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My take on the future Area 51 map....

Guest graymonkey44

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Guest graymonkey44

Now bear with me that this is purely speculative and these are just some crazy ideas written down.... This is pretty much everything I would want in a zombie map.

So I hope a future map will eventually use the Nevada air base Area 51 as it would be awesome. It would be the first 8 player map and be similar to Verruckt in the way the characters start separated. 4 players start in a facility-type building while the other 4 would be stuck outside in an landing strip/ air field type area.

The air field wouldn't just be one open space though. There'd be different areas to travel, similar to ascension. Like a landing platform with an alien spacecraft on it. The facility could have 3 floors with a roof and a zip line on the top. There could be a lander on the roof as well that could take the players to another spot on the map. The bottom floor could be some sort of giant garage with different vehicles in it and once the power is turned on, that door opens and the groups can meet.

Reuniting the troops wouldn't be just as simple as flipping a switch though. I would want some interactivity between each of the different groups which would make them work together. I'm not really sure what that would be, but if I come up with something I'll add it on.

I think it would be awesome if the Wunderwaffe, Thundergun, Winter's Howl, and Scavenger were all available on this map. All the perks would make a come back and the Random Perk bottle power-up would be a random drop like all the other power-ups. Monkey BOMBS would make a come back!

There would be two machines, a random attachment machine as well as the Pack-a-Punch. You can get up to 2 random attachments per weapon, after you use it twice, you're done. 1,000 for a regular weapon and 2,500 for a PAP'ed one. If you PAP a weapon that already has attachments on it, you lose the attachments and it just goes to the way it would be normally. You wouldn't be able to add an attachment to the wonder weapons.

Also, you would be able Pack-a-punch a 2nd time! It would double everything that you have for the weapon. Double Damage, double the amount of ammo in a clip, and double the full amount of ammo. This may seem like it would be over-powered but it comes at a price. It would cost 50,000 points to be able to do this. It seems like this would be a fair price, because it would give you a reason to save points and it wouldn't be that easily attainable. It's more of a present for players who like to save points and for hardcore players.

The original 4 players would definitely be in it, and I originally was thinking that the four players from "Five" would also. But it would be kind of cool to bring the 4 from Call of the Dead as a continuation of the Easter Egg by having two groups finally meet and fight the zombies together.

Please don't flame if I'm putting this in the wrong forum and if you have anything you'd like to add I'm all ears. If anything else comes to mind, I'll surely add it.

Guest BicBoi96

meh, good ideas [brains] but the servers can only handle 4 people so they'd have to leave this map for the next treyarch game so they can update their shit.

Guest sans lumiere


didn't you know the AREA 51 CODBLOPS map is still the same one that has been leaked for months....

unless anything changes its basically this:


and the NEVERUARY 2025 release date still stands


Guest graymonkey44

Yeah, I was thinking that it probably wouldn't happen for the next map pack, but it's a possibility for when treyarch releases their next call of duty. Also, host migration for zombies would have to be a must if they did make a zombie map with 8 or even anything higher than 4 players.

Guest graymonkey44


didn't you know the AREA 51 CODBLOPS map is still the same one that has been leaked for months....

unless anything changes its basically this:

and the NEVERUARY 2025 release date still stands.



I'm not really sure what you're post is trying to say, but there's no point in being a dick about it. And I'm aware that it's already been leaked that the Are 51 map will be in Map pack 3.

Nice edit, by the way.

Guest sans lumiere

dude, nothing has been leaked, nothing has been suggested, nothing exists.

we'll be playing marvel vs. capcopm vs. tetris before this happens.

and true apologies for launching a douche rocket. i was mocking the probability of an area 51 themed map, not your creativity.

no sarcasm.

Guest graymonkey44

Well I never said it was definitive or actually going to happen as I'm sure most of my ideas will never be implemented into the new maps, but it would be pretty cool. One can hope though.

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Enemy of The Undead

It's a really good idea, would be killer if it were to happen.

Guest Risiiii

I think the MP map hangar 18 is killing the idea of a area 51 zombie map. Which sucks.

Guest Zombieofthedead
I think the MP map hangar 18 is killing the idea of a area 51 zombie map. Which sucks.
Really doesn't suck. You see, not everyone wants area 51 as a zombie map, I'd rather have something more original.

Because they released the map pack so early, there will be a 4th. Given that hangar 18 is area 51, they already have the model for map.

Guest DeckchairsFTW

Airfield - NDU

Asylum - Verruckt

Makin - SNN

Nightfire - DR

Ascension - Launch

COTD - Discovery

Need i say any more?

Guest football5699

berlin wall - Kino

U.S.D.D. - Five ;)

Guest DeckchairsFTW

berlin wall - Kino

U.S.D.D. - Five ;)

OK i did need to say more ;)


Hangar 18 - Area 51

And then what's Shangri La

Guest Zombieofthedead

Hangar 18 - Area 51

And then what's Shangri La

shangri la-banzai from WaW it looks like


Hangar 18 - Area 51

And then what's Shangri La

shangri la-banzai from WaW it looks like

That's the mist likely, cuz it's not a black ops thing

Guest DeckchairsFTW

Hangar 18 - Area 51

And then what's Shangri La

shangri la-banzai from WaW it looks like

That's the mist likely, cuz it's not a black ops thing

Errr, Jungle?

Guest Zombieofthedead

Errr, Jungle?

That too


They could have gotten a few aspects, but it looks so different idk what to compare it to

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