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Guest MurderMachineX

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Guest MurderMachineX

Thousands of years B.C.E., there was a great catastrophe on Earth. A huge flood nearly killed what was mankind. While some survived on the surface of the planet, some had taken refuge underneath. Earth's crust has always been very porous, allowing layers of habitats underneath the one existing on the surface. As time progressed, the bottom-dwellers, whose race was known as Ana, became more advanced, developing into kingdoms, aristocracies, and then democracies. This underground was called many things in man's history; one name was Agartha.

In 1871, Edward Bulwer-Lytton was the first surface-dweller to interact with the Ana. By that time, one civilization among the Ana, the Vril-Ya, had formed a utopia, far exceeding the intelligence, technology, and weaponry of any surface nation. He wrote a book about it, announcing Vril-Ya to the surface world, but only a small fraction of the population actually believed him. Later on June 30th, 1908, a large meteor containing Element 115 exploded shortly before impact upon the Siberian expanse within the Russian Empire. Edward Richtofen was a resident of the German Empire. He was a homosexual, and he had relations with his male roommate at the college he attended.

In January 1919, the German Empire of World War I transformed into the Weimar Republic. Within the Weimar Republic, Doctor Edward Richtofen practiced back-alley plastic surgery, becoming affluent in politics and quite popular. However, in 1933, when the Nazi Party gained control of the country, turning the Weimar Republic into the Greater German Reich, or Nazi Germany, and naming a new leader of the country, Führer Adolf Hitler, Richtofen wasn't able to be a back-alley surgeon from that point on due to the party's morals, so he joined the Nazi army to satisfy his obsession with death.

On September 1, 1939, Nazi Germany invaded Poland, leading many countries to declare war on Germany, plunging the world into World War II. The United States of America, under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was among the countries to declare war on Nazi Germany. The government of Nazi Germany, the Reichstag High Command, acquired six Wunderwaffe programs to have an edge in the war. The first Wunderwaffe was the Uranium Club, which was a nuclear energy project whose purpose was to weaponize nuclear fission technology. The second Wunderwaffe was the Aggregate Rocket series, most importantly the A9-A12 models, all of which were designed for the purposes of transporting satellites into low Earth orbit. The most prominent of the A9-A12 models was the V-2 Rocket, the first projectile to reach space. The third Wunderwaffe was the DGS 228 and 346, proposed rocket-powered aircrafts that would culminate in the development of supersonic reconnaissance planes. The fourth Wunderwaffe was the Rocket U-Boat, a submarine designed to carry and fire ballistic missiles. The fifth Wunderwaffe was the Landkreuzer P 1500 Monster, a 1,000-ton tank that would act as a transport for the 800mm Schwerer Gustav artillery gun, the largest ever fired.

The sixth Wunderwaffe was the Die Glocke, which has been rumored to be anything from teleportation to anti-gravity machines. Die Glocke was overseen by Group 935, an organization based on the improvement of the human race, headquartered in Der Riese near Breslau, Lower Silesia, Poland. A meteor containing Element 115 had crashed at Der Riese some time ago before the facility's creation. The Reichstag High Command signed a contract with Group 935's leader, Doctor Ludvig Maxis, M.D., who kept the contract secret from the employees, as the employees were from many nationalities. Group 935 would receive funding, and in return it would produce weaponry for the Nazi army. Richtofen became a scientist of Group 935.

Dr. Maxis: Gentlemen. Allow me to take this opportunity to welcome you to Group 935. This is a prestigious moment in the history of our race. You represent the future of technological advancement. You are the pioneers of human discovery. In your hands lies the destiny of mankind. In our hands is a great power and with that power comes a price. You have volunteered to be part of this great experiment and with that decision comes the responsibility of absolute secrecy. No one is to know what you do, where you work, what our research has discovered, or what our purpose will be. You will have no further contact with your governments or your families. Your decision to fully dedicate your lives to Group 935 is absolute. In your lockers you will find your field ops manual which will direct you should our manifest get compromised. We cannot afford to let this power fall into the wrong hands and therefore the field ops manual should be considered your bible. Make your preparations now. A new dawn is beginning for mankind.

Richtofen: Log Entry 38. Date: September 4, 1939. The matter transference prototype is prepared for test run 151. We have now reduced our test subject's mass to prove this is possible. Dr. Schuster, please give an overview.

Schuster: Yes, Dr. Richtofen. We have a new test subject, a walnut, weighing in at 10 grams. The target platform is now at three feet with no obstructions. We have one microgram of the Element, which, according to our calculations, will be entirely used up during the test.

Richtofen: Excellent, Dr. Schuster. Commence test number 151.

Schuster: Yes, Doctor. Please, insert your ear plugs. [Primitive Teleporter activates.] Good God!

Richtofen: We've done it!

Schuster: We have powered up the prototype, and it moved a walnut directly from the prototype device into the receiving device. It moved instantly. It-it-

Richtofen: Teleported. Get me Dr. Maxis immediately.

By September 4, 1939, he and another scientist, Doctor Schuster, commenced 150 tests on a matter transference prototype. Using a microgram of Element 115, Richtofen and Dr. Schuster used the prototype teleporter that they invented to teleport a walnut weighing 10 grams three feet away. Test #151 was successful.

Dr. Maxis: But this is not the crucial experiment you are supposed to be working on!

Richtofen: With all due respect Dr. Maxis, this is a breakthrough of unimaginable proportions.

Dr. Maxis: What, that you moved a walnut a few feet? Yes Edward, we will improve the human condition by revolutionizing the walnut industry. I can see it now: Edward's Walnut Delivery.

Richtofen: Don't be obtuse.

Dr. Maxis: How dare you call me that! We are at war Edward! I will admit, there is promise here, but until this war is won-

Richtofen: Correct me if I'm wrong, Dr. Maxis, but Group 935 is a research organization. What was the motto? To improve the human condition? What business of ours is this war?

Dr. Maxis: Fine, Dr. Richtofen. I will let you in on a little administrative secret. We are finalizing a deal with the Nazi Party. We need funding. We need equipment. They need new weapons. Chances are this war will end soon with a treaty or two, and we will be in a much better position to help the world.

Richtofen: Are you certain this won't cause massive defections? We have scientists from all over the world working with us.

Dr. Maxis: That is why it is with the utmost confidence that I share this with you. No one will know of this. This is simply the breaking of an egg to make an omelet.

Richtofen: Think of the tactical advantage we would have.

Dr. Maxis: Think of the cost! Think of the time! We could provide the Nazis technical expertise in various areas without putting all our eggs in your walnut basket. Good day, Edward, and get back to your real work. [Maxis leaves.]

Schuster: Bloody jerk.

Richtofen: I think Dr. Maxis has lost his perspective. No matter. We’ll do this on our own and publish the findings before Maxis has a chance to.

Schuster: You're not suggesting that Dr. Maxis would steal this technology and perfect it without us, are you?

Richtofen: I would by no means discourage that thought. Great scientists must stick together and achieve great science.

Richtofen told Dr. Maxis about the innovation, but Dr. Maxis was not pleased. He believed the teleporter to be a waste of resources and that nothing beneficial would come of it. Dr. Maxis also confided in Richtofen about the contract with the Reichstag High Command. Richtofen thought that the teleporter could aid Nazi Germany significantly and that Dr. Maxis might be lying about disapproval in order to steal his work, so Richtofen and Dr. Schuster continued to work on the teleporter despite Dr. Maxis's objections.

Approximately on December 5, 1939, a thirty-day period began where Richtofen and Dr. Schuster made rapid advancements to the teleporter prototype. By this time, the Vril-Ya had advanced even further, far surpassing the utopia that Edward Bulwer-Lytton had witnessed. They had expanded their civilization underground, likely suppressing the rest of the Ana. They had invented space travel among many other technologies. They despised intermingling between mankind and Vril-Ya, so they opted to remain hidden from mankind rather than destroy mankind. They had established a base on Mars that used their superior technology to create a biosphere around it with flora. But something had happened. For whatever reason, the Vril-Ya had decided to change location. They had launched three Pyramids, which were like vehicles. One had gone into orbit around the Earth. One had landed on the Moon and dug itself into an enclosed cavern. Then the rest of the base with the last Pyramid had been transported to a place lost in the Himalayas, taking a Martian mountain with it. Some Asians had found the location and had thought that it was holy. The Vril-Ya had retreated from the area to keep with their code of not interacting with mankind. The local Asians named the place Shangri-La.

Richtofen: Entry 42. Date: January 4, 1940. Dr. Schuster and I, despite mounting pressure from Maxis, have continued working on the matter transference prototype. We have made great strides in the last thirty days and are ready for our first human subject. If our calculations are correct, we will send a test subject, me, to a receptacle station sitting thirty yards away and behind a cinderblock wall.

Schuster: Are you certain you want to do this, Richtofen?

Richtofen: Nein, Dr. Schuster. But this must be done. Quickly. Put in your ear plugs and power up the machine. [semi-primitive Teleporter activates.] Is the power out? Why's it so dark? I feel almost weightless. How very unexpected. Dr. Schuster? Hello? Ugh, I can see now. Oh my, oh God! I'm standing in a circular cave, surrounded by some kind of machinery. It's like nothing I've ever seen before. It looks almost alien in nature. There's a pyramid structure in the center of the room. I'm going to try to carefully touch it. [Touches it.] AH! Static electricity. It's smooth to the touch. Very cold. Not a speck of dust. [Knocks on it.] Hm... might be... hollow. This chamber's quite large. I see what looks like the passages on the ceiling of the chamber. There are no obvious connections to anything electrical. What is this place? Dr. Schuster? Is that you? Dr. Schuster? Look at this! It appears to be covered in some sort of hieroglyphic language. I've not seen anything like it before. Why are you whispering to me? There's no need for that. What's this noise? Do you hear that? It sounds like- [strange non-organic noises.] My God! What happened? I seem to be in some kind of jungle. I can't be certain of where I am. [Mass amounts of noise.] Oh no!

On January 4, 1940, Richtofen volunteered to be its first human subject. However, when he teleported, he did not end up in the receiving receptacle, but instead he found he was within a dark cave within the Moon. He saw the Pyramid that had been created by the Vril-Ya. Notably the cave had oxygen within it, and it had machinery of a non-electrical sort. Also, he saw strange passageways on the ceiling. Then he touched the Pyramid. From that moment forward, Richtofen would hear other voices in his head; he became schizophrenic. He was then teleported away, to Shangri-La.

While Richtofen was in Shangri-La, he made diplomatic relations with the local people, although it was mostly due to them likely believing him to be a god. This changed Richtofen.

Schuster: Log Entry 43. Date: January 23, 1940. I cannot be certain what happened to Dr. Richtofen once the tests commenced. He just disappeared from the machine into thin air. I have searched the area for days and have no evidence that he is anywhere. I am afraid I might have to scrap-

Richtofen: Do not scrap anything! We have done something, something wondrous. Shh! Do you hear them?

Schuster: Dr. Richtofen! You're alive!

Richtofen: I’m more than alive, Mr. Schuster! Is the device still intact?

Schuster: Yes, but what happened to you?

Richtofen: Something wonderful! That chamber was incredible! The wonders we can learn!

Schuster: What are you talking about? Are you all right?

Richtofen: Get in the matter transference prototype, Dr. Schuster. We have work to do.

By January 23, 1940, Dr. Schuster had nearly given up all hope of Richtofen's return since his disappearance through the teleporter when Richtofen waltzed back into Der Riese. Richtofen claimed they had much work to be done.

During the next few years, Group 935 was busily working and creating inventions. Dr. Maxis grudgingly continued with the teleporter experiments, supervising the tests, but Richtofen was vital in that he knew how to recalibrate the teleporters.

Dr. Maxis: Initiating test number 3. Subject is within the test chamber. Activate power. [Teleporter activates.]

Richtofen: Oh... oh my God!

Dr. Maxis: Get a hold of yourself and clean that up! Test number 3 unsuccessful. Test subject has been reduced to the same state as previous subjects. Clean up the test chamber and recalibrate the system! Let's do it again.

Richtofen: Yes, Doctor.

Dr. Maxis went through three unsuccessful tests on trying to get the teleporter to work. Dr. Maxis's tests #1, 2, and 3 all resulted in piles of guts and flesh. Dr. Maxis's daughter, Samantha Maxis, lived with him at the Der Riese facility.

Dr. Maxis: Now, you must be very diligent with her Samantha. Owning a dog is a great responsibility.

Samantha: Yes, father. Oh I love her.

Dr. Maxis: You must feed her every day. And walk her. And be very careful when you play with her. You know she's going to have puppies?

Samantha: Really? Can I keep the puppies too, father?

Dr. Maxis: We'll see Samantha. One step at a time.

To alleviate any loneliness she might get, he gave her a dog, named Fluffy.

On January 20, 1942, Dr. Maxis completed the Datenbediensteter, which was the computer network of Der Riese. Richtofen did not trust nor like Dr. Maxis, and Richtofen began to do many things behind Dr. Maxis's back. Richtofen finished his teleporter, and he was able to use it to teleport to the Moon and back as much as he wished. In doing so, he secretly organized a workforce to help him build a base on the Moon, known as Griffin Station.

Richtofen: [Richtofen is on a speakerphone.] Gentlemen. For two long years, we have toiled here and at Eagle’s Nest to build up fortifications. For two long years, we have taken equipment to build up our labs. For two long years, we have worked under Group 935, believing that Dr. Maxis truly wants to help the world. For two long years, we've lived a double life. Today, that all ends. I bring to you what this project is all about. What I have worked to keep from my enemy.

Groph: What is it Dr. Richtofen? It looks... alien.

Richtofen: It's an ancient vril machine, and you Dr. Groph are now the lead scientist here at Griffin Station. [People clap.] You will be the one to discover how it works.

Groph: I first must discover what it does.

Richtofen: Nein, Dr. Groph. I know what it does. It is a direct connection to another dimension.

Groph: [Crowd uproars.] That is preposterous!

Richtofen: No more preposterous than teleporting all this gear to the Moon or building Griffin Station, is it?

Groph: I suppose not. How do you know what it does?

Richtofen: I have found many interesting vril artifacts here. I have decoded some of their language. All signs point to this device being a stable gateway to the Aether.

Groph: Dr. Richtofen, I’m aware of a project being run by Dr. Maxis at Der Riese concerning vril.

Richtofen: As am I. I will return to 935 to continue the charade. I will be finding out just how much information Dr. Maxis has on vril. Once the machine is operational, I will enact my plan and return. Gentlemen. Let the games begin. [Crowd applauds.] Shh! The voices are so loud!

When it was finally completed that year, Richtofen announced to the rebellious Group 935 workers that they were to work in Griffin Station from now on, and he revealed the purpose: the Pyramid, or as Richtofen called it, the MPD. He assigned Doctor Groph to be the leader of Griffin Station. Richtofen continued to work for Dr. Maxis, who knew nothing of what Richtofen had done. Richtofen also found many vril artifacts on the Moon. Also in 1942, the Uranium Club was disbanded due to lack of funding.

Richtofen led two lives. He had his real purposes and his guise at Der Riese. He even became involved with the Illuminati, a secret worldwide organization bent on world domination.

Groph: Log 1075. Dr. Schuster and I have spent countless hours with the pyramid device in attempt to understand how it functions. We have made little progress, until now. Today, we uncovered what looks to be some kind of tank with a glass-like front. The glass itself is-

Schuster: I got you now rat!

Groph: Kill it, Schuster!

Schuster: [Kills rat. Loud noise.] Did you see that?

Groph: Look! The capacitor is illuminated! The tank is filling the machine.

Schuster: It seems to be activated. What did you do?

Groph: I think we just discovered what powers this machine.

At Griffin Station, Dr. Schuster and Dr. Groph found out that souls power the MPD. Over the next three years many advancements were made in Group 935. First of all, Group 935 had its headquarters at Der Riese, but it also had a facility that functioned as a theatre, showcase, and experimentation lab, known as Kino der Toten. Dr. Maxis and other scientists would go back and forth here, but they usually stayed at Der Riese. Dr. Maxis and Richtofen commenced test #4 on the teleporter and finally got it working, although Richtofen's personal teleporters had already been working; Dr. Maxis didn't know about that.

Dr. Maxis: [Dog barks.] Edward, time the d*mn thing down. We can't have it running around during the test.

Richtofen: [Dog whimpers.] It's tied down now, Doctor Maxis.

Dr. Maxis: Initiating test number 5. Subject is within the test chamber. Activate power. [Teleporter activates.]

Richtofen: Searching for vitals. No readings Doctor. And, the subject... has disappeared. Doctor Maxis, we've done it!

Dr. Maxis: Don't be foolish! Test number five is unsuccessful. Subject has vanished, yes, but has not reappeared at the mainframe. Recalibrate the d*mn system no-!

They then commenced test #5 using a dog, but for some reason the dog didn't reappear at the mainframe. All of this was made possible with Element 115. So Group 935 scientists scoured the globe for other meteor impact sites that had Element 115, and they found the following: Shi No Numa, Japan; Tunguska, Soviet Union; Groom Lake, Area 51, Nevada, United States; and the Moon, which was confirmed via Group 935's Astronomical Team. A newly developed Group 935 invention was the Pack-A-Punch, which upgraded normal weapons into laser weaponry. Group 935 also discovered that Element 115 had the ability to reanimate cells.

The Empire of Great Japan also became intrigued in Element 115, so Japan installed the Rising Sun facility at Shi No Numa, the location of Japan's meteor impact. Japan was an ally of Germany under the rule of Emperor Hirohito Sh?wa, and naturally Group 935 was interested in Japan's involvements with Element 115, so they worked together, with Group 935 pulling the strings. The Japanese designed the Ray Gun, and the designs were seized by Group 935. Dr. Maxis then actually built the Ray Gun in Der Riese. A scientist of Group 935, Doctor H. Porter, designed the upgraded Porter's X2 Ray Gun, which was the upgraded Ray Gun, and inserted the designs into the Pack-A-Punch. Richtofen also created a weapon, the Wunderwaffe DG-2, which utilized Element 115, electricity, and a miniature anti-gravity mechanism. He had been working on it for a while, but he finally finished it, and later another scientist created the designs for the Wunderwaffe DG-3 JZ, the upgraded form, and inserted them into the Pack-A-Punch. Meanwhile, Kino der Toten received a working teleporter from Der Riese as well as a smaller Pocket Teleporter.

Dr. Maxis: Stand up. [Zombie moans.] Stand up! [Zombie moans.] Good. Look at me. [snaps Fingers] Over Here! Good. Now walk forward. [Growling and slow footsteps.] Excellent. Further. Keep coming. [Footsteps stop but groaning continues.] It's all right. Stay there. [Growling intensifies. Footsteps resume, faster.] Calm down. I order you... [Zombie screams.] Kill it! [Gunfire. Followed by silence.] Bring me another.

Then Group 935 discovered that not only did Element 115 reanimate cells, but it also reanimated entire bodies. The Reichstag High Command commended this discovery, and dubbed these Zombies as the Armeeuntoten. Group 935 tried repeatedly to get the Zombies to listen to commands, using mind control techniques at Kino der Toten, but they would not listen.

Unknown: The test subjects have been undergoing treatment for five days with a little progress. I have been assured that given time, the programming will take hold.

Unknown: In the past weeks, we have made great strides in breaking through to their subconscious. I have had the projectionists make edits to a few. These changes have been very effective.

Only one Zombie showed any progress of listening to commands, and that Zombie was named Subject Two-Six.

Unknown: Subject Two-Six has had a breakthrough. He is responding to the treatment and following basic instructions, violent outbursts have been greatly reduced, and given time we feel this method of treatment will be 100 percent effective in most cases.

Unknown: The timeline for deployment can be accelerated. Given the progress we have made in the past two weeks, if Patient Two-Six can retain the impressions longer than twenty-six hours. We will have the process perfe-

Unknown: Another setback, Patient Two-Six was killed this morning in a field test. He lost control and attacked one of our handlers. His injuries were minor but Patient Two-Six was destroyed. The break in programming coincided with the flashing lights and loud noises of the fire alarm in the test facility. [Knocking on a door.] One moment! [Knocking on a door.] What is it?

Two-Six was progressing through experiments in Kino der Toten when an alarm went off, with bright lights and loud noises, causing Subject Two-Six to go berserk, and the workers had no choice but to kill him. Dr. Maxis was secretly worried about the whole ordeal of the Armeeuntoten. Also, the Wittenau Sanatorium in Germany was converted into a Zombie-testing facility known as Verrückt.

Richtofen: Griffin Station. This is Eagle's Nest. Status update. Over.

Groph: Hello Doctor. We have the shipment, and are carrying out your orders. [Gunshot. Grunting is heard, followed by whooshing.] It is grim work, Doctor.

Richtofen: All in the name of science Dr. Groph. Continue until the tanks are full.

Groph: Yes Doctor. [The sound repeats.] May God have mercy on us all.

Richtofen began sending prisoners to Griffin Station to be killed to power the MPD. Meanwhile, the scientists at Verrückt created four Perks-A-Cola that enhanced physical prowess. They were Juggernog, Speed Cola, Double-Tap Root Beer, and Quick Revive. They were soon shipped to Group 935's bases around the world. In 1944, a new subdivision of Group 935 was created with a purpose of developing a deadly war chemical known as Nova gas. Its brainchild was Doctor Friederick Steiner. He combined two gases, Tabun and Sarin, to create Nova gas. Scientists used this Nova gas at Kino der Toten to create a mutant variant of Zombies, called Gas Zombies. Also in 1944 began the Battle of Peleliu in Japan. Tank “The Tank” Dempsey was a Marine that participated in the battle; he had a five-year-old child at home that he left when he went to war. Four Ray Guns were sent to the Battle, courtesy of Group 935.

Dr. Maxis: Sophia, this letter is to go to the Reichstag High Command immediately. Gentlemen, it is with the utmost urgency that I draw your attention to the lack of funding being injected into The Giant project. While I believe we are close to realizing the ultimate plan, we still have several years of development before it is ready. It would be folly to cut our expenditure so early in our development. As you know, early tests on the DG-2 have easily outperformed expectations and we fully anticipate mass producing the Wunderwaffe within the next few years. Work on the matter transferer has, however, come to a standstill. We simply do not have enough Element 115 to continue the experiments. The test subjects have survived teleportation but are currently unresponsive to commands and cannot be controlled. If we are to overcome this obstacle we need to increase the frequency and size of the experiment. To this end, I suggest we find not only a regular supply of 115, but that we also find a larger conduit to channel the energy. Our operatives in America have informed us that the US have a large supply of the element at the Nevada base, so time is of the essence if we are to stay ahead of them. This cannot be done if you cut the budget; nor can it be done if you insist on pressuring us into action before we are ready. I am of course available for discussion of the matter but in the meantime, I will continue with the work here and try to win this d*mned war. Signed etc. etc. Doctor Maxis.

The Reichstag High Command began to pressure Group 935 by withholding funding. Dr. Maxis urged them to continue to fund the program. He also told them that the teleporters were functioning, but he said that they were at a standstill due to not having enough Element 115 to continue the experiment. The Wunderwaffe DG-2, he also mentioned, was completely functional but it needed a couple years to be mass produced. Dr. Maxis started to become a bit paranoid and untrusting of Richtofen, but he dismissed it as Element 115 affecting his mind. The original Die Glocke, as well as the accompanying device called the Fly Trap, had exact purposes unknown yet speculated to have something to do with a spaceship or anti-gravity mechanism.

Richtofen authorized a Group 935 cargo ship to establish a surreptitious base on the coast of northern Siberia in the Soviet Union, where a considerable number of fragments from the exploded Tunguska meteor had landed. Richtofen was primarily in charge of the base, known as Eagle’s Nest, but Dr. Maxis likely knew of it, just not knowing all of what was happening there. Doctor Harvey Yena was among the scientists sent to the area. There, he invented his own personal weapon with Element 115, the Scavenger. He also made the upgraded form, naming it after himself: the Hyena Infra-Dead. The scientists there researched the vril artifacts that Richtofen provided for them, and they finalized a weapon utilizing it: the V-R11, as well as its upgraded form, the V-R11 Lazarus. Dr. Maxis also found a vril artifact himself, called the Egg. The scientists at Eagle’s Nest also created a new Perk-A-Cola: Deadshot Daiquiri.

Richtofen also kept Shangri-La as a Group 935 base of operations. He modernized it, using various technologies, and he used the local Asians as a labor force. A meteor with Element 115 had also crashed there in Shangri-La on top of the Pyramid. Richtofen tried finding Focusing Crystals in an attempt to shrink the meteor, but he didn't have enough of them. Dr. Maxis created a tool that could shrink things using Element 115. The natives of Shangri-La named it using their conglomerated language that, when visually anglicized, appears to read as 31-79 JGb215. Also, a non-working prototype of another weapon, the Thundergun Mk I, was created. It was still experiencing quite a few problems, however. Richtofen also owned his own research center, the Richtofen Center for Clinical Research. It was most likely a front for some kind of experimentation. Also, a Group 935 base was set up in Paris, France, near the Eiffel Tower. Also, Dr. Porter invented the Zap Guns, which could be put together to form the Wave Gun. He also invented their upgraded form the Porter’s X2 Zap Guns, or the Max Wave Gun. Meanwhile, while it is not known for sure, Group 935 speculated that the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP, of the United States, secretly established, was powered by Element 115.

On May 8, 1945, Germany surrendered to the Allies. By this time, United States President Harry S. Truman had succeeded Roosevelt. Japan was the last country to surrender, on September 2, 1945, marking the end of World War II. Peculiarly, Group 935 continued to operate. Perhaps it was out of determination to turn the tables; perhaps it was merely defiance to admit defeat. Nevertheless, Group 935 operated for quite a while without Nazi funding. By this time, Dr. Maxis had authorized Richtofen to have living subjects to try to unlock secrets of the brain in a last-ditch effort to try to gain control of the Zombies. Richtofen had acquired three subjects. Until he could figure out how to control them, the Armeeuntoten was put into capsule-like storage containers. Richtofen also tested on Samantha for his own amusement. Sometime around this time, he created his last invention, the Monkey Bomb, using stuffed monkey corpses.

The first subject was a Soviet named Nikolai Belinski. Nikolai was a politician in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, or Soviet Union, and he was notorious for his success that he achieved by killing the next man in line. He also had nine ex-wives. He killed his first wife and then his second wife with a shotgun for being fat and ugly. He killed his third wife with a Sickle because she complained about him snoring. He tried to kill his fourth wife by strangling, however, she escaped, and he chased her, killing a couple people, and finally killing her with a shotgun. He killed his fifth wife by trying to drown her and then cutting off her unconscious head with an axe. No one knows what happened to his sixth wife, and his seventh wife was currently still alive. He cheated on his seventh wife, and he also wasn't on good terms with his sister. When the leader of the Soviet Union, General Secretary Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, heard of Nikolai's murderous habits, he had made sure that Nikolai was placed on the front line in World War II.

The second subject was an Imperial Japanese soldier named Takeo Masaki, who was given the codename N3WB. He was an honorable Bushi and Bushido warrior. His family knew he'd bring them honor when they saw him cutting off cats' tails at the age of five. However, Takeo thought that his family brought disgrace, so he slaughtered his entire family for their dishonor.

Richtofen: Log Entry 1471. Date: September 2, 1945. Dear diary, another day, another failure. This time subject N3WB just slightly improved. The Russian subject still smells like urine. even after he was given a bath and deloused TWICE. I think I might have killed the specimen from Mexico. His spleen is on the floor and he's not moving anymore. I can verify with certainty that the barrier is not located in the spleen. Dr. Maxis must continue no matter the cost. I wonder what he might think of the experiments on the little girl. AhahaAHAHAHA. [Monkey screech is heard.] NEIN!! Drop that! That's my spleen! MINE!

The third subject was a Mexican. Richtofen removed his spleen, killing him.

Doctor Peter McKay was a research assistant based out of Munich, Germany, and an American spy of the Office of Strategic Services, or OSS. His handler, Cornelius Pernell, was stationed at an unknown location owned by Group 935, and he helped insert Dr. McKay into Der Riese. However, Dr. McKay was transferred sometime after that to Verrückt. Dr. McKay was unable to contact his superiors regularly in Verrückt, and the OSS feared that he was compromised. So the OSS sent a Marine Recon Unit to extract Dr. McKay. Two B17 airplanes were sent to Germany, each with a squad of four Marines, but the first B17 also had the team leader, Tank Dempsey. The first B17 arrived near Verrückt. Dempsey went ahead of his team, but he was captured by the Nazis at Verrückt on September 10, 1945, thinking that he was a spy.

Richtofen: Log Entry 1472. Date: September 10, 1945. Deeeear diary, today was a good day. The swelling has subsided, the ice helps. They made liverwurst for lunch. It was [static]. I still have not had any luck reprogramming any of the live specimens. Dr. Maxis says the key to unlocking the human mind will be more easily discovered on someone who isn't dead yet. I am not convinced. The army is stored until I can fix this, this trust barrier. Oh. Apparently someone in security found a spy today, they are delivering him from Verrückt, to replace the one that I broke.

When Dr. McKay saw this, he unleashed the already unstable Zombie test subjects and turned off the power, but when he did so a Zombie bit off his arm. He treated it medically before fleeing. Dempsey's captors also made a safe getaway, with Dempsey. The others weren't so lucky.

The other B17 crash landed in a remote field in Germany. Somehow, Zombies had risen here. The four Marines made a last stand this night, known as Nacht der Untoten, and died. The four other Marines that had arrived with Dempsey saw Verrückt was in shambles. They made their own last stand.

Marine: [They kill a bunch of zombies.] It's over.

Marine: No. It ain't over. This is just the beginning.

Two of them died. The third, named Smokey, also died, and the 115 reanimated his body. John "Banana" was the fourth Marine; he claimed his friends liked to call him "Banana". He decapitated the zombified Smokey and was appalled that he kept coming at him. He then killed Smokey, but John's mind deteriorated due to some combination of all of the mental stress of Zombies and killing his comrade and the Element 115, which sometimes can cause paranoia. He wrote several limericks while trying to survive against the Zombies before he too died.

Richtofen: Log Entry 1473. Date: September 17, 1945. Deeear diary, today-

Tank: Get your hands off me you d*mn dirty Nazi.

Richtofen: Uh-oh! Zis doesn't look good...

Tank: Yeah, that's right, You want some of this? I'm taking you home in bags, freak!

Richtofen: [Hits him with electric stick.] Nein! [static] American!

Tank: Okay, now I'm mad!

Richtofen: I suppose this must be the replacement then. Time to get to work!

Tank: I can still hear you.

Richtofen: Hit him again with the stick!

On September 17, 1945, Richtofen began his tests on Dempsey alongside his other test subjects in the Group 935 base in northern Siberia.

Richtofen: Log Entry 1474. Date: September 20, 1945. Dear diary, it would seem that the OSS realized that we captured one of their spies. They tried to send a rescue team to Verrückt that was [static] the first batch of test subjects. I suspect there are others more in the Organization. Dr. Harvey Yena and Dr. Peter McCain to be precise. Dr Maxis doesn't [static] any Americans in Group 935, no matter how much genius they hold. Stupid Americans with their apple pies and baseball and children, but I digress. The new American test subject is interesting and muscley. His intellect seems low, but his will is strong. Like the others, he doesn't seem to know who he is anymore. Unlike the others he keeps breaking the restraints and yelling at me. Test subject N3WB is still staring at the floor, muttering what sounds like some kind of proverb over and over again. I think his mind may have been destroyed by the process. Oh well. The Russian subject has recently begun responding to stimuli, but only after injecting him with a new serum made primarily from vodka. Perhaps this is a breakthrough in the-

By September 20, 1945, all of the test subjects- Dempsey, Nikolai, and Takeo- had much of their memory removed by Richtofen. Meanwhile, at Der Riese, Dr. Maxis and the secretary, Sophia, started to have feelings for one another. Secretly, Dr. Maxis was worried that the Element 115 was affecting his mind, and Richtofen's Monkey Bomb only reinforced his worry.

Richtofen: Log Entry 1475. Date: October 1, 1945. Deeeeeaar diary, as for the control group tests, they have been put on hold. Recently I discovered that Dr. Maxis has not been mass producing the DG-2 as he swore he would. If he won't move those plans forward, then I won't continue following his dream of an undead army! He doesn't deserve his perch of power! He doesn't know what to do with it, but I know just what to do with him... and I'll take care of that little brat when I get the chance too.

On October 1, 1945, the zombie control group tests were put on hold. Dr. Maxis also refused to mass produce the Wunderwaffe DG-2; after all, the Reichstag High Command was gone. Richtofen was not happy about this.

Groph: Eagle's Nest. This is Griffin Station. We have an update. Over.

Richtofen: Dr. Groph, have you made any progress?

Groph: Yes Doctor. The machine is ready. Awaiting the conduit.

Richtofen: [Laughs.] Very good, I will proceed with Operation Shield and join you shortly.

Groph: Security Protocol 935.

Richtofen: Yes, I will dispose of Dr. Maxis and that little brat personally. Do not touch anyth-

When Richtofen received word from Dr. Groph that the MPD was fully powered and ready, he began Operation Shield. Around this time, he received a note from the Illuminati telling him to kill Dr. Maxis. Apparently having solved the lack of Element 115, Dr. Maxis resumed the teleporter testing. Instead of testing people, which had already shown working success, he put Fluffy in the teleporter. Dr. Maxis commenced test #6, with Richtofen handling the calibration.

Dr. Maxis: Initiating test number six. Subject is within test chamber. Activate power. [Teleporter activates.] D*mn it, Edward! Did you set up the device correctly?

Richtofen: Yes Doctor. As per your specifications.

Dr. Maxis: If you had done it to my specifications then it would have worked, wouldn't it? As usual your incompetence has.... What?

Richtofen: Do you hear that, Doctor?

Dr. Maxis: Quiet, you fool. Test number six is a failure. But, the experiment has caused some kind of electrical force to energize within the chamber. Well, open the door.

Richtofen: Doctor, I don't think...

Dr. Maxis: Open the door now! [Door opens. A dog growls.]

Samantha: Daddy, what are you doing with Fluffy?

Dr. Maxis: D*mn it, Samantha. I told you never to come in here. Edward, get her out of here.

Richtofen: Yes Doctor.

Samantha: [samantha screams.] What's wrong with her? Daddy, what did you do? Fluffy?

Dr. Maxis: Come back here. Samantha. Stop her! Easy. Come here Samantha. Good girl, honey. Gently, Samantha. That's not Fluffy anymore. We must get out of here! [The sound of a door closing.] What? Edward what are you doing? Open the door. Edward. Open this door now!

Samantha: Dad, I'm scared.

Dr. Maxis: D*mn you.... Stay by me, Samantha.

Richtofen: Goodbye, Doctor Maxis. [Teleporter activates. Richtofen laughs.]

Fluffy disappeared and then reappeared in a ball of electricity as the first H*llhound. Samantha came looking for Fluffy and saw what was happening. Richtofen, seizing his opportunity, locked Dr. Maxis and Samantha inside the room with Fluffy. They made a dash for the teleporter. However, since Richtofen hadn't recalibrated it, it sent them to different places.

Dr. Maxis was teleported to a tunnel in an unknown location. He remained hidden for an indeterminate length, and he couldn't find his way out. Fluffy's whereabouts were also unknown, but wherever it was, she gave birth to puppies.

Guest xFaTaLx RaMpAgE

Damn. You should post this in the zombie asylum man it definitely belongs in there. [brains] to you.


Not a bad post I suppose, there a quite a few minor things incorrect, but you have the main gist of the story.

Guest MurderMachineX

No no. I'm trying to show off here (thanks though :P ). If you think I have things incorrect, point them out so I can fix them.

Damn. You should post this in the zombie asylum man it definitely belongs in there. [brains] to you.

You think? I wasn't sure. Most of that forum seems to deal with real-world facts and far-stretching theories. I'm just trying to get the most in-depth, confirmed (as near as possible) storyline.


No no. I'm trying to show off here (thanks though :P ). If you think I have things incorrect, point them out so I can fix them.

Damn. You should post this in the zombie asylum man it definitely belongs in there. [brains] to you.

You think? I wasn't sure. Most of that forum seems to deal with real-world facts and far-stretching theories. I'm just trying to get the most in-depth, confirmed (as near as possible) storyline.

Haha alright I'll go through it again and list them alright? And as far as the asylum, I personally wouldn't. The asylum is a great thread, but not many people look there. I've posted there and requested threads back to the Research Facility due to lack of responses.


What I would personally change:

The MPD was an ancient machine that produces vril energy, that is a gateway to Aether, and that was created by extraterrestrials.

The MPD was an ancient machine that acted as a gateway to Aether, and was created by the subterranean race, Vril-ya.

You talk about how the Vril-ya thought of him as a god, and I agree, but I believe that that's where he received the Focusing Stone.

Somehow, the Fly Trap appeared in Der Riese, if it was not already there; it may or may not have been caused by Dr. Richtofen.

If I were you, I'd get more information on the Fly Trap and how it was used with Group 935's Die Glocke programs.

That's all I have for now, I don't want to read through the entire thing, it's soo long haha, but I'll go bit by bit, here's what I've got now :)

Guest MurderMachineX

I've never heard of the Vril-ya. There's nothing about them in-game. But there's considerable evidence for aliens. Firstly, he appeared on the Moon, where mankind had never been. Also, it explains the alien skull seen in Shangri-La. It also links perfectly with the aliens seen in Hangar 18.

Oh and there is NOTHING about the Fly Trap evidence-wise. I mean, sure, you could look up non-game-related information, but I'm not sure any of it would be conclusive. In real life, scientists don't have a conclusion for the purpose of the Fly Trap, and the game reflects that.


I've never heard of the Vril-ya. There's nothing about them in-game. But there's considerable evidence for aliens. Firstly, he appeared on the Moon, where mankind had never been. Also, it explains the alien skull seen in Shangri-La. It also links perfectly with the aliens seen in Hangar 18.

Oh and there is NOTHING about the Fly Trap evidence-wise. I mean, sure, you could look up non-game-related information, but I'm not sure any of it would be conclusive. In real life, scientists don't have a conclusion for the purpose of the Fly Trap, and the game reflects that.

:facepalm: I'm sorry, but to make it a compelte thread you must include the Vril-ya. They were the people who ran the map, Shangri-La. But there is very little for aliens compared to Vril-ya. Just sayin, your missing a large part of the story with that...

As for the Fly Trap, I don't know if you knew this, but a lot of Zombies is based off real life events. If you research Die Glocke, it specifically says work was done in a research facility named Der Riese in Germany, so no, the game doesn't reflect that. How do you think they got the map? AND, Dempsey mentions Die Glocke in a Der Riese quote. There's another things your missing that is huge. All of this is proven to be in the story, so you can't really not include it.

Guest MurderMachineX

Still don't anything about vril-ya. Shangri-La doesn't mention anything about them. All I've seen are local zombified Asian peasants.

Yes, I know that. I even mentioned it... The real-life Fly Trap's purpose is unknown. I saw a documentary on it. I didn't say anything about Die Glocke not being real.


Still don't anything about vril-ya. Shangri-La doesn't mention anything about them. All I've seen are local zombified Asian peasants.

Yes, I know that. I even mentioned it... The real-life Fly Trap's purpose is unknown. I saw a documentary on it. I didn't say anything about Die Glocke not being real.

The Vril-ya were an ancient race that created a world underneath the earth and created the energy VRIL. George from CoTD is filled with VRIL and when you kill him he goes under the water to heal from VRIL, and then comes back. CoTD was a Vril-ya compound, as was Shangri-La.

The Fly Trap was where they tested the Die Glocke. As I assume you know, Die Glocke means "The Bell." Here's a link that relates the Fly Trap to the Nazi Bell:

http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo ... n_Flytrap/

Guest MixMasterNut

Where did you gather info about Richtofen being a

"backalley plastic surgeon in Weimar, Germany" ?


Where did you gather info about Richtofen being a

"backalley plastic surgeon in Weimar, Germany" ?

His biography states he was a backalley surgeon before Maxis got him, but I am not sure where he got the Weimer Germany part.

Guest Monopoly Mac

Its pretty simple. The aliens are the Vril-Ya.


Its pretty simple. The aliens are the Vril-Ya.

Tis is true... maybe. Eh yeah I think so, it makes sense. [brains]

Guest Monopoly Mac

Its pretty simple. The aliens are the Vril-Ya.

Tis is true... maybe. Eh yeah I think so, it makes sense. [brains]

Wait what? Didn't you work on that thread with me? Y'know the one where I literally proved Vril-Ya, angels, and aliens were all the same?! :o

Guest MixMasterNut

Where did you gather info about Richtofen being a

"backalley plastic surgeon in Weimar, Germany" ?

His biography states he was a backalley surgeon before Maxis got him, but I am not sure where he got the Weimer Germany part.

Is that from the terminal files?


Its pretty simple. The aliens are the Vril-Ya.

Tis is true... maybe. Eh yeah I think so, it makes sense. [brains]

Wait what? Didn't you work on that thread with me? Y'know the one where I literally proved Vril-Ya, angels, and aliens were all the same?! :o

:P I did indeed, it's just been a LONG time since I've read it and you're the one who connected them. I just did the history of the Vril-ya :)

Is that from the terminal files?

It's on the 3arc site, they posted it when SNN came out.

Guest Strwrsbob

Most of all zombies is theory ;)

So nothing is "right" or "wrong"

Guest MurderMachineX

Still don't anything about vril-ya. Shangri-La doesn't mention anything about them. All I've seen are local zombified Asian peasants.

Yes, I know that. I even mentioned it... The real-life Fly Trap's purpose is unknown. I saw a documentary on it. I didn't say anything about Die Glocke not being real.

The Vril-ya were an ancient race that created a world underneath the earth and created the energy VRIL. George from CoTD is filled with VRIL and when you kill him he goes under the water to heal from VRIL, and then comes back. CoTD was a Vril-ya compound, as was Shangri-La.

The Fly Trap was where they tested the Die Glocke. As I assume you know, Die Glocke means "The Bell." Here's a link that relates the Fly Trap to the Nazi Bell:

http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo ... n_Flytrap/

But that's assuming the Hollow-Earth Theory is correct, and I'm not so sure about that.

Where did you gather info about Richtofen being a

"backalley plastic surgeon in Weimar, Germany" ?

Oh, sorry, that's not supposed to be a comma. It's Weimar Germany. Thanks. But yes, I got that from Call of Duty: World at War Intel #227.

Where did you gather info about Richtofen being a

"backalley plastic surgeon in Weimar, Germany" ?

His biography states he was a backalley surgeon before Maxis got him, but I am not sure where he got the Weimer Germany part.

The biography says Weimar.

Its pretty simple. The aliens are the Vril-Ya.

Lol, that would mean that we're practically on the same page.

Where did you gather info about Richtofen being a

"backalley plastic surgeon in Weimar, Germany" ?

His biography states he was a backalley surgeon before Maxis got him, but I am not sure where he got the Weimer Germany part.

Is that from the terminal files?

Well, there are two sets of biographies. There are the ones seen in Call of Duty: World at War in the game itself for Shi No Numa and Der Riese as well as the ones posted on the Call of Duty website. All of the biographies are exactly the same, except for Richtofne. Richtofen's biography on the website is more extensive.

Most of all zombies is theory ;)

So nothing is "right" or "wrong"

That is not true. People may make it out that way, but it isn't true. There are solid facts. We have points of facts all over the grid. Theories connect those dots, forming a picture. The only problem is that the best fit between any two points is a straight line. We need our theories to be straight.


But that's assuming the Hollow-Earth Theory is correct, and I'm not so sure about that.

Well it might not be true in real life, but basically all of CoDz has deemed it true. I mean I'm not trying to flame you or anything, but this is true in the Zombies world... They included the Energy of VRIL in the game, and the history of it points to the Vril-ya. Not to mention, in the Shangri-La loading screen you see the Black Sun, which is the name for the orb in Hollow Earth that gives off VRIL Energy.

The biography says Weimar.

It does? Thanks for clarifying, I shall check it out :)

Its pretty simple. The aliens are the Vril-Ya.

Lol, that would mean that we're practically on the same page.

Lol except for the part in which you don't believe in the Vril-ya ;)

Most of all zombies is theory ;)

So nothing is "right" or "wrong"

That is not true. People may make it out that way, but it isn't true. There are solid facts. We have points of facts all over the grid. Theories connect those dots, forming a picture. The only problem is that the best fit between any two points is a straight line. We need our theories to be straight.

Solid analogy. But that kind of goes back to me having proof of VRIL and then the theory of Vril-ya. We do have a straight theory with that :)

Guest MurderMachineX

But that's assuming the Hollow-Earth Theory is correct, and I'm not so sure about that.

Well it might not be true in real life, but basically all of CoDz has deemed it true. I mean I'm not trying to flame you or anything, but this is true in the Zombies world... They included the Energy of VRIL in the game, and the history of it points to the Vril-ya. Not to mention, in the Shangri-La loading screen you see the Black Sun, which is the name for the orb in Hollow Earth that gives off VRIL Energy.

Well can you prove it to me? Or at least point me in the right direction to a proof?

Its pretty simple. The aliens are the Vril-Ya.

Lol, that would mean that we're practically on the same page.

Lol except for the part in which you don't believe in the Vril-ya ;)

I don't, but I can be swayed with evidence.

Guest Monopoly Mac

I can guarantee you the involvement of Vril-Ya.

1. The Vril Generator.

2. In the 5th radio Richtofen talks about Vril energy.

3. In the book, "The Power of the Coming Race" the Vril-Ya are the ones who possess Vril. This is the link between Vril energy and Vril-Ya.

4. The V-R11.

Vril is everywhere maaan... Once you reach this part of the story you can't go left, you can't go right, you can only dig deeper....

Guest MurderMachineX

I know of the existance of vril. I've just always associated it with aliens.


I'll be honest, we don't have A TON of evidence, it just fits. Basically, we just found that there was the VRIL Generator in CoTD, as well the weapon VR-11. So we did research and found a place called Hyperborea, which was the original location of the Vril-ya. It was in the far north of the Earth, and after platonic shifting, it would most likely be around Siberia, where we find VRIL artifacts.

In Der Riese, the word Schwarze Sonne is written on the chalkboards, which translates into Black Sun.

Here's the logo for the Black Sun:


Then in Shangri-La, you see the black sun logo:

http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/3108 ... sonne2.jpg

Uhm... Hitler sent an expedition to Tibet in 1938 to find this race. He truly believed in it. I'm not saying all this is involved in the story, but these are just some things on the top of my head.

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