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is this even possible?

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-guesstimate- 5k times ive tried, and tried and tried.... but unsuccessful every single time... can someone complete it and put my mind at ease?
nuketown start round 20, orginial difficutly
no perks, no shooting, no grenades, no doors opened
run around, train em and get the entire spawn of zombies  out...
its not as easy as it sounds...
something like this, but its hard as EFF on nuketown for some reason

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lmao Boom.


Yea, I am fairly certain this challenge is doable. First room challenges are extremely tough at high rounds. Especially when you are not playing solo. Multiply the difficulty with 20 times for that round 20. Actually I played this map no perks past 20 a couple times with friends, only wall guns allowed. It was fun. The challenge was only to survive one round and we did. I think there were several casualties but there was always that one last player who clutched it and revived the entire team.


I did something similar when I was still uploading videos back in the days.


'>Kino - Find that train series


Five - find that train series


Der riese - Catwalk Challenge:

Stay on catwalk and cave only. Can't train down the stairs. Perks, betties, bowie okay. Pack a punch ok. Mustang and sally, STG only guns allowed.

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It's probably easier to do this on round 20 as opposed to rounds say 7 - 12.  Later is generally better when it comes to collecting new hoards.


BO2 hit detection is also better to manage compared to BO1, where you can get closer but get hit quicker.  When you can only take 2 hits, like with no Jugg it's a case of just avoiding all hits.

With the amount of first rooms I've done and NML, this kinda thing is right up my street.


But as Boom pointed out, with my mods on, I can do anything ;)

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NML takes more dedication than most people realise.


I'd guestimate that a very good player who had never played, could probably get 300 within a week, if they dedicated 4 or 5 hours per day.

To get 350 and above, triple or quadruple that time.

A slight exception would be if you had some NML pros always in your party, and prepared to watch your gameplay.


The hardest thing about guides for zombies now, is how few people actually care.


There are just too many things to learn and understand, before you can really get good.

I have 6 pages now of notes on it, and am not even 20% of the way through my guide.


I'd love to finish this for the site, and aim to get it done within a month with Paolos help.

I would never mind watching people's games and offering advice, so maybe we could have some kind of NML clinic?

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I must admit, at my initial thought was "guide? Wtf? I don't need someone telling me how to kill zombies, I'm probably better then him anyways!" But I know that's not the right way of thinking, but that is ALOT of the players way of thought now... Shit, I know I can get better... I just get stuck in what area I should improve/focus on... I have noticed a huge difference since changing my controller recently though

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NML takes more dedication than most people realise.


I'd guestimate that a very good player who had never played, could probably get 300 within a week, if they dedicated 4 or 5 hours per day.

To get 350 and above, triple or quadruple that time.

A slight exception would be if you had some NML pros always in your party, and prepared to watch your gameplay.


The hardest thing about guides for zombies now, is how few people actually care.


There are just too many things to learn and understand, before you can really get good.

I have 6 pages now of notes on it, and am not even 20% of the way through my guide.


I'd love to finish this for the site, and aim to get it done within a month with Paolos help.

I would never mind watching people's games and offering advice, so maybe we could have some kind of NML clinic?



Did Chopper & Eye just say they are working on the "Complete Zombie Guide MkII?"


I'd love to see a few of you Strategy guys collaborate a remake guide for the off season. 

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