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Time + Location of Zombies Maps (w/ Proof) *UPDATED w/ Moon*

Guest Tac

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I don't think that 3arc would involve aliens though. I think that they would have us go there purely for the 115 aspect. If there are aliens... well I won't get into that now. But they have a map model to use now, and there is basically a teleporter in the middle of Hangar 18 lol

Lol, true, true. What they said about there being easter eggs though, then there really wouldn't be much reason to go there in a zombie map, given that we'll have already seen them. We should get back on topic, though.

Urgh kk. Well!.!.!.! About SNN, I think I have located it along with NDU (yes its on topic)

Guest Zombieofthedead

Aliens are very easy to get involved.

look up Dulce base New Mexico...

Ties to the Manhattan project & Los Alamos.

Manhattan was a hugh clue in Kino.

the Vril society went to another galaxy via the ANDROMEDA-GERÄT.

Would that be to meet Aliens. ;)


Do you see the section in the left quarter that says "Space ship base to & from another galaxy"...

Regards Alpha.

True, but many of us just aren't fans of aliens getting involved, I personally believe it could ruin the story with it.

@Tac K where would they be then?


Ok, in basically every situation before, the map that the Zombies map is based off of, it's in the same location. An example:

Verruckt = Wittenau Sanatorium. It is located on the outskirts of Berlin.

Verruckt = Asylum = Ring of Steel (SP). Ring of Steel takes place in a suburb on the outskirts of Berlin, in Pankow.

Therefore, I believe Verruckt is in Pankow. See where I'm going with this?

So in SNN:

SNN = Knee Deep. Knee Deep is in Pelelui Island in the Pacific Ocean. We face the same enemies in each map, Imperial Army.

So with that, NDU:

NDU = Airfield. Airfield is also located in Pelelui Island.

NDU = Airfield = Hard Landing. Hard Landing is located on Pelelui island, so we can confirm that there is two different sides, the swampy and then the war-torn.

So that's why I think they are in the same place. The only discrepancy with NDU is that you fight Japs not GER

Guest Zombieofthedead

Ok, in basically every situation before, the map that the Zombies map is based off of, it's in the same location. An example:

Verruckt = Wittenau Sanatorium. It is located on the outskirts of Berlin.

Verruckt = Asylum = Ring of Steel (SP). Ring of Steel takes place in a suburb on the outskirts of Berlin, in Pankow.

Therefore, I believe Verruckt is in Pankow. See where I'm going with this?

Totally agree.

So in SNN:

SNN = Knee Deep. Knee Deep is in Pelelui Island in the Pacific Ocean. We face the same enemies in each map, Imperial Army.

Actually, there is no certain map that this is based on. Knee deep is the closest though. Richtofen does say the meteorites were stolen from japan, not peleliu

So with that, NDU:

NDU = Airfield. Airfield is also located in Pelelui Island.

NDU = Airfield = Hard Landing. Hard Landing is located on Pelelui island, so we can confirm that there is two different sides, the swampy and then the war-torn.

Nazi trucks, but we aren't totally sure where it is exactly

So that's why I think they are in the same place. The only discrepancy with NDU is that you fight Japs not GER


Well SNN is based on Makin and Knee Deep, Makin is in Makin Atoll, which is an island in the Pacific. So I believe SNN but NDU, as stated, is sketchy.

Guest Zombieofthedead

Well SNN is based on Makin and Knee Deep, Makin is in Makin Atoll, which is an island in the Pacific. So I believe SNN but NDU, as stated, is sketchy.

Yeah. NDU I believe would just be somewhere around Germany, due to the nazi trucks and zombies around the place, and also there is a lack of japanese weaponry there, which would not make sence in the pacific. SNN is japan for sure, the Doc and Tak mention it when they get the rocks on Kino. We can really not be sure about NDU, though.


Well SNN is based on Makin and Knee Deep, Makin is in Makin Atoll, which is an island in the Pacific. So I believe SNN but NDU, as stated, is sketchy.

Yeah. NDU I believe would just be somewhere around Germany, due to the nazi trucks and zombies around the place, and also there is a lack of japanese weaponry there, which would not make sence in the pacific. SNN is japan for sure, the Doc and Tak mention it when they get the rocks on Kino. We can really not be sure about NDU, though.


Guest football5699



"(static) Entry 741021! Perhaps the station will hold the key to the real goals of group 935. I still do not trust my unconventional allies, but they are of great use to me. But, I digress. Who would have thought the MDT was capable of time travel? How many stations does this group have? Where did that little girl disappear to? Only time will tell what new questions awaits us in this...THEATER OF THE DAMNED! (static)"

Dr. Edward Richtofen

How do you explain these dates if it is set in the 60's... 1941, 1945 & 1950...?

Again Ascension is 1962-63... JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963. So if Ascension was 69' how can the red phones heard in Ascension be giving audio from Five? It's 62-63 max, the end of the Cuban missile crisis...

Also Der Riese: Has to be pre 45':

The war in Europe ended with the capture of Berlin by Soviet and Polish troops and the subsequent German unconditional surrender on 8 May 1945.

Der Riese would have been in Russian & Allied hands by October 1945.

Hope this helps.

Regards Alpha.

True Alpha but don't forget Richtofen is still testing at this time due to the CotD radios. Where remains to be seen but people believe it is in Der Riese. I think it was on the ship but that is a different topic. Someone else said to me in one of my threads ( I apologize for not remembering who) that since they were cut off, they may not have even knew that the war was over and/or they still believed they could carry out their duties for the Third Reich.

EDIT: actually to further my point is that Maxis is still alive so Der Riese was still in German control at that time.


True Alpha but don't forget Richtofen is still testing at this time due to the CotD radios. Where remains to be seen but people believe it is in Der Riese. I think it was on the ship but that is a different topic. Someone else said to me in one of my threads ( I apologize for not remembering who) that since they were cut off, they may not have even knew that the war was over and/or they still believed they could carry out their duties for the Third Reich.

EDIT: actually to further my point is that Maxis is still alive so Der Riese was still in German control at that time.

It is in DR because we here the monkey screech, and DR had an Animal Testing Lab, CoTD doesn't.

Also, why wouldn't it be under GER control? Maxis being alive doesn't really point to anything your speaking of, or at least the way you worded it.

Guest football5699

Not sure how you meant "wouldn't" in your post so let me re-word it.

Alpha said that by October 1945 Der Riese would've been under Soviet control. The reason why that can't be possible is that in the CotD radios, Richtofen is planning to kill Maxis on October 1st, 1945. That means that the events of the Der Riese RADIOS had to have been AFTER October 1st, 1945.


Not sure how you meant "wouldn't" in your post so let me re-word it.

Alpha said that by October 1945 Der Riese would've been under Soviet control. The reason why that can't be possible is that in the CotD radios, Richtofen is planning to kill Maxis on October 1st, 1945. That means that the events of the Der Riese RADIOS had to have been AFTER October 1st, 1945.

You are both right actually, the war in Europe ended September 2, 1945 I think, so the Nuremberg Trials hadn't begun yet, so I guess technically it could still be under GER control. But I think maxis was aware the war was over since he was writing to the third Reich he knows a ton. He ended up not telling Richtofen, and didn't mass produce the dg2 cuz the war was over.

Guest football5699

Not sure how you meant "wouldn't" in your post so let me re-word it.

Alpha said that by October 1945 Der Riese would've been under Soviet control. The reason why that can't be possible is that in the CotD radios, Richtofen is planning to kill Maxis on October 1st, 1945. That means that the events of the Der Riese RADIOS had to have been AFTER October 1st, 1945.

You are both right actually, the war in Europe ended September 2, 1945 I think, so the Nuremberg Trials hadn't begun yet, so I guess technically it could still be under GER control. But I think maxis was aware the war was over since he was writing to the third Reich he knows a ton. He ended up not telling Richtofen, and didn't mass produce the dg2 cuz the war was over.

That is very possible which is kinda ironic. Maxis did not tell Richtofen the war was over and then Richtofen killed him because he withheld the truth hehehehe. My post was simply saying that the events of the radios had to have been October, 1945 or later. Which puts a lot into perspective.


Oh 100% agreed. October 1 1945 was the last known date of Maxis' life. So, researching, the Nuremberg trials officially started on November 20th, 1945. So does that put Maxis' death between OCT 1 and NOV 20?

*EDIT* The Soviets had complete control of Berlin on April 30, 1945, at 2:25 PM

Guest football5699

Actually that seems plausible as you would think Richtofen wanted to get the hell out of there before the imminent arrival of Soviets etc.


Actually that seems plausible as you would think Richtofen wanted to get the hell out of there before the imminent arrival of Soviets etc.

Shit, read my edit above

Guest football5699

Ahh yes there we go lol....well I am actually trying to find more information on SNN so we can narrow some stuff down.


Ahh yes there we go lol....well I am actually trying to find more information on SNN so we can narrow some stuff down.

Please do, what would you like me to find? I think I know it's location.

Guest football5699

Well I am trying to find the area so I can see the weather patterns.

Ex. If it usually snows in like November-February...SNN most likely takes place in March or later etc. etc.


Well I am trying to find the area so I can see the weather patterns.

Ex. If it usually snows in like November-February...SNN most likely takes place in March or later etc. etc.

It's on Peleliu Island, would you like to know my reasoning? I posted this earlier in this thread:

Ok, in basically every situation before, the map that the Zombies map is based off of, it's in the same location. An example:

Verruckt = Wittenau Sanatorium. It is located on the outskirts of Berlin.

Verruckt = Asylum = Ring of Steel (SP). Ring of Steel takes place in a suburb on the outskirts of Berlin, in Pankow.

Therefore, I believe Verruckt is in Pankow. See where I'm going with this?

So in SNN:

SNN = Knee Deep and Makin. Knee Deep is in Pelelui Island in the Pacific Ocean. Makin is in Makin Atoll, which is a small island in Pacific Island, just like Pelelui Island. We face the same enemies in each map, Imperial Army.


Also, about the time period of Der Riese. We know it's after Oct 1 1945. They go to SNN and back to Der Riese to see a Solar Eclipse eh? Well, no Solar Eclipses occured in the end of 1945 or at all in 1946, next up on the line in May 20, 1947. It was a Total Eclipse like in DR. So is SNN between November of 1945, and May 20, 1947?

Guest football5699

See idk i feel stumped here because it seems like Treyarch decided to not help us and take actual places because if it is a real place, it isnt easy to find.

Meanwhile as I'm saying this, Alpha is probably writing a 2 page theory on where SNN is but honestly I think he might feel the same way too. It doesnt give you a lot of hints to where this facility is.

One thing I did find is that Unit 731 of Japan did a lot of weapon testing and biological testing but that was in Northeastern China and supposedly they excavated stuff near Tokyo I'm not sure.

EDIT: after seeing your post...im still stumped :lol:

Let's say hypothetically it's 1946 considering Richtofen seems pretty stationed there. There wasn't a meteor landing anywhere at this time so once again it seems confusing. This is honestly why I think that S-L will tie up some loose ends because IMO i believe that it is after SNN although that seems unlikely with the Takeo moustache. There seems to be TOO MUCH missing between SNN and DR.


See idk i feel stumped here because it seems like Treyarch decided to not help us and take actual places because if it is a real place, it isnt easy to find.

Meanwhile as I'm saying this, Alpha is probably writing a 2 page theory on where SNN is but honestly I think he might feel the same way too. It doesnt give you a lot of hints to where this facility is.

One thing I did find is that Unit 731 of Japan did a lot of weapon testing and biological testing but that was in Northeastern China and supposedly they excavated stuff near Tokyo I'm not sure.

EDIT: after seeing your post...im still stumped :lol:

Let's say hypothetically it's 1946 considering Richtofen seems pretty stationed there. There wasn't a meteor landing anywhere at this time so once again it seems confusing. This is honestly why I think that S-L will tie up some loose ends because IMO i believe that it is after SNN although that seems unlikely with the Takeo moustache. There seems to be TOO MUCH missing between SNN and DR.

Lulz Ya SNN is the hardest ever so far. I was thinking Unit 731 is part of this, it's fits so well. They ran tests and were stationed from 1935-1945. Which would fit the Nazi's infiltrating a station of theirs (SNN maybe) before testing began! They were a research and development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army, which is what Takeo is in. There were eight divisions of 731, one of which was research for biological weapons used in the field, in particular the production of devices to spread germs and parasites. Remember how we found Ray Gun blueprints in SNN? That's them. Takeo is in Division 2 of Unit 731 based out of the Rising Sun Facility. Does that sound about right?

As far as your edit, there is a lot of loose ends between there, but the uniforms are the same as in Kino but different from the W@W maps, so I think it's before Ascension and after Kino.

Guest Monopoly Mac

Lolz... Nice signature Tactical...


Lolz... Nice signature Tactical...

xD Lol, but what do you think of the 731 research? Think it's possible that's Tak?

Guest Monopoly Mac

It sounds like it fits right so I think its a pretty good bet. You think they tested with or on zombies too?

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