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Time + Location of Zombies Maps (w/ Proof) *UPDATED w/ Moon*

Guest Tac

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Guest Monopoly Mac

I'm not sure about the Maxis son/Brock thing anymore... Their voices are somewhat similar but Maxis is a lot more rough and deeper. I'm thinking Brock is an explorer like Indiana Jones.

Guest football5699

I'm starting to think that Brock and Gary are time travelling too because they seem to be searching for specific things.

I was gonna say they were from Nazi Germany but Gary is pure American English and has no accent.

Guest Monopoly Mac

Well Brock said if he can find the gateway to Agartha it could finally verify his work. What work can that be?

Guest football5699

I'm thinking maybe...hmmmm not sure To Be Honest

Maybe just proving that there is a gateway to Agartha

Guest Slave

Either way, im still waiting for a pokemon to pop out. lol

and even if the maps are before DR, that doesnt mean that the outbreak hasnt happened before the time you play it. by the time the marines get to the asylum, dr could have already gone to hell with maxis and sam.

im still trying to understand now, are the time lines supposed to be the time they are in physical time, or the order you play them, or both?

and most sites i go to feel that the chalkboard in call is month/year due to the fact that many more countries use the Little endian forms rather than Big endian forms or Middle endian forms of date notation. and it would add more to the time jumper theory of overshoot, undershoot.

if thats the case, then the order played would be the order that the events happen (as in sl tak mentions the landers, and to explain why they arent as messy, old nikki mentions having taken a bath for first time in long time, which could also account for the change in clothing.)

Guest football5699

There are two different concepts with timelines (at least in my opinion)

When the events of the radios occur.

When we play the map.


Because these characters are American, I think the CoTD date is month/day. And as said, the timelines can be:


The order we are there

the physical time in real life were there.

Guest Monopoly Mac

Massacre at Der Riese. History wise does this ring any bells?


Massacre at Der Riese. History wise does this ring any bells?

No never heard of it, is it real?

Guest Monopoly Mac

I don't think so cuz theres no results about it if I type it in google... I found it in one of the Black Ops Intel. It said that Kravchenkos cousin was involved in the Massacre at Der Riese which resulted in a standoff with American Troops... Did you know this or is this new?

Guest football5699

I knew it but didn't fully understand it....

so is it possible that Kravchenko's cousin is....Nikolai jk but why not??

I would think multiple zombies dead on the ground would be considered a massacre and maybe the Americans didn't appreciate it.


Damn that's new to me. But awesome! The could, as said, be Nikolai. The massacre being on the zombies, and by troops, well most likely the group of people sent to retrieve Dempsey that was mentioned in intel.

Guest Monopoly Mac

Or maybe after sending the message to Peter about containing Der Riese, they found out it wasn't contained so they went over there and yeah... Massacred all of the zombies and nearly got in a confrontation with the soviets.


Oh your thinking like the legitimate Soviet army?


Updated FIVE, Call of the Dead, and working on a few other grammatical errors now.

Guest Aether

So we don't really know when SNN takes place, then? If it's where the 4 main characters (Tank, Takeo, Nikolai, Richtofen) meet for the 1st time, it should be after Verrückt and probably also after NDU (if you count that one as part of the storyline), but before Der riese. This also follows the map order given in CoD wikia (reliable source? Not sure, but whatever).

So it would be: Verrückt (Sept '45) - NDU (Late Sept '45) - SNN (?) - Der Riese (after Oct '45; they could have had time to go to SNN first since we don't have the accurate date for DR).


So we don't really know when SNN takes place, then? If it's where the 4 main characters (Tank, Takeo, Nikolai, Richtofen) meet for the 1st time, it should be after Verrückt and probably also after NDU (if you count that one as part of the storyline), but before Der riese. This also follows the map order given in CoD wikia (reliable source? Not sure, but whatever).

So it would be: Verrückt (Sept '45) - NDU (Late Sept '45) - SNN (?) - Der Riese (after Oct '45; they could have had time to go to SNN first since we don't have the accurate date for DR).

Yay! I like logical posters :D

Now, Verruckt is late September '45 because of the radios in CoTD, leaving NDU to be early October '45. As you said we don't know exactly when Der Riese, so that means we don't know SNN. I wouldn't say that Der Riese could be any later later then 1946 so that kind of gives us a 1 year span.

Guest football5699

Wait...crazy thought....maybe by the time the SNN radio happens Der Riese may not have been broken out yet....

Think about it..."Der Riese must be contained at all costs"

If NDU and Verruckt already broke out...Pernell (or whoever is sending the message) may know that Der Riese will break out.

Maybe SNN is in Mid October.

Guest Monopoly Mac

Hey guys I decided to solo a map I suck at and absolutely hate. "Five". Got to round 22 which is alright... anyways I'm not sure but maybe I found the date Five takes place in. October 16 1963?

There is a chalkboard with several dates which records Blackbirds flights. The last Blackbird to fly was 10/16/63. Then there is a next date which is blank and doesn't have any notes probably because it hasn't got flight yet. I'll try to see what the date was next time I play so we could reaaally narrow down "Five"'s date.

Guest Prototype

First off, nacht der untoten is set in the airfield that is in the campaign and is also one of the standard multiplayer maps but i forget when that is set cuz its been a long time since I played W@W.(figured this out cuz my friend modded zombies, and b4 i get hated on i dont condone this and truthfully wasnt sure what he was going to do). Oh and five and ascension happen at the same time.

proof:the three red phones in ascension, when ringing if you hit the action button, you can hear one of the quotes from the players in five (except for mcnamara)

Guest Aether

Yes, Ascension and Five happen at the same time. I wonder what relevance does Five have to the storyline.

Hey guys I decided to solo a map I suck at and absolutely hate. "Five". Got to round 22 which is alright... anyways I'm not sure but maybe I found the date Five takes place in. October 16 1963?

There is a chalkboard with several dates which records Blackbirds flights. The last Blackbird to fly was 10/16/63. Then there is a next date which is blank and doesn't have any notes probably because it hasn't got flight yet. I'll try to see what the date was next time I play so we could reaaally narrow down "Five"'s date.

Good point, sir! The last one that flew was 10/16/63. The next date being blank would mean that there was a programmed flight, but hadn't flown yet... I guess it must be kinda hard to plan flight routes and everything while you're eaten by a zed...

Guest MrRoflWaffles

while you're eaten by a zed...

Eaten by a grue more like! ;D

Guest Zombie_Bunneh

How do we know Shangri-La takes place during the present? Sure the radio may be from 2004-2011, but that only means Brock and Gary are from that time as well. Obviously they went back in time to the eclipse and left a radio for Dempsey & Co. to find in the near future.

Unfortunately, I don't have time frame in mind, but I just wanted everyone to know that Shangri-La may not be between 2004 and 2011 :D

Guest football5699

As odd as it may seem.....Since we are incorporating Steiner and the campaign timeline....its kinda odd that there could have been a zombie apocolypse and everything seems so clean 8-)

Well U.S.D.D happened I think 12 days before JFK got shot....sooooo either they have speedy cleanup or Castro flew in right after Mason 8-) :lol:

Guest Monopoly Mac

Well actually I think "Five' may have taken place on November 16 1963. The last date on the chalkboard isn't actually October but is November.

10/16/63 info info info info info info info


11/16/63 BLANK

Thats kind of how the board is set up. They never got to record the data because they got attacked.

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