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Richtofen and his gay quotes.

Guest Matuzz

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Guest Matuzz

Well I think Treyarch are hinting that Richtofen is gay its kind of same like in Xena where the viewers decide if she is gay or not.

But back to Richtofen, here are some interesting quotes:

"With this the doctor can go for a very long time. Did that turn you on?"

"You burn like beautiful fireflies. AH someone pinch my nipple!"

"Oh A sniper rifle is so big...and LONG."

Richtofen: Ooh, maybe if we pull this leever, it will turn on the power.


"Its so soft and fuzzy, juuuust like you Nikolai!"

"Ooohoohoo not in there! Oh wait." (Gets hit by spikes)

And I believe there is still many more....

What do you think? Gay or not?

Guest braveheart_5699

One time i got the thundergun on Ascension: "If i had invented this, it would have SUCKED and not BLOWN"

Guest Sarenax



Guest Monopoly Mac

Lmao I didn't want Richtofen to be gay but now I'm completely sure because of this quote in Shangri La. "It has a long barrel... just like my college roommate"

Guest Zombieofthedead

Lmao I didn't want Richtofen to be gay but now I'm completely sure because of this quote in Shangri La. "It has a long barrel... just like my college roommate"

Oh dear god....

I was hoping he just had necrophilia, but maybe he is gay, but then, how is he a Nazi?

Guest yellow-card8


Regards Yellow-card8

Guest ZombicidalManiac

Theres a reason they made Richtofen gay. First of all, it could be a wild social experiment. With a lot of gay people running the world and with the social acception of gayness, this could be the elite trying to make us hardcore gamers turn the other (butt) cheek.

It's just like how Dumbledore turned out to be gay in Harry Potter. Social experiment. What, you thought those days ended with the nazi's? Your living in a giant prison without bars. It's a prison for your mind. Your thoughts are being fed to you by a large group on melovolent beings who only want to destroy your very soul.

He could also just be gay to make fun of him. I dunno. Or he could be gay because Treyarch hates gays and Richtofen is going to have a horrible demise. Who knows.

In closing, just play the game and pay no attention to the gay man who's trying to build the ultimate wonder weapon/time machine/take over the world.

Im not a very politically correct kind of person and I speak my mind nomatter who's feelings I hurt, so if any of you are offended by what Im saying...it's best to keep it to yourself because I'll only hurt your feelings more.

Guest kennymann95

i really don't care, a friend of mine is gay, but he's still cool and all that. he's still a regular guy, the only difference is he likes it in the butt, i like it in the vagina.

don't get me wrong, i have a girlfriend and we have a active sexlife, i'm not gay.

and it's richtofen, he's awesome! :L so what if treyarch made him gay?

Guest Matuzz


Regards Yellow-card8

Do you like my glowing green balls?



Jesus Christ, no one gives a shit that he's a normal person but still gay. Thus thread is discussing if he's gay or not, not about how in depth we can get with our feelings about gays or being politically correct. So straying away from anyones personal feelings, I think he is bi-curious or gay. Not straight by any means. And to Zombicidal, this is for fun, we WILL talk about if he's gay or not because for all we know it means something. It's not like we are taking all our time and abandoning the story to talk about this.

Guest mattbyles

His innuendos are wrong but funny as heck, it reminds me of Stewie Griffin. Though does it really, truly matter if he is gay? It doesn't exactly mess the game at all.

Also, i remember reading that most of Hitler's top men were possible homosexuals, specificially Ernst Röhm, Richtofen's probably a parody of that


His innuendos are wrong but funny as heck, it reminds me of Stewie Griffin. Though does it really, truly matter if he is gay? It doesn't exactly mess the game at all.

Also, i remember reading that most of Hitler's top men were possible homosexuals, specificially Ernst Röhm, Richtofen's probably a parody of that

For all we know it's in the story somehow.

Guest Monopoly Mac

His innuendos are wrong but funny as heck, it reminds me of Stewie Griffin. Though does it really, truly matter if he is gay? It doesn't exactly mess the game at all.

Also, i remember reading that most of Hitler's top men were possible homosexuals, specificially Ernst Röhm, Richtofen's probably a parody of that

For all we know it's in the story somehow.

Yeah it could totally be in the story. Sophia was coming onto Maxis and he was falling for her. If Richtofen couldn't have him nobody could! :lol:


His innuendos are wrong but funny as heck, it reminds me of Stewie Griffin. Though does it really, truly matter if he is gay? It doesn't exactly mess the game at all.

Also, i remember reading that most of Hitler's top men were possible homosexuals, specificially Ernst Röhm, Richtofen's probably a parody of that

For all we know it's in the story somehow.

Yeah it could totally be in the story. Sophia was coming onto Maxis and he was falling for her. If Richtofen couldn't have him nobody could! :lol:

YES! Solved. Hahah that's funny as hell. I mean I doubt it's a big part if it's a part at all, but I'm sure it means something

Guest Sarenax

Richtofen is NOT a nazi.

"Beware The Doc". This message was scrawled across walls of every town under Axis control. Starvation may cripple you, dysentery may wreck you, and gunfire may rip the flesh from your bones, but "Beware The Doc".

Meet Dr. Richtofen, known affectionately as The Butcher to his victims as they scream in agony moments before he snuffs out their light. Throughout his career, Richtofen has always been at the forefront of torture and information extraction research. Before the war he was a back alley plastic surgeon, who created an army of monstrous affluent Weimar socialites that would follow him around and laugh at every joke the genius doctor made. This all fell apart when the republic fell and the Nazi party took control. To Richtofen, their values were too moral, too liberal for his liking. He joined the army so he could satisfy his need to watch people die, slowly.

An incurable sociopath, he sees no moral distinction between natural death and murder. The victim is the victim, regardless of how their demise manifests itself.

He has a collection of stuffed animals, most of them posed in positions of terror at the instant of their death.

Guest Zombieofthedead

Richtofen is not a nazi.

Technically he is, he joined with them. The thing about them being to liberal is ironic, as the Nazi's are far from being liberal, which just implies him being far worse.


Richtofen is not a nazi.

Technically he is, he joined with them. The thing about them being to liberal is ironic, as the Nazi's are far from being liberal, which just implies him being far worse.

Not to mention, the line afterwards says "He joined the army" right after talking about the Nazi army.

Guest Sarenax

Technically he is, he joined with them. The thing about them being to liberal is ironic, as the Nazi's are far from being liberal, which just implies him being far worse.


Guest Sarenax

Not to mention, the line afterwards says "He joined the army" right after talking about the Nazi army.

Richtofen is a member of the Wehrmacht,not the Waffen SS


Not to mention, the line afterwards says "He joined the army" right after talking about the Nazi army.

Richtofen is a member of the Wehrmacht,not the Waffen SS

I'm pretty sure he was in the SS.

Guest Zombieofthedead

Not to mention, the line afterwards says "He joined the army" right after talking about the Nazi army.

Richtofen is a member of the Wehrmacht,not the Waffen SS

Members of the wehrmacht do not have swastikas on their arms....

Guest Nathan169

I think he pretends as a gay person to prevent the others to know what does he know about. When he says a quote then realizes instantly and changes to a different subject in a gay way. Its my opinion.

Guest Sarenax

Members of the wehrmacht do not have swastikas on their arms....

And yes he's wearing Wehrmacht uniform.

Guest leadblimp

I dont know if he is gay or not. He is funny as hell. His innuendos are great.

Also I was playing as Richtofen the other day and was pressing the action button behind Nikolai and not once did he whip it out and bend Nikolai over... I'm just saying.

Guest Matuzz

I dont know if he is gay or not. He is funny as hell. His innuendos are great.

Also I was playing as Richtofen the other day and was pressing the action button behind Nikolai and not once did he whip it out and bend Nikolai over... I'm just saying.

I think Richtofen has crush on Nikolai :?

He is praising him all the time even in not so gay way.

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