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Time + Location of Zombies Maps (w/ Proof) *UPDATED w/ Moon*

Guest Tac

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How do you personally think its going to end? Will Richtofen rule the world? Will Sam get her revenge? Will Takeo make Richtofen pay? Will the crew stop Richtofen?

Great question. I think that Takeo will find a way to Aether and kill Richtofen, and the crew then controls everything

Guest Monopoly Mac

You know what would be epic. Everything finally gets solved, no more Sam and no more zombies. Crisis averted. Richtofen gets sent back in time to the 1940's and is killed. In his pocket is the meteor. Dr.Maxis finds it and looks at it. "I wonder what this rock can do?" :lol:


You know what would be epic. Everything finally gets solved, no more Sam and no more zombies. Crisis averted. Richtofen gets sent back in time to the 1940's and is killed. In his pocket is the meteor. Dr.Maxis finds it and looks at it. "I wonder what this rock can do?" :lol:

OMG that would be great, and then there are 2 richtofen's in that paradox? OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG That's EPIC!

Guest Monopoly Mac

Lol they should totally make a book on this. Preferably from Richtofens point of view... He is such an interesting person with so many sides to him.

Guest football5699

They should totally do a cliffhanger like you said with Maxis. "Vril Generator" he says "what does this do?" black screen....the end of Zombies.

Now that I think of it...it seems that Sam's toys are controlling her according to Pareidolia and I think that if Richtofen overtakes Sam, then the toys will drive him insane and he will do something bad.


They should totally do a cliffhanger like you said with Maxis. "Vril Generator" he says "what does this do?" black screen....the end of Zombies.

Now that I think of it...it seems that Sam's toys are controlling her according to Pareidolia and I think that if Richtofen overtakes Sam, then the toys will drive him insane and he will do something bad.

Lol too late. he already is insane, but I get what you mean. But remember that he has toys if his own!

Guest football5699

as creepy as that sounds right?


I can't wait for the climax of zombies.


as creepy as that sounds right?


I can't wait for the climax of zombies.


Guest Monopoly Mac

Richtofen says he controls them all after he gets the focusing stone... What does that mean for the next map? Will he not be a playable character or is he choosing to use it when the time is right?

Guest football5699

I think we will get a cutscene and there will be a 3 person max....in other words yes i believe Richtofen AT SOME POINT will be unplayable.

Guest Monopoly Mac

I think he can't truly utilize the focusing stone to its potential until he finds somewhere to use it... OMG

Remember that radio where Maxis says he has to find a better conduit to channel the energy? Maybe Rictofen could use the Eifel Tower to channel the stones energy...

Guest Zombieofthedead

Oh no... France.. :lol:

I like that more than Area 51, it's more original.

Guest Monopoly Mac

Honestly, I doubt they would do France because majority of the community want an Area 51 map. So I propose a solution. We play... in Las Vegas, Nevada! Its in Nevada... and it has a mini Eifel Tower... heh! heh!

jk by the way...

Guest AscendingDarkness

I'm not saying I am correct with this, but I'm sure this is accurate.

If you listen to the phones in Ascension and hit them, I've heard Fidel Castro on one, and Nixon on another. So the phones in Ascension MUST be trying to reach the Pentagon, and the ringing phones in "FIVE" are calling the guys at the Cosmodrome! So Dempsey and the crew are fighting there, while JFK and his group are fighting in the Pentagon AT THE SAME TIME! And "FIVE" takes place during the CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS! So "FIVE" and Ascension are at the SAME TIME!!!

Also, I'm sure it was confirmed that Call of the Dead takes place in March 2017.

Guest football5699

The date is 99% month/date not month/year

So wait....based on all supposed proof we have:





? That doesn't make sense IMO.

Guest Zombieofthedead

The ascension phones could still be recordings... I don't see JFK dialing a number as he is fighting zombies. I think ascension is still after kino in both ways.

Guest Monopoly Mac

When you activate the telephone when your in Five you don't exactly put your finger on it do you. :roll:

Guest WarmBuns

Lol they should totally make a book on this. Preferably from Richtofens point of view... He is such an interesting person with so many sides to him.

So true man But I think they need to start revealing the story from the other characters point of view and THE WHOLE STORY of how they got in group 935 I understand we know it but I would like to go way more in depth I don't really know what to say but I know Zombies isn't over yet. And I bet after Mw3 treyarch will make the next zombies and finish up the story from there? [brains]

Guest Monopoly Mac

Another Monopoly Thought!

We all agree Verruckt outbreak occurs before Der Riese. If so how is there a demonic voice on that map when Sam isn't dead yet?

Guest football5699

Well I think the demonic voice can be overlooked considering I'm not sure that Treyarch fully knew where they were going with the story. I think it was just a cute add on

Guest Monopoly Mac

Hmm... I think I just found the year where Brock and Gary came to Shangri La. On top of the radio in Shangri La is Andro. Andro Media is a software company that has multiple radio stations. It was formed in 2004.

Guest football5699

Well if 2011/2013? is too far into the future maybe 2004 isn't.

Well if we follow my theory then that is the grandson of Maxis lmao.

:shock: UNLESS....they are time traveling too.

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