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Time + Location of Zombies Maps (w/ Proof) *UPDATED w/ Moon*

Guest Tac

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Guest nayrc

just to confirm, shangri-la is directly after the characters trip to COTD as in one of the dialogs they say

Nikolia: "finely we are out of that closet"

Dempsey/Richthofen "i kinda enjoyed it"

takeo "no, it was a horrible experience"

(not exact quotes but close,)


just to confirm, shangri-la is directly after the characters trip to COTD as in one of the dialogs they say

Nikolia: "finely we are out of that closet"

Dempsey/Richthofen "i kinda enjoyed it"

takeo "no, it was a horrible experience"

(not exact quotes but close,)

Ya, so if we count those quotes, then we must count the Gersch one and Ascension is before cotd

Guest nayrc

just to confirm, shangri-la is directly after the characters trip to COTD as in one of the dialogs they say

Nikolia: "finely we are out of that closet"

Dempsey/Richthofen "i kinda enjoyed it"

takeo "no, it was a horrible experience"

(not exact quotes but close,)

Ya, so if we count those quotes, then we must count the Gersch one and Ascension is before cotd

and even with out the gersch quote in COTD it can still be proven that ascension is before COTD

in shangri-la takeo says "its no lunar landar, but it will do" when approaching the mine cart (exact quote) so ascension is before shangri-la and because of the quotes at the start shangri-la is straight after COTD.

also, i haven't saw this posted anywhere yet so ill stick it in now,

in one of the debris you have to clear you can see part of a lunar lander,

so, what does that mean?


just to confirm, shangri-la is directly after the characters trip to COTD as in one of the dialogs they say

Nikolia: "finely we are out of that closet"

Dempsey/Richthofen "i kinda enjoyed it"

takeo "no, it was a horrible experience"

(not exact quotes but close,)

Ya, so if we count those quotes, then we must count the Gersch one and Ascension is before cotd

and even with out the gersch quote in COTD it can still be proven that ascension is before COTD

in shangri-la takeo says "its no lunar landar, but it will do" when approaching the mine cart (exact quote) so ascension is before shangri-la and because of the quotes at the start shangri-la is straight after COTD.

also, i haven't saw this posted anywhere yet so ill stick it in now,

in one of the debris you have to clear you can see part of a lunar lander,

so, what does that mean?

Well, theresxan unfinished teleporter in Ascension, so I'm not sure if that are connected

Guest Slave

So, then the order that the black ops maps are the same order for the timeline?

dont remember if this was thrown out or anything, but i was reading through some dialoge scripts and when playing the old maps, someone says something about the time machine backtracking to the future. i think it was DR, but not positive on map.

would that mean that the crew were sent back again, or just some random bs i found?


So, then the order that the black ops maps are the same order for the timeline?

dont remember if this was thrown out or anything, but i was reading through some dialoge scripts and when playing the old maps, someone says something about the time machine backtracking to the future. i think it was DR, but not positive on map.

would that mean that the crew were sent back again, or just some random bs i found?

That was in a Shi No Numa radio, it was explaining the Der Riese teleportation to Kino.

Guest pureninja

in my opinion ascension is the farthest chronologically And COTD and SL are prequels from inbetween DR and kino(im starting to think however that COTD and then SL come after kino and before ascension


in my opinion ascension is the farthest chronologically And COTD and SL are prequels from inbetween DR and kino(im starting to think however that COTD and then SL come after kino and before ascension

That's what I was wondering. The problem we have is that we are mixing timelines. Some are talking about the time period we play there, and some talk about the order they are played. We need to just set which timeline we mean.

Guest Monopoly Mac

Just asking but how much influence do you think the Illuminati still holds on the world right now? Most of the facilities involving 115 have been destroyed so what are their main goals right now?


Just asking but how much influence do you think the Illuminati still holds on the world right now? Most of the facilities involving 115 have been destroyed so what are their main goals right now?

RIGHT NOW in the story I believe the Illuminati is of little relevance. Richtofen broke their hold and I doubt Nikolai joined, so I think they aren't of much importance anymore.

Guest football5699

I took another look at Richtofen in Ascension today with my bud and he really does look like shit in that map. I'm feeling my whole Ascension theory growing by the day. I hope they tie up all plot holes with the new map.

Guest Monopoly Mac

Wait... if theres an illuminati note saying MOON... That might mean they infiltrated the German Base on the moon...


I took another look at Richtofen in Ascension today with my bud and he really does look like shit in that map. I'm feeling my whole Ascension theory growing by the day. I hope they tie up all plot holes with the new map.

I think that the only thing in the next map will be how Richtofen begins to rule the world, and there will be an Easter Egg where you can interact with that somehow.

TO MAC: I'm not sure how much I involve Illuminati anymore, they have so many notes lol, but that could be, or that there is 115 there

Guest Monopoly Mac

Its just Treyarch involves them sooo much like the notes and the television screens I don't know they can't be anymore involved... The only way I can think of is their involvement with the devil... I want to stray away but it keeps coming up more and more.


Its just Treyarch involves them sooo much like the notes and the television screens I don't know they can't be anymore involved... The only way I can think of is their involvement with the devil... I want to stray away but it keeps coming up more and more.

Lol that's easily something I don't want in this. Let's see, we have the eyes and the notes, is that all we have so far (not saying it isn't a lot)?

Guest Monopoly Mac

A crapload of notes. Images of the all seeing eye in the teleporter. Illuminati symbol on the thief. All seeing eye on the television screens. Illuminati symbol on the pack a punch reticles for some guns. I think thats it...


A crapload of notes. Images of the all seeing eye in the teleporter. Illuminati symbol on the thief. All seeing eye on the television screens. Illuminati symbol on the pack a punch reticles for some guns. I think thats it...

We should make a thread lol. But that is interesting, who do you think the person is inside of Der Riese who wrote the note to kill Maxis and all the other notes?

Guest football5699

My opinion is Sophia in case you were asking as a whole.

P.S. - That Kino egg from way back with the trapped man and the tapping. What a weird easter egg. Why was that there?


My opinion is Sophia in case you were asking as a whole.

P.S. - That Kino egg from way back with the trapped man and the tapping. What a weird easter egg. Why was that there?

Haven't heard of it. Explain?

Guest football5699

In the Dressing Room I believe...when you go to the window by the meteor, if you listen closely you can hear a tapping noise coming from the crates behind the barrier. It is really random and somewhat strange.

Guest Monopoly Mac

Harvey Yena. We know the O.S.S and the Majestic-12 most likely worked together and both had Illuminati members. We also know H.Yena was at Der Riese. It also matches with my Majestic-12/Illuminati/Richtofen theory.

Cornelius was the handler of Peter... and Harvey was the handler of Richtofen. ;)

Guest football5699

But then why would Richtofen suspect Yena being a spy then if he knew him through the Iluminati.


In the Dressing Room I believe...when you go to the window by the meteor, if you listen closely you can hear a tapping noise coming from the crates behind the barrier. It is really random and somewhat strange.

Interesting. I wonder what it could POSSIBLY mean. It obviously means that Gary was peeping on the dancers of the show and wanted to know if he could get their number, but that's just a guess. :mrgreen: But I really can't tell how many of these small easter eggs are truly important. I have a feeling EVERYTHING is ya know?

To mac and football: I like the idea of Yena, except what I want to know is, what did Richtofen sabotage/do in Der Riese? On the board Yena asks him something like "I know you did it. Why? H.Yena" Not exact but I think it's close.

Guest football5699

In the Dressing Room I believe...when you go to the window by the meteor, if you listen closely you can hear a tapping noise coming from the crates behind the barrier. It is really random and somewhat strange.

Interesting. I wonder what it could POSSIBLY mean. It obviously means that Gary was peeping on the dancers of the show and wanted to know if he could get their number, but that's just a guess. :mrgreen: But I really can't tell how many of these small easter eggs are truly important. I have a feeling EVERYTHING is ya know?

To mac and football: I like the idea of Yena, except what I want to know is, what did Richtofen sabotage/do in Der Riese? On the board Yena asks him something like "I know you did it. Why? H.Yena" Not exact but I think it's close.

I think the halting of the zombie production I guess.

PLUS: Maybe Richtofen caught Yena but decided to recruit him to the Iluminati in exchange for his life. So instead of killing him, Ricky got him to help in Der Riese with the Iluminati.

Guest Monopoly Mac

They probably didn't tell Richtofen he was being monitored. The all seeing eye that watches us doesn't tell us were being watched does it? We only suspect it.

And about the note on the Der Riese board. I think HYENA and the edward, I know it was you thing were written at seperate times. Writing "Edward I know it was you, HYENA" Seems like a stupid note in my opinion. No reason to write HYENA. What I think is Dr.Maxis wrote the edward note.

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