vrill generator.


Step Nine- Back to Moon. Dr Grunwald uses the Black Sun on the teleporter, and it turns an orange colour. When they teleport, the group lands in the MPD room on Moon, just before Richtofen takes control of the Aether (lucky eh?). Samantha disapears, and the two Vrill devices are attracted to each other, and form a portal in the air above the MPD.


Step Ten- The grand showdown. Out of the portal spawns zombie bosses from all times- Panzer Solidat first, followed by Brutus, a Screetcher Zombie and a Napalm Zombie together, and finally, George (who has a lot lower health than COTD). Each boss spawns in as you kill the last. You now have a choice, do you let Richtofen continue, or do you stop him? If you choose to let him win, you all must go down on the George round. If you want to stop Richtofen, you have to kill all the zombie bosses, in which when George is defeated, the Vrill generators overheat, causing a blast of energy transporting the  GWCC group back to the Pyramid, where they all have been given every perk from the whole series of zombies, along with no restiction on the amount of Wonder Weapons available (so each player can have one of the wonder weapons).

Well, that's it guys, opinions please!

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