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Time + Location of Zombies Maps (w/ Proof) *UPDATED w/ Moon*

Guest Tac

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Guest MurderMachineX

Everything seem alright. I still think you were right with your initial estimation of "Five"'s time. Although, I still don't know how exactly I feel about Shangri-La in 2004. While I agree that around that time seems correct, it just doesn't sit well with me to say that ANDO = Ando Media.


Yeah I completely agree, I am actually gaining hesitancy on that idea, it's just the only thing I can go off of for now. I feel like we haven't found about 75% of the secrets on the map.

Guest MurderMachineX

I can say though, that I looked up the history of handheld Radios and that no Radios of that kind were made before the 2000s or at the very least 1990s.

Guest MixMasterNut

Unless this flight chart is just more recycled assets, I'm think it's safe to say that FIVE takes place some time between 10/16/63 and 11/19/63


* UPDATE - It is a recycled asset from the game. Still not ruling out Five happening within this time frame though

Guest BlindBusDrivr

Just something about the timeline of Five correlating with JFK's death, he still died on the date he did in real life but it wasn't the zombies, we know from the campaign it was Mason who did it.

Guest right_direct

i thinf Nacht was before Verruckt in Nacht der Untoten they have crash landed with air plain and had first encounter of zombies!

Guest Zombieofthedead

I don't know... I still don't like the idea that Ascension and Five take place within the same time. It just doesn't make much sense to me. Until we find out how they got their we won't know.

i thinf Nacht was before Verruckt in Nacht der Untoten they have crash landed with air plain and had first encounter of zombies!

I 100% agree. Wasn't it someone who said that in the trailer the marines had the same voices as the ones from Verruckt? Well, at least 2 of those marines died in Verruckt, according to the Limmericks, so they wouldn't really be able to go there, because there were at least 4 in the trailer, in this case there would only be 2 more.


I cannot tell for certain which was which. We don't know that the characters are the same, or that the two maps and the plane is even connected. The only thing we can go off of the Treyarch intel about the "2nd outbreak at Nacht der Untoten" and the idea that NDU is first, so they kind of contradict each other.

Guest Zombieofthedead

I cannot tell for certain which was which. We don't know that the characters are the same, or that the two maps and the plane is even connected. The only thing we can go off of the Treyarch intel about the "2nd outbreak at Nacht der Untoten" and the idea that NDU is first, so they kind of contradict each other.

The key word here is "Outbreak." The first outbreak would be where the zombies were discovered, would it not? The time of NDU is not an outbreak. In fact, the only time we've ever been in the actual outbreak is Five.

EDIT: I forgot to add, the trailer could actual mean something, I mean, look at verruckt's. That's part of the story right there.

Guest MurderMachineX

Acutally, I was thinking about saying something just like that. I believe that Verruckt was after Nacht der Untoten, and I was looking through posts where Tactical and I argued this. But I thought a possible solution, like you are mentioning right there.

What if it happened like this? Verruckt has a Zombie outbreak. Nacht der Untoten has a Zombie outbreak. Marines are sent to Nacht der Untoten and Verruckt. The ones at Nacht der Untoten crash land. Then the ones at Verruckt land.

That way, Verruckt broke out first, yet Nacht der Untoten, in terms of the story, is still the earliest map, because the time at which the characters are there determines the actual time of the map.

Guest Zombieofthedead

Acutally, I was thinking about saying something just like that. I believe that Verruckt was after Nacht der Untoten, and I was looking through posts where Tactical and I argued this. But I thought a possible solution, like you are mentioning right there.

What if it happened like this? Verruckt has a Zombie outbreak. Nacht der Untoten has a Zombie outbreak. Marines are sent to Nacht der Untoten and Verruckt. The ones at Nacht der Untoten crash land. Then the ones at Verruckt land.

That way, Verruckt broke out first, yet Nacht der Untoten, in terms of the story, is still the earliest map, because the time at which the characters are there determines the actual time of the map.

Not quite what I was thinking... I mean, an outbreak would be when the zombie first got there. We know that NDU would be the second recorded. Since that area is kind of abandoned, I think there's reason to believe that that that outbreak happened long before Verruckts. Verruckts happened within the week the marines got there. There is also reason to believe the marines are one and the same, though no 100% proof. Think about it, the plane crash landed? Marines just HAPPEN to be going to Germany? I don't think there were any other missions.

Guest MurderMachineX

What? No. The US would be sending the Marine Recon Unit, which consisted of two planes. One crashed on the way. All signs point to the Marines at Nacht der Untoten dying. The trailer even shows them die. I don't think they could've traveled all the way to Verruckt. After all, they holed up in Nacht der Untoten, an abandoned fort, because they couldn't go outside with those Zombies running about. As for the Marines at Verruckt, we know three of their names, and we know they died.


As far as we know, we can't be sure how many they sent. Because it was a covert operation, the less people the better. The less noticeable and less people they would of had to of been accountable for, the better.

In my eyes, they were on there way back after the Massacre at Der Riese and they loaded 115 in boxes to be taken back to the US. The 115 caused inherent electrical damage and caused the plane to crash. I agree that signs point to the marines at NDU dying, and the radio regarding Verruckt says that they were killed by the first batch of test subjects or something along those lines. That is why I am under the impression that they are two different squads.

Guest Zombieofthedead

What? No. The US would be sending the Marine Recon Unit, which consisted of two planes. One crashed on the way.

Really? Well why do those marines SOUND THE EXACT SAME! Not trying to be angry here.

All signs point to the Marines at Nacht der Untoten dying. The trailer even shows them die. I don't think they could've traveled all the way to Verruckt.

Shows them going down, not dying. It was a last stand of sorts.

After all, they holed up in Nacht der Untoten, an abandoned fort, because they couldn't go outside with those Zombies running about.

I think it was more of a fear. If they had a destraction, they could easily get into the trucks literally right outside.

As for the Marines at Verruckt, we know three of their names, and we know they died.

All but Dempsey, yes? Well, I always liked that better than Dempsey getting captured early. Thats just out of character.

As far as we know, we can't be sure how many they sent. Because it was a covert operation, the less people the better. The less noticeable and less people they would of had to of been accountable for, the better.

In my eyes, they were on there way back after the Massacre at Der Riese and they loaded 115 in boxes to be taken back to the US. The 115 caused inherent electrical damage and caused the plane to crash. I agree that signs point to the marines at NDU dying, and the radio regarding Verruckt says that they were killed by the first batch of test subjects or something along those lines. That is why I am under the impression that they are two different squads.

What we do know is that Dempsey's unit alone was sent. The theory of Der Riese actually makes a pretty good point, though.


About the voices, I can't tell what to think. The early maps are hard to take seriously on some parts because it is so early in the development, Zombieofthedead and I know that better than anyone. We have gotten into so many debates because of that exact thing.

Guest Zombieofthedead

About the voices, I can't tell what to think. The early maps are hard to take seriously on some parts because it is so early in the development, Zombieofthedead and I know that better than anyone. We have gotten into so many debates because of that exact thing.

I agree, these first two maps it's kind of hard to prove anything about it, because we have so little info. Even in Shi no numa, we still have no clue what reason Tak, Nik, and Tank had to go there. Of course, we've all got theories. To hell with it, I love debating.

I'm gonna stick with they're the same marines, and that NDU is before verruckt. You guys don't have to agree, but from what we know there's at least a third of a chance it's correct.

Guest MurderMachineX

They sound exactly the same? The Marines on Nacht der Untoten didn't even have voices. The only time you ever hear a Marine talk was in the trailer, and those lines were mainly reused into Verruckt.

Something tells me those trucks wouldn't work. *looks around at fire and explosive barrels*

No. The Marines at Verruckt were Tank Dempsey, John "Banana", Smokey, and an unnamed Marine.

Tactical, if the massacre at Der Riese was before Verruckt, your entire timeline is messed up. So... yeah, I don't think it was.

Guest Zombieofthedead

They sound exactly the same? The Marines on Nacht der Untoten didn't even have voices. The only time you ever hear a Marine talk was in the trailer, and those lines were mainly reused into Verruckt.

The trailers can be put into the storyline *looks at the "just the begining" trailer.

Something tells me those trucks wouldn't work. *looks around at fire and explosive barrels*

Fair enough, but there are some in the distance, and who knows? Maybe they could hotwire one and get the hell out of there

No. The Marines at Verruckt were Tank Dempsey, John "Banana", Smokey, and an unnamed Marine.

Thank god, someone else agrees that Dempsey wasn't captured early!

Tactical, if the massacre at Der Riese was before Verruckt, your entire timeline is messed up. So... yeah, I don't think it was.

You make a valid point.... because the massacre of Der Riese would also coincide with the outbreak. That would make NDU the third outbreak.

Guest MurderMachineX

Well, the Verruckt trailer really didn't have much importance storyline-wise. All it established literally was that it was in "the beginning".

I don't think so though. Running into the middle of an open field where Zombies are surrounding you, while trying to hotwire a completely foreign vehicle, in the hopes that the vehicle even still works. Just sounds unlikely.

Captured early? I just figure he was the only one who survived.

Guest Zombieofthedead

Well, the Verruckt trailer really didn't have much importance storyline-wise. All it established literally was that it was in "the beginning".

Eh, well there is the SNN radio with that in it. I suppose that just shows it happened,though. I don't know.

I don't think so though. Running into the middle of an open field where Zombies are surrounding you, while trying to hotwire a completely foreign vehicle, in the hopes that the vehicle even still works. Just sounds unlikely.

Yes, in which case there would have to be some kind of distraction, but what? I don't know.

Captured early? I just figure he was the only one who survived.

Yeah, but some people seem to believe he went out on his own to try to get peter, and got captured. It's a stupid theory, what person would send Dempsey, one of the loudest marines there is, to go alone to get Peter. It's senseless. Dempsey wouldn't even send himself.

Guest MurderMachineX

You have to remember that Dempsey was a war hero though. But I don't believe that theory.

Guest Zombieofthedead

You have to remember that Dempsey was a war hero though. But I don't believe that theory.

Well the theory is that he just went ahead of his unit, but still it doesn't really add up. It's just not in his character.

Guest MurderMachineX


Tactical, do you agree with what I said about Verruckt/Nacht der Untoten 's order?


Dempsey was not a Marine, I honestly don't believe he was. I think he was captured before they fought the Zombies. Notice how only 3 Marines are in the trailer, I believe he was taken.

As for the Massacre at Der Riese, it wasn't before Verruckt so my timeline is still valid :D

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