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Zombies Ranking System 2.0 - How It Should Work

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Hello everybody. My name is Naitrax, and I am a zombies addict. I literally have an unhealthy obsession with this god of a mode, going as far as simply purchasing an Xbox One because of the Early DLC, even though the popular opinion worldwide seems to be that PS4 is better.

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As it stands, many have not purchased the Xbox One simply because it has been given a bad name by all the rumours. All my friends IRL try and claim those rumours are legit, when I'm actually the only one out of all of them who's played both, and I can say beyond reasonable doubt (for myself at least) that the Xbox One is 100x better than the PS4, and that half the stuff they say isn't true. I won't go into detail, but I'm confident that by the end of this generation, Microsoft will be back in top spot.



The entire gaming world is full of hypocrites. We all do it, say on thing then perform that exact thing we advised against, but that is the human race for you. For example:

2 years ago:

Friend: The main reason I have a PS3 is because we don't have to pay for online! That is utter crap! I will never pay for online!

2 weeks ago:

Same Friend: I really don't mind paying for online. It's not like it's actually anything, right?

Me: *facepalm*


Bottom line:

You pay for what you get.

PS3: Broken online, no parties, terrible console support, constant freezes. Free Online.

Xbox 360: Rarely freezes, cross-game parties, games built for your console, perfect online. Costs like $6 a month on a 12-month plan.


Only thing I shall give PS4 is that they did something kinda right with the XMB, while MS screwed up severely with the XBONE's.


The Ranking System in Black Ops 2 is broken. I hear so many people whining about how broken it is, and how you do all this crap to get this and this just to lose it if you have a bad game. So I propose a change. This change came from multiple places, and the Challenge Box on Origins gave me a huge inspiration for this. However, this change is not in the way you think it would be. There are levels, but those levels don't even unlock anything overpowered, like switching guns in the box or perks in the map. This is something simply... well, simple, which will not only aid you, but aid your entire team! I call it:


Zombies: The System 2.0

One of the main things I hate with most ranking system ideas is the fact that they contain a Multiplayer-esque levelling system. I had an idea, and this idea has levels, but not in the traditional way. These levels will act like the ones in Black Ops 2, rewarding you with new emblems, new challenges (will get to these in a bit) and my new special feature which I will now introduce to you:


Helps and Hinders!


Helps are a special way for you to help your team. These work in a special manner. You can only have 1 Help active per team member in Co-Op, and 3 active in Solo. Once you have finished a game using a Help, it will be destroyed and removed from your Help page. However, Helps will not be removed if you die before or on Round 5. 

Helps come in 6 Tiers. The tier of Help you receive will be determined by the tier of challenge you complete to earn it. Here is an example list of some Helps and their tiers:

Tier 1: 2% reserve ammo increase, reduce ADS time by 0.5 seconds.

Tier 2: Faster Buildable craft speed, faster window rebuilds.

Tier 3: Buildables have increased health, Super-fast weapon switching speed (perfect for when you are cornered)

Tier 4: Cheaper doors, longer power-up durations

Tier 5: Cheaper... Everything (500 points off everything, but a minimum of 500 points to purchase [no free M14's or Olympia's, sorry]), 5 power-ups per round max.

Tier 6: Upgrades cost 3000, Double XP.


Hinders are a Grief-only feature. These are upgrades which work in exactly the same fashion as Helps, but these are used to hinder the other team. However, Hinders only have 2 Tiers, and they are earned by completing Grief challenges.

Tier 1 consists of things like No Nuke Points and weaker weapons

Tier 2 consists of things like Double Meat effects, and bullet damage can be taken.


Levels and XP (Zombification)


The levelling system works completely different to what has ever been seen before. This is a method which has never been seen before in Call of Duty, and Treyarch could definitely use this*hint hint guys over at 3ARC*.

To level up, you must earn XP (nah duh). However, there are multiple ways you can approach this.

1. Kill Zombies (Slowest Method): Every match you play, you will earn exactly half your kills as an amount of XP. For example, killing 1000 zombies will net you 500 XP (before all bonuses)

2. Completing Challenges (fastest method): In the menus, you can view a page full of challenges. These challenges are divided into Tiers (see Helps) and reward you with Helps and XP. The more difficult the challenge, the higher the tier. The higher the tier, the higher the reward. 

There are 20 levels of each Prestige (yes, prestiges are back, but they are different), and each level has it's own emblem.

The emblems show a face going through small stages of becoming an undead corpse. The final one is a zombie with it's teeth bared.

Once you have hit level 20, you must once again level up to activate the "Live Again" button on the challenge page. 

As you have been passing through the levels, your "profile" has been becoming more and more "undead", and you have finally reached the final stage of Zombification, or, in other words, a walking corpse. Once you trigger this, it will ask you 3 times if you want to go through with the process. If you pass all 3 verifications, you will trigger a cutscene. This involves your custom character from the non-story maps, who will appear and look very old and their flesh will be ripped in places, and they will be walking like a zombie. They will shamble over into a capsule, and they will be hit with one beam of blue light per Prestige you are. They will then emerge from the capsule looking as new as ever. This will send your emblem back to the original, however,  your emblem's eyes will now be a different colour. 

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0. Black

Once you have reached "Master of the Undead" rank, you may choose your own colour from a colour wheel containing 25 colours.


There are 10 prestiges, along with the equivalent of Master Prestige, Master of the Undead. Each prestige you go through, you will gain an XP boost. At first, you earn base 1.0x XP. However, each prestige, you go up 0.1 of a boost. So, at Prestige 4, you will have a 1.4x XP boost, and at Prestige 10, you will have a 2.0x XP boost. This, along with resetting all challenges, is one of the biggest benefits of prestiging. You will also get 3 ultra-rare Tier 7 Helps and 2 Tier 2 Hinders with each prestige. This is the only way to get Tier 7 Helps, along with completing a Side Mission for the first time.


The Name Structure looks like this:


Level | Small Emblem | Name | Score from Previous Game


You will also obtain a Fragment every time you prestige. This will be addressed at the end.




Ah, challenges. The thing you've been dying to know about while reading through this entire post. I'm going to keep it simple. Challenges are divided into 6 tiers, and the higher the tier the higher the reward. Challenges can be simple things like "Do not purchase the Mystery Box before Round 20" or something pretty intense, such as "Do not purchase any perks until Round 30."


Tier 1 (Super Low XP): Get 20 headshots in a single round. 

Tier 2 (Low XP): Survive until Round 10.

Tier 3 (Low-Medium XP): Survive until Round 15 only using weapons purchased off the wall.

Tier 4: (Medium-High XP): Get *number of kills* with at least *certain percentage* being Headshots.

Tier 5 (High XP): Pack-a-Punch all Wall Weapons in one game.

Tier 6 (Insane XP): Survive until Round 18 without opening any doors.


There are also challenges for certain weapons, and completing these will earn you varying amounts of XP depending on which level they are.


The Fragments


Each time you prestige, you will earn a Fragment which looks to be of an ancient artefact. You can view this from the Barracks/Challenges menu. It looks like a stone disc with lots of ancient writings on it. Once all of the 10 fragments are collected, you will notice a hole in the centre of the stone disc. Reaching Master of the Undead will give you a rock of 115 which fits into the centre. This is now useless, except for the fact when you head to the Barracks the "Live Again" option has appeared. Clicking that will take you into the verifications (Do you really want to go through with this?), and once all 3 have been passed, you will be at a new cutscene. Your character will come it, and this time place the Stone Disc on the centre of the platform of where you were re-born 10 times before. It will be hit with all 10 beams, and you will then see that once the smoke clears, the disc is now "new looking". Once your character lays hands on it, they will be reset back to Rank 1 Prestige 0. The only remnant of your former self will be the new stone disc which has now appeared inside your emblem, and the hugely punny "Disc Defrag" achievement worth a whopping 100G.



Thank you for taking the time to read this entire thing. I really hope you have enjoyed the hours of work I have put into perfecting this idea, and if you find any flaws, please post them here. I would very much like to refine this idea into something that Treyarch would want to use, and make it better than it already is.


Thank you. I've been Naitrax, and I will continue to be.



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This is very good Nai.


I can completely see how that would be a great system....however (you sensed that right?).....


IMO anything like this needs to be tied to a particular mode.

I have stressed this on many seperate occasions but there needs to be a mode, probably survival where you don't get anything extra.


It's extremely important to me that there is always a standard mode which keeps everyone on the same footing, regardless of it's it their first time playing, or 1,000.


These ideas would be great for a mode outside that however.


  On 4/1/2014 at 11:41 AM, ChopperNator said:

This is very good Nai.

I can completely see how that would be a great system....however (you sensed that right?).....

IMO anything like this needs to be tied to a particular mode.

I have stressed this on many seperate occasions but there needs to be a mode, probably survival where you don't get anything extra.

It's extremely important to me that there is always a standard mode which keeps everyone on the same footing, regardless of it's it their first time playing, or 1,000.

These ideas would be great for a mode outside that however.

I completely agree with you on the whole "Survival" mode being a basically barebones Zombies. I actually made a mental note to add something in there to accommodate for the Survival mode, but I ended up finishing g this at around 9pm and I was pooped. As soon as I get back on the PC in the morning, I will add something about Survival in there.

As I understand, there would be no Buildables in Survival? Or would they be there, just ready built? Simply because a decent amount of the Helps wouldn't work without the Buildables, so if they were not added I to Survival mode, Helps would be silly to have there anyway.



I'd like to share my Ranking System I designed from Black Ops as it had quite a bunch of challenges that could work in your system even tough they are more of long time challenges:



Ranks for zombies:
1-3: Dead meat
4-10: Rookie
11-15: Useful
16-30: Killer
31-35: Specialist
36-42: Cravedigger
43-50: Bloodlust
51-55: Master of Undead

Other ranks suggested:
1-2: Dead Meat (I)
3-4: Fresh Meat (I)
5-7: Novice (I, II)
8-10: Useful (I, II)
11-13: Proficient (I, II)
14-17: Specialist (I, II)
17-19: Slayer (I, II)
20-22: Gravedigger (I, II)
23-25: Master Craftsman (I, II)
26-28: Skillful (I, II)
39-31: Unrivaled (I, II)
32-34: Bloodlust (I, II)
35-37: Black Operative (I, II)
38-40: Commando (I, II)
41-43: Zombie (I, II)
44-46: Zombie Soldier (I, II)
47-49: Zombie Commander (I, II)
50: Master of the Undead/Infected


Zombie stats  

-Highest round on every map
-Ammount of zombies killed
-Shots fired
-Ammount of headshots
-Stats for each gun (shots fired, kills, accuracy)
-Favorite gun


The_Head_Hunter and others suggested these titels and challenges:

Mercenary I: Kill 10 Zombies - Reward 100 XP - Title: Warm up!
Mercenary II: Kill 100 Zombies - Reward 500 XP - Title: Child's Play
Mercenary III: Kill 500 Zombies - Reward 1000 XP - Title: Recruit
Mercenary IV: Kill 1000 Zombies - Reward 1500 XP - Title: Soldier
Mercenary V: Kill 2500 Zombies - Reward 3000 XP - Title: Mercenary
Mercenary VI: Kill 5000 Zombies - Reward 6000 XP - Title: Zombie Killer
Mercenary VII: Kill 10000 Zombies - Reward 10000 XP - Title: So Many...
Mercenary IIX: Kill 25000 Zombies - Reward 10000 XP - Title: The Legend
Mercenary IX: Kill 100000 Zombies - Reward 10000 XP - Title: The One

Slayer I: Kill 100 Zombies in One Game - Reward 500 XP
Slayer II: Kill 250 Zombies in One Game - Reward 1000 XP - Title: Is that it?
Slayer III: Kill 500 Zombies in One Game - Reward 2500 XP - Title: Keep em' coming
Slayer IV: Kill 1000 Zombies in One Game - Reward 5000 XP - Title: Bring it!
Slayer V: Kill 2500 Zombies in One Game - Reward 10000 XP - Title: We keepin' score?
Slayer VI: Kill 5000 Zombies in One Game - Reward 10000 XP - Title: Stench of Death

Sharpshooter I: Get 100 Headshots - Reward 1000 XP
Sharpshooter II: Get 250 Headshots - Reward 2500 XP - Title: Bam!
Sharpshooter III: Get 500 Headshots - Reward 5000 XP - Title: Score!
Sharpshooter IV: Get 1000 Headshots - Reward 10000 XP - Title: BOOM! Headshot!
Sharpshooter V: Get 2500 Headshots - Reward 10000 XP - Title: Headless Hoard
Sharpshooter VI: Get 5000 Headshots - Reward 10000 XP - Title: God Aim

The Hoard I: Survive Until Round 5 - Reward 500 XP
The Hoard II: Survive Until Round 10 - Reward 1000 XP - Title: With my eyes closed!
The Hoard III: Survive Until Round 20 - Reward 2500 XP - Title: Are they even trying?
The Hoard IV: Survive Until Round 30 - Reward 5000 XP - Title: They keep coming!
The Hoard V: Survive Until Round 40 - Reward 10000 XP - Title: The Swarm!
The Hoard VI: Survive Until Round 50 - Reward 10000 XP - Title: The Hoard!
The Hoard VII: Survive Until Round 75 - Reward 10000 XP - Title: Turning up the Heat!
The Hoard IIX: Survive Until Round 100 - Reward 10000 XP - Title: The Undead Army!

Carpenter I: Fix 100 Boards - Reward 500 XP
Carpenter II: Fix 500 Boards - Reward 2500 XP
Carpenter III: Fix 1000 Boards - Reward 5000 XP - Title: Handyman
Carpenter IV: Fix 1500 Boards - Reward 7500 XP - Title: Mr. Fix It
Carpenter V: Fix 2500 Boards - Reward 10000 XP - Title: The Carpenter

The Box I: Use the Mystery Box 1 Time: Reward 100 XP
The Box II: Use the Mystery Box 5 Times: Reward 1000 XP
The Box III: Use the Mystery Box 10 Times: Reward 2500 XP - Title: Chance
The Box IV: Use the Mystery Box 25 Times: Reward 5000 XP - Title: Lucky
The Box V: Use the Mystery Box 50 Times: Reward 7500 XP - Title: The Gambler
The Box VI: Use the Mystery Box 100 Times: Reward 10000 XP - Title: Obsessed
The Box VII: Use the Mystery Box 250 Times: Reward 10000 XP - Title: Mystery Box Annoynmous

Saviour I: Revive 1 Team Mate: Reward 100 XP
Saviour II: Revive 5 Team Mates: Reward 1000 XP
Saviour III: Revive 10 Team Mates: Reward 2000 XP - Title: Protector
Saviour IV: Revive 25 Team Mates: Reward 4000 XP - Title: Healer
Saviour V: Revive 50 Team Mates: Reward 6000 XP - Title: Saviour
Saviour VI: Revive 100 Team Mates: Reward 10000 XP - Title: Doctor
Saviour VII: Revive 250 Team Mates: Reward 10000 XP - Title: Hero

Survivor I: Be Revived 1 Time: Reward 50 XP - Title: A Second Chance
Survivor II: Be Revived 5 Times: Reward 250 XP - Title: Saved!
Survivor III: Be Revived 25 Times: Reward 1000 XP - Title: The Brink!
Survivor IV: Be Revived 50 Times: Reward 2000 XP - Title: Purple Heart
Survivor V: Be Revived 100 Times: Reward 3000 XP - Title: The Living Dead

Grenade I-Blow up 10 zombies with grenades XP-100.
Grenade II-Blow up 25 Zombies with grenades XP-250.
Grenade III-Blow up 50 zombies with grenades XP-500
Grenade IV-Blow up 100 zombies with grenades XP-1000
Grenade V-Blow up 250 Zombies with grenades XP-2500 Title: Potato Chucker
Grenade VI-Blow up 500 zombies with grenades. XP-5000 Title: Click N' Throw
Grenade VII-blow up 1000 Zombies with Nades: XP-10000 Title: Pile Em' Up!
Grenade VIII-Blow up 5000 Zombies with Nades XP-10000 Title: Kaboom!
Grenade IX-Blow up 10,000 zombies with Nades. XP-10000 Title: Grenade Master

Explosives I-Blow up 10 zombies with Betties/Claymores. Xp 100
Explosives II-Blow up 25 zombies with Betties/Claymores. Xp 250
Explosives III-Blow up 50 zombies with Betties/Claymores. Xp 500
Explosives IV-Blow up 100 zombies with Betties/Claymores. Xp 1000
Explosives V-Blow up 250 zombies with Betties/Claymores. Xp 2500. Title: Bomb Planter
Explosives VI-Blow up 500 zombies with Betties/Claymores. XP 5000 Title: Saved Your Ass
Explosives VII-Blow up 1000 zombies with Betties/Claymores. XP 10000 Title: BOOM
Explosives VIII-Blow up 5000 zombies with Betties/Clamores. XP 10000 Title: Do I have Burnt Marks on my Ass?
Explosives IX-Blow up 10,000 zombies with Betties/Claymores. Xp 10000 Title: I Think I'm Deaf

Knife I-Kill 10 zombies with a knife. Xp 100
Knife II-Kill 25 zombies with a knife. Xp 250
Knife III-Kill 50 zombies with a knife. Xp 500
Knife IV-Kill 100 zombies with a knife. XP 1000
Knife V-Kill 250 zombines with a knife. XP 2500 Title: Don't Touch Me!
Knife VI-Kill 500 zombies with a knife. XP 5000. Title: Steel and Flesh
Knife VII-Kill 1000 zombies with a knife. XP 10000 Title: Can't Touch This.
Knife VIII-Kill 5000 zombies with a knife. XP 10000 Title: Vlad The Impaler
Knife IX-Kill 10,000 zombies with a knife. XP 10000 Title: BladeMaster.

Gibber I-Gib 10 zombies. XP 100
Gibber II-Gib 25 Zombies. XP 250
Gibber II-Gib 50 Zombies. XP 500
Gibber IV-Gib 100 zombies. XP 1000 Title: Mr. Gibster
Gibber V-Gib 250 zombies. XP 2500 Title: Torture
Gibber VI- Gib 500 Zombies. XP 5000 Title: Disassemble
Gibber VII- Gib 1000 zombies. XP 10,000 Title: Squirming Hellpigs
Gibber VIII-Gib 5000 zombies. XP 10,000 Title: GibMaster
Gibber IX-Gib 10,000 zombies XP 10,000. Title: And the Limbs Go Flying!

Commando I: Be the last man alive and survive to the next round - Reward 100 XP
Commando II: Be the last man alive and survive to the next round 5 times - Reward 500 XP
Commando III: Be the last man alive and survive to the next round 25 times - Reward 2500 XP
Commando IV: Be the last man alive and survive to the next round 50 times - Reward 5000 XP
Commando V: Be the last man alive and survive to the next round 100 times - Reward 7500 XP
Commando VI: Be the last man alive and survive to the next round 250 times - Reward 10000 XP
Commando VII: Be the last man alive and survive to the next round 375 times - Reward 10000 XP
Commando VIII: Be the last man alive and survive to the next round 500 times - Reward 10000 XP
(Only works with multiplayer)

Group Leader I: Finish a game with the top score - Reward 100 XP
Group Leader II: Finish a game with the top score 10 times - Reward 500 XP
Group Leader III: Finish a game with the top score 25 times - Reward 1000 XP
Group Leader IV: Finish a game with the top score 50 times - Reward 2500 XP
Group Leader V: Finish a game with the top score 100 times - Reward 5000 XP
Group Leader VI: Finish a game with the top score 250 times - Reward 10000 XP
Group Leader VII: Finish a game with the top score 500 times - Reward 10000 XP
(Only works with multiplayer)

Multitasker I: Be the last man alive and revive a team mate - Reward 100 XP
Multitasker II: Be the last man alive and revive a team mate 5 times - Reward 500 XP
Multitasker III: Be the last man alive and revive a team mate 25 times - Reward 1000 XP
Multitasker IV: Be the last man alive and revive a team mate 50 times - Reward 2500 XP
Multitasker V: Be the last man alive and revive a team mate 100 times - Reward 5000 XP
Multitasker VI: Be the last man alive and revive a team mate 250 times - Reward 10000 XP
Multitasker VII: Be the last man alive and revive a team mate 500 times - Reward 10000 XP
(only works with multiplayer)

Gunnin' I: Get two or more kills within 5 seconds 5 times - Reward 100 XP
Gunnin' II: Get two or more kills within 5 seconds 15 times - Reward 500 XP
Gunnin' III: Get two or more kills within 5 seconds 50 times - Reward 1000 XP
Gunnin' IV: Get two or more kills within 5 seconds 100 times - Reward 2500 XP
Gunnin' V: Get two or more kills within 5 seconds 250 times - Reward 5000 XP
Gunnin' VI: Get two or more kills within 5 seconds 500 times - Reward 10000 XP
Gunnin' VII: Get two or more kills within 5 seconds 1000 times - Reward 10000 XP

Marksman I: Get two or more kills with one bullet/explosion/charge - Reward 100 XP
Marksman II: Get two or more kills with one bullet/explosion/charge 10 times - Reward 500 XP
Marksman III: Get two or more kills with one bullet/explosion/charge 25 times - Reward 1000 XP
Marksman IV: Get two or more kills with one bullet/explosion/charge 100 times - Reward 2500 XP
Marksman V: Get two or more kills with one bullet/explosion/charge 250 times - Reward 5000 XP
Marksman VI: Get two or more kills with one bullet/explosion/charge 500 times - Reward 10000 XP
Marksman VII: Get two or more kills with one bullet/explosion/charge 100 times - Reward 10000 XP

MULTI BOOM I: Kill 2 zombies with 1 greanade Reward XP: 500
MULTI BOOM II: Kill 3 zombies with 1 grenade Reward XP: 1000
MULTI BOOM III: Kill 4 zombies with 1 grenade Reward XP: 2500 and title: Kaboom
MULTI BOOM IV: Kill 7 zombies with 2 grenades Reward XP: 3000 and title: MULTI BOOM

Starting your thread of reworking an established system where opinions will inevitably get involved with a politicizing opinion as drastic of picking one console over another is foolish move, Naitrax, one that I do not recommend. You as such alienate about half of your audience, and many people feel discouraged to take your advice seriously. This is coming from someone who feels Microsoft has taken advantage of them with firmware updates just like what they do with iPhones these days.


That being said, I do think your suggestions are worthwhile ones. They remind me of Multiplayer, but I think it'd be a good addition to the game, much better than the one we currently have.


No no no, the one thing I've learned from the ranking system is that there should be no way to make anyone better then anyone else! Not even by advanced ranking. 


The challenges are good, and different Eye colors are good but you can't make one player any better then anyone else, this isn't multiplayer where skill can be out weighed by experience. 


Instead, teirs should be awarded with things that don't truly effect gameplay, such as unlocking new weapons to put in your box in a sort of custom load-out (that's balanced because you can only trade weapons out for the exact same weapon of a different type). 


Or perhaps there could be a way to customize your survival/greif/turned character with cloths that are unlocked in dlc bundles as well as in sections of rank. 




The bit of story for the character is nice, however the whole cycle of disappointment thing has been WAY too popular lately: 

Bioshock infinite, 

mob of the dead, 

pretty sure there was a dr. who episode recently with a cycle in it. 



How about it's the story of one man's survival in a hellscaped world, and through it you meet a variety of friends and companions, and eventually you get shape shifted by richtofen into the boss of the first level released, doomed to be killed by the regular crew. 


Sweet, nice ideas Nai !  ^_^  


I would love to see Zombie Challenges in the next game. Have like 5 of them in each tier, then when you complete one tier, you get a special reward like equippable bonusses or special playercards that you can use to personalize your slayer -- zombie style !


I agree with mocking. The major downside of BO2s emblem system is that its a ladder system. When the gamemode is all about coop, you shouldn't label players as better or worse then each other. As a result, people were bad mouthing knives, shotguns were called glitchers, people with skulls were told they suck. It immediately causes friction between a team of randoms. And the worst part about a ladder system is that people will do anything to get the top spot. So people will glitch to maximize kills and rounds. Or others will quit once they go down once because they don't want to risk getting downed again without their perks or because its just gotten too hard for them. So now the ranking system is affecting how random games are played, for the worse.

I like the idea of an emblem system that shows a players style. make the skull reflect how someone plays. If someone has a lot more revives then others with similar stats, then give them a medic type skull. Someone gets a lot of head shots more then other players, give them a sniper skull. Make a list of about 10 skulls that reflect some ones stats where those stats are stronger. Then make another skull for people who are just starting out so people know they are beginners. And then add two more skulls, one for people caught glitching, and the other for people who either lag out or quit early in a good portion of their last 20 games.

Then make the shield in the background a reflection of average rounds for last 20 games. 1-10 would be one shield, 11-17 another, 18-25, 26 - 35, and 36+. And you can have penalty shields like the skulls as well. Then allow players to customize the two objects around the head. Objects that are earned by achievements and challenges. Instead of two shotguns, we could place things we unlock. Get 1000 headshots with the STG then you unlock that gun for your emblem. Do an EE for a map, and you might unlock something for that, like the golden rod. So someone's emblem could be a sniper skull with the 26-35 shield with a bottle of Double Tap on the left side, and a golden SVU (for 10,000 headshots with that gun) on the right side.

An emblem like that is fun while still giving us info about a player. Match that with the ability to check someone's stats and leaderboards like BO1, and you should have a good idea of who you are playing with.

As far as the in game rewards go, I wouldn't mind seeing those things incorporated in story modes of a map or custom games. But as others said, there needs to be a straight up version of survival for each map. No rewards, no banks, and no perma perks. Straight old school survival where you start with nothing.


Persistent Upgrades should only be accessible to the people who've never played zombies before for a limited period of time to give them a slight edge while they're getting used to the mode.


Or you can have Player vs Ranked matches. 


Aye, but what about noobs who play on others accounts? Or those who just need to step back into the swing of things? 


Choosing three permaperks to bring into a game sounds like a fair deal, the type of perk changes the penalty of using it: 


upgraded carpender: Low penalty

upgraded jugg?: High penalty


Originally, I had it set up as kind of a Point-for-Point system, where you put in a Help, but it also adds a Hinder. Like a kind of trade.


  On 4/2/2014 at 12:10 AM, Samara said:

Persistent Upgrades should only be accessible to the people who've never played zombies before for a limited period of time to give them a slight edge while they're getting used to the mode.

Or you can have Player vs Ranked matches.

I noticed a lot of people that play challenges like first room took advantage I perma perks like super jugg and raygun from Olympia. Like I suggested earlier we can have a different mode with this perma perks enabled it just polluted the core survival system. Origins is still fun to me because there is no perma perks in it.

Posted (edited)

While I like this thread, I'm tired of seeing people still complaining about Black Ops 2's ranking system. Ok, granted, Treyarch should have at some point told us exactly how it works. I get that. I also can understand why some people wish they could reset their stats like in MP. But the game has been out now for over a year and if you care so much about your stats, you've had plenty of time to repair them by playing better or by starting over with a new account. Stop flogging a dead horse! 

The ranking system was actually quite good for being the first official Zombies ranking system. Yes, it could have been better, but it was good for a first time and other than a few minor updates I would actually love to see this ranking system returned almost the same as it is now in the next Zombies installment. There are plenty of people on this forum who have put the time in (like myself) to try to help people improve at Zombies so that you can have better stats and results! I like seeing my stats saved and I think it's nice to have something in-game to reward the higher level players of the game. Everyone has a K/D in multiplayer that they can check quickly and easily and there are score per minute leaderboards as well, not to mention several other leaderboards. Why should we discourage Treyarch from trying to make people serious about being successful at Zombies like they do with Multiplayer? If you aren't competitive that's fine, but don't try to discourage Treyarch from encouraging their fans to play their games competitively. One of the biggest reasons Call of Duty has been successful is its competitive atmosphere.

The very fact that Black Ops 2 had a rankings system with all its leaderboards showed us that Treyarch is taking Zombies more and more seriously alongside its multiplayer. This is really, really good for us and I think instead of complaining about how you got a skull emblem for helping your best friend get persistent Revive, you should be grateful that Treyarch is taking this community seriously and trying to please us, the dedicated Zombie players!

I would like to see a return of lobby leaderboards in the next Zombies installment, along with the return of private matches and a ranking system almost identical to Black Ops 2's. I would sure like to see other stats saved though, like how many kills per weapon and stuff like the multiplayer guys get.

I'm with Chopper on the necessity of a standard mode where everyone is on the same foot at the get-go, no matter how much you've played. Gosh, can you imagine No Man's Land if you had an extra 1000 points when you started, if you'd gotten to Round 25 on Moon at least once before instead of always having 500 points? Just doesn't seem right. Honestly in retrospect, while persistent perks were fun pre-DLC in Black Ops 2, once Treyarch started adding stuff like persistent Jug, persistent Tombstone and persistent Flopper to a lesser extent, things started getting kinda lame. 

This is part of why I like Origins the most of Black Ops 2 maps. None of that persistent perk nonsense, and no stupid bank. 


Edited by Dahniska

  On 4/1/2014 at 10:02 PM, Stop mocking me0 said:

No no no, the one thing I've learned from the ranking system is that there should be no way to make anyone better then anyone else! Not even by advanced ranking. 


The challenges are good, and different Eye colors are good but you can't make one player any better then anyone else, this isn't multiplayer where skill can be out weighed by experience. 


Instead, teirs should be awarded with things that don't truly effect gameplay, such as unlocking new weapons to put in your box in a sort of custom load-out (that's balanced because you can only trade weapons out for the exact same weapon of a different type). 


Or perhaps there could be a way to customize your survival/greif/turned character with cloths that are unlocked in dlc bundles as well as in sections of rank. 




The bit of story for the character is nice, however the whole cycle of disappointment thing has been WAY too popular lately: 

Bioshock infinite, 

mob of the dead, 

pretty sure there was a dr. who episode recently with a cycle in it. 



How about it's the story of one man's survival in a hellscaped world, and through it you meet a variety of friends and companions, and eventually you get shape shifted by richtofen into the boss of the first level released, doomed to be killed by the regular crew.

wasnt the last futurama episode also a cycle? but on topic mocking is right. lets keep the helps, but it should be usuable only for a few days and up to the player. that why if new people or people who forgotten how to play need some help, they got it.


  On 4/2/2014 at 5:36 AM, Dahniska said:

While I like this thread, I'm tired of seeing people still complaining about Black Ops 2's ranking system. Ok, granted, Treyarch should have at some point told us exactly how it works. I get that. I also can understand why some people wish they could reset their stats like in MP. But the game has been out now for over a year and if you care so much about your stats, you've had plenty of time to repair them by playing better or by starting over with a new account. Stop flogging a dead horse! 

The ranking system was actually quite good for being the first official Zombies ranking system. Yes, it could have been better, but it was good for a first time and other than a few minor updates I would actually love to see this ranking system returned almost the same as it is now in the next Zombies installment. There are plenty of people on this forum who have put the time in (like myself) to try to help people improve at Zombies so that you can have better stats and results! I like seeing my stats saved and I think it's nice to have something in-game to reward the higher level players of the game. Everyone has a K/D in multiplayer that they can check quickly and easily and there are score per minute leaderboards as well, not to mention several other leaderboards. Why should we discourage Treyarch from trying to make people serious about being successful at Zombies like they do with Multiplayer? If you aren't competitive that's fine, but don't try to discourage Treyarch from encouraging their fans to play their games competitively. One of the biggest reasons Call of Duty has been successful is its competitive atmosphere.

The very fact that Black Ops 2 had a rankings system with all its leaderboards showed us that Treyarch is taking Zombies more and more seriously alongside its multiplayer. This is really, really good for us and I think instead of complaining about how you got a skull emblem for helping your best friend get persistent Revive, you should be grateful that Treyarch is taking this community seriously and trying to please us, the dedicated Zombie players!

I would like to see a return of lobby leaderboards in the next Zombies installment, along with the return of private matches and a ranking system almost identical to Black Ops 2's. I would sure like to see other stats saved though, like how many kills per weapon and stuff like the multiplayer guys get.

I'm with Chopper on the necessity of a standard mode where everyone is on the same foot at the get-go, no matter how much you've played. Gosh, can you imagine No Man's Land if you had an extra 1000 points when you started, if you'd gotten to Round 25 on Moon at least once before instead of always having 500 points? Just doesn't seem right. Honestly in retrospect, while persistent perks were fun pre-DLC in Black Ops 2, once Treyarch started adding stuff like persistent Jug, persistent Tombstone and persistent Flopper to a lesser extent, things started getting kinda lame. 

This is part of why I like Origins the most of Black Ops 2 maps. None of that persistent perk nonsense, and no stupid bank. 


"The notes were correct."

"The instrument was not." 

"One needs both to get his attention."

"But if you know how to sing to him..."

"He will take you where you need to go."



Non-bioshockly speaking the bank, use of persistent perks, and other what nots IS in-fact, a good idea, the way of going about these ideas was not. 


One needs to balance the use of the bank and persistent perks with the ranking system to punish those who use it too much or at all, respectively. 


A way to do this, as I have stated before with my custom class idea, is to make it so one can bring in three persistent perks into a game, however, the more you bring in, the more difficult it is to level up. As for the bank, while it can be super helpful when attempting to accomplish easter eggs, general survival makes it a bit OP, so, using the bank can and will reduce your rank if done too frequently. Likewise, the addition of a custom class set up can help with the bank as well, as one could now use the excess cash in their banks to purchase special items, such as new guns to swap for guns of a similar and balanced type in the mystery box. So using the bank would drain those funds AND de-rank you! 


  On 4/3/2014 at 2:15 AM, Stop mocking me0 said:

"The notes were correct."


"The instrument was not." 

"One needs both to get his attention."

"But if you know how to sing to him..."

"He will take you where you need to go."



Non-bioshockly speaking the bank, use of persistent perks, and other what nots IS in-fact, a good idea, the way of going about these ideas was not. 


One needs to balance the use of the bank and persistent perks with the ranking system to punish those who use it too much or at all, respectively. 


A way to do this, as I have stated before with my custom class idea, is to make it so one can bring in three persistent perks into a game, however, the more you bring in, the more difficult it is to level up. As for the bank, while it can be super helpful when attempting to accomplish easter eggs, general survival makes it a bit OP, so, using the bank can and will reduce your rank if done too frequently. Likewise, the addition of a custom class set up can help with the bank as well, as one could now use the excess cash in their banks to purchase special items, such as new guns to swap for guns of a similar and balanced type in the mystery box. So using the bank would drain those funds AND de-rank you! 


You know what the problem with this will be? People will still be complaining. There will always be complaints but if you were to be punished for using persistent perks/banks and other things like that that are put in the game for you to use, the complaints would go up even more and to be honest, what's the point in giving someone something that you punish them for taking?

Maybe the better solution would be to take Zombies back towards its roots - the direction Origins took to a degree - with old-style earn-it-as-you-go gameplay, while implementing new ideas into that like the buildables.

I like people who like to think outside the box (no pun intended) but it seems counter-productive to make a ranking system that would punish you for trying to take advantage of the things in the game. I mean, how would that be different from de-ranking you if you used headshots to kill zombies?


Headshots require skill, not mindless battering of points from round 1-6 just to shove them all in your bank and take it all out on one game to get jug and the mystery box a few times for a halfway decent game once. 



And people will complain no matter WHAT you do,


For example, there is a couple with a donkey and luggage, 


they begin with the man pulling the donkey and the woman riding it, until one girl says: That's why men think their better then women!


To accompany this, the man and the woman trade places, until an old man comes along and says: Look at that lazy bum, making his wife carry his donkey while he just rides along! 


So, they decide to BOTH ride the donkey, until another woman comes along and says: What horrible people, weighing down that donkey with everything they have and themselves. 


SO! Now they decide to simply walk the donkey together, upon which a young boy approaches and says: what stupid people, they walk their donkey without using it to carry themselves! 





You can't win against society, it will ALWAYS find a way to judge you and complain. 



What you can do is actually improve your situation with more balance. Some people won't like it, but it will mostly be composed of those who hack and glitch their shotgun ranks. Where as the ACTUAL players would enjoy a nice and fair system with more rewards and things to personalize their games. 


I think this is a brilliant idea except for one thing. The way challenges work. For reference:




Tier 1 (Super Low XP): Get 20 headshots in a single round. 
Tier 2 (Low XP): Survive until Round 10.
Tier 3 (Low-Medium XP): Survive until Round 15 only using weapons purchased off the wall.
Tier 4: (Medium-High XP): Get *number of kills* with at least *certain percentage* being Headshots.
Tier 5 (High XP): Pack-a-Punch all Wall Weapons in one game.
Tier 6 (Insane XP): Survive until Round 18 without opening any doors.


Now I know these are examples, but could you imagine every 11 year who can't hardly survive past round 10 on his own trying to get to 15 without hitting the box? Or that annoying guy who keeps wasting all his points on wall weapons and pack-a-punch, just because he wants to level up?


My point is thus: Adding a level system in zombies causes the player to play for himself rather than the whole team, and that doesn't work in a game like zombies. This was how it worked in Black Ops II. Think about it, if you're uncooperative teammate wasn't doing so well, instead of taking one for the team, he would simply dashboard out to keep the bad game off his record


Those were simply some examples. Of course not all challenges would be tailored toward Solo, but those probably would be.

Some others could be simply Survive Round 20 with no casualties.

  On 4/1/2014 at 5:33 PM, MurderMachineX said:

This is coming from someone who feels Microsoft has taken advantage of them with firmware updates just like what they do with iPhones these days.

Someone else, I think DBZ mentioned this to me recently.  Are you implying that firmware updates have a hidden agenda in that they create problems to encourage people to look at next gen consoles?


It makes perfect sense to me as the PC industry did that for years...remember trying to buy an external CD drive which lasts longer than 18 months?  You couldn't....

I'm noticing more and more little issues on my console, which isn't that old.  Controllers randomly disconnecting is the current favourite. 

  • 3 weeks later...

This is now a featured topic. I am very honoured to have this, well, honour. Thanks to DBZ for suggesting it, and for ChopperNator for making it happen.

You guys rock.


Is it awful that I'm commenting just to be on the featured topic of the week?

Great analysis and worthy of TOTW.

Two big wins in the same week, you should play the lotto.

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