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Has anyone really taken a long look at the computer?

Guest Mikeeeyyy

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Guest Mikeeeyyy

I was just looking at the computer thats in the room at the menu.. and i've managed to load up Mason's emails.. these don't seem to have anything to do with zombies from what i noticed (i only looked at a few so i might have missed something) but i've also found that there's a logins for loads of characters like.. Nixon, Hudson, Kennedy, Weaver and quite a few more the only problem is you need their passwords, i've got a feeling though that they might have hints about their passwords throughout the game.. this could possibly lead to finding out more info about zombies and the story behind it.. anyone else seen this or could anyone have any ideas of passwords and such?

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Guest Mikeeeyyy

I've just actually looked online to see if anyone else had found this but apparently they have and all the passwords were found to..

Bruce Harris

Username: bharris

Password: goskins

D. King

Username: dking

Password: mfk

Adrienne Smith

Username: asmith

Password: roxy

Vannevar Bush

Username: vbush

Password: manhattan

Frank Woods

Username: fwoods

Password: philly

Grigori 'Greg' Weaver

Username: gweaver

Password: gedeon

J. Turner

Username: Jturner

Password: condor75

Jason Hudson

Username: jhudson

Password: bryant1950

John McCone

Username: jmccone

Password: berkley22

Joseph Bowman

Username: jbowman

Password: uwd

John F. Kennedy

Username: jfkennedy

Password: lancer

Lyndon B. Johnson

Username: lbjohnson

Password: ladybird

Richard Nixon

Username: rnixon

Password: checkers

Richard Helms

Username: rhelms

Password: lerosey

Richard Kain

Username: rkain

Password: sunwu

Ryan Jackson

Username: rjackson

Password: saintbridget

T. Walker

Username: twalker

Password: radi0

Terrance Brooks

Username: tbrooks

Password: lauren

William Raborn

Username: wraborn

Password: bromlow

Guest AlphaSnake

I've been through most of it with a fine tooth comb.

Some very interesting bits of information in there.

The Verruckt & Der Riese servers still need cracking...

It's just a matter of time really.

It would be nice if some one took on the task of getting everything uploaded in one place, like Carbon did with the GK live drop documents. I used to spend hours just reading them on the home page.

Fact of the matter is that the Terminal has proven so many theories right & wrong.

Like it clearly indicates that there is 115 on the Moon... Without that I would never have wrote my moon thread.

Plus it proved that Daniel Clarke has a brother, Weaver has a Russian niece.

That Kennedy was threaten for some reason.

I could go on all day about the terminal...

So I put a chellenge out to the members of CoDz, create the Ultimate Terminal thread, with as many pictures quotes etc all in one place for easy access.

Don't forget if you have a USB keyboard it makes life a lot easier if your planning on spending sometime on the terminal.

There are some threads on here, but the information is spread over several topics & posts.

Regards Alpha.

Guest Matuzz

I've been through most of it with a fine tooth comb.

Some very interesting bits of information in there.

The Verruckt & Der Riese servers still need cracking...

It's just a matter of time really.

It would be nice if some one took on the task of getting everything uploaded in one place, like Carbon did with the GK live drop documents. I used to spend hours just reading them on the home page.

Fact of the matter is that the Terminal has proven so many theories right & wrong.

Like it clearly indicates that there is 115 on the Moon... Without that I would never have wrote my moon thread.

Plus it proved that Daniel Clarke has a brother, Weaver has a Russian niece.

That Kennedy was threaten for some reason.

I could go on all day about the terminal...

So I put a chellenge out to the members of CoDz, create the Ultimate Terminal thread, with as many pictures quotes etc all in one place for easy access.

Don't forget if you have a USB keyboard it makes life a lot easier if your planning on spending sometime on the terminal.

There are some threads on here, but the information is spread over several topics & posts.

Regards Alpha.

There is no Verruckt server

Guest Scorpion

I've been through most of it with a fine tooth comb.

Some very interesting bits of information in there.

The Verruckt & Der Riese servers still need cracking...

It's just a matter of time really.

It would be nice if some one took on the task of getting everything uploaded in one place, like Carbon did with the GK live drop documents. I used to spend hours just reading them on the home page.

Fact of the matter is that the Terminal has proven so many theories right & wrong.

Like it clearly indicates that there is 115 on the Moon... Without that I would never have wrote my moon thread.

Plus it proved that Daniel Clarke has a brother, Weaver has a Russian niece.

That Kennedy was threaten for some reason.

I could go on all day about the terminal...

So I put a chellenge out to the members of CoDz, create the Ultimate Terminal thread, with as many pictures quotes etc all in one place for easy access.

Don't forget if you have a USB keyboard it makes life a lot easier if your planning on spending sometime on the terminal.

There are some threads on here, but the information is spread over several topics & posts.

Regards Alpha.

Nice, Verrukt and Der Riese servers! So like how the CIA has the terminal for their archives, the archives for Group 935 are in those terminals. Verrukt's Group 935 and Der Riese's Group 935. Do you think there could be an Ascension server? That would be a nice add-on, same goes with the Pentagon. Maybe there will be a Black Ops character involved soon in the events of 935 and the Maxis.

I agree, we need to dedicate some time to the terminal and find more intel on what is going on in the zombies storyline.

Perhaps we'll find out what is happening in the images on the screens in the menu of Zombies.

Guest Matuzz

I've been through most of it with a fine tooth comb.

Some very interesting bits of information in there.

The Verruckt & Der Riese servers still need cracking...

It's just a matter of time really.

It would be nice if some one took on the task of getting everything uploaded in one place, like Carbon did with the GK live drop documents. I used to spend hours just reading them on the home page.

Fact of the matter is that the Terminal has proven so many theories right & wrong.

Like it clearly indicates that there is 115 on the Moon... Without that I would never have wrote my moon thread.

Plus it proved that Daniel Clarke has a brother, Weaver has a Russian niece.

That Kennedy was threaten for some reason.

I could go on all day about the terminal...

So I put a chellenge out to the members of CoDz, create the Ultimate Terminal thread, with as many pictures quotes etc all in one place for easy access.

Don't forget if you have a USB keyboard it makes life a lot easier if your planning on spending sometime on the terminal.

There are some threads on here, but the information is spread over several topics & posts.

Regards Alpha.

Nice, Verrukt and Der Riese servers! So like how the CIA has the terminal for their archives, the archives for Group 935 are in those terminals. Verrukt's Group 935 and Der Riese's Group 935. Do you think there could be an Ascension server? That would be a nice add-on, same goes with the Pentagon. Maybe there will be a Black Ops character involved soon in the events of 935 and the Maxis.

I agree, we need to dedicate some time to the terminal and find more intel on what is going on in the zombies storyline.

Perhaps we'll find out what is happening in the images on the screens in the menu of Zombies.

Read my post above! There is NO Verruckt server.

There is CIA, Dreamland, Der Riese and DoD server.

Guest Monopoly Mac

What he said.

Guest Duckcall00

So I put a challenge out to the members of CoDz, create the Ultimate Terminal thread, with as many pictures quotes etc all in one place for easy access.

http://www.filefront.com/17494569/gsc_r ... ck_ops.zip

Go to:

terminal_resources --> terminal_files --> BOOM! A BUNCH (all?) OF THE TERMINAL INFO IN ONE PLACE!!!!!!111!!!!one!!!1!!

Guest Duckcall00

I was looking threw the terminal and found this one message that stuck in my head. So I made a picture of it:



I was looking threw the terminal and found this one message that stuck in my head. So I made a picture of it:


Nice!! One of the haiku's, well done! But tell me, WHERE DID YOU GET THAT FONT!!!

Guest AlphaSnake

So I put a challenge out to the members of CoDz, create the Ultimate Terminal thread, with as many pictures quotes etc all in one place for easy access.

http://www.filefront.com/17494569/gsc_r ... ck_ops.zip

Go to:

terminal_resources --> terminal_files --> BOOM! A BUNCH (all?) OF THE TERMINAL INFO IN ONE PLACE!!!!!!111!!!!one!!!1!!

I ment here on CoDz...

I hate going to other sites for terminal info.


[REDACTED] ÿÿÿÿ¦ ÿÿÿÿterminal_resources/terminal_files/44ea164c

TO: R. Oppen.

FROM: V. Bush

SUBJECT: RE: John Banana

What a coincidence. I, too, found one of these strange limericks in the Verruckt archive. Like this one:

"I once knew a soldier named Smokey

He slapped me on the head and awoke me

Turns out he was dead

I cut off his head

Yet but headless he still tried to choke me."

I fear this poor man "John" may have lost his mind in Verruckt.

If there is no Verruckt server, then what archive is he referring to?

Regards Alpha.

Guest Duckcall00

Nice!! One of the haiku's, well done! But tell me, WHERE DID YOU GET THAT FONT!!!

Its called Zombie (How original!). You can download it here


Nice!! One of the haiku's, well done! But tell me, WHERE DID YOU GET THAT FONT!!!

Its called Zombie (How original!). You can download it here

OMG Thank you very much!

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