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I think we need to talk about the raidios more...

Guest mikeike12

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Guest mikeike12

I read the text from all the radios on the COD wiki and i think we need some discussion, because i want some answers

Radio 1

"Log entry 1471

Date: September 2nd 1945

Dear diary.

Another day, another failure. This time subject N3WB just slightly improved. The Russian subject still smells like urine. even after? he was given a bath and deloused TWICE. I think I might have killed the specimen from Mexico. His spleen is on the floor and and he's not moving anymore. I can verify with certainty that the barrier is not located in the spleen. (static) Dr. Maxis must continue no matter the cost. I wonder what he might think? of the experiments on the little girl. ahahaAHAHAHA. (Monkey screech is heard.) NEIN!! Drop that! That's my Spleen! MINE!"

— Richtofen

This radio refers to Richtofen's experiments on the other three main characters. Subject N3WB ( which could possibly be "leet speak" for NEWB or Noob) is Takeo. The Russian subject is obviously Nikolai. The Mexican subject's identity is unknown, so he might be the blank portrait seen in Kino der Toten. The little girl Richtofen refers to is Samantha, meaning Richtofen experimented on her behind Maxis' back.

Radio 2

"Log Entry 1472

Date: September 10th 1945.

Deeeear Diary.

Today was? a good day. The swelling has subsided, the ice helps. They made leberwurst for lunch. It was (static) I still have not had any luck reprogramming any of the live specimens. Dr. Maxis says the key to unlocking the human mind will be more easily discovered of someone who isn't dead yet. I am not convinced. The army is stored until I can fix this, this trust barrier. Oh. Apparently someone in security? found a spy today, they are delivering him from Verrückt, to replace the one that I broke (chuckle)."

— Richtofen

The army Richtofen refers to is the zombie army, which has apparently been created without Group 935 perfecting their mind control. The spy found is Peter while the person Richtofen "broke" is the unknown Mexican test subject.

Radio 3.

"Log Entry 1473

Date: September 17th 1945.

Deeear Diary.


— Richtofen

"Get your hands off me you damn dirty Nazi.."

— Tank Dempsey

"(Quietly) Uh-oh! Zis doesn't look good..."

— Richtofen

"Yeah, that's right, You want some of this? I'm taking you home in bags, freak!"

— Dempsey

(Inaudible sounds of a scuffle are heard.)

"Nein! Naughty American!"

— Richtofen

"Okay, now I'm mad!"

— Dempsey

"I suppose this must be the replacement then. (Fiendishly) Time to get to work!"

— Richtofen

"I can still hear you!"

— Dempsey


— Richtofen

This radio depicts Richtofen and Dempsey's first meeting and how Richtofen used torture to break his test subjects.

Radio 4

"Log 4174.

Date: September 20, 1945.

It would seem that the OSS realized that we have captured one of their spies. They tried to send a rescue team to Verrückt that was aw (static). The first batch of test subjects. I suspect that there are others more in the Organization. Dr. Harvey Yena and Dr. Peter McCain to be precise.

Dr Maxis doesn't (static) any Americans in Group 935, no matter how much genius they have. Stupid Americans with their apple pies and baseball and children, but I digress. (static) The new American test subject is interesting and muscley. His intellect seems low, but his will is strong. Like the others, he doesn't seem to know who he is anymore. Unlike the others he keeps breaking the restraints and yelling at me. (static) Test subject N3WB is still staring at the floor, muttering what sounds like some kind of proverb over and over again. I think his mind may have been destroyed by the process. Oh well. The Russian subject has recently begun responding to stimuli, but only after injecting him with a new serum made primarily from vodka. Perhaps this is a breakthrough in the-(static)."

— Richtofen

This radio reveals Peter's full name to be Dr. Peter McCain. Dr. Harvey Yena might've been the one to leave the radio message at Shi No Numa. The radio also describes the origins of the characters' attitudes: Tank is always angry and attacks everybody, Takeo remains quiet and recites Japanese proverbs, and Nikolai needs vodka to function.

Radio 5.

"Log entry 1475

Date: October 1st, 1945

Deeeeeaar diary,

As for the control group tests. they have been put on hold. Recently I discovered that Dr. Maxis has not been mass producing the DG-2 as he swore he would. If he won't move those plans forward, then I won't continue following his dream of an undead army! He doesn't deserve his perch of? power! He doesn't know what to do with it, but I know just what to do with him... and I'll take care of that little brat when I get the chance too..."

— Richtofen

This radio shows Richtofen's descent into madness and his developing hatred of Maxis and Samantha. As Maxis had become distracted by Sophia, his work lagged and he didn't mass-produce the Wunderwaffe-DG2 as promised. Richtofen believed this meant Maxis was no longer able to lead Group 935 and deserved to be replaced by him.


First off... Harvey Yena? H.Yena? Is this possiblily an unseen major back story character that has been around since Shi No Numa? also who is the Mexican?

Guest Monopoly Mac

I agree... we need to examine these radio messages more precisely... Whats really bothering me is how did Dempsey get captured before the O.S.S actually sent in a rescue team. And Richtofen mentions there sending a spy from Verruckt to replace the Mexican yet Dempsey comes instead?

Perhaps Tank tried to intercept the delivery?

Guest Undead xP

also who is the Mexican?

This question has popped in several threads already and I'm going to give my theory on this.

Notice how Richtofen lists the Mexico patient as "specimen" rather than "Subject", I'm assuming that's because it isn't who, it's what. And what have we gathered details about since SNN?

Area 51. Which equals aliens or UFO's in this case.

When Richtofen mentioned Mexico, Rosewell immediately came into mind.

Here's a little something that might suit your fancy incase you don't know:


Personally, I still believe Area 51 (or regions surrounding it) is likely to be one of the future maps. They've hinted towards aliens and their relation to 115 since SNN and Der Riese.

Guest football5699

First off... Harvey Yena? H.Yena? Is this possiblily an unseen major back story character that has been around since Shi No Numa? also who is the Mexican?

OMG :o :shock: H. Yena = Hyena possibly.....Did he make it possibly???

EDIT: After a little more research my original hypothesis could be true but hyenas are also SCAVENGERS so that could be the meaning like Thundergun and Zeus Cannon or VR11 and Lazerus

Guest mikeike12

also who is the Mexican?

This question has popped in several threads already and I'm going to give my theory on this.

Notice how Richtofen lists the Mexico patient as "specimen" rather than "Subject", I'm assuming that's because it isn't who, it's what. And what have we gathered details about since SNN?

Area 51. Which equals aliens or UFO's in this case.

When Richtofen mentioned Mexico, Rosewell immediately came into mind.

Here's a little something that might suit your fancy incase you don't know:


Personally, I still believe Area 51 (or regions surrounding it) is likely to be one of the future maps. They've hinted towards aliens and their relation to 115 since SNN and Der Riese.

So you're saying the mexican isn't a who... but a WHAT :o

Guest havoc025

First off... Harvey Yena? H.Yena? Is this possiblily an unseen major back story character that has been around since Shi No Numa? also who is the Mexican?

OMG :o :shock: H. Yena = Hyena possibly.....Did he make it possibly???

EDIT: After a little more research my original hypothesis could be true but hyenas are also SCAVENGERS so that could be the meaning like Thundergun and Zeus Cannon or VR11 and Lazerus

holy santa clause shit. [brains]

Guest Undead xP

So you're saying the mexican isn't a who... but a WHAT :o

I'd say it's very clear that the Mexican specimen is likely one of the Aliens, or something of the sorts, yes.

Guest mattbyles

Just a random note:

Dempsey says: "Yeah, that's right, You want some of this? I'm taking you home in bags, freak!"

does that sort of explain the origin of Dempsey's term 'freakbag'?

Guest nhcre8tv1

Just found out Harvey's got some info on him in the terminal, say's he's an American 935 scientist, and, with evidence, the Pentagon Thief.

Guest infamousKONVICT

Harvey Yena? H.Yena?


Guest mikeike12

Harvey Yena? H.Yena?



Guest football5699

So you're saying the mexican isn't a who... but a WHAT :o

I'd say it's very clear that the Mexican specimen is likely one of the Aliens, or something of the sorts, yes.

Could it be NEW mexican??

Possibly Roswellian :lol:

Guest Undead xP

Haha, yeah it fact that Rosewell is in New Mexico puts a damper on things, but was still a curious thought, no less. :D

Guest Slave

I agree... we need to examine these radio messages more precisely... Whats really bothering me is how did Dempsey get captured before the O.S.S actually sent in a rescue team. And Richtofen mentions there sending a spy from Verruckt to replace the Mexican yet Dempsey comes instead?

Perhaps Tank tried to intercept the delivery?

What color are tanks eyes? maybe he was the spy that was caught, since it is never really stated that peter was caught? Especially if in the last message, peter is still roaming free, along with Yena. so my theory was that tank was a spy sent in, since he is blonde, and maybe he speaks german? speculation of course, but it makes more sense when you line up a few facts.

as for any aliens. No. no nonononononono. just stop. look, even if there was area 51 map, why would there be aliens? the ufo? nope, that would be Die Glocke, as it was last noted being seen transported to the south west USA. I refer you to the loading screen pic of the stones and fern. A 51 is in a desert, not a tropical area.

As for specimen vs subject, a person can be a specimen, as well as a subject. In Medical Examiners reports, a person is generally known as a Specimen during autopsy(glorified dissection) and the dead mexican was dissected, as his spleen was removed. Edward is a doctor, and if that is a doctor in a medical sense, then he would have had the training to automatically and subconsciously refer to a dead and dessicated corpse as a specimen.

Lastly, if tank was the Replacement for the specimen, that would indicate that subjects were similar to the point that common sense would dictate they are both human. Or that tank is not human........*cue suspense audio clip.

Guest Scorpion

So you're saying the mexican isn't a who... but a WHAT :o

I'd say it's very clear that the Mexican specimen is likely one of the Aliens, or something of the sorts, yes.

I'm hoping this is when Richtofen gets the idea of a Ray Gun as I always thought that the Ray Gun was and is an alien weapon.

Guest TFG Dubz

the spy that was caught WAS Peter, NOT DEMPSEY

Log Entry 1472

Date: September 10th 1945.

Deeeear Diary.

Today was? a good day. The swelling has subsided, the ice helps.

They made liverwurst for lunch. It was (static)

I still have not had any luck reprogramming any of the live specimens. Doctor Maxis says the key to unlocking the human mind will be more easily discovered of someone who isn't dead yet. I am not convinced.

The army is stored until I can fix this, this trust Barrier.

Oh. Apparently someone in security? found a spy today, they are delivering him from Verruckt, to replace the one that i broke (chuckle)

Log Entry 1472

Date: September 10th 1945 is the date that Peter was compromised at Verruckt

Log Entry 1473

Date: September 17th 1945.

Deeear Diary.


*Get your hands of me you damn dirty Nazi..*

Oh ho, this doesnt look good

*yeah thats right, You want some of this?*

*Im talking you home in bits, Freaks!*

*inaudiable sounds of a scuffle*

Nien (static) throw american

*Ok now im mad*

I suppose this must be the replacement (static)

Time to get to work!

*I can still hear you*


Log Entry 1473

Date: September 17th 1945 is when Richtofen had Dempseycaptured and started experimented on him in der riese

Entry 1474

Date: September 20th 1945:

Deeear diary.

It would seem that the O.S.S realized that we have captured one of their spies. They tried to send a rescue team into Verruckt that was (Static) the first batch of test subjects (laughter).

I suspect that there are other more in the organization, Dr. Harvey ena, and Doctor Peter mackay to be precise.

Dr Maxis doesn't (static) Any Americans at group 935, no matter how much genius? they Have.

Stupid Americans with their...Apple pies and baseball and children, but i digress.

The new American Test subject is interesting, and muscly, His intellect seems low but his will is strong, like the others he doesn't seem to know who he is anymore. Unlike the others, he keeps breaking the restraints and Yelling at me.

Test Subject N3WB is still staring at the floor muttering what sounds like some kind of proverb over and over again, i think his mind may have been destroyed by the (static)...oh well.

The Russian subject recently begun responding to stimuli, but only after injecting him with a new serum made primarily from vodka, perhaps this is the break through we've been waiting for

Entry 1474

Date: September 20th 1945 is when Richtofen mentioned about capturing one of thier spies (Agent Peter) and mentions already about the rescue team lead by Dempsey

Log entry 1475

Date: October 1st, nineteen hundred forty five.

Deeeeeaar diary.

As for the control group tests. they have been put on hold. Recently i have discovered that Doctor Maxis has not been mass producing the DG-2 as he swore he would. If he wont move those plans forward, then i wont continue following his dream of an undead army!

He doesn't deserve his perch of? power!. He doesn't know what to do with it! but I know just what to do with him.... and ill take care of that little brat when i get the chance to......

Log entry 1475

Date: October 1st, nineteen hundred forty five is important also, as the control group tests are actually refering to the Group Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo lead by richtofen started, proving in this time frame all three were experimented on and lost thier memomry

so from these radios

September 10th 1945

- Date in which Peter was found out as a spy at Verruckt

September 17th 1945

- First entry with captured Dempsey, Proving The marines were sent into Verruckt between the 10th and 17th of September, putting Verruckts timeline here, along with when Dempsey was captured

September 20th 1945

- is when richtofen mentions the oss and the team sent into Verruckt to rescue peter, also mentioning using those marines as the first batch of test subjects, which could be who the Mexican "might" be aswell

Therefore everything is put into place and timeline is correct, you just need to pay attention to the little details

Guest racerten

it seems to me that Dempsey isn't the one who lead the Marines in Verrukt. If Dempsey was captured on the 17th, and Richtofen mentions the rescue on the 20th, it would seem that he wasn't part of the team.

Guest AlphaSnake

Haha, Fixed it.

Regards Snake.

Guest football5699

What is the date when you start up Verruckt and Der Riese because I think it said it when you start the game.

Guest sickmyduck

i like to think think the mexican it alludes to could be an alien too but do you think an alien would have a spleen? and also would he be able to refer to it as a "he"?

could just be a way of implying that they had some sort of base set up/interest in mexico, seeing as that's also where many ppl are guessing the ferns and structure from the loading screen..

just some thoughts lol

Guest Slave

It never says that peter was the spy caught though. and the diary log that has dempsey is after they found the spy. just because they found him does not mean that he is right there with richtofen at that very moment.

IT does NOT say that peter was captured in verrukt, and considering that Peter and harvey are still loose as he SUSPECTS them to be spies in the OSS.

so by your timeline and reasoning, sept 10th they catch peter in verruckt, when his corpse is in shi no numa, and Sept 20th peter is loose and only suspected at being a spy.

Details man, look at them. how can a man be caught as a spy twenty days before they confirm that the same man is loose and Could Possibly be ANOTHER spy. If you read those at all, you would see that there are three spys. Harvey, Peter, and the verruckt mystery man. And since tank was brought to richtofen only days after a spy was caught, when you think about how long it takes to transport and prepare a prisoner, tank does fit into the line as the verruckt spy.

Guest Monopoly Mac

Hm well it seems to me that we have to rethink Tanks position in the storyline. What exactly was his top priority as "Operations Leader"? Was he supposed to personally lead the squad into Verruckt. Was he supposed to eliminate another threat? Or maybe perhaps Tanks ego got the best of him and he did not follow the direct plan...

Just brainstorming... Trying to piece stuff together but all my thoughts are incomplete right now...

Guest football5699

Wow Treyarch did their homework....Start-up on Verruckt is September, 1945....The question is when??

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