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Accumulating Storyline

Guest MurderMachineX

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the Marines could have been from Verruckt yet not be the same ones.

Hmm very possible. In the radio it says that the team that was sent in for Peter was killed by the first batch of zombies at Verruckt. I was under the impression that after the Massacre at Der Riese, the Marines there took 115 and then it caused electrical damage (proven to be able to in the terminal) and then they crashed and held out.

Guest MurderMachineX

No, what I meant to say was this.

The maps are chronological. Moon after Shangri-La. Shangri-La after Call of the Dead. So forth. This means Nacht der Untoten before Verruckt. How? Here's how I see it. When the US sent the Marines to Verruckt, they sent two planes. One crashed west of Verruckt on the way there in Nacht der Untoten. (You can see the crashed plane.) They fought and died. The other group went on to Verruckt, and the story unfolds.


Well the maps are chronological, but not in terms of breakout. The breakouts are not chronological since Nacht der Unoten is the second outbreak and Verruckt is the first. Not to mention Shi No Numa could have been at any time really.

Guest MurderMachineX

They are when time travel is excluded. The order is Nacht der Untoten, Verruckt, Shi No Numa, Der Riese, Kino der Toten, "Five"/Ascension, Call of the Dead, Shangri-La, and then Moon.


No, excluding time travel the outbreak order IS NOT chronologically in-sync with the order of the maps. The outbreak order is:


Nacht der Untoten

Well that's about all we have confirmed, the rest is basically guess work. Based on substantial evidence in trailers, radios, etc Verruckt is number 1. Nacht der Untoten is number 2 because Treyarch said it was on their site.

Guest MurderMachineX

I have looked through all the Intel. It never says that.

The maps have ALWAYS been chronological storywise. i.e. By this rule we'll never get a map where we explore Tank's past. (Unless they change of course.)


Incorrect. The intel states "second outbreak at Nacht der Untoten." I don't have the link handy but I, and every other CoDz member basically, can guarantee you that.

Guest MurderMachineX

We live in a society where number means nothing. The media constantly spiels mistruths by the thousand. Just because a lot of people believe it does not make it true. Show me a link and I'll believe you.


Thanks Mac. So as seen, the second outbreak is NDU, Verruckt being number 1.

Guest MurderMachineX

Ohhh that. Yeah I see how you can think that. But it says "at" not "of". As in, Nacht der Untoten's second outbreak.

Some of our men who've braved through the woods of Nacht der Untoten have dug up intel which we found earlier to be irrelevant, but under recent circumstances, we now deem it vital to our growing case file. Our contacts say that there is a hidden radio, that for all rational reasons should not operate, but does. Those who've managed to activate the radio say that it plays an endless cycle of haunting songs and some of our Soviet allies have reported their homeland's victory song through its cursed speakers.

By reading the this part of that article, and more, you can see that it is implied that multiple groups went there after the playable Marines died. Actually, it is a certain fact (when you consider- 1. Marine group, 2. Soviet group, and possible more Marine groups, in no specific order).

To say Nacht der Untoten is after Verruckt is akin to saying Ascension is after Moon.


To me that implies that Tank and them were actually there after the original outbreak. Thus this was the second outbreak at NDU. But, Nacht der Untoten's original outbreak came after Verruckt. Verruckt was the first outbreak. Some things to back this up is that the Verruckt trailer is "Just the Beginning," and I made a thread on it once, but it's way back somewhere. I can already tell we won't change our minds so let's choose a new topic before we get in a heated debate.


Here just read this:

Ever since the second outbreak at Nacht der Untoten, troops have been noticing strange radio transmissions and broadcasts taking place in the dead of the night.

Here, it says that NDU was the 2nd outbreak but looking a bit closer, it could reveal the first. Looking specifically at the words " strange radio transmissions", this line states there has been radio transmissions since the 2nd outbreak, but not before. What I'm getting at here is there was no transmissions in the first outbreak

and the only map with out radios is VERRUCKT.

Guest MurderMachineX

Verruckt has the exact same radio is Nacht der Untoten.

And the whole "not changing your minds" thing is very close-minded. That's exactly what the Call of Duty Wiki does.


Verruckt has the exact same radio is Nacht der Untoten.

And the whole "not changing your minds" thing is very close-minded. That's exactly what the Call of Duty Wiki does.

Lol yeah that radios was added in for Black Ops, this is from World at War. And I'm just showing some solid evidence that heavily implies that NDU is after Verruckt, especially via that last post I made.

Guest Shoreyo

Guys, quick thing, don't post agreements unless your going to expand on them, don't just put 'I agree', or quote them and put; 'too true'.

1. It looks like your trying to increase your posts for their own sake, this is seen as spamming.

2. You're unecessarily adding length to a topic of discussion, this isn't contributing to the topic, and so is also seen as spamming :D

Any complaints? Blame Carbon for the rules.

So I've been taking a "break" from CoDz, but I just had to comment on this...

WOW Shoreyo :facepalm: Spamming? Really? These dudes are just trying to figure out the story together and you accuse them of spamming posts because they simply respond with "I agree".

Really man, you need to loosen up a bit. Just one of many reasons why I dont visit this site that much anymore is crap like this. To Tac and MurderMachine keep up the awesome work on this. I've been following this thread in particular pretty closely, and love the discussion. Keep it up guys!

MurderMachineX, my apologies for any attitude I previously had towards this thread. I can clearly see you've done loads of research for this. So again, I am sorry for that.

Hopefully it won't be too long before I start posting again, but right now I'm taking a much needed break.


See? Posting comments like I did there are just taking up space. It is not helping to develop the thread or is putting any ideas forward, why do you think we invented brains? To have people who agree show it and give the person prestiege at the same time.

Also, you weren't here when this site was first up. There were no pointless threads, no stupid posts, and anyone from back then can remember that I almost was banned for doing the same thing! I was accused of trying to increase posts, troll or flame just by adding a joke to a thread.

But what happened was that people therefore had better ideas and more developed posts. Back then a UOTM got it for posting good threads, not for the quantity of the posts he made (note I am not in any way implying that you are such a UOTM and that I have no qualms over any posts you have yet made.)


I simply said "Correct" because Tac seemed to think that our views contradict, but the Marines could have been from Verruckt yet not be the same ones. I realize this thread has lots of posts, but I couldn't care less really. I'm just trying to iron out the storyline, and I was just trying to introduce the idea of Nacht der Untoten's story. I meant no offense.

And thanks OstonedshooterO. I appreciate that

I simply said "Correct" because Tac seemed to think that our views contradict, but the Marines could have been from Verruckt yet not be the same ones. I realize this thread has lots of posts, but I couldn't care less really. I'm just trying to iron out the storyline, and I was just trying to introduce the idea of Nacht der Untoten's story. I meant no offense.

None taken, and I did not attempt to imply any offence either! :mrgreen:

Guest Shooter

Well just saying, but I think "Ok" is a lot different of an example compared to "Correct". They've been discussing a lot of stuff with different opinions, so saying correct really just isn't post dropping. I could see if someone just came in and only wrote "Correct" or "Yup", but these guys are just coming to agreements on things previously discussed.

Idk, it just seems silly to me that someone would consider it post dropping. I'm sure me and Tac did it on out previous thread, and it was no biggie. You really just can't take things so seriously. It's not worth stressing out over ya know?

And I'm not quite sure how being a UOTM now has to do with anything? I know you meant nothing by the back handed comment, but then why did you mention it all? I've been an extremely helpful member here before I took a break at the beginning of November, which I've taken for valid reasons. And any active member can attest to that. Unfortunately, you can't personally attest to this as you weren't really here at all for the last 9 months since I've been here. I may not have been here when the site first started like yourself, but I have been here the last 9 month making extremely helpful replies and even some great threads of my own. The UOTM comment just seemed a bit odd to me?

Idk. If you'd like to discuss this more Shoreyo PM as I don't want to continue to take this thread off topic. My ultimate apologies again to Tac and MurderMachine. I just had to speak my mind on this. Sorry again guys.

Guest Shoreyo

I love this accumulated storyline, BUT you need to add sources and proof, for example how do you know, as you put in the Group 935 section, that Richtoffen is a homosexual, or that he was a plastic surgeon prior to 935 (surely Dentist or doctor makes more sense with the chair in Verruckt and his work at Der Riese was science based :D). All you have to do is add a bibliography with possible cictations to reference the exact point.

I'm only mentioning this as you said:

I am very confidant in the accuracy of my storyline, but I do know that it is not 100% correct. But I want it to be.

That is why Wikipedia do this, to make sure that the page is 100% (or as close as possible) to the truth. While doing this they realise certain bits are guess work and so either are removed or are included but are highlighted as guesswork or what was most likely.

Also rememeber to look up on you're history and popular conspiracies as Treyarch like that kind of stuff :D

and @Ostoned

I know we digress and you wanted to pm, but this can be fixed with just one post:

Well just saying, but I think "Ok" is a lot different of an example compared to "Correct".

Not really, unless you give proof or evidence to why you believe they are are correct/wrong as I am now! Just saying something is right, however much you bury it in complex language structures, still doesn't mean it is right, unless you give proof. Look at Tac, he always gives evidence in his post.

Idk, it just seems silly to me that someone would consider it post dropping. I'm sure me and Tac did it on out previous thread, and it was no biggie. You really just can't take things so seriously. It's not worth stressing out over ya know?

Well, if you want to talk to Carbon, then go ahead :D

And I'm not quite sure how being a UOTM now has to do with anything? I know you meant nothing by the back handed comment, but then why did you mention it all? I've been an extremely helpful member here before I took a break at the beginning of November, which I've taken for valid reasons. And any active member can attest to that.

Because the post was NOT aimed at you! I used the UOTM as an example because

a. It is a very prestiegious rank on the site

b. It is user chosen, that is the main thing I was trying to corvey! more of a jibe at the simple voters than at the UOTM :D

And honestly I didn't make the post becuase you were the UOTM, that's why I added the bit at the end, as after I proof read it, I was worried someone might take it the wrong way :lol:

And don't be sorry. I should have explained my point in a more straightforward way, my apologies if it seemed offensive, I was only doing as the moderators of my time did and regulate the site to keep the threads full of complex discussions :D A friendly mention that some people may not like single word posts was all it was.


I love this accumulated storyline, BUT you need to add sources and proof, for example how do you know, as you put in the Group 935 section, that Richtoffen is a homosexual, or that he was a plastic surgeon prior to 935 (surely Dentist or doctor makes more sense with the chair in Verruckt and his work at Der Riese was science based :D). All you have to do is add a bibliography with possible cictations to reference the exact point.

I agree that sources are helpful, it does add the truthfulness to the story. But these are just things that I'm sure he expected someone to know. The quotes all point to Richtofen to be gay, and Richtofen's biography from Shi No Numa says he was a back-alley plastic surgeon.

EDIT: I agree it's a good story, it just needs a bit of the conspiracy, plus more facts, added into it to fulfill it. Stuff like Steiner in 935, Die Glocke, the first NOVA6 compound being Der Riese, etc.

Guest Shoreyo

I agree that sources are helpful, it does add the truthfulness to the story. But these are just things that I'm sure he expected someone to know. The quotes all point to Richtofen to be gay, and Richtofen's biography from Shi No Numa says he was a back-alley plastic surgeon.

EDIT: I agree it's a good story, it just needs a bit of the conspiracy, plus more facts, added into it to fulfill it. Stuff like Steiner in 935, Die Glocke, the first NOVA6 compound being Der Riese, etc.

I think that simple explanations like the ones you gave in the first paragraph are good enough! And I like your ideas about the conspiracy... Have you thought about doing this yourself?


I have a story in the works, I'm currently 18 pages in but I have quite a bit of stuff left to go. I'm making a bibliography, but I'm not sure how much to put in it.

Guest BlindBusDrivr

I can guarantee you the involvement of Vril-Ya.

1. The Vril Generator.

2. In the 5th radio Richtofen talks about Vril energy.

3. In the book, "The Power of the Coming Race" the Vril-Ya are the ones who possess Vril. This is the link between Vril energy and Vril-Ya.

4. The V-R11.

Vril is everywhere maaan... Once you reach this part of the story you can't go left, you can't go right, you can only dig deeper....

To add to that list the Haunebu space ships on the Der Riese chalkboards are called Vril saucers because they made the technology. It's powered by their generator.

  • 1 month later...
Guest MurderMachineX

Hello again. Sorry for my prolonged absense. I've been to 4 countries, 2 provinces, and 7 states within the last month.

I want to finish this, if such a goal can be achieved. But I believe it to be getting a bit muddled, simply picking an issue out of the air here and there. I want to deconstruct this mess that I made and then edited after joining this site, so I can reconstruct it with the proper information. Before I make a plan to do that, which will be done on this thread, any one else have an idea of how to go about doing that? I was thinking of maybe just starting a list of facts and sources or something.


I'll help you when I can if you wish, but I just completely finished my story so I'm taking a break. But I'll still be on the site I suppose.

Guest MurderMachineX

I find that disheartening, as you were a great participant. But if I may say: I've written a full zombie story before too. Twice. (Each with huge updates.) Both times I thought I was done.

I'm updating the main post.

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