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The Identity of the Blank Portrait?

Guest Monopoly Mac

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Guest Monopoly Mac

I've been thinking about this for while now but I haven't been able to make a neat theory with it. I'm still working on a theory but I will post my thoughts here and my connections.

You teleport into the lobby of this abandoned German theater. The walls are littered with Nazi logos and has obviously been abandoned for quite some time. You pull out your Colt and proceed to kill the infestation coming out of the windows just like you have done in Shi No Numa and Der Riese. As soon as you gather the necessary points you walk up the stairs and open the door. What is this? There are portraits of Tank. Takeo? Nikolai... and. and me?

He walks slowly being paranoid of the environment around him caused by constant killing of the undead. "Who could this particular fellow have been?" Dr. Richtofen asks as he strokes the portrait in front of him.


Now onto my connection. I'm not going to call it a theory because I haven't made anything important out of it and theres nothing that makes sense yet. So yes this is a connection. Ahem.

There are two walls. One wall has a giant portrait of Dr. Richtofen. I do actually have a theory for this but I will share it in the end. On the other wall is the gang and the blank portrait. What do Nikolai, Takeo, and Tank all have in common? They were all test subjects. Specifically subjected to mind control and brainwashing. Fits with the Kino theme am I right?

Now notice how the blank portrait is the same size and on the same wall as the others. This was done for a reason. He has the same thing in common with the others. Mind control test subject. Now why are these specific fellows on the wall? What is so special of them you ask? Well these are the only test subjects that were successful.

Now let me show you a quote from the wise Takeo Masaki as he examines the portrait.

"Perhaps what once was is no more but will be again!" Now one mind control subject we know for a fact was near successful was Subject 2-6.

But of course. What once was is no more.

"Another setback, Patient two-six was killed this morning in a field test. He lost control and attacked one of our handlers. His injuries were minor but patient two-six was destroyed. The break in programming coincided with the flashing lights and loud noises of the fire alarm in the test facility." Now according to the radio he was "destroyed". We don't know how he was destroyed. He could have been shot or maybe... teleported? I personally believe this field test was conducted in Der Riese. I don't know where but I personally believe the teleporter was activated and you know what happens when a zombie teleports. They explode. But was he truly destroyed? No. Only sent to the Aether.

Now because Takeo says "will be again!" From 1945 to 2011 we haven't seen a sign of him. In fact he should be old or dead by then. Why haven't we seen him yet? Because we already have. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you Subject 2-6.


The Thief is the only zombie in the game mode of zombies to have been able to actually do something other than kill. He tries to take guns. Most likely guns for someone because he says "I have failed" when he dies. The only zombie....to be controlled. This is where this connection ends because I have no theory for who is controlling the thief and why.

But wait theres more!

I also believe that we will see the Thief once more. But of course how? Its 2011 already. He should be dead by now. Takeo, Nikolai, Tank, and Richtofen are the only characters to have time traveled. But this is also where the blank portrait fits in again. NDU loading screen anyone?




But wait! Theres at least one more thing!

The reason I think Richtofen has the biggest portrait there and why his portrait is even there at all is because he is the most successful patient of them all. Kino Der Toten is not just a Group 935 facility but mostly controlled by the Illuminati. The Free Mason pattern on the floor. The eye on the film reel. Illuminati pyramid in one of the books. The fact that hypnosis is thought to be a method heavily used by the Illuminati. Its not a concidence Richtofen says this on Kino out of all maps.

"The Illuminati will never get their hands on me again!" ;)

Guest BladeChurch

[brains] [brains] [brains] love it i have been saying this for a while

Guest Arussianmonkey

Neat thought but my theroy i still belive is stronger than yours. there are many holes in your theroy, but you said it yourself its not a theroy because you havent made a connection out of it. my theroy was light because it was simple enough so it really didnt belong in here or the asylum. mine also made a strong connection to the story. Yours has many problems:

1:if Richtofen is indeed a test subjest than why is he not on the same wall with just a bigger painting?

2:what is there to contradict MY theroy which if true and most likly would make your theroy null and void.

Btw i love how in my thread you say "I managed to clean mine up and get it in Z.R.F. when in fact you JUST posted it.

Ever noticed that we clash often?

Guest Monopoly Mac

....now....lets....slow down a bit... I rushed a little... I thought it was a little selfish of me to go onto your thread and just bash it with a theory of mine... So instead of talking about my theory on your thread I took it and stuck in here... I'm sorry if I seemed hostile in my posts...

1:if Richtofen is indeed a test subjest than why is he not on the same wall with just a bigger painting?

2:what is there to contradict MY theroy which if true and most likly would make your theroy null and void.

1. Well Richtofen is a lot more obedient than the others and has a bigger purpose so why not give him a nice big painting on his own wall? Kind of like a Employee of the Month thing y'know?

2. Theres nothing to contradict your theory... but what contradicts mine?

Guest SaucyTaco17

isnt maxis the thief

Guest Arussianmonkey

....now....lets....slow down a bit... I rushed a little... I thought it was a little selfish of me to go onto your thread and just bash it with a theory of mine... So instead of talking about my theory on your thread I took it and stuck in here... I'm sorry if I seemed hostile in my posts...

1:if Richtofen is indeed a test subjest than why is he not on the same wall with just a bigger painting?

2:what is there to contradict MY theroy which if true and most likly would make your theroy null and void.

1. Well Richtofen is a lot more obedient than the others and has a bigger purpose so why not give him a nice big painting on his own wall? Kind of like a Employee of the Month thing y'know?

2. Theres nothing to contradict your theory... but what contradicts mine?

Oh its no problem. This has turned almost into a sport what with "Finding a new topic" and "Discrediting theroies that contradict yours". If you want hostile go find the kid with the snarling dog avatar.

I guess both of those answers kind of work with me. but i suppose one of us has to be wrong. Though out of curiosity what do you think the seperate 3 are? what about the fallen one?

Guest Monopoly Mac

Dead subjects. Just subjects that died during testing like the Mexican.

Guest Arussianmonkey

Dead subjects. Just subjects that died during testing like the Mexican.


Guest Monopoly Mac

I've been thinking Richtofens portrait really isn't signifigant. If anyone else wants to show me a theory of how its signifigant I'll read it but I have enough proof alone to prove Richtofen was mind controlled by the Illuminati...

And about your theory of the mystery man being the player to replace Richtofen we will see. If Richtofens a playable character in Moon theory's busted. If not maybe the new character is him.

Guest Arussianmonkey

I've been thinking Richtofens portrait really isn't signifigant. If anyone else wants to show me a theory of how its signifigant I'll read it but I have enough proof alone to prove Richtofen was mind controlled by the Illuminati...

And about your theory of the mystery man being the player to replace Richtofen we will see. If Richtofens a playable character in Moon theory's busted. If not maybe the new character is him.

I dont know. without this ive belived that he has been the new boss. there will be other ways to tell (broken free from brainwash richtofen?)

Guest xxAKSHUNxx

Dead subjects. Just subjects that died during testing like the Mexican.

so you think they made all these blank portraits and only one has any real meaning to it? (as in you thinking its the thief)

sorry i dont think i can buy into that...

also they said and you quoted yourself "Patient two-six was killed this morning in a field test". I don't understand how you can assume they put him and in a teleporter and a doctor would then say he was killed, well knowing that being killed and being sent into a teleporter and not returning are two COMPLETELY different things, and if they teleported him they would almost certainly include that in their report and not just say he was killed being as these guys are doctors and doing tests both on the zombies and the teleporters at the time..

but just being curious, according to you how would a zombie attack people, then be sent into a teleporter, then be smart enough to know not to attack JFK, Nixon, etc but only steal their guns while he's in the pentagon... just doesnt add up to the portrait and two-six theory... i think the thief is someone completely different from those

Guest BlindBusDrivr

Nice work Mac!

This is a great theory on the Pentagon Thief and portrait, I've heard this and thought only an idiot would believe it, but you put this together incredibly, this is my favorite theory on the thief, then mine, then Maxis.

Great job!

Guest Monopoly Mac

Thanks BlueBusdriver.

Now about the portraits on the floor. I think theres a reason Treyarch did that. You see several blank portraits on the ground and then you see that theres only one blank portrait on the wall. Y'know what this is called? Its called emphasis. Its done for a reason.

And your other points I reluctantly agree... I'm not going to lie I was gonna flame the shiznit out of you because I felt like you were bashing my theory completely but I took a step back and I see you have good points... I will make a logical theory shortly.

Guest zombieslayingninja

i think its the mexican guy they had before tank

Guest Arussianmonkey

Thanks BlueBusdriver.

Now about the portraits on the floor. I think theres a reason Treyarch did that. You see several blank portraits on the ground and then you see that theres only one blank portrait on the wall. Y'know what this is called? Its called emphasis. Its done for a reason.

And your other points I reluctantly agree... I'm not going to lie I was gonna flame the shiznit out of you because I felt like you were bashing my theory completely but I took a step back and I see you have good points... I will make a logical theory shortly.

I wasnt bashing your theroy i was defending mine. im working on that one but im leaning towards emphisis of my old theroy. the other 3 are under richtofens control.

We both have a good theroy but we will see whos prevails most likly in moon.

Flaming is not a very good thing to help your rep here. in case u didnt know u were nominated for UOTM so dont break your rep.

It's BLIND not bluebusdriver. he happens to be blue.

Guest Monopoly Mac

Jeez I'm sorry I've been getting really sloppy with my posts lately... I meant my post as a response to Akshuns post my bad again.

And I'm not bashing anyone theories. When I make a theory I intend to make it however I want. If it conflicts with yours thats going to happen with any theory. All theories can't work together.

And finally I couldn't care less about UOTM what I'm aiming for in Codz is to be recognized as a nice theorist/poster with a good amount of brains.


Guest Arussianmonkey

Jeez I'm sorry I've been getting really sloppy with my posts lately... I meant my post as a response to Akshuns post my bad again.

And I'm not bashing anyone theories. When I make a theory I intend to make it however I want. If it conflicts with yours thats going to happen with any theory. All theories can't work together.

And finally I couldn't care less about UOTM what I'm aiming for in Codz is to be recognized as a nice theorist/poster with a good amount of brains.


Just sayin i know that your rather popular so u should keep that up. I completly understand but it seems like you had a theroy about the portriats and before posting went to everyones threads on them and said "My theroies better than yours!!"considering you also did this to akshuns.

Guest football5699

Thanks BlueBusdriver.

Now about the portraits on the floor. I think theres a reason Treyarch did that. You see several blank portraits on the ground and then you see that theres only one blank portrait on the wall. Y'know what this is called? Its called emphasis. Its done for a reason.

And your other points I reluctantly agree... I'm not going to lie I was gonna flame the shiznit out of you because I felt like you were bashing my theory completely but I took a step back and I see you have good points... I will make a logical theory shortly.

I wasnt bashing your theroy i was defending mine. im working on that one but im leaning towards emphisis of my old theroy. the other 3 are under richtofens control.

We both have a good theroy but we will see whos prevails most likly in moon.

Flaming is not a very good thing to help your rep here. in case u didnt know u were nominated for UOTM so dont break your rep.

It's BLIND not bluebusdriver. he happens to be blue.

The part about breaking rep....well I officially cracked the other day and I NEVER wanna do that again :lol: I tell you sometimes its tough.....Everybody breaks once...the list can go on forever.

Anyway, good thread and I believe I [brains] you

Guest Monopoly Mac

Well don't fully believe me yet I'm having doubts about the Thief being specifically 2-6... If 2-6 was destroyed... okay I got something. We all know Steiner has a heavy knowledge in reprogramming human subjects and he most likely was involved in Kino at one point... I'm going to take a leap and combine this theory with other Thief theory.

A Group 935 member was reprogrammed by Steiner or Maxis doesn't matter. He was sent to America as a spy.

So he is a American Operative implanted with instructions by Group 935. Now I have to figure out how he became a zombie...

and I haven't broke yet in Codz I've kept my cool this entire time.... unless you count that time I flamed and trolled alphas thread completely but I'm totaaally a different person now... >_>

Guest XxXiKillUaLLXxX

The id of the blank portrait could be (just a guess) George A Romero cause if you watch the cotd intro for solo, the zombies try to kill the movie stars but Romero was not killed, he was kidnapped by the zombies and later zombified. So what your saying is that Tank Nikolai and Takeo were test subjects, could Romeo be one as well?

Guest football5699

Well don't fully believe me yet I'm having doubts about the Thief being specifically 2-6... If 2-6 was destroyed... okay I got something. We all know Steiner has a heavy knowledge in reprogramming human subjects and he most likely was involved in Kino at one point... I'm going to take a leap and combine this theory with other Thief theory.

A Group 935 member was reprogrammed by Steiner or Maxis doesn't matter. He was sent to America as a spy.

So he is a American Operative implanted with instructions by Group 935. Now I have to figure out how he became a zombie...

and I haven't broke yet in Codz I've kept my cool this entire time.... unless you count that time I flamed and trolled alphas thread completely but I'm totaaally a different person now... >_>

Could be...idk if treyarch will answer the whole blank identity question...

and P.S. I remember that lol...I flamed the crap out of someone but it was because i was happy about moon and annoyed of multiple threads lol...don't worry apologies were given :D

Hopefully I will NEVER do that again

Guest Dert4Life

i am pretty sure it's the Mexican Richtofen experimented on and killed.....

  • 3 months later...
Guest Arussianmonkey

AHHHHHHHHH!!!! I see this in my bookmarks after this little fellow commented and I remember!! We faced off!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I do say GOOD SHOW MY LAD MAC!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! never has there been such a debate with a clear ending. Im not gloating at all GOOD SHOW!!!!

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