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For the love of god why wont I rank up

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Now I know ranks mean really nothing but recently been topping my leaderboards, getting missed achievements etc. When I started my mission to get to top of my boards rank was never a goal but figured why not. The highest rank Ive been is a skull and knife so figured my goal was to return it there. Every game I play is 20+ 1000+ kills and head shots are usually 200 to 300 off my total kills. Revives I get them too. Ive been doing this for months and my rank hasnt changed at all? I read downs and deaths mean alot for rank and Im less than a 1000 downs and like 500 deaths and Ive had the game since day one. Any idea what I need to do?

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It's a broken system, the entire body of it revolves around not how much you go down but WHEN you go down. Going down in the first 20ish rounds is worse then later on. Also If you ONLY have less then 1000 downs and have had the game for a year and almost a half? You need to play more often or it's just not ever going to rank up. 


I generally play on my days off, work full time so not sure How much more I can play. I usally play about 12 hours a week min. Would pumping out a stupid high round on buried help? I just surpassed the number 2 guy on my board for a 43. Number one is 75 and I plan on taking that on next week. Its not something I really want to do, but not being top on my board is killing me. lol


If you play as many games as possible getting to round 30 or higher with 0 downs, you will rank up in no time. A down early in the game does indeed punish you more than later round downs. Getting to 20+ often is no good. 30+ is what you want to aim for.


Honestly other than the whoops accidents I don't usually go down til after 20 anyway. And don't quit games that much,

Like maybe 1 every couple weeks. Only reason I ever quit is annoying people or people glitching.


Funny thing is when I was a skull/knife rank I hadnt even had a 30+ game on black ops 2 yet.


The ranking system is not broken but poorly maintained. There should have been some sort of tracking system to see how many points or kills you need to get to next rank. Wait for the next zombies, we shall have it.


  On 3/27/2014 at 8:59 PM, way2g00d said:

The ranking system is not broken but poorly maintained. There should have been some sort of tracking system to see how many points or kills you need to get to next rank. Wait for the next zombies, we shall have it.

^ This.

Just don't go down much at low rounds. Or if you do, make sure you're getting far!

Headshots don't matter for ranking up. Always use Jug and play smart, and you have a chance to get ranked up.

I had over 250,000 kills before I got my shotguns. Got them after like 3 80+ Die Rise games in a row. The game has to believe that you have gotten BETTER for it to rank you up.


Are you using QUICK REVIVE?

Cuz if you are, thats your problem...get better at the game by NOT using QR. Your rank will rise faster.

There is also one other way to rank up but its kinda frowned upon, it involves hitting start and 'leave game' ....just when you get swarmed and know youre going to go down...but before you actually die.


I had similar issues not long ago.

On one account, I accumulated 30,000 kills on 32 downs and 300+ revives. No shot guns. Ironically after two games in which we purposely suicide on round one, and another game I quit after round 11, got the shot guns.

Two more games on MOTD I quit on round 1 for the key locations, went back down to Knife.

This concludes that rounds are an important factor into rankings.


  On 3/28/2014 at 5:07 PM, Jay1978 said:

I had similar issues not long ago.

On one account, I accumulated 30,000 kills on 32 downs and 300+ revives. No shot guns. Ironically after two games in which we purposely suicide on round one, and another game I quit after round 11, got the shot guns.

Two more games on MOTD I quit on round 1 for the key locations, went back down to Knife.

This concludes that rounds are an important factor into rankings.

Im confused now. What you put goes against what everyone else is saying or Im just dumb and cant read.


To the person that posted above me, Don't worry about what Jay quoted, It usually doesn't work that way though, downs will only help lower your rank. It's a combination of things remember.


You know, I feel ya. For literally about 2 months in the summertime of 2013, I could not FOR THE LIFE OF ME understand why I had 300k+ kills, High rounds to heaven, and a sick Headshot ratio. Then I realized, it isnt about JUST that in games. So let me tell you how I did it. Take it as you will.

1. Everyday, LITERALLY for 2 months, I played 1 game of Buried everyday. Round 1, I got everything I wanted. Round 2, I just sat and killed zombies. That went on for....I dunno. Hard to tell. Everytime I got to round 35, I used the Time bomb to go back to like, round 15, to just keep going over and over.

2. I used different methods of killing. My headshot ratio was almost 1:1. My sniping really got good XD. I'd line em up in the alley of Jugger and fired away with my Sniper.

3. These games, my KD was 500 kills per down. ALWAYS. If I went down 3 times, I would immediately try to get 500 kills ASAP. Also, I would hit around 2-3k kills a game.

4. After about the first month, I realized this was getting nowhere. So I tried a new strategy. High rounds, at least over 40 every game. I shattered all previous records on as many maps as possible.

5. Nearing the first week of the release of Origins, I had racked up an insane amount of play time, 400k+ kills, I think around 200k headshots (or 20k ;P) and my KD ratio was ove 230. At this point, I had really lost my mind. I played some GRIEF MODE. Still, nothing happened. Then, I went on a mindless playthrough of Die Rise. Got like 1000 kills then just died. I didnt really care. I exited to the main menu, and the rest, as my neighbors and parents say, was a shrill cry of joy.

Final stats

Time: 2 months, 2 hours a day

Kills per game: 2000-3000

Kills per down each game: 500 kills:1 down

Kills Overall: 400K+

Headshots per game: 500-1000

Headshots to kills: 1 headshot: 3-5 kills

Headshots overall: 200k+ (I think)

Highest Round: 60 on Die Rise

Weapon variety: Used explosives, pistols, wonder weapons, etc.

EEs: All completed on Richtofen and Button pressed.

Grief: Played a few rounds here and there.

So those are my stats. Sorry if it sounded like braging. But, tbh and fair, your Per Game stats arent abnormal. You want at least 1500 or more a game. Keep a constant 500 kills:1 down ratio.

Best of luck!


It finally went up last night to skull and knife. Just to think it only took 3 games of a 43, a 38 and finally 61 on buried. And my goal is 75 today but god the 61 took forever.

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