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Dr. Maxis and Richtofen WERE In Shangri-La!

Guest Tac

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When getting the shrink gun, a quote by Richtofen is, "I knew Maxis was working on such a device, but I never knew he was successful."

Any thoughts? This shows that he could have been on that expedition team to Tibet in 1938 and ended up here. They started mining 115, and all this happened!

PS: The monkeys contain no 115! Richtofen quote, "I have blood in my eyes, but this doesn't hurt like the others!" Something along those lines :D

EDIT:: Richtofen has a quote: "This temple looks very familiar to me."

Guest killallzombies

[brains] i like the ideas

Guest Monopoly Mac

Maxis was at Shangri La yet Richtofens name is on the altar. Ironic but interesting. So I guess that means both Richtofen and Maxis went to Shangri La... BUT WHY!?!


[brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains] [brains]


Maxis was at Shangri La yet Richtofens name is on the altar. Ironic but interesting. So I guess that means both Richtofen and Maxis went to Shangri La... BUT WHY!?!

Maybe this was the first finding of 115? Or it was at least a mining facility. So maybe Richtofen's name is on the alter because Maxis is already dead and in hell, so the Devil still like Ed?


EDITED it to include Richtofen

Guest Monopoly Mac

Heres the thing though... In one of the servant entrys in the CIA server it has a list of locations that have 115. It specifically says it is a sample from the Der Riese Project... It lists Tunguska, Groom lake, Moon, Shi No Numa, and Der Riese. But no Shangri La?

Why isn't Shangri La on the list?


Heres the thing though... In one of the servant entrys in the CIA server it has a list of locations that have 115. It specifically says it is a sample from the Der Riese Project... It lists Tunguska, Groom lake, Moon, Shi No Numa, and Der Riese. But no Shangri La?

Why isn't Shangri La on the list?

Doesn't it also say they are thinking there are other places? If so that puts it before 1938 that that was made. But I think it is just because they were not aware at that point in time it had it. But that seems odd because that means they were working since 1938? At least.

EDIT: Wow that's tough to read. What I mean is that they must have been working on Die Glocke etc since 1938

Guest football5699

Treyarch could of just made this easier if Gary had a German accent....it woulda been Maxis and Richtofen :facepalm:

I had a feeling that they were originally there.

Guest Monopoly Mac

Yeah...instead it has to be a British and American guy... Because introducing new characters is making this story so simple right?! Seriously they have added a new character story wise every map excluding Kino... Pentagon Thief in "Five. Gersch and Yuri in Ascension. George in Cotd. Brock and Gary in Shangri La now too... Thanks Treyarch. :facepalm:

So yeah... why the hell is there so many meteors underground? Does that mean it originated in the earth itself or are they mining it out of somewhere and storing it there?


Yeah...instead it has to be a British and American guy... Because introducing new characters is making this story so simple right?! Seriously they have added a new character story wise every map excluding Kino... Pentagon Thief in "Five. Gersch and Yuri in Ascension. George in Cotd. Brock and Gary in Shangri La now too... Thanks Treyarch. :facepalm:

So yeah... why the hell is there so many meteors underground? Does that mean it originated in the earth itself or are they mining it out of somewhere and storing it there?

Something interesting, the meteor on the temple wasn't there when Richtofen was there, he says, "A 115 meteor on this exact temple in this exact location? Interesting." It is something along those lines, not sure how much it means.

But maybe the temple was built on a meteor?

Guest Monopoly Mac

Yeah although that might just be curiosity on his part. He definitely knew that meteor was capable of somehow... "Its mine.... mine... I CONTROL THEM ALL!" So he knows this meteor can control the zombies...

Guest ZombicidalManiac

Maybe Dr. Maxis and/or Richtofen were at Shangri-La to test on the natives. Shangri-La doesn't seem like an area we'd call civilization, so the natives were not custom to their technology. They may have thought Maxis and Richtofen to be Gods and therefore making a shrine in Richtofens name. Or it could just be Richtofen who was there before and he was working on the side with the illuminati.

Perhaps the tattoos we see on the zombies in Shangri-La are like numbers for people. They were marked as they were tested and experimented on. We all know Dr. Maxis WASN'T who Richtofen answered to. So maybe this was the paradise that Richtofen was promised by the illuminati for doing their bidding.

Although now I don't think Richtofen is working for the illuminati since he's bent on gathering these items for some kind of personal gain. I've said it before and I'll say it again...I guess we'll just have to wait and see lol...man I hate saying that!!!

Guest Faust

Great post. I'll have to dig through some of the quoates to see if we can find the exact one you are looking for.

Personally, as my video on the CoDz youtube will tell, I believe Shangri-la to be some sort of cannery for the Vril-ya, where they would be turned into sixes.

Guest Faust

SIDE NOTE! That quoate with the blood in his eyes? He says it doesn't hurt like "that over stuff"... There is a reason this game is rated Mature... Give it a moment, you'll figure it out.

Guest DaPikmin

Yeah...instead it has to be a British and American guy... Because introducing new characters is making this story so simple right?! Seriously they have added a new character story wise every map excluding Kino... Pentagon Thief in "Five. Gersch and Yuri in Ascension. George in Cotd. Brock and Gary in Shangri La now too... Thanks Treyarch. :facepalm:

So yeah... why the hell is there so many meteors underground? Does that mean it originated in the earth itself or are they mining it out of somewhere and storing it there?

This quote for some reason reminds me when they said the Dinosaurs were wiped out by that meteor that hit the earth... hehehe...

Guest Matuzz

Yeah...instead it has to be a British and American guy... Because introducing new characters is making this story so simple right?! Seriously they have added a new character story wise every map excluding Kino... Pentagon Thief in "Five. Gersch and Yuri in Ascension. George in Cotd. Brock and Gary in Shangri La now too... Thanks Treyarch. :facepalm:

So yeah... why the hell is there so many meteors underground? Does that mean it originated in the earth itself or are they mining it out of somewhere and storing it there?

When large meteor hits ground it throws dirt Up infuse air and also melts it and it causes melted meteor to be trapped underground.

So Shangri-la was hitted by huge meteor.


Thanks for all the replies guys! So if Maxis made the shrink ray gun in Shangri-La, what was his purpose? Why did he make it?

Guest Matuzz

Thanks for all the replies guys! So if Maxis made the shrink ray gun in Shangri-La, what was his purpose? Why did he make it?

Wanted to just test it? I guess it could also be used as weapon against USA


Thanks for all the replies guys! So if Maxis made the shrink ray gun in Shangri-La, what was his purpose? Why did he make it?

Wanted to just test it? I guess it could also be used as weapon against USA

Ya, I can't tell for sure because it turned out just how he wanted it, so maybe he liked to kick babies, and kicked Sam into Aether :lol:

Guest drmaxireland

I thought that he would use the shrink ray so that he concentrate the Element 115 though the more I think about it maybe he just used it to carry around lots of equipment in small loads.

Guest Aether

Maybe Dr. Maxis and/or Richtofen were at Shangri-La to test on the natives. Shangri-La doesn't seem like an area we'd call civilization, so the natives were not custom to their technology. They may have thought Maxis and Richtofen to be Gods and therefore making a shrine in Richtofens name. Or it could just be Richtofen who was there before and he was working on the side with the illuminati.

Perhaps the tattoos we see on the zombies in Shangri-La are like numbers for people. They were marked as they were tested and experimented on. We all know Dr. Maxis WASN'T who Richtofen answered to. So maybe this was the paradise that Richtofen was promised by the illuminati for doing their bidding.

Although now I don't think Richtofen is working for the illuminati since he's bent on gathering these items for some kind of personal gain. I've said it before and I'll say it again...I guess we'll just have to wait and see lol...man I hate saying that!!!

Quite agreeable, except for the fact that one of Brock and (or) Gary's quotes (can't remember which one) said the Temple didn't seem to be actually ancient, but recently built or something among those lines. But the rest of your theory remains: 935 builds the Temple, Richtofen and Maxis are adored as Gods by the natives of the Himalayas, they test on them, Richtofen himself creates his altar, they mine for 115... Me likes.

Guest LewisSpurs

Thanks for all the replies guys! So if Maxis made the shrink ray gun in Shangri-La, what was his purpose? Why did he make it?

I would imagine that the original purpose for the gun may have been to shrink down the meteors so they were able to carry more at any given time. I may be wrong but I seem to remember a quote by Richtofen being something a long the lines of "I must have it in my pocket!" Which I believe he says upon seeing the meteor on top of the temple. I could be well off with this but its what I seem to remember from the little that I've played of it.


Thanks for all the replies guys! So if Maxis made the shrink ray gun in Shangri-La, what was his purpose? Why did he make it?

I would imagine that the original purpose for the gun may have been to shrink down the meteors so they were able to carry more at any given time. I may be wrong but I seem to remember a quote by Richtofen being something a long the lines of "I must have it in my pocket!" Which I believe he says upon seeing the meteor on top of the temple. I could be well off with this but its what I seem to remember from the little that I've played of it.

Very good! [brains] to you, so he made it to transfer the meteors. Is it just me, or does it seem like Maxis is trying to keep Ed out of things? He has quotes all the time about secret shit maxis is doing haha

Guest Faust

Spot on tac. Hence the line in Not Ready to Die "I've been kept in the dark, been waiting all this time."

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