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Transcripts of Every Nazi Zombies Radio Ever

Guest Tac

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Guest Matuzz

Nikolai always drinks so he doesn't remember crap and Dempsey said he can't remember anything before Shi No Numa... I think the only one who remembers something is Takeo.

He even mocks others because they don't remember anything.

Guest Monopoly Mac

Yeah... A lot of people think Tank Dempsey will be the savior because hes so bad ass but I think Takeos actually the silent hero. He will make Richtofen pay eventually...


Yeah... A lot of people think Tank Dempsey will be the savior because hes so bad ass but I think Takeos actually the silent hero. He will make Richtofen pay eventually...

Doesn't he have a quote about wanting to kill Richtofen?

Guest Monopoly Mac

... Thats kind of what I was referring to... "One day Richtofen will pay for what HE HAS DONE".

Thats the quote...


... Thats kind of what I was referring to... "One day Richtofen will pay for what HE HAS DONE".

Thats the quote...

Oh I gotcha

Guest liltaz23

Call me crazy, but I thought the first outbreak was DR. Its description says something along the lines of "This is where it all started. Is this where it all ends?" which I think sorta hints to it being the first outbreak, followed by NDU, then Verruckt, etc... But, that's probably wrong.


Call me crazy, but I thought the first outbreak was DR. Its description says something along the lines of "This is where it all started. Is this where it all ends?" which I think sorta hints to it being the first outbreak, followed by NDU, then Verruckt, etc... But, that's probably wrong.

I think it just means that that is where they created them i.e. where it started. But good thinking!


I made a video today and I realized something:


At the last segment with the Richtofen radio from Shi No Numa with all the static, doesnt it sound like he says very faintly "I'm at Verruckt" after he says "I'm Doctor Richtofen"

Omg. Sorry for getting back to you extremely late, I literally just saw this post, but your right. I can clearly here "and I'm at Verruckt." in a whisper, but I can't decipher the first term. It sounds too long to be I'm Doctor Richtofen. Although, I can hear what sounds like the word "Richtofen" Can you decipher the rest at the end? To anyone wondering, skip to 0:35 seconds and listen there out. It's easier to understand at a lower volume due to static.

*EDIT* The voice sounds a bit too American for Richtofen, so what if it's one of the extraction team members? That makes most sense to me.

Guest football5699

IMO i think he says......Im the (115?)...Im Doctor Richtofen...and Im at Verruckt(p.s. think verookt)

This is in the Doctors Hut I believe and I think its Richtofen but I can see how you say it is too American.

Guest nayrc

i can here , "______ 115", "im in/at verruckt" "find doctor Richthofen"


i can here , "______ 115", "im in/at verruckt" "find doctor Richthofen"

I'll check it out

I hear something like "Go find Dr. Richtofen" "and I'm at Verruckt" "... working with 115" and the 4th part I can't understand

Guest football5699

wait i here "115" almost first in that transmission.

Guest XAvengedLullabyX

from what I heard after trying to clear it up: "tell the doctor I'm at Verruckt" and that's all I can hear, except for in the background, it seems you can hear clips from a gun being dropped and what seems to be someone saying Dempsey over and over again


wait i here "115" almost first in that transmission.

I hear something like, "Tell Dr. Richtofen I'm at Verruckt, and were not the only one working with 115." And then IDK from there, sounds like there is experimenting going on in the background.


Radios 2 and 3 updated, I will put them in order when they are all found can get the right order.


Updated with 2 more S-L radios


I still don't think they came from NDU to Verruckt, it has to be the other way around IMO. It is the 2nd outbreak, so they wouldn't go to Verruckt because there is no logical 1st outbreak then. Treyarch's words in this intel, "Ever since the second outbreak at Nacht der Untoten, troops have been noticing strange radio transmissions and broadcasts taking place in the dead of the night." So NDU is the 2nd outbreak. AND YES!! Finally, this map IS for the story!! Finally, I am believed!!!

Well, I don't think the first outbreak is verruckt, there had to be some sort of test outbreak before that.

Well what map then? Kino, DR, or SNN? I can't even imagine it's any others.

DR is the first outbreak. they began manufacturing zombies which would be under their control, only they could not control them (first radio you discover in the starting area of DR) then Richthofen (edward) kills Maxis and Samantha and sends them along with a pregnant hellhound to the aether realm, where they control the power-ups, weapons box, and the zombies. the zombies are produced anywhere there is 115 and dead bodies, which there at all of the zombies maps. kino is in an abandoned area of berlin (where many nazis were slaughtered by the russians), DR (more nazis slaughtered by russians) SNN (imperial soldier burial ground), etc. verruckt was second, after samantha was killed. DR was taken by the zombies long before the gang showed up.

Guest Zombieofthedead

Can't be Der Riese as the first, as in the CotD radios verruckt had already happened, but Dr. Maxis wasn't killed, so couldn't be der riese.


Great point. So we have Verruckt at first and NDU at second. Then it goes to holy hell.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest algzelaya

from what i hear is 115 find doctor ricthofen and im in/ in verruckt

Guest Jenkins-BE

Awesome topic, been looking for transcripts a while, glad I found them here.

Have some [brains] !

Guest Aether

[brains] from me too. Having all the radios together in 1 post has helped me sooo much, even more considering I am not a native English speaker and some of them are effin hard to understand.

Btw, aren't there some theories that say the guy in the Shangri-La radios sounds like Maxis? But the accent... I'm not good at discerning that kind of things. Can't wait for the next map's radios and what they will reveal :P


[brains] from me too. Having all the radios together in 1 post has helped me sooo much, even more considering I am not a native English speaker and some of them are effin hard to understand.

Btw, aren't there some theories that say the guy in the Shangri-La radios sounds like Maxis? But the accent... I'm not good at discerning that kind of things. Can't wait for the next map's radios and what they will reveal :P

Thanks! And yes, it is said Brock is a German of some sort. It was originally believed he was British but he doesn't sound it to me.

Guest Matuzz

[brains] from me too. Having all the radios together in 1 post has helped me sooo much, even more considering I am not a native English speaker and some of them are effin hard to understand.

Btw, aren't there some theories that say the guy in the Shangri-La radios sounds like Maxis? But the accent... I'm not good at discerning that kind of things. Can't wait for the next map's radios and what they will reveal :P

Thanks! And yes, it is said Brock is a German of some sort. It was originally believed he was British but he doesn't sound it to me.

But Nikolai says he is British.

Well I have to say first time I heard the radio I thought it was Maxis.

And Brock doesn't sound like German name.

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