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Time + Location of Zombies Maps (w/ Proof) *UPDATED w/ Moon*

Guest Tac

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Guest Zombieofthedead

Dempsey was not a Marine, I honestly don't believe he was. I think he was captured before they fought the Zombies. Notice how only 3 Marines are in the trailer, I believe he was taken.

Well I just assumed Smokey died by that point. Dude, him getting captured, especially that early, is not in his character. It just doesn't make sense.

As for the Massacre at Der Riese, it wasn't before Verruckt so my timeline is still valid :D

Nope, Verruckts outbreak happens (first outbreak in this case), then massacre, which coincides with the zombie outbreak most likely (second outbreak). This is where you lose, because if NDU is supposed to be the second, and the marines take the 115 with, it doesn't work.

Guest MurderMachineX

The massacre was the Zombie outbreak.

Dempsey was definately a Marine. He mentions it all the time. He even got the Medal of Honor, which only goes to members of the military.


I guess you have a point, but I am firm believer that the taking of the 115 after the Massacre at Der Riese is the source of the NDU outbreak. I guess I will have to move NDU to the 3rd outbreak, even though I know you all will disagree.

Dempsey didn't have to be a fighter at Verruckt to get the MoH, he got that with this work at Peleliu

Guest MurderMachineX

I know, but that tells us that he is indeed a Marine.

Der Riese happens after Verruckt, as Richtofen has a Radio AFTER that time speaking of the experiments still going fine, just not fast enough for his taste. (Call of the Dead)


I agree that Der Riese happens after Verruckt, but I believe that NDU happened after the Massacre at Der Riese, which occurred mid-October for one week long.

Guest Zombieofthedead

I guess you have a point, but I am firm believer that the taking of the 115 after the Massacre at Der Riese is the source of the NDU outbreak. I guess I will have to move NDU to the 3rd outbreak, even though I know you all will disagree.

You can't just do that! It's confirmed that it is the second outbreak.


It says the "second outbreak at Nacht der Untoten." They mention Russian allies. To me, that screams that the crew was in NDU, as there is a Russian and it would be the second outbreak at that map.

Guest Zombieofthedead

It says the "second outbreak at Nacht der Untoten." They mention Russian allies. To me, that screams that the crew was in NDU, as there is a Russian and it would be the second outbreak at that map.

I guess I can't really argue that... But I still don't agree with it.


Haha that is fine, no worries. I just can't find a better theory to how they got to NDU. It seems to me that they die there, I don't know it's in the middle of nowhere. We know the people in Verruckt die, that is confirmed via CoTD radios, so I am just stumped. I mean if anyone has a better theory, I'd be open to changing mine.

Guest Zombieofthedead

I think it's safe to assume that we can't rule out anything as of yet for these first two maps, so anything goes. We don't know that the marines at NDU die, of course we also don't know if the Verruckt and NDU marines are one and the same. Obviously mine is that they're one in the same, hell I've already made a story for NDU. Not finished, but soon it will be.


I will be very excited to see that, I have such conflicted thoughts for the first two maps I'd love to see other people's thoughts.

Guest Zombieofthedead

I will be very excited to see that, I have such conflicted thoughts for the first two maps I'd love to see other people's thoughts.

Well it's actual story format. I've got most of NDU done, you can check it out. It's in my sig.

Guest right_direct

I cannot tell for certain which was which. We don't know that the characters are the same, or that the two maps and the plane is even connected. The only thing we can go off of the Treyarch intel about the "2nd outbreak at Nacht der Untoten" and the idea that NDU is first, so they kind of contradict each other.

NDU was first map,it would be silly to time sweap it with Verruckt also PROOF is that they did not know any technoloy, they do not know any strategy as we can see later in Verruckt that they have electric fances on freak bags box start to move power on switch.....what i dont get is whay u want to make Verruckt first map.They would have better defend them selfs at NDU if the would go there after Verruckt.But it is simple i dont have to go to this details because NDU is first map.What about the loading screans whitch are loaded on the beginig of the game?The maps are there in order for certain reason.

Guest K1llsteelr

Unless this flight chart is just more recycled assets, I'm think it's safe to say that FIVE takes place some time between 10/16/63 and 11/19/63


* UPDATE - It is a recycled asset from the game. Still not ruling out Five happening within this time frame though

I dont believe that is a recycled asset

If you check into that board and the squadran no on the NML groom lake banner you will find the links to the recon planes and projects like corona and sign and links to mj12 this then leads back to cambridge five spy ring and cypher (also computer code)


Jesus and trinity college have many links to the project including grain boundrys

The cambridge five show the leak of info

The dragonlady has an interesting date for the u2 as the camara was pointing up not down

The type of camara is also interesting in the oxcart project

In the U2/oxcart research you will come across the missions to recon the soviet launch sites in 1957 and that is where the image mixmaster had (flown out from W germany i believe)


Did anything check out with the TG

http://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic. ... immermeyer

Perk dead eye sounds like something you would give to pilots


Is dix an evolved project number as roman numerals are impossible to find on the web

Has anyone read nazis on speed?

Guest MurderMachineX

Tactical, so you are saying it went: Verruckt, Der Riese, Nacht der Untoten??? If not, could clearly state what is the order you are advocating so I know exactly what it is?


Personally I am believing that the breakout did not occur right during the Massacre at Der Riese, but I cannot prove that in any fashion. I believe that Verruckt was first. Just let me take you through my thoughts, rip them apart as you wish. In the 4th Call of the Dead radios, they say the following:

They tried to send a rescue team into Verruckt that was (static) the first batch of test subjects.

I believe that the static is taking the place of "killed by," so I believe that they died in Verruckt. We know that Smokey died, that is confirmed in the poems and haiku's. As for John, it is unconfirmed what happened to him or when. Dempsey was captured, that is confirmed. So with that, I believe that Verruckt was the end of that squad. That means that Nacht der Untoten is either before Verruckt and it can be the same squad, or it is after Verruckt and they are definitively different squads.

We have absolutely no idea when or where Nacht der Untoten is, besides Germany. To me, it is unlikely that they would have escaped Nacht der Untoten and made it to Verruckt, but that is just me. So to me, that means two separate squads. Then comes the issue of when. Either the squad was sent in with the first and they just crashed, or they were later on at some point.

In the terminal, they state that 115 has inherent electrical damage, and this is the only instance I can see that applying. I do not believe that they would be going to NDU with 115, so they were leaving somewhere with 115 in my eyes. As we stated, they died in Verruckt presumably, and the only other time near Verruckt when they were in Germany would be Der Riese, so I naturally connected the two.

Guest MurderMachineX

Rip them apart... that sounds so violent...

The terminal says nothing of 115 and electricity except for the effects of the Wunderwaffe DG-2. So I'm not so sure the plane had 115 on it.

Also John's death is implied. One of his limericks was found in a room with nothing but a Browning and blood.

But I'm still not clear on your order. The only Americans present at Der Riese was AFTER the massacre, at the standoff with the Russians.

Guest Zombieofthedead

I see no reason for why they couldn't have escaped NDU. I mean, they find any truck over there (I think there's 3, 4ish?), head there, have one guy try to start the car (unless the keys are already there), while the rest fend off the zombies. No different from any other zombie strategy, really.

As for the massacre of Der Riese, the zombies would have to have come there at some point, because of the last Der Riese radio. Think about it, if theres still Scientists left, the Russians didn't finish their job. The Americans intervened, somehow caused a zombie to escape, and crap goes down. I don't think they'd have time to haul 115 out.

Guest MurderMachineX

I was going to prove that they died, because I found 3 Marine helmets on the ground next to blood in Nacht der Untoten, but then I played WaW and saw they were there, too, so that really doesn't help me any. Eh, they were probably German helmets anyway. They look kinda similar.

I don't really see any definate evidence of the initial Marines dying instead of moving to Verruckt, so I'm not sure exactly how to argue. It just really seems to me that they died. Just the feeling, the mood, the tone. The hopelessness of it all. But I suppose it is possible, and unless it is proven one way or the other, I'll keep an open mind.

What? No, here's how it happend:

Group 935 is all happy and sunshine with their Nazi buddies. Bam. Verruckt is wiped off the grid. Perhaps some other places (we'll worry about that later). However, Der Riese continued to operate. In fact, they continued to operate AFTER the end of World War II, perhaps out of denial or hope to win the war still or something else altogether. Eventually, a Zombie outbreak occurs at Der Riese. The Zombie outbreak is deemed a "massacre". We know of two survivors of Der Riese: Pavel Gorki and another man who died shortly after being interrogated by the US (Intel). Sometime later, it is detailed that there was a standoff between American forces and Soviet forces. The exact time is not said, but it could be anywhere between 1946-1948. By this time, all of the Zombies would have to be gone from Der Riese in order for there to be a standoff. It is not said who won the standoff.


The terminal says the following:

***SERVANT ENTRY A00115***

“Element 115 overview:

“Sources include meteors found in

“Shi No Numa


“Groom Lake

“Der Riese

“Moon (Confirmed via Astronomical team)

“Applications include:

“Transporter technology

“Power source for DG-2

“General weapon upgrades via CWZIMOJZDUNINXPJZEKWZOLIEXZ

“Side effects include:

“Reanimation of dead cells

“Vin inherent electrical properties.

***END FILE***

The last line says "Vin inherent electrical properties, so I believe that it means that because it has or mimics electrical properties, it caused some problems in the plane.

I agree, I mean to me the atmosphere just seems real gloomy so I believe they died. However, without proof one way or the other, I am going to stay relatively neutral on that one.

From my understanding, the Massacre IS the standoff between the Russians and the Americans. Therefore, I do not believe that saying that the Massacre is the Zombies is a correct statement. Also, I believe that the intel says that the massacre was for 1 week in the month of October in 1945, but I will check again.

Guest Zombieofthedead


.... Okay, that's not what I got out of the campaign intel. I just got that there was a standoff between Russian and American forces, and the Russians participated in the massacre. None of that other stuff is even mentioned. Hell, where'd you even get the survivors from?

and @Tac, good point with the electrical properties.

I guess the gloomy feeling is kind of there, but hey it could go either way. Ima stick with mine, because if I didn't my zombie story would already be irrelevant

Guest BlindBusDrivr

I think I may have found the time of Five, on the one wall clock in the spawn for Moscow says sometimes around 1 AM, and then the wall clock without a country, just for the building says 10:05

Could this be accurate?

And also, leading me to believe it is in 1962, is because those pictures with the golden plaques on the top floor, 1962 is the latest date on any of them.

The only date after 1962 is on the Blackbird flight data, but that's a campaign copy & paste so who knows.

And also, one of the pictures says Operation Sunrise, which happened between 1962 March 22 and April 30.


So it has to be some time after that and the Cuban Missile Crisis, and before JFK's assassination on November 22, 1963


The survivors are actually mentioned, Gorki was the head of Gorki-Korolev Medical (GKM) Company. As MixMasterNut said:

GKM is a company stationed in Prague. It's a company registered under PAVEL GORKI. He was involved in the Massacre at Der Riese between US and Russian forces. His cousin is Lev Kravchenko. Kravchenko works for Gorki.

That is all in the intel.


I am making a thread about it now actually, I think I found the real times that support other things :D

Guest Zombieofthedead

The survivors are actually mentioned, Gorki was the head of Gorki-Korolev Medical (GKM) Company. As MixMasterNut said:

GKM is a company stationed in Prague. It's a company registered under PAVEL GORKI. He was involved in the Massacre at Der Riese between US and Russian forces. His cousin is Lev Kravchenko. Kravchenko works for Gorki.

That is all in the intel.

Wait wait wait, wouldn't that put him on the Russian side? I thought you meant Survivors of the outbreak aspect.


No the survivors of the Massacre, i.e. the massacre is not the outbreak.

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