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Transcripts of Every Nazi Zombies Radio Ever

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Hey guys, I searched for this, couldn't find it, so I figured I post it!

There is a musical radio that was added in Black Ops, but does not pertain to the story.

There is a musical radio that was added in Black Ops, but does not pertain to the story.

R-4808n 27 14 06 115 48 40 (Area 51 Coordinates)

Cornelius Pernell: I hope you're receiving this transmission Peter, if you are not, then all hope is lost. You must know by now that we failed to contain the asylum, that we had to move the experiment here. Location. The numbers will guide you. The giant must remain *static* at all costs, repeat, Der Riese must be contained at all costs. The DG-2 experiments continue. You'll be our only advantage now. Find Dr. Richtofen and Dr. Maxis, they may know what's going on. The use of Element 115 is dangerous at best. I'm not sure if we can continue here. We've lost most of our best *static*. I hope you get this. I hope it hasn't happened there too, but I'm almost out of hope.

60 54 06.96 101 55 44.94. (Tunguska Meteor Event Coordinates)


*Added in Black Ops, the following radio refers to the teleportation from Der Riese to Kino Der Toten*

Tank Dempsey: Ugh.. where are we?

Nikolai Belinski: A better question is...

Dr. Edward Richtofen: When the hell are we?

Nikolai: NO! Where the hell is my Vodka?!

Dr. Edward Richtofen: Yes of course! The DG-2 must have overloaded the teleporter ripping space-time, back tracing us across the future! How Wonderful!

*Takeo throws up, dropping Nikolai's vodka*

Nikolai Belinski: There is my vodka! Thank you, Takeo.

Tank Dempsey: Oh come on Tak, suck it up and walk it off.

Dr. Maxis: Gentlemen. Allow me to take this opportunity to welcome you to Group 9-3-5. This is a prestigious moment in the history of our race. You represent the future of technological advancement. You are the pioneers of human discovery. In your hands lies the destiny of mankind. In our hands is a great power and with that power comes a price.

You have volunteered to be part of this great experiment and with that decision comes the responsibility of absolute secrecy. No one is to know what you do, where you work, what our research has discovered, or what our purpose will be. You will have no further contact with your governments or with your families. Your decision to fully dedicate your lives to Group 935 is absolute.

In your lockers you will find your field ops manual which will direct you should our manifesto get compromised. We cannot afford to let this power fall into the wrong hands and therefore the field ops manual should be considered your bible. Make your preparations now. A new dawn is beginning for mankind.


Dr. Maxis: Initiating test number 3. Subject is within the test chamber. Activate power.

*Teleporter is activated*

Dr. Richtofen: Oh... oh my god!

Dr. Maxis: Get a hold of yourself and clean that up! Test number 3 unsuccessful. Test subject has been reduced to the same state as previous subjects. CLEAN UP THE TEST CHAMBER AND RECALIBRATE THE SYSTEM! Let's do it again.

Dr. Richtofen: Yes, Doctor.


Dr. Maxis: Now, you must be very diligent with her Samantha. Owning a dog is a great responsibility.

Samantha Maxis: Yes, father. Oh, I love her.

Dr. Maxis: You must feed her every day. And walk her. And be very careful when you play with her. You know she's going to have puppies?

Samantha Maxis: Really? Can I keep the puppies too, father?

Dr. Maxis: We'll see Samantha. One step at a time.


*Dog barking*

Dr. Maxis: Edward tie the damn thing down. We can't have it running around during the test.

*Dog whimpers*

Dr. Richtofen: It's tied down now, Docto Maxis.

Dr. Maxis: Initiating test number 5. Subject is within the test chamber. Activate power.

*Teleporter is activated*

Dr. Richtofen: Searching for vitals. No reading Doctor. And, the subject... has disappeared. Doctor Maxis, we've done it!

Dr. Maxis: Don't be foolish! Test number 5 is unsuccessful. Subject has vanished, yes, but has not reappeared at the mainframe. RECALIBRATE THE DAMN SYSTEM NO-!


Dr. Maxis: Stand up.

*zombie moan*

Dr. Maxis: Stand up!

*zombie moan*

Dr. Maxis: Good. Look at me.

*snaps fingers*

Dr. Maxis: Over here! Good. Now walk forward.

*zombie moans and begins to walk*

Dr. Maxis: Excellent. Further. Keep coming.

*zombie hitting something*

Dr. Maxis: It's all right. Stay there.

*zombie screams*

Dr. Maxis: Calm down. I order you...

*zombie screams*

Dr. Maxis: Kill it!

*two gunshots and zombie dies*

Dr. Maxis: Bring me another.


Dr. Maxis: Sophia, this letter is to go to the Reichstag High Command immediately. Gentlemen, it is with the utmost urgency that I draw your attention to the lack of funding being injected into The Giant project. While I believe we are close to realizing the ultimate plan, we still have several years of development before it is ready. It would be folly to cut our expenditure so early in our development.

As you know, early tests on the DG-2 have easily outperformed expectations and we fully anticipate mass producing the Wunderwaffe within the next few years. Work on the matter transference has however come to a standstill. We simply do not have enough Element 115 to continue the experiments. The test subjects have survived teleportation but are currently unresponsive to commands and cannot be controlled. If we are to overcome this obstacle we need to increase the frequency and size of the experiment.

To this end, I suggest we not only find a regular supply of 115, but that we also find a larger conduit to channel the energy. Our operatives in America have informed us that the US has a large supply of the element at the Nevada base, so time is of the essence if we are to stay ahead of them. This cannot be done if you cut the budget, nor can it be done if you insist on pressuring us into action before we are ready. I am of course available for discussion of the matter but in the meantime, I will continue with the work here and try to win this damned war. Signed etc. etc. Doctor Maxis.


Dr. Maxis: Initiating test number six. Subject is within test chamber. Activate power.

*Teleporter is activated*

Dr. Maxis: Damn it Edward! Did you set up the device correctly?

Dr. Richtofen: Yes Doctor. As per your specifications.

Dr. Maxis: If you had done it to my specifications then it would have worked, wouldn't it? As usual your incompetence has... What?

*Hellhound noise*

Dr. Richtofen: Do you hear that, Doctor?

Dr. Maxis: Quiet, you fool! Test number six is a failure, but the experiment has caused some kind of electrical force to energize within the chamber. Well, open the door.

Dr. Richtofen: Doctor, I don't think-

Dr. Maxis: Open the door NOW!

*Door opens and dog growls*

Samantha Maxis: Daddy, what are you doing with Fluffy?

Dr. Maxis: Damn it, Samantha. I told you never to come in here. Edward, get her out of here.

Dr. Richtofen: Yes Doctor.

*Samantha screams*

Samantha Maxis: What's wrong with her? Daddy, what did you do? Fluffy!

Dr. Maxis: Come back here! Samantha. Stop her! Easy. Come here Samantha. Good girl. Gently Samantha. That's not Fluffy anymore. We must get out of here.

*Door closes*

Dr. Maxis: What? Edward what are you doing? Open the door. Edward. Open this door now!

Samantha Maxis: Dad. I'm scared.

Dr. Maxis: Damn you... Stay by me, Samantha.

Dr. Richtofen: Goodbye, Doctor Maxis.

*Teleporter is activated and Edward laughs*


Unknown Man (UM): But I'm all out of hope, Auf Wiedersehen (goodbye) my friend.

*Repeating P.A. system: Warning, the shield is now active, destroy the designated materials and report to the barracks, this is not a drill.*

UM: Dammit! I can't find my pills...they are coming. I must do what I must do. God forgive us all!

*Chair scraping and UM chokes*

*People talking and screaming, drowned out by Zombie moan*

*2 Gunshots*

Dr. Richtofen in Loading Screen: Entry 741021! Perhaps the station will hold the key to the real goals of Group 935. I still do not trust my unconventional allies, but they are of great use to me. But, I digress. Who would have thought the MDT was capable of time travel? How many stations does this group have? Where did that little girl disappear to? Only time will tell what new questions awaits us in this... THEATER OF THE DAMNED!


Dr. Maxis: The test subjects have been undergoing treatment for five days with a little progress. I have been assured that given time, the programming will take hold.


Dr. Maxis: In the past weeks, we have made great strides in breaking through to their subconscious. I have had the projectionists make edits to the few. These changes have been very effective.


Dr. Maxis: Subject two-six has had a breakthrough. He is responding to the treatment and following basic instructions. The violent outbursts have been greatly reduced, and given time we feel this method of treatment will be 100 percent effective in most cases.


Dr. Maxis: The timeline for deployment can be accelerated. Given the progress we have made in the past two weeks, if patient two-six can retain the impressions longer than twenty-six hours, we will have the process perfected.


Dr. Maxis: Another setback, patient two-six was killed this morning in a field test. He lost control and attacked one of our handlers. His injuries were minor but patient two-six was destroyed. The break in programming coincided with the flashing lights and loud noises of the fire alarm in the test facility.

*Knocking on door*

Dr. Maxis: One moment!

*Knocking repeats*

Dr. Maxis: What is it?!

Dr. Gersh: I give you my sincere gratitude for that... but, down to business, I am pleased to report all projects are running smoothly again after these recent personal changes. As I had previously mentioned, Yuri Zavoyski is a brilliant scientist, but he has been so far incapable of handling "Project Mercury" - or as you call it, "the Gersh Device", and so due to numerous setbacks and delays I am forced to transfer Yuri to AK64-A experiments. I have decided that your nephew should take his place. I look forward to working with him directly. The recent incident with the Casimir Mechanism leaves no doubt in my mind that this is the right decision. The explosion caused the Mechanism significant damage, it will take time to re-manufacture all of the parts, unless some of them can be salvaged.


Dr. Yuri Zavoyski: Rockets! He transfers me to work on rockets! These experiments require no finesse, no imagination! My intellect is ill served blasting a bunch of monkeys into the atmosphere! But I can’t fight Gersh on this. I was able to hold onto my keys, *static* as well as my research. No one else really understands what "Project Mercury" is capable of. Until then, this lab will have to do. Wait, is that a matryoshka doll? Did someone let a child in-?


Dr. Yuri Zavoyski: I found a box today. Some lebanke left his teddy bear in it, a disgusting and filthy toy! Who keeps bringing their child onto this base? Thank God they did not take the diary: the things I have learned about the Element 115. I'll have to conduct this research on my own, away from the destructive hands of Gersh! His research into Project *static* has stalled, but will HE be transferred? I doubt it! As long as Project Mercury remains on track, his friends at *static*. I must think small.


Dr. Gersh: I can assure you that our craft will be far superior to whatever the Americans, or should I say, Canadians are developing. Finally, Project Thunder is nearing completion. My staff has assured me that the remaining limitations of the effective range and power cells will be solved within the next few months. Oh, and also, you should know that Dr. Zavoyski does not appear to be adjusting to his new position. He has been hostile towards the other scientists, at least, more than usual, and has frequently been seen muttering to himself. The transition must have been hard for him, but if he does not learn his place soon... I may require another, more competent scientist to replace him.


Dr. Yuri Zavoyski: They're entering my head! Always my head! I can't thnk, I can't, OOF, I can't stop it! Keep it out! I want you to LEAVE ME ALONE!!! Calm down there! Calm down! No, no I won't! ShutTheShutTheF*ckUp! J-Just stop! Fine... Okay, okay, I will.


Dr. Gersh: This had better be good Yuri, the fact that you're in this lab again is reason enough to have you permanently removed! If you've done anything thsat will ruin it-

Dr. Yuri Zavoyski: Do not worry, you will not be disappointed. In fact, I'm sure you won't forget it! But I can't take all the credit. If you will do me the honors?

*Gersh activates Gersh Device.*

Samantha Maxis: Having Fun?!

Dr. Gersh: What the-?! No! No! Yuri, you!

*Gersh screams as he is sucked into Gersh Device*

Dr. Yuri Zavoyski: *Triumphant laugh* You fat pig! Enjoy your bed! Heheheh, heh... Oh no. No! Nononono! Nonononono! What have I done?! What have I do-?!

Dr. Richtofen:

Log entry 1471

Date: September 2nd, 1945.

Deeeear diary,

Another day, another failure. This time subject N3WB just slightly improved. The Russian subject still smells like urine. even after? he was given a bath and deloused TWICE. I think I might have killed the specimen from Mexico. His spleen is on the floor and and he's not moving anymore. I can verify with certainty that the barrier is not located in the spleen. Dr Maxis must continue no matter the cost. I wonder what he might think? of the experiments on the little girl.

*Richtofen laughs and monkey screeches*

NIEN!!! Drop that! That's my Spleen! MINE!


Dr. Richtofen:

Log Entry 1472

Date: September 10th, 1945.

Deeeear diary,

Today was? a good day. The swelling has subsided, the ice helps.

They made liverwurst for lunch. It was *static*. I still have not had any luck reprogramming any of the live specimens. Dr. Maxis says the key to unlocking the human mind will be more easily discovered of someone who isn't dead yet. I am not convinced. The army is stored until I can fix this, this trust barrier. Oh. Apparently someone in security? found a spy today, they are delivering him from Verruckt, to replace the one that I broke.


Dr. Richtofen:

Log Entry 1473

Date: September 17th, 1945.

Deeear diary,

Dr. Richtofen: Today-

Dempsey: Get your hands of me you damn dirty Nazi.

Dr. Richtofen: Oh ho! Get *inaudible*.

Dempsey:Yeah that's right, you want some of this? I'm talking you home in bags, freaks!

*scuffle occurs*

Dr. Richtofen: Nien *static* little Americans!

Dempsey: Ok now I'm mad!

Dr. Richtofen: I suppose this must be the replacement specimen. Time to get to work!

Dempsey: I can still hear you*



Dr. Richtofen:

Log Entry 1474

Date: September 20th, 1945:

Deeear diary,

It would seem that the O.S.S realized that we have captured one of their spies. They tried to send a rescue team into Verruckt that was (static) the first batch of test subjects. I suspect that there are other moles in the organization, Dr. Harvey Yena, or Doctor Peter McKay to be precise.

Dr Maxis doesn't (static) any Americans at group 935, no matter how much genius? they have. Stupid Americans with their... Apple pies and baseball and children, but I digress.

The new American Test subject is interesting, and muscly, His intellect seems low but his will is strong, like the others he doesn't seem to know who he is anymore. Unlike the others, he keeps breaking the restraints and Yelling at me.

Test Subject N3WB is still staring at the floor muttering what sounds like some kind of proverb over and over again. I think his mind may have been destroyed by the (static)... Oh well.

The Russian subject recently begun responding to stimuli, but only after injecting him with a new serum made primarily from vodka. Perhaps this is the break through we've been waiting for.


Dr. Richtofen:

Log Entry 1475

Date: October 1st, nineteen hundred forty five.

Deeeear diary,

As for the control group tests, they have been put on hold. Recently I discovered that Dr. Maxis has not been mass producing the DG-2 as he swore he would. If he wont move those plans forward, then i wont continue following his dream of an undead army! He doesn't deserve his perch of? power. He doesnt know what to do with it! I know just what to do with him, but I'll take care of that little brat when I get the chance to.

*I added the Easter Egg quotes into this also, to give a better understanding of how and why particular things have happened. Keep in mind that they are not part of the actual radios, just there to help guide the radios into a more understanding group of text. Those EE quotes will be in orange.*

Brock: The heat and humidity is just excruciating! According to the locals, the temple should be in this mountain range just up this river. Gary, do you hear that? A waterfall! We must be close, hand me the binoculars! There is a structure up ahead. If this is truly a gateway to Agartha, my work with finally be validated!

Gary: Uh, Brock? I don't think this place is abandoned.

Brock: Don't be silly! This place has to be thousands of years old.

*Brock starts recording*

Brock: I have found some unfinished carvings around the structures I can't make out. They do not look like... wait... what is this?

*presses button, teleporter activates, plus strange stringed music*

Gary: What the hell was that? Why is the sky dark?

Brock: It's an eclipse, we must have-

Gary: RUN!

*Zombies moaning and characters running*

Gary: What are those things?

Brock: Zombies. We have to find another way.

Gary: ZOMBIES?! What are you talking about?

Brock: The writings must have been right, th- NO! DON'T TOUCH THAT!

*hear moving stone*

Brock: Damn, take a look around and try to find a way out.

Gary: I got nothin'.

Brock: We will have to conserve our supplies. Take your shoes off and hand me your socks.

*Brock starts another recording, and zombie moans in the background*

Brock: I have been trapped in the temple structure for days. Gary is dead, and I don't see a way out of here. I can still hear the zombies outside. I fear this is my last recording, as the battery's about to die, and I will soon follow. One thing I can be certain of is that bl-

*recording device runs out of battery*


*Weird noises are heard, similar to a teleporter*

Gary: What the hell was that? Why is the sky dark?

Brock: It's an eclipse, we must have-

Gary: RUN!

*Zombies moaning and characters running*

Gary: What are those things?

Brock: Zombies. We have to find another way.

Gary: ZOMBIES?! What are you talking about?

Brock: The documents must have been right, th- NO! DON'T TOUCH THAT!

*hear moving stone*

Brock: Damn, take a look around and try to find a way out.

Gary: Brock, I hear somebody out there, that isn't dead!

*hear moving stone*

Brock: Hello out there!? Hello?

1. Dempsey: Hey, there's somebody in there.

2. Nikolai: Hey guys, there's some British guy in this wall.

3. Takeo: Hello, where are you?

4. Richtofen: The voices! Wait, that's not in my head.

Brock: We are stuck behind some kind of mechanism, whatever you did moved it slightly. We really could use some help here. The stone is moving, it seems to be working! Oh wonderful, there is some kind of crystal rising from the floor. Look at this, there's a passageway below. We have to push on to have any chance of escape.

Gary: Thanks, whoever you guys are.

Brock: I can hear water up ahead. Following the flow of water may lead us out of here.

*hear a loud bang*

Gary: Ah crap, my leg, it's stuck in some gears.

Brock: Hold on, I'll get you out.

*Brock attempts to pull Gary's leg out*


Brock: We are trapped down here between two gates, and the water is rising. Can you see any way to open these gates?

Brock: That did it! His leg is free and the way is clear. Let's get moving.

*Brock starts recording*

Brock: We're moving through a small network of tunnels. This appears to be some sort of aqueduct system. Unless this was carved out of a much later-

*meteorite hits*

Gary: Holy crap!?


Brock: We're moving through a small network of tunnels. This appears to be some sort of aqueduct system. Unless this was carved out of a much later-

*meteorite hits*

Gary: Holy crap!?

Brock: We need to start digging and get past this cave-in!

*digging can be heard, and rocks fall*

Brock: Well, we lucked out on that!

Gary: I wouldn't classify any of this as 'lucky'.

Brock: Well we are still alive.

Gary: Shh! Do you hear that?

*Zombie moaning*

Brock: Quickly, under there!

Gary: Great, another dead end.

Brock: Well at least were safe for now.

Gary: Really?

*choking can be heard*

Brock: Gary?! Get up, let's go!


Brock: Hello! That seems to have stopped the gas, I wish I could come up there and thank you in person, but we are still trapped in this chamber.

Gary: You have got to be kidding me!

Brock: Oh no, umm. The walls are moving, can you find a way to stop this before we are crushed? Excuse me gentleman, we are running out of time in here. The room is getting a little cramped, we really don't have much more time.

Gary: We. Are. Going. TO DIE!!

Brock: That did it!

Gary: Let's get out of here before spikes shoot out of the walls and the floors opens up to a pit of lava!

Brock: This place is massive! The architecture is NOT what I expected to see. It's more of an interpretation of-

Gary: Oh what the hell's wrong with you?! If this place doesn't kill us the freaking undead will! We are stuck in some kind of trap-filled temple of death surrounded by a horde of undead and you were talking about the rugs not matching the curtains! If you don't...

*weird liquid goo sound*

Brock: Well, this is unfortunate.

Gary: Bleh! I rest my case.

Brock: The walls are too slippery to climb. I can see a chute about halfway up the side of the well, but we can't reach it.

Gary: What the? I think something just swam past my leg!

Brock: Where?!

Gary: I don't know?!

*Gary is pulled underwater. Screams and gurgles are heard*


Brock: Hello! We are stuck down here. If you could somehow fill it up with water, we could get out. There is water filling the well, but it's not filling fast enough to reach the top.

Brock: Yes! We can reach the top!

Gary: You can see the outside!

Brock: Thank heavens we are finally out of the wretched catacombs.

Gary: It's still a full eclipse!

Brock: Yes, it's very strange. I've been thinking about those unfinished carvings we saw before the eclipse occurred, and can't help but think they hold some sort of key in all of this. We should investigate th-*inaudible* pyramid for some clues.

Gary: I think we should get the hell out of here while we have the chance!

Brock: But were so close to proving the existence of-

*More liquid goo and an arrow bouncing, as if thrown at them*


Gary: You can see the outside!

Brock: Thank heavens we're finally out of the wretched catacombs.

Gary: It's still a full eclipse!

Brock: Yes, it's very strange. I've been thinking about those carvings we saw before the eclipse, give me a moment. Hmmm....

Gary: Ah jeez man, do we really need to do this now?

Brock: YES! They DO match the pictures from the tattoo. It's a code! 16, 1, 3, 4. This doesn't mean much, perhaps the answer lies inside that stepping-


*Zombie groans and stone moves*

Brock: We have made it inside the top of the temple, I can see an antechamber through a crack in the wall, but there is no way to get inside. It's completely enclosed.

Gary: If we had a stick of dynamite, I could get us in there.

Brock: Well unless you brought some, I think were not getting any further.

Gary: I had some in my bag but dropped it when we were attacked by that horde of zombies.

1. Dempsey: Hey, pyro-putzes, I might be able to help you with that.

2. Nikolai: Hey guys, it's happening again.

3. Takeo: Dynamite. I find your dynamite!

4. Richtofen: Dynamite! Wonderful!

Gary: Ok, you bring me that stick of dynamite, I'll open this bitch up like a can of beans! Then, can we get the hell outta here?

Brock: Of course, I just need to see the inside of the temple.

Gary: I dropped the near where we were first attacked.

*Zombies still groaning*

Gary: By the look of it out there, we're not gonna be able to stroll around looking for it.

Brock: So close to the answers...

Gary: We need to get the hell outta here before it's too late.


Gary: Alright here we go. Everybody get back!

*Explosion is heard*

Brock: I am now entering the antechamber. I see... some sort of alter, and there is a rock suspended above it. This is just wonderful! An inscription! Rich-to-fen. Richtofen. Gary, take an etching. The rock above the alter seems to be suspended in thin air! I'm going to remove it now.

*Teleporter sounds occurs*

Gary: We've been in this jungle for days and haven't seen any sign of this hidden temple.

Brock: We cannot give up! It has to be here.

Gary: I can't shake this feeling that we're going in circles.

Brock: We should get to higher ground and take a look.

*climbing can be heard*

Brock: The heat and humidity is just excruciating! According to the locals, the temple should be in this mountain range just up this river. Gary, do you hear that? A waterfall! We must be close, hand me the binoculars! There is a structure up ahead. If this is truly a gateway to Agartha, my work with finally be validated!

Dr. Richtofen: Log entry 38. Date: December 4, 1939. The matter transferring prototype is prepared for test run number 151. We have now reduced our test subject's mass to prove that this is possible. Dr. Schuster, please give an overview.

Dr. Schuster: Yes Dr. Richtofen. We have a new test subject, a walnut, weighing in at a 10 grams. The target platform is now at three feet with no obstructions. We have one microgram of the element which, according to our calculations, will be entirely used up during the test.

Dr. Richtofen: Excellent Dr Schuster. Commence test number 151.

Dr. Schuster: Yes Doctor. Please insert your earplugs.

*Buzzing, whizzing, clanging, and propelling are heard*

Dr. Schuster: Good God! We've done it! We have powered a prototype. And it moved a walnut directly from the prototype device into the receiving device. It moved instantly. It... it- teleported.

Dr. Richtofen: Teleported. Get me Dr. Maxis immediately!


Dr. Maxis: But this is not the crucial experiment you were supposed to be working on!

Dr. Richtofen: With all due respect, Dr. Maxis, this is a breakthrough of unimaginable proportions.

Dr. Maxis: What? That you moved a walnut a few feet? Yes, Edward, we will improve the human condition by revolutionizing the walnut industry. I can see it now: 'Edward's Walnut Delivery.'

Dr. Richtofen: Don't be obtuse.

Dr. Maxis: How dare you call me that! We are at war, Edward! I will admit that there is promise here but until this war is won...

Richtofen: Correct me if I'm wrong, Dr Maxis, but Group 935 is a research organization. What was the motto? To improve the human condition? What business of ours is this for?

Dr. Maxis: Fine Dr. Richtofen, I will let you in on a little administrative secret. We are finalizing a deal with the Nazi party. We need funding, we need equipment, they need new weapons. Chances are this war will end soon with a treaty or two and we will be in a much better position to help the world.

Dr. Richtofen: Are you certain this won't cause massive defections? We have scientists from all over the world working with us.

Dr. Maxis: That is why it is with the utmost confidence that I share this with you. No one will know of this. This is simply the breaking of an egg to make an omelet.

Dr. Richtofen: Think of the tactical advantage we would have..."

Dr. Maxis: Think of the cost, think of the time! We can provide the Nazis tactical expertise in various areas without putting all our eggs in your walnut basket. Good day, Edward, and get back to your real work.

*Edward walks out the door*

Richtofen: What a jerk. I think Dr. Maxis has lost his perspective. No matter. We will do this on our own and publish the findings before he has a chance to.

Dr. Schuster: You're not suggesting that Dr. Maxis would steal this technology and perfect it without us, are you?

Dr. Richtofen: I would by no means discourage that thought. Great scientists must stick together and achieve great science.


Dr. Richtofen: Entry 42. Date: January 4th, 1940. Dr. Schuster and I, despite mounting pressure from Dr. Maxis, have continued working on the matter transference prototype. We have made great strides in the last thirty days and are ready for our first human subject. If our calculations are correct, we will send a test subject to the receptacle station sitting thirty yards away and behind a cinder-block wall.

Dr. Schuster: Are you certain you want to do this, Dr. Richtofen?

Dr. Richtofen: Nein, Dr. Schuster, this must be done. Quickly, put in your earplugs and power up the machine.

*Teleporting noise is heard*

Dr. Richtofen: Is there a power outage? Why is it so dark? I feel almost... weightless. How very unexpected. Dr. Schuster? Hello?

*Clicking can be heard*

Dr. Richtofen: Ah, I can see now. Oh my god. I am standing in a circular cave, surrounded by some kind of machine like, it's like nothing I've ever seen before. It looks almost alien in nature. There's a pyramid structure at the center of the room. I'm going to try and carefully touch it.

*Shock is heard as Richtofen touches it*

Dr. Richtofen: Ahhh! Static electricity. It's sharp to the touch. Very cold. Not a speck of dust.

*Richtofen bangs on it*

Dr. Richtofen: Hmm, might be hollow. The chamber's quite large. I see what looks like capacitors at the ceiling of the chamber. There are no obvious connections to anything electrical. What is this place? Dr. Schuster, is that you? Dr. Schuster! Look at this. It appears to be covered in some kind of hieroglyphic language. I've not seen anything like it before. Why are you whispering to me? There's no need for that.

*Odd noise is heard*

Dr. Richtofen: Was it lost? Do you hear that? It sounds like...

*Loud static and noise is heard*

Dr. Richtofen: My god, what happened? I seem to be in some kind of jungle. I can't be certain of where I am.

*Jungle noises are heard, presumably teleported to Shangri-La*

Dr. Richtofen: Oh no!


Dr. Schuster: Log Entry 43. Date: January 23rd, 1940. I cannot be certain what happened to Dr. Richtofen. Once the test was commenced, he just disappeared from the machine into thin air. I have searched the area for days and have no evidence that he is anywhere. I am afraid I might have to scrap the-

*Banging is heard*

Dr. Richtofen: Don't scrap anything! We have done something, something wonderous. Shhh. Do you hear them?

Dr. Schuster: Dr. Richtofen, you're alive!

Dr. Richtofen: I'm more than alive, Mr. Schuster. Is the device still intact?

Dr. Schuster: Yes, but, what happened to you?

Dr. Richtofen: Aaah, something wonderful! That chamber was incredible, the wonders we could learn!

Dr. Schuster: What are you talking about? Are you alright?

Dr. Richtofen: Get in the matter transference prototype, Dr. Schuster. We have work to-


Dr. Richtofen: Gentlemen, for two long years we have toiled here and at Eagle's Nest to build up fortifications. For two long years we have taken equipment to build up our labs. For two long years we have worked under Group 935, believing that Dr. Maxis truly wants to help the world. For two long years we've led a double life. Today, that all ends.

*Inaudible conversing is heard from crowd and continues through Richtofen's speaking*

Dr. Richtofen: I bring to you what this project is all about. What I have worked to keep from my enemy.

Dr. Groph: What is it Dr. Richtofen? It looks alien.

Dr. Richtofen: It is an ancient VRIL machine. And you, Dr. Groph, are now the lead scientist here at Griffin Station.

*Applause for Dr. Groph is heard*

Dr. Richtofen: You will be the one to discover how it works.

*Applause ends*

Dr. Groph: We first must discover what it does.

Dr. Richtofen: Nein, Dr. Groph, I know what it does. It is a direct connection to another dimension.

*Crowd begins conversing again*

Dr. Groph: Preposterous!

Dr. Richtofen: No more preposterous than teleporting all of you to (Static) Griffin Station.

Dr. Groph: Is it (*Static*) How do you know what it does?

Dr. Richtofen: I found many interesting vril artifacts here. I have decoded them and all signs point to this device being a stable gateway to the Aether.

*Loud conversing again*

Dr. Schuster: Dr. Richtofen, I am aware of a project being run by Dr. Maxis at Der Riese concerning VRIL.

Dr. Richtofen: As am I. I am going back to my port at Group 935 to continue the charade. I will be figuring out just how much information Dr. Maxis has (*Static*) Once the machine is operational, I will enact my plan and return. Gentlemen, let the games begin."

*Applause is heard*

Dr. Richtofen: Shhhh, the voices are so loud!


Dr. Groph: Log 1075. Dr. Schuster and I have spent countless hours with the pyramid device in an attempt to understand how it functions. We have made little progress... until now. Today we uncovered what appears to be some kind of tank with a glass-like front. The glass itself seems-

Dr. Schuster: I've got you now rat!

Dr. Groph: Kill it Schuster!

*Squishing sound followed by a whooshing sound*

Dr. Schuster: Did you see that?

Dr. Groph: Look! The capacitor is illuminated, the tank is filling-

Dr. Schuster: The machine. It seems to be activated! What did you do?

Dr. Groph: I think we just discovered what powers this machine.


Dr. Richtofen: Griffin station. This is Eagle’s Nest. Status update. Over.

Dr. Groph: Hello Doctor. We have the shipment, and are carrying out your orders.

*Gunshot, grunting, and a whooshing sound are heard*

Dr. Groph: It is grim work Doctor.

Dr. Richtofen: All in the name of science Dr. Groph. Continue until the tanks are full.

Dr. Groph: Yes... Doctor.

*Gunshot, grunting and a whooshing sound are heard*

Dr. Groph: May God have mercy on us all.


Dr. Groph: Eagle’s Nest. This is Griffin Station. We have an update. Over.

Dr. Richtofen: Dr. Groph, have you made any progress?

Dr. Groph: Yes Doctor. The machine is ready. Awaiting the conduit.

Dr. Richtofen: Very good, I will proceed with Operation Shield and join you shortly.

Dr. Groph: Security Protocol 935.

Dr. Richtofen: Yes, I will dispose of Dr. Maxis and that little brat personally. Do not... touch... Anyth-


Dr. Groph: -tor Schuster, Report.

Dr. Schuster: The tanks are full and the shields are down. The machine is humming nicely.

Dr. Groph: Good, but what of the shipment?

Dr. Schuster: Most are buried outside of the base, the live ones we’ve sent back to Kustover Posten.

Dr. Groph: Excellent, then there is nothing left but to wait for Dr. Richtofen’s return.

Dr. Schuster: Perhaps this is a good time to work on my low gravity putting in the bio-dome.

Dr. Groph: Yes, I did believe that time would-

*Alarm sounds: “Intruder Detected - Receiving Bay”*

Dr. Groph: Security, Report.


Dr. Groph: Can you repeat?

Dr. Schuster: She’s coming right towards the-

*A girl’s scream heard*

Dr. Groph: Get her!

Dr. Schuster: Get back here!

*Girl’s screams are retreating, running footsteps heard*

Dr. Groph: Nein! Do not let her-

*A loud bang, smashing glass and hissing gas sounds are heard*

Dr. Groph: Dammit, Dr. Schuster, find a way to get her out of the pyramid, I will contact Edward, let him know there’s been an incident.


Dr. Richtofen: How did she end up there? No matter, I know what must be done, in the meantime see if you can find Dr. Maxis, perhaps he can talk some sense into her.

Dr Groph: Did you not deal with him already?

Dr. Richtofen: Yes, but if the child ended up here, then Maxis must be somewhere too. Find him.

Dr Groph: How do you propose-

Dr. Richtofen: Dr. Groph I cannot do everything for you. I leave this in your capable hands. There is much to be done.

Dr. Groph: Yes Doctor.

Dr. Richtofen: Oh and Groph?

Dr. Groph: Yes?

Dr. Richtofen: I'd keep an eye out for an evil looking dog while you're at it.


Dr. Groph: Hope this works. Schuster, power it up.

*Hissing gas and a loud bang are heard*

*Computerized voice: “Systems Nominal. Accessing Pyramid Device. Interface via M.P.D. active. Accessing M.P.D.. M.P.D. integrity check nominal. Awaiting input."*

Dr. Groph: Excellent, bring the sample.

*Loud bangs heard*

*Computerized voice: “Analyzing M.P.D.. Creating profile. Profile Created.”*

Dr. Groph: Excellent. Now, scan for target.

Dr. Schuster: Yes Doctor.

*Gas hissing and bangs are heard once again*

*Computerized voice: “Target located.”*

Dr. Groph: Bring him here, immediately.

*Gas hissing and bangs are heard followed by the sound of a teleporter. The thumping of someone landing is heard afterwards*

Dr. Schuster: Greetings, Dr. Maxis.

Dr. Maxis: Schuster! I should’ve known. Where is that rat Edward? Where are we? And how did you get me out of that wretched tunnel?

Dr. Groph: None of that is important right now. Allow me to fill you in.


Dr. Maxis: Samantha. Honey? Daddy is here. Come dear, please. Open the machine. Daddy will not let them hurt you anymore. Honey? Daddy knows he’s made some mistakes, I am truly sorry that you were put through so much. When your mother died I could not bear the thought of losing you too, that’s why I kept you so close. I did not mean to neglect you, I just wanted to know you were safe from harm-

*Sam opens the pyramid & a girl crying is heard crying.*

Samantha Maxis: Daddy!

Dr. Maxis: I love you, Samantha.

Samantha Maxis: I love you too Daddy.

Dr. Maxis: Can you do something for me? Something very important.

Samantha Maxis: Yes.

Dr. Maxis: Kill them... all.

*A gunshot is heard and something falls to the ground*

Dr. Maxis: No!

*Gas hisses*

Samantha Maxis: (Demonic Laughter) Hahahaha

Dr Groph: We are doomed.

Guest XAvengedLullabyX

Whether or not to use these corrections has been made up by now... No need to take up that extra space. ;) ~cj

I kinda felt the need to put the Der riese radios in "order" (how I felt they went)


I thought they were correct, I can change them if you wish, I was just going of a chronological video on teh tubez

*EDIT* And sorry if I can't change them until tonight (8 EST-ish), I will be gone working all day.

Guest nayrc

no man keep them the way they are, that's the order they are in the terminal

Guest XAvengedLullabyX

I thought they were correct, I can change them if you wish, I was just going of a chronological video on teh tubez

*EDIT* And sorry if I can't change them until tonight (8 EST-ish), I will be gone working all day.

I just meant that's how I felt they should be


I thought they were correct, I can change them if you wish, I was just going of a chronological video on teh tubez

*EDIT* And sorry if I can't change them until tonight (8 EST-ish), I will be gone working all day.

I just meant that's how I felt they should be

Oh Ok I gotcha. It took me forever to do this haha, I read through transcripts and then watched videos to confirm the transcripts, and considering I am on a 1MB internet connection... Ya lol.

Guest TFG Dubz

transcripts are correct for Der Riese mate, but your missing the new Shi No Numa easter egg radio that was put into Black Ops Version

on a side note will you be adding the loading screen transcripts, for instance Richtofens Kino der toten loading screen transcript?

EDIT: i also made a few mistaks when writing up the COTD radios, i can send you the edits if you'd like, theres only a couple of words i missed


transcripts are correct for Der Riese mate, but your missing the new Shi No Numa easter egg radio that was put into Black Ops Version

on a side note will you be adding the loading screen transcripts, for instance Richtofens Kino der toten loading screen transcript?

EDIT: i also made a few mistaks when writing up the COTD radios, i can send you the edits if you'd like, theres only a couple of words i missed

The back to the future of whatever?

I can add them if you want.

And what do you mean you made a few mistakes? I went through and listened to make sure I had them correct.

Guest TFG Dubz

transcripts are correct for Der Riese mate, but your missing the new Shi No Numa easter egg radio that was put into Black Ops Version

on a side note will you be adding the loading screen transcripts, for instance Richtofens Kino der toten loading screen transcript?

EDIT: i also made a few mistakes when writing up the COTD radios, i can send you the edits if you'd like, theres only a couple of words i missed

The back to the future of whatever?

I can add them if you want.

And what do you mean you made a few mistakes? I went through and listened to make sure I had them correct.

yeah the backtracing us to the future transmission, think its really important imo

the ones i wrote, i made a few mistakes, only minor, like for instance the radio with Richtofen AND Dempsey, instead of "Oh oh, get doctor ludvig", is now im 99% sure says "Oh oh, this doesnt look good"


transcripts are correct for Der Riese mate, but your missing the new Shi No Numa easter egg radio that was put into Black Ops Version

on a side note will you be adding the loading screen transcripts, for instance Richtofens Kino der toten loading screen transcript?

EDIT: i also made a few mistakes when writing up the COTD radios, i can send you the edits if you'd like, theres only a couple of words i missed

The back to the future of whatever?

I can add them if you want.

And what do you mean you made a few mistakes? I went through and listened to make sure I had them correct.

yeah the backtracing us to the future transmission, think its really important imo

the ones i wrote, i made a few mistakes, only minor, like for instance the radio with Richtofen AND Dempsey, instead of "Oh oh, get doctor ludvig", is now im 99% sure says "Oh oh, this doesnt look good"[/quote:i3rvd91v]

I listened through it and it sounded like he said ludvig, but IDK, I'll check again I guess.


transcripts are correct for Der Riese mate, but your missing the new Shi No Numa easter egg radio that was put into Black Ops Version

Just added it for ya!

Guest Matuzz

Hey Tac,

Here is something for you so you don't get bored.




Hey Tac,

Here is something for you so you don't get bored.



That's soo creepy, I was just watching that!! Also this one:


Shall we discuss?

Guest Matuzz

Well the Radio I posted is most likely events of Verruckt and your vid it almost sounded like some one whispered: "They are coming"


Well the Radio I posted is most likely events of Verruckt and your vid it almost sounded like some one whispered: "They are coming"

The one you posted is guaranteed Verruckt because one of the guys has Quick Revive, he says stuff like "don't leave me" and "come back quick" and I can't even decipher mine lol. Also, a lot of people think that the back tracing us to the future quote is here... Isn't it the one that shows what happened from DR to Kino?

Guest Matuzz

Well the Radio I posted is most likely events of Verruckt and your vid it almost sounded like some one whispered: "They are coming"

The one you posted is guaranteed Verruckt because one of the guys has Quick Revive, he says stuff like "don't leave me" and "come back quick" and I can't even decipher mine lol. Also, a lot of people think that the back tracing us to the future quote is here... Isn't it the one that shows what happened from DR to Kino?

Yeah I think that radio tells how they went to DR to Kino.


Well the Radio I posted is most likely events of Verruckt and your vid it almost sounded like some one whispered: "They are coming"

The one you posted is guaranteed Verruckt because one of the guys has Quick Revive, he says stuff like "don't leave me" and "come back quick" and I can't even decipher mine lol. Also, a lot of people think that the back tracing us to the future quote is here... Isn't it the one that shows what happened from DR to Kino?

Yeah I think that radio tells how they went to DR to Kino.

Ok I thought so, also, I'm going to go in-depth with that Verruckt radio real quick, tell me what you think. He says, "HERE THEY COME" so he knew about them which leads me to believe they tried to barricade them somewhere and it didn't work, the guy had Quick Revive so he didn't die, and all the other guys went to turn on the power. Does that sound right?

Guest Matuzz

The one you posted is guaranteed Verruckt because one of the guys has Quick Revive, he says stuff like "don't leave me" and "come back quick" and I can't even decipher mine lol. Also, a lot of people think that the back tracing us to the future quote is here... Isn't it the one that shows what happened from DR to Kino?

Yeah I think that radio tells how they went to DR to Kino.

Ok I thought so, also, I'm going to go in-depth with that Verruckt radio real quick, tell me what you think. He says, "HERE THEY COME" so he knew about them which leads me to believe they tried to barricade them somewhere and it didn't work, the guy had Quick Revive so he didn't die, and all the other guys went to turn on the power. Does that sound right?

Yeah or they already fight against zombies in NDU so thats why he says "here they come".

Rest sounds good :)

Guest XAvengedLullabyX

Ok I thought so, also, I'm going to go in-depth with that Verruckt radio real quick, tell me what you think. He says, "HERE THEY COME" so he knew about them which leads me to believe they tried to barricade them somewhere and it didn't work, the guy had Quick Revive so he didn't die, and all the other guys went to turn on the power. Does that sound right?

wait, wasn't the dialog from this radio from the Verruckt trailer?


I'm 100% sure this is where they came from

Guest Zombieofthedead

Yup, it's from the verruckt trailer. Guess it really is for the story.

Guest XAvengedLullabyX

for some reason it reminds me of the phones on Ascension, that when you pick them up you hear the characters from Five. Could Verruckt and SNN possibly take place at the same time and that's the team from Verruckt trying to contact someone for help?

Guest football5699

I made a video today and I realized something:


At the last segment with the Richtofen radio from Shi No Numa with all the static, doesnt it sound like he says very faintly "I'm at Verruckt" after he says "I'm Doctor Richtofen"

Guest Zombieofthedead

for some reason it reminds me of the phones on Ascension, that when you pick them up you hear the characters from Five. Could Verruckt and SNN possibly take place at the same time and that's the team from Verruckt trying to contact someone for help?

I think that they're both recordings, tbh. Besides, you can activate the radio at any time, it doesn't randomly turn on like the phones do. Also, SNN occured after verruckt (cotd radios)


I still don't think they came from NDU to Verruckt, it has to be the other way around IMO. It is the 2nd outbreak, so they wouldn't go to Verruckt because there is no logical 1st outbreak then. Treyarch's words in this intel, "Ever since the second outbreak at Nacht der Untoten, troops have been noticing strange radio transmissions and broadcasts taking place in the dead of the night." So NDU is the 2nd outbreak. AND YES!! Finally, this map IS for the story!! Finally, I am believed!!!

Guest Zombieofthedead

I still don't think they came from NDU to Verruckt, it has to be the other way around IMO. It is the 2nd outbreak, so they wouldn't go to Verruckt because there is no logical 1st outbreak then. Treyarch's words in this intel, "Ever since the second outbreak at Nacht der Untoten, troops have been noticing strange radio transmissions and broadcasts taking place in the dead of the night." So NDU is the 2nd outbreak. AND YES!! Finally, this map IS for the story!! Finally, I am believed!!!

Well, I don't think the first outbreak is verruckt, there had to be some sort of test outbreak before that.

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