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Panzer Solidat: A Normal Zombie in Armour or Something More?


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Do you think the zombie is just a regular zombie in armour or something smart? Perhaps retaining some human functionality?

The Panzer can do a regular attack with punches, but it can also activate a flamethrower and a detaching claw that brings back whatever it grabs. And it can also fly off.

These are all qualities in the armour, but would a regular zombie be that smart to activate it? We have seen throughout the series the zombies have gotten stronger, or smarter. Simply taking down boards to sideways dodges and rolls. Increased jumps to increased speeds/running. But could they have gotten that smart to activate and use the controls for the Panzer Solidat?

I imagine the humans chosen for the Panzer Solidat would've had to have been special and not just a regular person to wear and use that kind of armour. It's clear Germany would've won the war with the technology they had.

So, is it just a regular zombie? Or is it a special smart zombie, perhaps retaining some smarts from when it was human?

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This also leads me to ask, what do you think of the robot heads? I mean when you go inside of them, you see dead bodies (similar to the ones in the trenches) and Tank says "I guess this thing's been running on autopilot ever since the crew were killed". How were the crew killed? There are no zombies in the robot head! Did the Panzer(s) kill them? Or were regular zombies smart enough to enter the robot?

The Panzer does seem smarter than regular zombies. A bit like Brutus, honestly.

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Robbie the robot, reanimated.

i know, I'm dating myself.

On topic: i honestly don't think that Treyarch thinks this deeply on the subject. It is what it is.

I don't wish to disturb the discussion as i am a fan of thinking.

Despite my apathy on the subject, i have raised these questions in the back of my mind, especially about the guys on the robot heads and why/how they died.

I always have to rationalize: it's a game.

Zombies can do things that living bring should be able to but can't.

They can die off, just to summon a new zombie to your location.

They can hit you without coming close to actually touching you.

They are sometimes immune to any damage.

They can teleport.

They can mutate.

They can move through/crawl out of solid rock/cement.

They can steal your perks that you've drunk. How does that happen? How does that happen by having a space monkey beating on a machine? How doors turning off power turn off perks that you drank?

Tps used to kill them, now they tp on their own.

Why are they sometimes completely immune to instakill?

Many, many more discrepancies/questions that bring me back to: it's just a game mode that they don't really have reason/physics to explain.

Ponder on.

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