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So How Does the Casimir Mechanism really factor in??

Guest football5699

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Guest football5699

Yes that's right I AM BACK in the Research Facility.

We released Samantha out of the Kassimir Mechanism which is the same thing Gersch was in.

When we think of the Mystery Man Easter Egg and the Cryogenic Slumber Party Easter Egg, what is different and what is the same.

Same -

In both power and charging up is required. We need to give the orb power for Gersch as it rises up in the sky to where?? Yes the moon :D Gersch escapes making sam very mad.

Why did Sam want Gersch in the first place? Just a recap in case you are unaware..Sam took over Yuri so he would trap Gersch in the Kassimir Mechanism.

Different -

Some steps but when looked back on...they can be easily made up for the 6 months in difference with release dates so no biggie there.

This is the discussion on how the Kassimir Mechanism really works and how it truly factors into the storyline now...infact I hope the XBOX people can maybe look around for those parts we sucked in :)

Attention: I am NOT editing every misspelling of Casimir Mechanism :lol: :lol:


First, we don't release Sam from it, only Sam gets pissed off the we released Gersh.

Anyway, here's why the kassimir mechanism was put into the story, because it relates to the "Nazi Bell" experiment.

3arch loves "conspiracy theory", and tons of things from the zombie story line are related to that, the wunder weapons, etc.

Anyway, the Nazi Bell was the only project during ww2 that was classified as "war decisive", it was put higher above any other project. Little is actually known about it, since somehow it disappeared, or was never discussed. It's possible that it managed to escape to Argentina, as many Nazi's did, or it's possible the Americans took it in with project paperclip, and simply never told the world about it, since it would have huge implications, instead the just went with W. Von Brauns drawings of the rocket that we *cough* still *cough* use in the space program today.

The Bell was allegedly operated at a place called "The Henge" which looks like this:


That is also the "fly trap" that is found on Der Reise, which stands for "The Giant". The bell was also known as "Die Glocke", which has the initials DG, and we know that there is a DG2. Or second die glocke.

Moving on, some people believed that the bell was actually a giant kassimir mechanism, which essentially is two uncharged sections of metal that rotate in opposite directions, around a fluid that seperates them.

It's possible using the kassimir mechanism to levitate uncharged objects, like you can with magnets, however, as I said they are uncharged.

If you look at the shape of the kassimir mechanism that Gersh is stuck in, it's very similar to the proposed shapes of the Nazi Bell, Die Glocke, DG:


What else does that look like to you? The teleporters? Also, that image is from abovetopsecret, not a Nazi Zombie website. Anyway, could the teleporters be the DG1? In other words the MTD = DG 1 = Die glocke.

It all fits together very nicely if you ask me :) And that is why there is a kassimir mechanism in the story.

Guest football5699

Well Richtofen does mention that the pyramid is A kassimir mechanism maybe not the same type ya know? Plus, Richtofen wanted to free her so he could kill her.

Guest Monopoly Mac

The Gersch device is also a prototype Casimir Mechanism... And sorry for the little mini rant but


kk. So yeah so basically the Casimir mechanism is capable of creating a portal. The pyramid specifically being a portal.... to Aether/Hell.

Guest football5699

damn i knew it wasn't Kassimir


Yea, I won't lie, off the top of my head I have no idea how to spell khazeemhier mechanism, so I just tend to copy the person I'm talking to...blame the OP 0_o.

Anyway, you can see where Treyarchs line of thinking went, from the Bell to Fly Trap, DG2, Der Reise, etc.

I'm not too sure about the pyramid, I'd have to look into it, but I don't think it could do anything special that already couldn't be done. Some thought the bell could time travel, but they already can do that?

Guest Monopoly Mac

Well Richtofen specifically stated it "is a direct gateway to the Aether" so I think thats exactly what it does. The only thing I don't get it why is Samantha like suspended in mid air. I guess she is not "physically" in Aether but mentally...

Guest football5699

Don't blame me :? Blame COD Wiki :mrgreen:

I'm not sure if they knew they could time travel because Richtofen is surprised in the Kino intro that they went through time.

Wait...he said where did that little girl disappear to?? He already knew no? he knew where he was teleporting Maxis apparently


Don't blame me :? Blame COD Wiki :mrgreen:

I'm not sure if they knew they could time travel because Richtofen is surprised in the Kino intro that they went through time.

Wait...he said where did that little girl disappear to?? He already knew no? he knew where he was teleporting Maxis apparently

I didn't think about that.

However, I don't think Richtofen knew what happened. First he tried to kill Sam and Maxis, but they ended up teleporting. Then the Dr's saw Sam run into the pyramid, and used the MDT to transport Maxis to their location. Maxis then tells Sam to "Kill them all".

But the characters make quotes about Sam, so he obviously must know she's controlling them? Very odd.

Maybe he's just nuts.

Guest football5699

I sense some continuity *strokes chin* :lol:


just putting an idea out there but doesn't Rictofen, when typing on the computer during the moon EE, that he is powering up the kassimer mechainism (not the exact words).

And if we were to take a look at wikipedia under the cassimir effect


Sounds a bit like the plates from moon (although the ones on moon work) and even though its a bit dense, it looks like its supposed to create energy i.e charging the focusing stone and golden rod

Guest football5699

yea I personally believe the Pyramid is THE Casimir Mechanism but there are other prototypes

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