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The Conflicts of the story

Guest Monopoly Mac

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Guest Monopoly Mac

The following is a thread that I made to emphasize the conflicts of this story. Most of it is already known information but it is here specifically to outline the conflicts of these characters.


Tanks mission was to lead a recon unit into Verruckt to rescue Peter. Acting as leader he walked ahead of his unit to know what they were up against but was caught and captured. Thought to be a spy he was sent to Dr. Edward Richtofen. Here he was tested on along with Nikolai Belinski and Takeo Masaki. These goals of these tests were to break the “trust” barrier and unlock the mind. The ending results were three men with broken minds. Tank responded to the treatments with extreme aggression. Takeos mind was broken in the process and Nikolai would only respond to vodka. It is unknown what happened afterwards.

A while later, for some reason Tank and the other test subjects were sent to either capture or kill Richtofen in a Japanese swamp. They were met by an uprising of zombies and they along with Richtofen had to fend them off. Later on they found a teleporter of the sort and teleported to a secret German facility known as Der Riese.

Here their goal was to survive. Alas they did but as they attempted to teleport someone had shot a Wunderwaffe into the system causing it to overload and back trace them to the future into a German Theatre known as Kino Der Toten.

As they fought Tank Dempsey had no thought on his mind other than to survive. The Perk a Colas were causing him to lose his memory and forget the initial goal and mission. After fighting in the theatre they somehow ended up in Ascension, a Russian Launch Facility.

Here was no different from Der Riese or Kino Der Toten. However, they had one more goal. To free a man named Gersch from the Aether. After overloading the Kassimir Mechanism they had freed Gersch. And Takeo whispered under his breath "I hope you in turn, free someone else… who needs it." This one man out of the three finally had an idea. "Richtofen, his evil is great. But not as great as what we fight today. One day, when the time is right I will make him pay for what he has done!".

Goals as of right now:

Tank: To survive.

Nikolai: To survive.

Takeo: To kill Richtofen when the time is right and to possibly free Sam.

Edward Richtofen

Dr. Richtofen is a man with many sides. A faithful servant to the Illuminati, an assistant to Dr. Maxis, a power hungry mad man, and finally a pedophile. Once employed by the Illuminati he became part of Group 935 and was an assistant to Dr. Maxis. He helped with matter transference tests and live subject tests. He used torture to break his subjects and the three victims to him were Tank Dempsey, Nikolai Belinski, and Takeo Masaki. As he tested on them his annoyance of Dr. Maxis grew.

One day he was ordered by the Illuminati to get rid of Maxis. He followed the directions and locked him and his daughter in a room with a hellhound. They teleported somehow and unbeknownst to the doctor they had become one with the Aether. Sometime later he escaped to Shi No Numa.

Here in Shi No Numa, he studied the meteor and wrote books about his research. However, as he was working, he was interrupted by the arrival of his own test subjects. Knowing he may be killed once he was found he triggered a zombie outbreak with 115.

Time skip to them being teleported to the future in Kino, Richtofen ambitions finally materialize. He now knows the true potential of the MDT and knows the little girl didn’t die. Here in the theatre he realizes Group 935 was hiding a secret. They knew of the Aether and were trying to find out its secrets.

Sometime in Ascension, Richtofen finds the Casimir Mechanism and frees Gersch. This map is a crucial part to his plan because he finds the Gersch device. A portable teleporter. Edward somehow programs it to teleport them to Call of the Dead to retrieve the golden rod. With a Golden Rod, a Gersch Device, a space suit, and other items in his possession he only needs one more piece and so he teleports him and the team to Shangri La. This place is special to Richtofen because only he knows of its existence. Using time travel methods he obtains the Focusing Stone. That is capable of “Controlling them all!” Where the stone lay is also important. It lay on what appears to be a shrine… dedicated to Richtofen himself.

This shrine could have many meanings. It could foreshadow Richtofen ascension to godhood. In my opinion this is where Richtofen made a deal. This temple was rumored to be the entrance to Agartha, a city inside the earth. Another place that resides underground is hell itself. Richtofen made a deal with the devil and what for is unknown. What we do know is death is coming for Richtofen one way or another.


Survive long enough to break into Aether and replace Samantha as the King of Aether.

Samantha Maxis

Once a little girl who stayed with her father, Ludvig, in Der Riese. Behind her father’s back, she was being experimented on by Dr. Richtofen. The nature of the experiments is unknown. The day she was locked in the room with her dog Fluffy was the day she was reborn. In the space known as Aether she can manipulate nearly anything and zombies could do her bidding. However the amount of 115 in space around made her addicted. It was like a baby bottle to her. Hence the lyric “GIVE ME 115!”.

At the same time she wanted 115 she wanted to destroy anything related to it. The element was the thing that caused her imprisonment in the first place so several places needed to be getting rid of. Several of these places were the Pentagon, Area 51, and the Russian Launch Facility. This is not her only goal.

The experiments performed on her made her harbor a deep anger towards Edward. A full blown zombie apocalypse has not blown out because that is not what Samantha wants. Her lust for revenge will not stop until Richtofen is destroyed. She does not wish to harm Tank, Takeo, and Nikolai, in fact she has gotten tired of the killing she has caused and wishes to leave Aether and die so she can stop. However she will not leave until she has been satisfied.


Destroy anything related to 115.

Leave Aether and pass away.

Kill Richtofen.

The Illuminati

The Illuminati is a secret society that rules behind all governments and its ultimate goal is to unite all nations under one group. Several high ranking politicians are under the influence of this group and act under their orders. One organization that has been penetrated them is Group 935. Edward Richtofen was a servant of the Illuminati who followed any orders he was issued. One of these orders was to kill Dr.Maxis. The reason for this is unknown and it caused an outbreak shortly after. The knowledge of 115 was what they wanted ultimately and this knowledge lay in the head of Edward. However soon he discovered he was simply a pawn and wished to be a king and so he broke away from the Illuminati.

Fast forward 20 years and several more organizations have become influenced by the secret society. The Ascension Group and Majestic-12. Both ran tests involving element 115 and so the Illuminati required their work. What they didn’t expect was the fact that Samantha Maxis destroyed anything involving the element and that both of the facilities were overrun with the infected. It is unknown what the Illuminati may attempt to do now. Just remember that the members of this group worship Satan and he himself may have plans.


Unite all nations under their leadership.


This threads purpose is to home any discussions regarding Richtofens goals and other characters problems. Recently there have been too many threads about the "ending" to the story. If you wanna talk about ending you have found the right thread.


Great post. [brains]

Guest football5699

[brains] Once again I have to spread so I'll get you soon enough.

I'm am starting to believe in that Richtofen wanted them to show up because he knew the zombie apocalypse was coming and he needed help. Now the question is...how did he tell them to go to the swamp. Think BLops campaign. I think the 3 acted as sleeper cells and maybe responded to a radio transmission by Richtofen. Don't forget, there is a Comm Room so who knows.


[brains] Once again I have to spread so I'll get you soon enough.

I'm am starting to believe in that Richtofen wanted them to show up because he knew the zombie apocalypse was coming and he needed help. Now the question is...how did he tell them to go to the swamp. Think BLops campaign. I think the 3 acted as sleeper cells and maybe responded to a radio transmission by Richtofen. Don't forget, there is a Comm Room so who knows.

Sadly that theory is becoming more and more plausible. But I would think they would have hinted at it somewhere ya know?

Guest football5699

Maybe next map ;)

And why sadly lol...is it because you dont want it to turn out that way story wise or i just made you mad once again jk :lol: 8-)


Maybe next map ;)

And why sadly lol...is it because you dont want it to turn out that way story wise or i just made you mad once again jk :lol: 8-)

xD I just didn't want to think that that's what happened

Guest Monopoly Mac

Oh dear god. What is that flying in the forums? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No...

it is...

Another Monopoly Thought

I've been thinking about Richtofens position in Shi No Numa... Why did he go there? What did he do there? I remember we talked about Shi No Numas radios catching other signals and transmissions.. maybe Richtofen used that... Maybe thats how he knew Peter was a spy.

Guest football5699

You really are milking this monopoly thought thing....i love it :lol:

I do believe that Richtofen intercepted the message from Pernell and that is how he knew Peter was a spy.



Ok that doesn't sound as cool lol. I think that Richtofen forced Pernell to send the message. He told Pernell to tell Peter to find him, Peter knew (thought) Richtofen was in Der Riese so he fled to Shi No Numa. Richtofen expected this because it was the only other compund at the time and got there first. THUS luring him to his death.

Guest Monopoly Mac

I once knew a crack dealer by the name of Peter... I had to buck him down with my NINE MILOMETER.

No but on serious note, I'm not sure if I just discovered something or not but this is a line from the summary of the Shi No Numa recording.

"The voice heard in this recording belongs to the handler of the operative “CWZGUTCT” who went missing at an unknown time prior to the sending of this message."

Does that mean the operative went missing or the handler of the operative?


I once knew a crack dealer by the name of Peter... I had to buck him down with my NINE MILOMETER.

No but on serious note, I'm not sure if I just discovered something or not but this is a line from the summary of the Shi No Numa recording.

"The voice heard in this recording belongs to the handler of the operative “CWZGUTCT” who went missing at an unknown time prior to the sending of this message."

Does that mean the operative went missing or the handler of the operative?

Very interesting. I think that because it starts with, "Peter, I hope you are getting this" sort of goes along with the whole "went missing prior to the message." Great thinking though.

Guest Monopoly Mac

Mhm I see... Well since this thread is about the ending to the story... How do you think this story will end Mr.Tac?

  • 2 weeks later...

Mhm I see... Well since this thread is about the ending to the story... How do you think this story will end Mr.Tac?

I can't tell. It could either end with a cliffhanger and keep us wondering about this or that, or it could have a concluded ending and tell us anything... or it could to both. I believe that it will fill in everything to this point and leave us with a cliffhanger about what happens to Richtofen and his controlling of the world. All of this is assuming they would end this one and continue with another. If this happens, I think that the next crew we would play as would end up wherever Richtofen is in the end, and then it would conclude.

It could end here though too. If it ends with this crew, I think that it could either end with Takeo killing Ed and the crew takes Aether or they all work together inside Aether to get rid of the zombies via Richtofen's control.

So in the end, it could either end with this story or start a new one and meet up with the current one in the end. I'm not sure which I believe will happen though.

Guest Aether

Great thread, Sir. [brains] [brains] for you!

I think we'll get to see how Richtofen opens a portal to the Aether, enters and tries to become all-powerful (as Sam is) while laughing hysterically - more than usually -, being able to control the Zombies and stuff*. And then Sam takes her revenge on him, destroys the good Doc or traps him in the Aether forever (as she was) and she's set free, thanks the other 3 charas and passes away happily. Yay.

Not really a theory, just something I'd kinda like to see since it'd be a good ending for the NZ storyline IMO.

*P.S.: Does Sam really control the Zombies? Ok, fine, they yell "SAM" every now and then, but it is hinted in the songs lyrics and easter eggs that Sam doesn't really want a massive outbreak. Maybe the zeds just feel her presence 'cause she's in the Aether, and her rage may make them more aggressive or stronger. She could even make it easier for them to teleport and spawn, but I doubt she's really controlling the outbreaks or creating the zeds. Element 115 does. Whatever.


I agree. I think that she controls the box and things of that nature, like drops etc but I have trouble believing she physically controls zombies otherwise she would only go after Richtofen.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Arussianmonkey

Cool. [brains] but in with the sam theroy i suggest Looking at the post i made in Z.R.F.. It gives another theroy of y sam CANT leave aether. (Uve seen it. Nine eyes.). I do think its a combination of both our theroies though. Sam cant leave but still exicutes her work to kill richtofen and obliterate 115.

And THIS is why takeos a badass. He frees sam with HONER! CARBON!! Replace nikoli with takeo on your 4 guardians thing!! He's a badass but can only go up to level 29?

Guest HeadHunter

Nice post!

Following up on the idea of a number broadcast station type controlling, maybe that message with the whispering saying "I'm Doctor Richtofen", maybe that is the mind control signal, telling them to come and help him.


  • 6 months later...
Guest Gahoolian

I forget the name of the game now but it just came out as a buy able online game (from Xbox live) called something with American or america's nightmare in it..... besides the point, in the game the character said you could shift reality if you acquire enough mass, so maybe that's what happened in shangri-la?

Guest football5699

That is interesting. Care to elaborate?

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest MP40SoWunderbar

I forget the name of the game now but it just came out as a buy able online game (from Xbox live) called something with American or america's nightmare in it..... besides the point, in the game the character said you could shift reality if you acquire enough mass, so maybe that's what happened in shangri-la?

I think the game you are referring to is called, "Alan Wake's American Nightmare".

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