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Verrückt connections to Kino Der Toten


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Sorry about wall of text I put colors to make it more enjoyable :D

Verrückt, old Wittenau Sanatorium mental hospital in Berlin. Group 935 started working there to gain control to the test subjects created in Der Riese.

They tried to study zombies brains to find trust barrier which would make the zombies calm and controlled. They had dentist chair in Verrückt which they used when drilling heads of the zombies to get in to the brains. Maxis told Richtofen that the key to unlocking the human mind will be more easily discovered on someone who isn't dead yet. But Richtofen wasn't convinced.

When the outbreak happened in Verrückt, the Group 935 transfered the tests to Kino Der Toten. And now comes the proof on why they were transfered to Kino Der Toten. The whole Theater is based on controlling zombies exactly like Verrückt. They took evetything they had from Verrückt to the Kino.

Mannequins were transferred to Kino's dressing room and Verrückt's perk machines where also brought to the Kino.

In Kino Der Toten Group 935 tried different approach on controlling the zombies. Some of them were more successful than others.

Group 935 started to show clips on the theater to the zombies and in that way to brainwash zombies. This was found to be breakthrough in controlling zombies.

"In the past weeks we have made get strides in breaking through to their subconscious, I have had the projectionists make edits to the film, these changes have been very effective".

"Subject two six has had a breakthrough, he is responding to the treatment and following basic instructions, the violent outbursts have been greatly reduced, and give time we feel this method of treatment will be 100% effective in most cases".

"The timeline for deployment can be accelerated, given the progress we have made in the past two weeks, if patient two six can retain the impression for longer than 26 hours we will have the process perfected".

"Another setback, patient two six was killed this morning during a field test, he lost control and attacked one of our handlers, his injuries were minor, but patient two six was destroyed, the break in programing coincided with the flashing lights and the loud noises of the fire alarm in the test facility (4x Knocks on the door) One moment (5x Knocks on the door) What is it?".

Unfortunately the subject two six failed. But Group 935 had also other project going on in controlling zombies. They used nerve gasses Tabun and Sarin to get effect on the zombies. This project was huge fail and created creepy crawlers. And when they die they release those nerve gasses.

More evidence on that Verruckt test were transferred somewhere after they failed:

"You must know by now that we failed to contain the asylum, that we had to move the experiment here."

That is radio from Shi No Numa. I believe that it was sent from Kino Der Toten to the Shi No Numa to Peter.

That means there was at least one american scientist who knew Peter in Kino Der Toten.

It seems there was third small place where Richofen was doing his own controlling tests like he says in CotD radios:

"I still have not had any luck reprogramming any of the live specimens. Doctor M(Interference)s says the key to unlocking the human mind will be more easily discovered on someone who isn't dead yet. I am not convinced. The army is stalled until I can break this, this trust Barrier?"

It could be Der Riese, Shi No Numa or Call of The Dead.

Now to Samantha's presence in Verrückt and Kino. Samantha has ability to summon his toys (toy box and teddy bear in different locations.)

Like in Ascension radios Yuri is trying to figure out who has child in the base as he founds teddy bear and toy box from the base.

In Verrückt there is in walls written in blood sign with teddy and it has been crossed to say no teddies allowed. It seems Samantha started to play with minds of people in Verrückt just like in Ascension afterwards and causing an outbreak.

When the tests were transferred to Kino also Samantha went there. Subject two six had failed because he had broken from the brainwash in programing coincided with the flashing lights and the loud noises of the fire alarm in the test facility. I believe Samantha caused the fire alarm so Group 935 would fail.

Then interesting quotes in Kino by Richtofen:

"Dr.Maxis almost had his undead army, if only he could have broken the trust barrier."

-Dr.Maxis was in Kino trying to control the zombies.

"Those seats, the screen, they wanted to implant the mind with instructions."

-They were brainwashing the zombies with the screen.

"You have all been fooled just like Peter, arh hahaha."

-Peter has his part in studies to control the zombies but he was killed by Richtofen.

"These must have been the failed experiments Maxis mentioned."

-Talking about the Creepy Crawlers created using Tabun and Sarin. As there is note in Kino which mentions Tabun and Sarin.

I will be adding pictures later!

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Guest Anti Earth


You had me at that quote! :D

"You must know we failed to contain the asylum and had to move the experiment here"

I've never adequately recognized the implications of that quote before.

Guest Monopoly Mac

Awesome thread

Guest Duckcall00

So here's the connection between your theory and the theory about the Gang being captured and tested on.

"I still have not had any luck reprogramming any of the live specimens. Doctor M(Interference)s says the key to unlocking the human mind will be more easily discovered on someone who isn't dead yet. I am not convinced. The army is stalled until I can break this, this trust Barrier?"

Maxis eventually became convinced that it is easier to break the trust barrier with humans.

September 10th, 1945: A spy was found in Verruckt and sent to Richtofen

September 17th, 1945: Dempsey is captured

September 20th, 1945: Dempsey, Takeo, and Nikolai are captured and undergoing tests.


Guest beefbobjones

In COTD on one radio Maxis takes out some Mexican's spleen and says that the barrier isn't in the spleen.

Guest Matuzz

In COTD on one radio Maxis takes out some Mexican's spleen and says that the barrier isn't in the spleen.

Its Richtofen talking :)

Thats why I mentioned that Richtofen had his own control studies somewhere else.

Guest football5699

I'm still not understanding the whole barrier thing. Even if it does mean trust barrier, how does that even make sense?

Guest beefbobjones

haha I meant to say Richtofen but I guess I was tired...


THANK YOU! Someone finally agrees with me that they went from Verruckt to Kino. WHOOO!!!! Now it comes down to which broke out first. Kino or DR? I say Kino.

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