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Golden spork guide

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Posted (edited)

I know there has been a guide somewhere deep down. But, I'm making a new fresh one.

Note: You must visit the bridge once prior to doing these steps.

Step 1: Knock down the poster. (Note: you can can Hells redeemer/retriever, and grenades)

Hole after the poster is knocked down.

Step 2: go into afterlife and shock the spoon on the floor. Note: the portal is next to the afterlife box by the wardens office.

Step 3: Throw your Hells retriever/redeemer at the spoon in the cafeteria window. If you close to the window and Look to your left, you will see a spoon on the counter.

Note: when you get the spoon. You will hear the warden speak. This means you have obtained the spoon. The spoon is a one hit until round 13, similar to the galva knuckles.

Step 4: Stir the tub. Stir the tub with the spoon.

Step 5: Kills with the Vitrolic withering.

You must get kills now with the upgraded blunder gat with acid gat applied to it. Go down to the showers and start getting kills. You know when your done because you will get a audio cue.

Step 6: get the spork. Hold X on the tub to get your golden spork. This is a one hit until round 31.

Now, if multiply player want to have it here are the steps.

1. Throw their retriever/redeemer at the spoon in the cafeteria.

2. Stir the bath

3. Get the spork

Have fun shanking!

Edited by Zombiesblood3
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This is all correct and well done, except I don't believe you get the spoon back after the bathtub step. I'm pretty positive you're stuck with the standard shiv until you complete the next steps to get the spork.

  • Administrators
  On 5/20/2014 at 2:52 PM, MegaAfroMan said:

This is all correct and well done, except I don't believe you get the spoon back after the bathtub step. I'm pretty positive you're stuck with the standard shiv until you complete the next steps to get the spork.


This is correct.


Also it is a one hitter until round 34 not 31.


What they said, also step one says 'you can you' instead of 'you can use'.

While we all know the steps and locations, you could probably give clearer directions on exactly where these items are. For example 'middle window in cafeteria, look through it, off to your left for the spoon'. Because if you don't know where to look in the cafeteria, you're not gonna find that.


Oh also, I'm pretty sure the acid gat doesn't have to be pack-a-punched.

I don't know if you meant it does or not, your wording kind of tripped me up a bit there.

I'm pretty sure you can use either the acidgat or the vitrolic withering.


  On 5/20/2014 at 5:47 PM, MegaAfroMan said:

Oh also, I'm pretty sure the acid gat doesn't have to be pack-a-punched.

I don't know if you meant it does or not, your wording kind of tripped me up a bit there.

I'm pretty sure you can use either the acidgat or the vitrolic withering.

it has to be vitrolic withering.

I'm 99.99% sure you can do it with just the Acid Gat. Either my memory is lying to me, or someone was just saying they didn't have it upgraded.

I mean, you should be able to get it without PaP'ing it. It was the same effect, so there's no reason why not.


To know something:

You must believe it.

You must have good reasons for it

It must be true.

You didn't know that it had to be the VW because it doesn't. I just played a game and got the spork by using the Acid Gat.

I can post a video if there's doubt.


@MegaAfroMan Do you have a problem with me buddy? Your constant nit-picking of my language is despicable and starting to offend me. Get over yourself and stop. I can talk and speak how I want and if you're constantly trying to correct me well...How about you just get off my nuts?  :angry:


  On 5/21/2014 at 12:46 PM, ETEl2NAL407 said:

@MegaAfroMan Do you have a problem with me buddy? Your constant nit-picking of my language is despicable and starting to offend me. Get over yourself and stop. I can talk and speak how I want and if you're constantly trying to correct me well...How about you just get off my nuts?  :angry:

I have no problem with you. I have a problem with the misuse of language where it counts. Also, I proved you wrong twice, both situations in which you 'knew' I was wrong, then instead of admitting your error you instead belittle me or go after me in some way.

It's okay to say 'I was wrong' or 'I don't know'. It's a simple lesson that I think many people, you included, need to learn.

It's nothing against you personally. I'd be doing this is it was a new user, or if it was Alphasnake or Superhands posting.

Wrong is wrong. Right is right.


Well, on topic, thanks for everyone getting the correct information out there as i have run into a few confused lobbies, and have been a little unsure myself.

I'm glad this is here.


  On 5/21/2014 at 3:46 PM, 83457 said:

Well, on topic, thanks for everyone getting the correct information out there as i have run into a few confused lobbies, and have been a little unsure myself.

I'm glad this is here.

thank you
  • 2 weeks later...

Staff have been discussing the possibility of simple challenges, with brains/medals as a reward for equalling or beating the benchmark.


For a little toe in the water test, here is my Golden Spork challenge.


Can you match or beat my round 10?



Let us know what you think of stuff like this.  I have COTD as well, there are staff challenges, various perk challenges etc.

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