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Rank Every Zombies Map From Best To Worst

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Idk if I could go through ALL the maps and tell you which ones are best in order. But I could tell you my first few favs. :P

Favorites... 1 being the best:

1. Mob of the Dead

Personal favorite. It's got such an eerie feel to it. The story behind it is really deep. The characters are so interesting. The boss is perfect. When you play this map, you can really feel sympathy for the four guys, and sometimes it even feels like you're in there, yourself. It feels so real.

2. Origins

So much to do in this map. The gameplay just never gets boring. Even when doing high rounds, it always feels like there's more to do. It's got a really lengthy, in depth Easter egg that's both challenging and fun.

3. Kino Der Toten

A classic(well sorta). Lots of places to run trains and just shoot the shit with your friends. It's an easy going map, not a whole lot going on. But very fun nonetheless.

4. Tranzit

A true challenge, and yet a pain in the ass. xD sure, Tranzit can be annoying as hell, making what used to be simple processes back in the day, such as pack a punching and reviving a downed teammate, nearly impossible to do, but it's still a fun map that feels almost real when playing it, you take the role of four nobodys(well basically nobody's) who are in the middle of an apocalyptic wasteland overrun by zombies and are hearing voices telling them to complete random tasks. Who do you trust? Do you listen to the voices or go your own way and hope for the best?


1. Shangri-La

Looks great and has nice challenge


2. Verruckt

The "scary" map that catches the feel of zombies and is very challenging.


3. Kino Der Toten / Der Riese

Classics that you can't get bored.


4. Shi No Numa

Fun map to Co-Op


5. Call of the Dead

Without George could higher but still fun map.


6. Nacht Der Untoten

Very hectic map in Co-Op great for quick challenge.


7. Die Rise

Actually suprisingly good for a BO2 map, somehow catches the glimpse of what zombies actually should be.


8. Ascension / Moon / FIVE

Not my favorites but still play good.


9. Nuketown

Fun for Solo  but the perks randomly dropping wasn't good design choice.


10. Origins

Okay map but still broken for me.


11. Mob of the Dead

Nice atmosphere but way too easy and as such got boring after I played it couple of times.


12. Buried

Meh, boring and easy map.


13. Tranzit

WTF was Treyarch thinking? Took all the fun out of zombies and made it grind. Worst of all set the tone for rest of the BO2 maps.


And as for least favorites....

1 being the worst here...(sorry for changing order.)

1. Die Rise

Hate it. "True element of verticality" my ass. The only verticality you get is patiently waiting for the elevators so you can get to another part of the map. And when you're in the elevator, you can't see out of the building, so you might as well be underground. Not to mention it's the only way to get to higher floors. I mean a winding, broken up staircase to get to higher floors would've been cool, but no. You're stuck having to wait for those damn elevators. And there's certain places in the map that you really just CAN'T go to without an almost certain death. Such as where the build table is for the Sliquifier. So you're really confined to a small handful of areas when playing Die Rise.

2. Buried

I actually really enjoy Buried sometimes. But when I take a step back and look at this map, I realize just how terrible it is. It's a combination of EVERY overpowered thing imaginable. The Paralyzer, Leroy's abilities (that's right, I called him Leroy), you can place wall weapons wherever you want(and get paid for it) super easy access to the bank. Upon completing endgame, you even get an extra gun and an infinite fire sale. And there so many camping spots that it takes the fun out of the first 30 rounds. Unless you wanna sit on top of the bank with the paralyzer for all eternity. >.> there's THREE really powerful traps at your disposal(on a four man team that's TWELVE.) you can just camp next to Jugg all day! And if one breaks, don't worry, Leroy will go get you another. :D ... -.- lol I'm just not a fan of this map.

3. Verruckt

I'll admit it has a really scary feeling to it, but gameplay-wise is just sorta boring to me. It's not really even a two story building considering half of the top floor and half of the bottoms floor are not accessible. I'm not saying it's a bad map, just not a favorite, to say the least.

And black ops 2 is probably the game that I play the most. I love the complexities of the newer maps. :)

I wish I could give you more, but I kinda have difficulty deciding which are best and which are worst.

Feel free to check out the map reviews I gave for black ops and black ops 2! Along with other peoples' reviews as well. Lots of interesting stuff.

  • 2 weeks later...

Since there are so many maps, I'll just do a top 5.

1. Ascension: Getting around the Space Monkies, Ascension is my favorite map. The dark, black and white opening, the awesome train areas, the thundergun still in it, I just really liked that map, it was the first map I got to round 30+ on solo.

2. Kino Der Toten: Pure nostalgia. Growing up my dad was the fps player in my home, then my friend introduced me to Black Ops for the wii. He told me about the zombies mode, which scared me at first(I was an innocent middle school kid), then I got to play it and realized that it was incredibly fun. So for christmas I got black ops and xbox live, and literally only player zombies cause' I sucked at multiplayer.

3. Nuketown: Me and my friend are zombie speculators. We were always talking about new map ideas and stories, and Nuketown was always brought up in our "what map should be a zombies map" conversations. When Black Ops 2 was announced and they mentioned Nuketown Zombies, we flipped out. But since we didn't preorder the hardened editions, we didn't get it, so I got a season pass for christmas and got nuketown and enjoyed the heck out of it. I love how its connected with moon and references tranzit. I like how its literally nuketown turned into zombies. Its small, but it has a lot of hidden stuff in it.

4. Origins: Out of all the CODs, its the first to be set during WW1, and its steampunk theme is awesome. The staffs, the story, it tells us more about the O4 and the origin of 115. The mud and panzar soldat annoy me, but I still like its layout.

5. Verrückt: Its a classic horror setting, an abandoned, haunted asylum/hospital, that is overrun with the undead because of a strange substance that doctors used on them. The introduction to perk a colas, Samantha, and the power. The whole story with a creepy teddy bear and a little girl haunting the place literally made Samantha, she was a fan speculated character that became what she was today. It also has more theories we still speculate, Tank being one of the marines, connections with Nacht der Untoten via comms. I really liked this map, and it was really tough with the zombies that ran faster than you.


4. Origins: Out of all the CODs, its the first to be set during WW1, and its steampunk theme is awesome. The staffs, the story, it tells us more about the O4 and the origin of 115. The mud and panzar soldat annoy me, but I still like its layout.


No it didn't...at all… Totally screwed us all with alternate reality shit.. 

  • 4 weeks later...

Best 2 Worst Zombie Maps...  My Opinion



- I absolutely loved this map just because I think it was the perfect size. It was open but at the same time there were areas that were tight and crammed. I liked the characters all except GEORGE, George was the only down side to that map.



- Great map in my opinion, not to big, not to small. Plenty of room for all 4 characters to do their own thing. LOVED PHD flopper!!!    This is where I found my Mustang N Sally PHD flop combo....

Didn't like the monkeys.



- Really like this map.....   as of yesterday 12 JUL 2014 there were over 6000 people still playing this map on the ps3!

I really hoped to see STAMIN UP and PHD FLOPPER added to this map... I personally think on this map TRAPS should have given the player that bought the TRAP counted kills because on the higher rounds it's the guy with the thundergun who's getting all the kills not really fair for the guy without the thundergun.



- One of my favorite maps! I loved all the innovative things they put in this map! The easter egg was awesome and I loved the microwave gun! The fact that you could use the hacker to flip the ammo prices on wall guns....

On the other hand I hated the spacesuit zombie and how he could jack your perk! and the biggest thing I disliked about this map was the fact that jug was on earth... JUG should have been on the moon! If they wanted to keep jug on earth they should have made it so any1 could teleport at anytime.



- For me this map was most fun on solo! and for once TREYARCH finally gave me a reason to play solo now allowing solo games to post on the leaderbords! I made it to round 60 with 0 downs running trains with the jet gun and the HAMR. I could have kept going but it just got too boring and repetitive ...  But I thought this map looked awesome...

Downsides were the map being too big for multiplayer and those stupid denizens!! Can you imagine how bad a$$ this map would have been without DENIZENS?? I can!!



- This map is where I personally really learned how to run trains....   Loved the way the map looked and how it was layed out.    Not too many complaints... Although at times I hated how the perks would randomly be located....



- Another one of my favorites! All the new stuff they added was a lot of fun!

Not too many complaints.



- Have to say that I thought this map was one of the best LOOKING zombie maps ever....  I did like it and I liked the orange eyes...   not a fan of the blue.... in moon they were kind of cool but....

Dislikes about nuketown: Not enough room...   they gave a map with 4 people 2 spots to run trains...  You go on that map and look around there's all kinds of yards and roads and places they could have opened up and givin us!

It didn't have to be exactly like multiplayers treyarch..



- Had a lot of fun on this map....   Pentagon Thief was annoying..   liked the characters....



- A little to crammed for my liking but still a lot of fun none the least....

I would always just camp with friends at double tap and leave that door next to the machine closed...



- Iconic map but just too small for me....  Plus no jug.....    I had some fun with friends on this map but not my favorite...

But I still consider it a good map...



                                                              I ABSOLUTELY HATE THESE MAPS



- Coming from my favorite map to this.....   gravely disappointed....   not enough room they should have given us room to run trains! The one thing that really pissed me off about this map was the fact that you had to have every player step on a stone to activate the PACK A PUNCH.....   what if u are playing with randoms with no mics... it just didn't make sence! Hate that map!



- The only thing I liked about this map was the characters and the IDEA of it being on ALCATRAZ....  that's it!

You would think of all the things they could of done with ALCATRAZ it would be a bad ass map right?  WRONG!!

For me this is when zombies started getting really fruity! I hated the crammed feeling and I hated the fact that you could turn into a ghost. I think I played this map maybe 5 times and then just said goodbye forever. NO PHD FLOPPER



- This map in my opinion just took fruity to the extreme! Giant Robots? Magical Staffs? Robot Zombies? Ghost Zombies???

WTF!! what happened TREYARCH? who's at the wheel???    come on.....   NO PHD FLOPPER enough said!



- Now as far as a design point of view I somewhat liked this map, I thought it was kind of cool...

But where they got off track was the witch and that big loaf moping around making noises...

I mean who thinks of this sh$t? What happened to the formula that no one complained about? NO PHD FLOPPER

zombies is dead...



The worst zombies map of all time

drum roll..........          

16) Die Rise

- There were all kinds of things I just could not stand on this map but what did it for me the most was the design!

I just couldn't get passed the design.... Please for the sake of ZOMBIES do not allow who ever thought of Die Rise to ever work on a zombies map again...... please.....  NO PHD FLOPPER   15 bucks down the drain.....


Best 2 Worst Zombie Maps...  My Opinion



- I absolutely loved this map just because I think it was the perfect size. It was open but at the same time there were areas that were tight and crammed. I liked the characters all except GEORGE, George was the only down side to that map.

George was the challenge, if you wanted to get rid of him just upgrade the VR11….



- Great map in my opinion, not to big, not to small. Plenty of room for all 4 characters to do their own thing. LOVED PHD flopper!!!    This is where I found my Mustang N Sally PHD flop combo....

Didn't like the monkeys.



- Really like this map.....   as of yesterday 12 JUL 2014 there were over 6000 people still playing this map on the ps3!

I really hoped to see STAMIN UP and PHD FLOPPER added to this map... I personally think on this map TRAPS should have given the player that bought the TRAP counted kills because on the higher rounds it's the guy with the thundergun who's getting all the kills not really fair for the guy without the thundergun.



- One of my favorite maps! I loved all the innovative things they put in this map! The easter egg was awesome and I loved the microwave gun! The fact that you could use the hacker to flip the ammo prices on wall guns....

On the other hand I hated the spacesuit zombie and how he could jack your perk! and the biggest thing I disliked about this map was the fact that jug was on earth... JUG should have been on the moon! If they wanted to keep jug on earth they should have made it so any1 could teleport at anytime.



- For me this map was most fun on solo! and for once TREYARCH finally gave me a reason to play solo now allowing solo games to post on the leaderbords! I made it to round 60 with 0 downs running trains with the jet gun and the HAMR. I could have kept going but it just got too boring and repetitive ...  But I thought this map looked awesome...

Downsides were the map being too big for multiplayer and those stupid ass denizens!! Can you imagine how bad ass this map would have been without DENIZENS?? I can!!

TELL US about it sweetheart….



- This map is where I personally really learned how to run trains....   Loved the way the map looked and how it was layed out.    Not too many complaints...



- Another one of my favorites! All the new stuff they added was a lot of fun!

Not too many complaints.



- Have to say that I thought this map was one of the best LOOKING zombie maps ever....  I did like it and I liked the orange eyes...   not a fan of the blue.... in moon they were kind of cool but....

Dislikes about nuketown: Not enough room...   they gave a map with 4 people 2 spots to run trains...  You go on that map and look around there's all kinds of yards and roads and places they could have opened up and givin us!

It didn't have to be exactly like multiplayers treyarch..



- Had a lot of fun on this map....   Pentagon Thief was annoying..



- A little to crammed for my liking but still a lot of fun none the least....

I would always just camp with friends at double tap and leave that door next to the machine closed...



- Iconic map but just too small for me....  Plus no jug.....    I had some fun with friends on this map but not my favorite...

But I still consider it a good map...



                                                              I ABSOLUTELY HATE THESE MAPS



- Coming from my favorite map to this.....   gravely disappointed....   not enough room they should have given us room to run trains! The one thing that really pissed me off about this map was the fact that you had to have every one step on a stone to activate the PACK A PUNCH.....   what if u are playing with randoms with no mics... it just didn't make sence! Hate that map!

It's a good map that required communication, no-mics on that map are probably the worst out of all of BO1 and WAW. No mics on BO2 maps like origins are even worse… 



- The only thing I liked about this map was the characters and the IDEA of it being on ALCATRAZ....  that's it!

You would think of all the things they could of done with ALCATRAZ it would be a bad ass map right?  WRONG!!

For me this is when zombies started getting really GAY! I hated the crammed feeling and I hated the fact that you could turn into a ghost. I think I played this map maybe 5 times and then just said goodbye forever. NO PHD FLOPPER

-No OBTAINABLE PHD flopper. Also don't use gay as an insult, it's not a proper term as you are saying that a map is attracted to maps of the same sex. Use words like "Pathetic" or "Disappointing" or even "stupid" should one want. Also, the map had giant spinning saw blades, big ass demon guards, a quad-barrel shotgun, squad barrel acid gun, acid traps, a sniper tower, demonic announcer, demonic themes, it''s possibly the best interpretation of "evil island" ever!



- This map in my opinion just took gay to the extreme! Giant Robots? Magical Staffs? Robot Zombies? Ghost Zombies???

WTF!! what happened TREYARCH? who's at the wheel???    come on.....   NO PHD FLOPPER enough said!

-There were no ghost zombies, PHD flopper WAS in the wonder fizz, and therefore the map, and you know who designed the story of this map? The so-called campaign team. 



- Now as far as a design point of view I somewhat liked this map, I thought it was kind of cool...

But where they got off track was the witch and that big stupid ass retard moping around making noises...

I mean who thinks of this sh#t? What happened to the formula that no one complained about? NO PHD FLOPPER

zombies is dead...

The witches and big guy were clever and new additions to the map, very original and in no way proves the death of zombies. Also there WAS a perms-perk flopper that worked just the same (while active) why would you even need flopper in that map anyways? The mark two it introduced removed splash damage from the most powerful weapon that's been on every map… 


The worst zombies map of all time

drum roll..........          

16) Die Rise

- There were all kinds of things I just could not stand on this map but what did it for me the most was the design!

I just could not get passed the design.... NO PHD FLOPPER   15 bucks down the drain.....

Die rise is a brilliant map, full of fun ways for people to enjoy themselves, it's the map transit should have been. It's also been one of the most fun maps for me recently. But that's your opinion….



Best 2 Worst Zombie Maps...  My Opinion



- I absolutely loved this map just because I think it was the perfect size. It was open but at the same time there were areas that were tight and crammed. I liked the characters all except GEORGE, George was the only down side to that map.


You said: George was the challenge, if you wanted to get rid of him just upgrade the VR11….


I Replied: It was just my opinion! Personally I think COTD would have been better without him.....



- Great map in my opinion, not to big, not to small. Plenty of room for all 4 characters to do their own thing. LOVED PHD flopper!!!    This is where I found my Mustang N Sally PHD flop combo....

Didn't like the monkeys.



- Really like this map.....   as of yesterday 12 JUL 2014 there were over 6000 people still playing this map on the ps3!

I really hoped to see STAMIN UP and PHD FLOPPER added to this map... I personally think on this map TRAPS should have given the player that bought the TRAP counted kills because on the higher rounds it's the guy with the thundergun who's getting all the kills not really fair for the guy without the thundergun.



- One of my favorite maps! I loved all the innovative things they put in this map! The easter egg was awesome and I loved the microwave gun! The fact that you could use the hacker to flip the ammo prices on wall guns....

On the other hand I hated the spacesuit zombie and how he could jack your perk! and the biggest thing I disliked about this map was the fact that jug was on earth... JUG should have been on the moon! If they wanted to keep jug on earth they should have made it so any1 could teleport at anytime.


I said: 5) TRANZIT 

- For me this map was most fun on solo! and for once TREYARCH finally gave me a reason to play solo now allowing solo games to post on the leaderbords! I made it to round 60 with 0 downs running trains with the jet gun and the HAMR. I could have kept going but it just got too boring and repetitive ...  But I thought this map looked awesome...

Downsides were the map being too big for multiplayer and those stupid ass denizens!! Can you imagine how bad ass this map would have been without DENIZENS?? I can!!


You said: TELL US about it sweetheart


I replied: Well just think about it....   Think of all the places you could have ran trains or slayed zombies out in the fog if those annoying a$$ denizens weren't there



- This map is where I personally really learned how to run trains....   Loved the way the map looked and how it was layed out.    Not too many complaints...



- Another one of my favorites! All the new stuff they added was a lot of fun!

Not too many complaints.



- Have to say that I thought this map was one of the best LOOKING zombie maps ever....  I did like it and I liked the orange eyes...   not a fan of the blue.... in moon they were kind of cool but....

Dislikes about nuketown: Not enough room...   they gave a map with 4 people 2 spots to run trains...  You go on that map and look around there's all kinds of yards and roads and places they could have opened up and givin us!

It didn't have to be exactly like multiplayers treyarch..



- Had a lot of fun on this map....   Pentagon Thief was annoying..



- A little to crammed for my liking but still a lot of fun none the least....

I would always just camp with friends at double tap and leave that door next to the machine closed...



- Iconic map but just too small for me....  Plus no jug.....    I had some fun with friends on this map but not my favorite...

But I still consider it a good map...



                                                              I ABSOLUTELY HATE THESE MAPS


I said:12) SHANGRI-LA

- Coming from my favorite map to this.....   gravely disappointed....   not enough room they should have given us room to run trains! The one thing that really pissed me off about this map was the fact that you had to have every one step on a stone to activate the PACK A PUNCH.....   what if u are playing with randoms with no mics... it just didn't make sence! Hate that map!


You said: It's a good map that required communication, no-mics on that map are probably the worst out of all of BO1 and WAW. No mics on BO2 maps like origins are even worse… 


I replied: Once again this was just a personal opinion. But still, they should not have made it that way. Even if you have a mic and you are playing with randoms and ONE, just ONE other player doesn't want to cooperate when you want to PAP you are screwed! I'll admit that Shangri-La was a visually pleasing map but the whole PAP thing broke it for me....   and I never bothered to play it solo because there was no point! SOLO games didn't post on the leaderboards back then....


I said: 13) MOB OF THE DEAD

- The only thing I liked about this map was the characters and the IDEA of it being on ALCATRAZ....  that's it!

You would think of all the things they could of done with ALCATRAZ it would be a bad ass map right?  WRONG!!

For me this is when zombies started getting really GAY! I hated the crammed feeling and I hated the fact that you could turn into a ghost. I think I played this map maybe 5 times and then just said goodbye forever. NO PHD FLOPPER


You said: -No OBTAINABLE PHD flopper. Also don't use gay as an insult, it's not a proper term as you are saying that a map is attracted to maps of the same sex. Use words like "Pathetic" or "Disappointing" or even "stupid" should one want. Also, the map had giant spinning saw blades, big ass demon guards, a quad-barrel shotgun, squad barrel acid gun, acid traps, a sniper tower, demonic announcer, demonic themes, it''s possibly the best interpretation of "evil island" ever!


I replied: Noted! If you look at my original post you can see that I have edited out the word GAY...

As far as the map goes I still stick to my statement! You point out all these things like demons and other stuff and that's cool if that's what you like but for me that's not ZOMBIES....

What I am saying is that I want to kill zombies, not turn into a ghost! That in itself was enough for me to dislike this map....   on top of that I hated the design...



I said: 14) ORIGINS

- This map in my opinion just took gay to the extreme! Giant Robots? Magical Staffs? Robot Zombies? Ghost Zombies???

WTF!! what happened TREYARCH? who's at the wheel???    come on.....   NO PHD FLOPPER enough said!


You said:-There were no ghost zombies, PHD flopper WAS in the wonder fizz, and therefore the map, and you know who designed the story of this map? The so-called campaign team.


I replied: Yes there were ghost zombies, those things that appeared out of no where when you turned on those power switches at those generators or whatever they were..... Maybe you have a different name for them but I just called them ghost zombies....   forgive me for not knowing everything about origins but I don't have a lot of time played on that map due to the fact that I flat out could not stand it! And I was talking about the actual perk PHD FLOPPER not wonder fiz... And okay there you go, the "campaign team" that's who was at the wheel.....    well guess what...  they CRASHED!!

This map was horrible in my OPINION and it really should not be a ZOMBIES map, it should have been sold as something else!! with those fruity a$$ magical staffs...

This isn't SKYRIM treyarch...




- Now as far as a design point of view I somewhat liked this map, I thought it was kind of cool...

But where they got off track was the witch and that big stupid ass retard moping around making noises...

I mean who thinks of this sh#t? What happened to the formula that no one complained about? NO PHD FLOPPER

zombies is dead...

The witches and big guy were clever and new additions to the map, very original and in no way proves the death of zombies. Also there WAS a perms-perk flopper that worked just the same (while active) why would you even need flopper in that map anyways? The mark two it introduced removed splash damage from the most powerful weapon that's been on every map… 


The worst zombies map of all time

drum roll..........          

I said:16) Die Rise

- There were all kinds of things I just could not stand on this map but what did it for me the most was the design!

I just could not get passed the design.... NO PHD FLOPPER   15 bucks down the drain.....


You said:Die rise is a brilliant map, full of fun ways for people to enjoy themselves, it's the map transit should have been. It's also been one of the most fun maps for me recently. But that's your opinion….


I replied: DIE RISE is arguably the worst zombies map of all time and TRANZIT sh%ts all over DIE RISE hands down......    but it's like YOU said "IT"S MY OPINION" 


  • 1 year later...

Prepare for a long list from best to worst, this is off of my personal opinion and this is from Best to Worst;

1. Origins- is the most amazing map ever. It is an enormous map and you never run out of things to do. It is so unbelievably fun to play, and so complicated. You have The Panzer Soldat, a challenging boss, 6 different power generators, Der Wunderfizz, the shovel, the Robots, The G-Strike, the Thunder and Iron Fists, the best PAP camo ever, a huge Easter Egg, a new starting pistol, resulting in a cool new PAPed version of it, the ability to get 9 perks at once and it brought back the long-awaited fan favorite PhD Flopper. Origins also has the four elemental staffs, fire, wind, lightning, and ice. They are so awesome it’s unreal. Since there are four, all players can hold one. They are super fun to use and everybody loves them. They give you a fun objective (building them) and when you ultimate them they become so unimaginably overpowered and they just rip through hordes. Overall, Origins is the best map and its so many people’s favorite (including me).

2. Der Riese- is the map that started it all, the map that got people into zombies, introducing pack a punch, monkey bombs, teleporters, great traps, the radio logs, the WonderWaffe DG-2, and much more allows this map to be a fan favorite by many people. And has just made a remastered version recently. Translating to The Giant this map has a lot to do and a very fun setup. One of the best camping spots and a map that you can actually talk to your friends while playing allows you to have fun and puts this map at number 2.

3. Mob of the Dead- is the map that saved Call Of Duty, after making 2 maps that were fails, Mob of the Dead accomplished the grim atmosphere Transit was going for and the replayability that everyone wanted. Being a pretty easy map, it had an amazing easter egg and the first “Game Over” at the end of the easter egg. The innovative BlunderGat/Acid Gat which are not only powerful but the best looking weapons in all of zombies and the first map since Verruckt to not have monkey bombs, the hell’s retriever, the gondola the massive map size, training spots, the first map with traps since Shangri La, awesome buildables, lovable characters, the plane, one of the most epic pack a punches and one of the best pack a punch camos, makes Mob of the Dead number 3.

4. Call of the Dead- is the third DLC in Black Ops 1 and it featured the first major easter egg of all time. This introduced the scavenger, included the WonderWaffe DG-2, a zipline, an ice slide, the flinger and the crazy boss George Romero who can have 1 million health. The snowy atmosphere combined with some of the best characters in cod zombies this map deserves number 4

5. Moon- is a hugenormous map. At the time, it was the biggest innovation ever. It has the cool spawn, where you can get Jug before round one, the awesome zero-gravity, the QED, which can do so much. It also has teleportation, the Astronaut which is the most annoying boss ever (except maybe George), and the best Easter Egg ever, where you get to blow up the Earth, and get 8 perks. Moon also introduced Mule Kick, a perk enabling you to hold 3 guns. Overall, Moon is huge, extremely innovative and complicated. Even though it is one of the hardest maps in zombies history it deserves number 5

6. Buried- is one of the most innovative maps ever. It is very easy, (because of the OP camping spots) but still amazing to play on. It introduced the Paralyzer, one of the best Wonder Weapons ever, and the Raygun Mark 2. It is super complicated, with the wall chalks, Vulture-Aid (a great perk that is very helpful),  the witches, the maze, the hardest easter egg ever, Leroy and all the things he can do. Although it is easy, it is super innovative and fun to play on.

7. Verruckt- is the first DLC in World at War. It is famous for being one of the most difficult maps ever, and it deserves that. It has a very creepy setting, an insane asylum, and has a really cool mechanic where each player spawns on the other side of the map. It is great because it brings back lots of nostalgia, but what truly is great about it is that it introduced perks. It deserves credit, because where would we be without perks. All around, Verruckt is a nostalgic, terrifying map that we all love and remember (especially because it introduced perks).

8. Nacht der Untoten- this map is what got it all started, featured in World at War and The Rezurrection DLC of Black Ops 1. It has no perks, no pack a punch and only a couple of doors making this map very hard before people got into the idea of training. So on this map you just had to sit back kill zombies and enjoy a fun game of zombies with or without friends.

9. The Giant- is personally my favorite map made it onto this list, it is a remake of Der Riese, it would be higher but because it is brand new, not very nostalgic (and there’s no PPSH which is the best gun excluding wonder weapons) so it can't be much higher. Featuring better graphics, Gobblegum, new guns, the WonderWaffe DG-2, the reimagined catwalk buffed up guns and new zombie stats, makes us have to put this on our list.

10. Ascension- is the first DLC in Black Ops 1. It is famous for introducing Stamin-Up, which is very useful on large maps such as Origins, and PhD Flopper, which is a long-time fan favorite. It is well laid-out, has an amazing training spot, a cool way to get to Pack-a-Punch, two awesome new perks, the Thundergun, The Gersch Device that transports you and sucks in/kills zombies, the first easter egg in zombies history, the Matryoshka dolls (multiple grenades that are part of the easter egg), and the best power generator ever (the awesome spinning thingy at spawn.)

11. Kino Der Toten- is the starting point of all training and I am a personal fan of training, I remember watching countless hours of Syndicate playing and making it to very high rounds myself. I love the way the pack a punch was built in and how fast you were able to get the hang of the map. The only reason it wasn't higher was because of "replayability" sure before the rest of the DLC came out for bo1 i would play it, but after Ascension I played it much less it was a great map, but even the greatest map gets boring if you have nothing to do on it.

12. Nuketown- this is a great map to freshen up your training skills because sometime you have to go from 10-20 rounds with no jug and being able to do that allows you to get much better, featuring absolutely no camping spots you have to train and you  always have to be on your toes. This is a great map but the others ahead of it still are better

13. Shadows of Evil- this map is just to difficult, i mean it is great to watch and probably is the reason it is not even lower, i mean don't get me wrong shadows of evil is a great map but I can't get past round 17 the boss is overpowered pack a punch takes forever, it gets to the point were it doesn't feel like zombies it feels like leading a zombie while you do pointless things. Even if I were to memorize everything I would still die very fast because there is no camping spots and even training is hard unless you are at pack a punch with i don't know how to get to.

14. Shi no Numa- to me this map is bland and easy, it gets to the point were you use trench gun on dog rounds and wonder waffe the rest of the time because after round 30 there is about 24 zombies per rounds meaning 3 shots per rounds if you can train well. People have gotten to round 7,000 (real number look on youtube) it is just to easy and too boring.


now here (15+) is were the maps are just bad/boring this are the maps were if you say it is your favorite i will kick you from the game because it tells me "I suck really bad and I want people to play these maps with me"


15.Five- this map isn't much of a bad map, it is just boring and hard, it didn't really bring and good weapons to the table and THE worst wonder weapon, I just don't think that this map deserves to be even considered as good. This is the kind of map that even pros would find hard because it is so close quarters and no real good camping spots other than the elevators which are to close for comfort 

16. Shang ra la- so you are trying to play a good online 4 player game but uh oh one guy has no mic, you have 2 great guns and all your perks but you can't pack a punch because the no miker won't step on the pad. So now you are stuck with no pack a punch and a nobody player so you think nothing of it i mean there was no pap in other maps right, it will be fine. But no the no nicer runs around a gets you killed in the spike trap, so you get revived but all of a sudden when 3 of your guys are all fighting the horde (2 came to help you get revived) a napalm zombie blows up in your face and puts you all down so here comes along the no miker t-bags you three to death and meanwhile a horde of zombies approaches and just like that "Game Over Round 12" SO you decide meh solo game time but wait you can't because this map is so incedibly hard to go with less than 4 downs just trying to set up. So what do you do? "You give up on the map"

17. Die Rise- so you start a game right? and you start playing and go for PAP you think hmm pack a punch is in power room I am going to save my money buy no guns and save for mustang and sally, but when you finally have enough you pack a punch and the elevator goes away you use your key but when it comes back your gun is gone so you are forced, on round 6 to only knife because you have no weapons. RESTART GAME so you think this time I'm gonna go judah room way, you are going along but bam you die of fall damage for falling of a ledge and hitting a zombie at the same time and oh god that has happened so many times. RESTART GAME so you go online with 3 randoms they seem cool you all are set up trample steams svg you even have a squiclifier but whoops someones trample steam launches you off the map and you think oh it was an accident, but when you spawn in someone else spawns inside of you and you die ugh this map just makes me Angry 

18. Dead ops Arcade 1 & 2- yes this technically is a map even though it is probably one of the worst things Treyarch could have added to there game featuring an unbelievable 50 people playing PER DAY this map has got to be one of the most crappy things out there. Featuring next to no replayabilty this map shouldn't even have been in the zombies map list.
19. Transit- honestly, what was Treyarch thinking? i am not going to even explain because I could right 10 pages about why this is soon bad;

  • want the bus? sorry it left 30 seconds ago guess you can wait about 2 rounds for it to come back or run through the fog and risk the game
  • lets build the jet gun, oh wait you went down in lava holding a part? guess no more jet gun
  • well lets get pack a punch, hmm place turbine run to bank but sad face, your turbine broke and now you have to make another loop around the hole map for a second chance on pack a punch
  • LAVA
  • FOG
  • no wall buys at town
  • erm about 16 different entrances to the bus
  • EMP trolling
  • ray gun + fire = death
  • so big of a map that it could be split into 3 maps; town, bus depot, farm.

so if you really have no money at all (even though you could be console/computer and game) just play TOWN


  • Moderators

I have 2 favourite maps:

-Tranzit: The atmosphere and feeling when you play it: Great!

It really feels like you are the last surviving humans in the world.

And its also funny when you play with friends and you have to hurry to get on time on the bus when its honking.

It also feels the map has still a big secret, like there is something hidden in the mist....

-Origins: The story, the music, the quotes.... Its the only zombie map in which I feel like i'm playing in a movie.

Also, you're never bored in this map, theres always something to do ( shield, drone, portals, staffs, one inch punch, golden shovel, golden helmet, EE, ....)


  • Moderators

I never buy phd, so im used to not have it.

About the bus leaving you, in my opinion, thats a reason why I like that map.

And well, about the denizens youre right: They are very annoying, and i can imagine that that is one of the reasons why so many dont like tranzit.

But hey, imagine Tranzit without denizens, nobody would take the bus, and you would take the best game element of that map away.

Its the only map which play in a normal town, a normal farm, a normal community.

MotD and SNN have both a great atmosphere, but.... I dont know, theres just something special about Tranzit that I cant discripe in words.

  • 1 year later...

21. Die Rise - shitty everything

20. COTD - prbs would be higher but have no experience with it. George seems like an ass R.I.P Gerge Romero

19. Shi no Numa - Waw too easy for high rounds, Bo3 Boring in my opinion

18. Zetsubou - never got into it seems to glitchy at launch and kt4 takes too long

17. Five - too hard, close quarters

16. Shangri La - too many pains in the asses eg napalm monkeys

15. Tranzit - Too big, had to be low but can be fun in coop watching n00bs down in the lava

14. Nacht - too simple 

13. Ascension - too easy once setup jug revive and thundergun and train in spawn easy

12. Revelations - wasnt a new map, but good replayability 

11. Buried - Simple as well, but many strategies on that can be fun

10. Moon - very fun with the gravity and area 51 annoying astronaut  WHATS WITH THEYARCHS OBSESSION WITH BOSSES FOLLOWING YOU ALL THE TIME

9.   Kino - fun in solo and coop

8.   Der Reise - where it really started, most innovative map in terms of its time

7.   Nuketown - its challenging but in a good way

6.   Gorod - World at War map with BO3 graphics 

5.   Shadows - lot of fun just one of them maps that just fun

4.   MOTD - fun map lots to do

3.   Verruckt - you were wondering where this would be just a map that i got to love lots to do in it

2.   Der Eisen - close but edged out by no 1 such a fun map very innovative

1.   ORIGINS - all round the best map in zombies history nuff' said

  • 1 month later...

Maps I have played: green run, kino, five, nacht, origins, all AW maps, zombies in spaceland, MOTD, der eisendrache, dead ops 2, buried, die rise, nuketown, shadows of evil


btw, in this list I will be including exo zombies and infinite warfare zombies



Origins is my favorite map because it has a ton of things to do, and it really fun if you are just getting to know the story of cod zombies . I love that is is just the right size to not be as big as tranzit, but not as small as something like town. It also has a really fun and challenging easter egg. it is also the first call of duty zombies easter egg i have ever completed.

2:Der eisendrache

Another fun zombies map that isnt too big, has a story, and has an easter egg. i like trying to get the bows and trying to do the easter egg, but it isnt too easy that you cant have fun with it

3: Kino

I played this and nacht when I was little and it was just cool to find new parts to the map and it was the first zombies map ive ever played

4:Green run

Town is my favorite out of all of them, a small map with 6 perk machines and only 3 doors, Pap, but the only problen is the lava, it shouldnt have been a part of the game, thats only one part that made tranzit so bad


Small map but it was a little sketchy because after the campaign you got shoved into a completly new gamemode that hasnt been in any other cod game


I havent played it in a while so i dont remember it well but i remember being happy to see JFK, idk why, but I loved that map and I want to play it again

7:Dead ops 2

I like it because it is a different perspective and it just changes things up a bit

8: Buried

I have played this map alot and I like that you need to find different ways to get around the map, like using the giant guy, the reason it is further down the list is because I didnt like the witches and how big the map is, all the buildables got kind of confusing too

9:shadows of evil

I didnt like this one because it had way to much going on with the beast, margua(I think thats how you spell it) and the rituals, it got too jumbled up and I didnt understand

10:Zombies in sspaceland

Infinite warfare sucks

11:Nuketown zombies

It sucked having to wait for jug and pap, and when training, you would hit the rocks and debris cutting out into your path, also way to many doors

12:AW maps

The only good one was outbreak and the other ones sucked with oz turning into a zombie the boss fights and sentinel coming in

13:Mob of The Dead

It was way too big and complex, you had to go from one side of the map to the other to get simple things, and the box locations were too far apart

14: Die rise

The same reason everyone hates it


btw sorry for my spelling


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