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Time + Location of Zombies Maps (w/ Proof) *UPDATED w/ Moon*

Guest Tac

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Cool. I think you need to remove the part though for Ascension's time with Richtofen's books being everywhere. Pretty much any map that has books has Richtofen's books.

That is very true actually, I will do that now.

Guest MNM1995

People are so stupif when it comes to the order of these maps- They occur in the order they are released in, with perhaps the exception of Nacht because no-one can be certain with Nacht.


Verrukt- Must occur a while before Shi-No Numa because Dempsey is captured in Verrukt and replaces the mexican test subject Richtofen had.

Shi-No Numa- Must occur before Der Riese because the characters are familiar with each other and other aspects of zombies in Der Riese i.e. Hellhounds, Taste of Perks etc.

Der Riese- Obviously occurs before Kino as the Wunderwaffe overloads the teleporter at Der Riese and sends the grouo there, confirmed by the radio in BO Shi-No Numa.

Kino-Must occur before Ascension as the grouo aren't there yet and have only just teleported into the future, confirmed by Richtofen's opening speech for this map when playing solo/split-screen.

Ascension and FIVE- Confirmed by Treyarch to take place at the same time, and most likely occurs before JFK's assasination on the 22nd of November 1963.

CoTD- Confirmed to take place after Ascension for two reasons:

A) Demspey saya that it was Gersch's fault they were teleported again and even further into the future.

B) The four playable characters on this map suggest the map takes place in 2011.

Shangri-La- Confirmed to take place after COTD as Richtofen has the golden rod and the four sometimes comment on being grateful for escaping the cloaet they were trapped in as part of the major easter egg of CoTD.

Moon- Confirmed to take place after Shangri-La as Richtofen has the focussing stone acquired during SL and the Vril Generator from CoTD.

So there you go.


You are right, some people are very "stupif" and stuff. I agree with most all you said, but I would like you to please point out to me where in my OP (Original Post) I say that they do not happen in the order of which they occur.

Guest MNM1995

I meant stupid obviously :P

And I didn't mean you were, I was talking about the people on like Youtube videos and stuff, who say things like "I think Shagri-La takes place before Ascension".

I mean, i'm all for theories and stuff, but now when it's so bltantly not true that's all.


Ahh, I thought you were referring to me since you didn't specify :D

Guest Rissole25

Everyone says Treyarch confirmed "Five"/Ascension at the same, but did they actually? I haven't ever seen an official post or something by them, and it looks like everyone is believing it because it's on the wiki. I mean, I know they do occur at the same time, but to say Treyarch confirmed it as well?


Everyone says Treyarch confirmed "Five"/Ascension at the same, but did they actually? I haven't ever seen an official post or something by them, and it looks like everyone is believing it because it's on the wiki. I mean, I know they do occur at the same time, but to say Treyarch confirmed it as well?

No, FIVE and Ascension have not been confirmed.

Guest BlindBusDrivr

Everyone says Treyarch confirmed "Five"/Ascension at the same, but did they actually? I haven't ever seen an official post or something by them, and it looks like everyone is believing it because it's on the wiki. I mean, I know they do occur at the same time, but to say Treyarch confirmed it as well?

No, FIVE and Ascension have not been confirmed.

But don't sweat it, me and Tac are working on it. BTW Tac, shall we resume analyzing those clocks?

Guest MNM1995

Yeah you're right I didn't sorry :L

But I'm surely not the only person who gets annoyed by these people, right?


Yeah you're right I didn't sorry :L

But I'm surely not the only person who gets annoyed by these people, right?

Haha most definitely not. There have been times where I question some of the maps, but I have come to the realization they are all in order.

Guest MNM1995

Yes and kudos for being smart enough to figure that out haha :P

This one guy I was talking to on a Youtube comments page was so convinced that Shangri-La came before Ascension (Because the rocket you see the monkeys leave in on Shangri-Lawas obvioulsy used by the survivors to get to Ascension then parked up there by them) he actually gave me a link to a video with everything he had just told me to 'prove it' lol :D

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest MexicanIlluminati

Beautiful post....this should come in handy. Just one problem: why are we assuming that Shangri-La is AFTER COTD? Richtofen says they traveled too far into the future. Logically, shouldn't they travel BACK in time to reach Shangri-La?


Why is it logical for them to have traveled back in time to get to Shangri-La? The achievements say that they are going to Paradise after the Easter Egg and then we hear elephants and tropical jungle-like noises. Then we arrive in Shangri-La, often called Paradise because of its history, and it is in a jungle with a lot of noises.

Guest MexicanIlluminati

Why is it logical for them to have traveled back in time to get to Shangri-La? The achievements say that they are going to Paradise after the Easter Egg and then we hear elephants and tropical jungle-like noises. Then we arrive in Shangri-La, often called Paradise because of its history, and it is in a jungle with a lot of noises.

I agree that the crew VISTITS Shangri-la after COTD but Shangri-la takes place before COTD timeline wise... see what im saying?


Ok now I understand exactly what you mean. I think that there is a good chance of it, we have no guaranteed date or time frame for Shangri-La, but I easily see a chance for Shangri-La taking place a few years before CoTD.

Guest MexicanIlluminati

Ok now I understand exactly what you mean. I think that there is a good chance of it, we have no guaranteed date or time frame for Shangri-La, but I easily see a chance for Shangri-La taking place a few years before CoTD.

So then, in all reality we have NO IDEA when Shangri-La takes place?? it could be 30, 40, 50+ years earlier???

Guest Zombieofthedead

Ok now I understand exactly what you mean. I think that there is a good chance of it, we have no guaranteed date or time frame for Shangri-La, but I easily see a chance for Shangri-La taking place a few years before CoTD.

So then, in all reality we have NO IDEA when Shangri-La takes place?? it could be 30, 40, 50+ years earlier???

We have an idea. Radio dropped says 2004 on it, so at least after 2004.

Guest MexicanIlluminati

Ok now I understand exactly what you mean. I think that there is a good chance of it, we have no guaranteed date or time frame for Shangri-La, but I easily see a chance for Shangri-La taking place a few years before CoTD.

So then, in all reality we have NO IDEA when Shangri-La takes place?? it could be 30, 40, 50+ years earlier???

We have an idea. Radio dropped says 2004 on it, so at least after 2004.

What radio? one of those personal radios Brock was using???

Guest Zombieofthedead

What radio? one of those personal radios Brock was using???

There only was 1, which he kept dropping in his numerous deaths :lol: And yes, that radio.

Guest MexicanIlluminati

What radio? one of those personal radios Brock was using???

There only was 1, which he kept dropping in his numerous deaths :lol: And yes, that radio.

Haha :D okay thanks for clearin tht up for me. Im relatively new to these forums, I used to post alot on the black ops website zombies forum but I feel like people here are ALOT more into the zombie storyline. Im in better company here :)


The radio doesn't specifically say 2004, just to clear that up. It says ANDO which is a company that deals with internet radio ventures and such. That company was made in 2004, so it is in no way definitive I believe, but who knows. It is a personal handheld radio, so that makes the date come around the 2000 mark, so 2004 sounds easily plausible.

Guest MexicanIlluminati

The radio doesn't specifically say 2004, just to clear that up. It says ANDO which is a company that deals with internet radio ventures and such. That company was made in 2004, so it is in no way definitive I believe, but who knows. It is a personal handheld radio, so that makes the date come around the 2000 mark, so 2004 sounds easily plausible.

Wait a second.... so since in the Shangri-La EE we travel back and forth through time then the ANDO thing on the radio would tell us that Brock and Gary's expedition took place in the 2000's right? Not necessarily when the crew visits SL.


The radio doesn't specifically say 2004, just to clear that up. It says ANDO which is a company that deals with internet radio ventures and such. That company was made in 2004, so it is in no way definitive I believe, but who knows. It is a personal handheld radio, so that makes the date come around the 2000 mark, so 2004 sounds easily plausible.

Wait a second.... so since in the Shangri-La EE we travel back and forth through time then the ANDO thing on the radio would tell us that Brock and Gary's expedition took place in the 2000's right? Not necessarily when the crew visits SL.

Correct, those are his handheld radios so we can assume the expedition was during the 2000s. I see no reason to believe that we traveled back in time from Call of the Dead to Shangri-La because they make no hint of it in quotes that I have heard, so I believe that we play there directly after CoTD.

Guest Rissole25

There is a teleporting noise at the start of Shangri-La during split-screen, so I guess that proves they were sent straight there.

Guest MexicanIlluminati

The radio doesn't specifically say 2004, just to clear that up. It says ANDO which is a company that deals with internet radio ventures and such. That company was made in 2004, so it is in no way definitive I believe, but who knows. It is a personal handheld radio, so that makes the date come around the 2000 mark, so 2004 sounds easily plausible.

Wait a second.... so since in the Shangri-La EE we travel back and forth through time then the ANDO thing on the radio would tell us that Brock and Gary's expedition took place in the 2000's right? Not necessarily when the crew visits SL.

Correct, those are his handheld radios so we can assume the expedition was during the 2000s. I see no reason to believe that we traveled back in time from Call of the Dead to Shangri-La because they make no hint of it in quotes that I have heard, so I believe that we play there directly after CoTD.

So from all that we can assume that the time when the crew visits Shangri-La is some time after 2004 but before COTD? Sounds good to me!

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