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Time + Location of Zombies Maps (w/ Proof) *UPDATED w/ Moon*

Guest Tac

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Guest nayrc

Lolz... Nice signature Tactical...

my thoughts exactly :twisted:

Guest football5699

Actually now that I think of it...how are Fluffy's puppies coincidentally appearing here. Like is Samantha pushing them out of Aether to kill our 4 heroes.


It sounds like it fits right so I think its a pretty good bet. You think they tested with or on zombies too?

Well based off everything I know about them,, they were like Josef Mengele, and only did live testing. Whether it be heat tests to see how hot the soldiers could be, or injecting ink into children's eyes to make the ultimate race, I haven't come across anything that indicates they tested on anything dead.

As far as the Hellhounds: I think it's like the Thief. He can caome in and out of Aether as he pleases and can use teleporters, the hellhounds were successful in going through teleporter to mainframe, so I think they can enter and exit Aether as they please, aka when Sam tells them to fetch our souls.

Guest Monopoly Mac

Hmm maybe instead of testing on a dead person they tested 115 on a live person and soon after the zombification happened. I know on PC behind one of the walls in SNN it says "The Power will destroy us all" so I'm not sure if the Japanese wrote that or Group 935.

Guest football5699

That is interesting since we know that Maxis knew that testing on a live person would be easier than testing on a dead person via the CotD radios.


Hmm maybe instead of testing on a dead person they tested 115 on a live person and soon after the zombification happened. I know on PC behind one of the walls in SNN it says "The Power will destroy us all" so I'm not sure if the Japanese wrote that or Group 935.

Well, we don't know that 115 makes people zombies when they are alive, since are characters drink 115. Although, it says it rots your mind, so maybe it'll transform them into Zombies.

To football: Exactly. He said it would be easier to break the trust barrier with a live specimen, and Richtofen never believed him. And Maxis was never able to break that trust barrier, otherwise (according to Richtofen) he could of has his undead army.

Guest Monopoly Mac

Well he knew it would be easier to unlock the mind with a live person. Break the trust barrier. Control them.


Well he knew it would be easier to unlock the mind with a live person. Break the trust barrier. Control them.

Well what doesn't make sense to me is that why Maxis never tried live testing then? OOOH! Forget that, he started his live testing on the 3 heroes, and Richtofen didn't believe it would work.

Guest ZombicidalManiac

The Call of the Dead date isn't confirmed by any means. You say it happens March 2013...I don't think so. The sign George is holding up says 03/17...not 03/13. You can tell it's a 7 and not a 3 simply by looking at the 7 right above it. They do the little line through the 7 and you can't see the bottom of it. Thats why you think it's a 3. But it's an understandable mistake. It's clear that the number isn't curved like a 3, rather straight lines with the line going through like the 7 above it.


The Call of the Dead date isn't confirmed by any means. You say it happens March 2013...I don't think so. The sign George is holding up says 03/17...not 03/13. You can tell it's a 7 and not a 3 simply by looking at the 7 right above it. They do the little line through the 7 and you can't see the bottom of it. Thats why you think it's a 3. But it's an understandable mistake. It's clear that the number isn't curved like a 3, rather straight lines with the line going through like the 7 above it.

Great eye, I believe your correct. Now, is is the date or month/year. Filling s movie I would think they mean March 17th right?

Guest Slave

i do believe it is month/day not day/year or month/year format. I dont know about other countries, but here in the US, we do it by month day format since in most cases the year is already known/implied during filming. Ive never seen the boards use the year on there, since there is little space to write much more.

Im going to go slightly away from the cotd radios and back to numa.... i thought i saw something, or heard something about the numa meteor being part of the Tunguska event, in which case, would put numa in russia right? Which does make sense if its near japan, as they did do a major push into asia.

"In the Shi No Numa map the word "Tunguska" can be found written through the window of the hut you see on the left when you exit the main building through storage hut door. Also, if you turn on all three radios in the starting room, the coordinates for the explosion are heard."

paraphrased from wiki, i dont know the tunguska events coordinates to try to refute the "area 51" coordinates theory though. i did find them, and dont know what the radios were, so i didnt save them.


SNN meteor isn't related to Tunguska. Link where u heard it?

Guest Monopoly Mac

New problem regarding when the characters play in the maps.

"With the war demanding every ounce of strength we can muster, there’s no telling when a full search and rescue operation will be conducted. For now we can only hope that our soldiers in the swamp can hold the zombies off."

That means they fought in Shi No Numa during the war. The Cotd radios are after the war ends. :?


New problem regarding when the characters play in the maps.

"With the war demanding every ounce of strength we can muster, there’s no telling when a full search and rescue operation will be conducted. For now we can only hope that our soldiers in the swamp can hold the zombies off."

That means they fought in Shi No Numa during the war. The Cotd radios are after the war ends. :?

Check my reply on the other thread this is in, and that must be why Maxis stopped with the dg2

Guest football5699

Well, I thought I caught a breakthrough with the cut under Richtofen's eye but it seems that he has had it since Der Riese so that didn't help.


Well, I thought I caught a breakthrough with the cut under Richtofen's eye but it seems that he has had it since Der Riese so that didn't help.

No he hasn't, I already checked

Guest TheOnlyShapeshifter

SNN meteor isn't related to Tunguska. Link where u heard it?

Oh SNN you can find the word "Tunguska" written on a wall in a shack. Old news. The topic at hand... Richy had the scar in WaW. In Der Riese. Kino and Ascension too... But now it just disappears?

Guest football5699

Well, I thought I caught a breakthrough with the cut under Richtofen's eye but it seems that he has had it since Der Riese so that didn't help.

No he hasn't, I already checked

Alpha's thread has two clear pics of Richtofen in S-L. If you meant in Der Riese just google Richtofen in Der Riese and you will see it. He has a clear cut or scar under his right eye.


Well, I thought I caught a breakthrough with the cut under Richtofen's eye but it seems that he has had it since Der Riese so that didn't help.

No he hasn't, I already checked

Alpha's thread has two clear pics of Richtofen in S-L. If you meant in Der Riese just google Richtofen in Der Riese and you will see it. He has a clear cut or scar under his right eye.

Ya but the one on Ascension is his left cheek

Guest Monopoly Mac

Its on his left side thats why.


In Der Riese, Kino, and Shangri-La, he has the same cut under his right eye. He has a new cut on his left cheek in Ascension

Guest football5699

In Der Riese, Kino, and Shangri-La, he has the same cut under his right eye. He has a new cut on his left cheek in Ascension

OK now I see what you are saying my bad. Well this definetaly isn't after Ascension now.

Guest Zombieofthedead

In Der Riese, Kino, and Shangri-La, he has the same cut under his right eye. He has a new cut on his left cheek in Ascension

I just have to say, how do you know it's a cut? It could just be zombie blood.

Guest football5699

It is in the same spot but Ascension......The problem is that there is a lot of things wrong with ascension

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