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Der Riese Eclipse | Can It Be Relevant? *UPDATE*

Guest Tac

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That sounds very plausible indeed.

P.S. Tac, you said nayrc not me lmao no biggie just pointing it out.

lolol ya I just noticed that, the blue's confused me and I'm switching between threads and I got confuzzled. I'm truly sorry :oops:

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Guest Monopoly Mac

According to Call of duty wiki, when Richtofen gets the JGb he says "I didn't know Maxis was making this". I don't like depending on wikis. Has anyone else heard this?

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According to Call of duty wiki, when Richtofen gets the JGb he says "I didn't know Maxis was making this". I don't like depending on wikis. Has anyone else heard this?

Ya I check it out and like to confirm it, I haven't played much, only gotten it twice, so cannot confirm or deny this.

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Guest Monopoly Mac

There is red writing on the side of the Canister in both Kino and Shangri La. What does it say because I can't understand the writing.

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There is red writing on the side of the Canister in both Kino and Shangri La. What does it say because I can't understand the writing.


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Guest Monopoly Mac

In Shangri La go to the area where theres a mine cart with a pig on it... Go on the pathway to the power and look at the corner...Thats where it is..

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In Shangri La go to the area where theres a mine cart with a pig on it... Go on the pathway to the power and look at the corner...Thats where it is..

I couldn't see it tbh, I couldn't make out the words

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Guest Monopoly Mac

I can't tell if the words are in a different language or just too blurry... Either way what are the canisters doing in Shangri La.

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I can't tell if the words are in a different language or just too blurry... Either way what are the canisters doing in Shangri La.

Either they found the canisters here in the Tibet trip and brought them back to Kino to store, since they are in peculiar places like under the stairs


They were experimenting in Kino before 1938, found the crawlers and brought them back.

I think the first is more plausible.

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Guest Monopoly Mac

Alright that sounds believable. They found it and brought it back to Kino to present to government officials... Now what were the things doing in Shangri La?

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Maybe Maxis worked on them here, and let Steiner run the Kino facility, and Richtofen run the Der Riese facility. Maybe Ed came with him at some point and that's how he knew about the place. Other than that, I can't imagine how they were created in Shangri-La

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Guest Monopoly Mac

Well there are no nova gas zombies in Shangri La... But there are canisters. This is my theory.

Maxis was at one point working in Shangri La as proven by that quote... which I hope is true... He worked on zombies but there were several failed experiments. The Nova Gas Zombies. The Shrieker Zombies. And The Napalm Zombies. The Nova ones he had packed up and sent most of them to Kino for presentation... The rest of this theory goes to hell because I don't know where Maxis went and why he left the other zombies...

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Guest football5699

Well maybe Brock and Gary teleported FORWARD in time instead of back in time like the heroes. All we know is that they teleported to the eclipse we don't exactly know when they were exploring.

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Guest Matuzz

Well maybe Brock and Gary teleported FORWARD in time instead of back in time like the heroes. All we know is that they teleported to the eclipse we don't exactly know when they were exploring.

They left from Ascension and they wanted to go more in the future, they got to CotD but they were too far in the future so they wen't bac kin time to Shangri-La. But Shangri-La definitely is in future considered to Ascension time.

So the eclipse must be between Ascension and CotD? And the radios suggest that when they activate the eclipse they go back in time.

So Find Eclipses between Ascension date and CotD date.

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football is right. I mean yes when the characters are there it is between in Ascension and Shangri-La, but when they activate the eclipse and we save Brock and Gary, the only idea we have is during Der Riese, other than that we have no evidence to show what went on.

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Guest KillzoneHD

"WAIT! Richtofen said in SNN radio that they must have ripped space-time when teleporting into the future, so they are ripping space-time by teleporting backwards!

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Guest football5699

I don't know if what I am saying is getting confused (yes we don't know the time of the eclipse) but we don't know when brock and gary are exploring during the day....like before the eclipse part.

Sorry, If this has been answered and is obvious

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Guest Matuzz
football is right. I mean yes when the characters are there it is between in Ascension and Shangri-La, but when they activate the eclipse and we save Brock and Gary, the only idea we have is during Der Riese, other than that we have no evidence to show what went on.
But isn't Brock still alive during the time our crew gets in shangri-la? I don't think he would have survived many years after Gary died. (if Gary died at time of Der Riese eclipse).
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