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Accumulating Storyline

Guest MurderMachineX

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Guest Matuzz

I find that disheartening, as you were a great participant. But if I may say: I've written a full zombie story before too. Twice. (Each with huge updates.) Both times I thought I was done.

I'm updating the main post.

I can help you just tell me what you need to know :D

Guest MurderMachineX

Great! :)

What I need is someone to debate points with. I also am trying to gather as many facts and sources as I possibly can so that I don't overlook anything. I am also trying to gather theories, as sometimes theories can lead to facts.

For example, one thing to debate on:

Image 1


Image 2


Looking at Image 1, you can see how the date on it appears to be "23 Jan '75", like most people say. However, looking at Image 2, which has the date at less steep of an inclined angle, you can see that the date, just might, actually be '23 Jan '35", perhaps written hastily. There is a distinctive crooked line at the bottom of the number that a 7 would not have. I think this means 1935, not 1975. This would make a lot of sense, because it seems to be talking about the development of Nova gas. So the "Doctor" could be Steiner, no?

Guest Matuzz

I have studied those notes a lot, I think I took at least the other one if not the both images :D

I came to conclusion it is 75. I have trying to solve the sender by using even the Black Ops decoder and I tried to find virtual enigma machine to solve the sender. But still haven't had any luck.

The Method IGCS MAIL means Industry Global Communication Service mail :D

The images are Tabun and Sarin which the note mentions.

The FS ER probably means Faithful Servant Edward Richtofen, that was mentioned in back in the Der Riese note.

But other possibility that we thought was Fredrich Steiner and Edward Richtofen ;)

But what I think is that it definitely is talking about Pentagon Thief, so is he Steiner is a whole another debate.

Guest MurderMachineX


You don't see the possibility?



It's just that I know that Tabun gas was used by Germans, Sarin maybe similar. These things could have been put together into Nova gas, and 1935 is a fitting date for the creation of Nova gas. (The exact date of creation isn't specified.)



You don't see the possibility?



It's just that I know that Tabun gas was used by Germans, Sarin maybe similar. These things could have been put together into Nova gas, and 1935 is a fitting date for the creation of Nova gas. (The exact date of creation isn't specified.)

you also need to look at the letters text, it was sent to richtofen so who is the doctor?

and it says "we are unsure how he arrived in this time and place" and that doesnt really make sense to me if it isnt talking about the teleporters (witch wasnt sucses full till 1939) witch can change what time and place you are in

EDIT: but i do agree that it looks like a 3 in the second pic

oh and there is another one of those notes with diffrent text in cotd that i can read

Guest MurderMachineX

Well I'm just trying to establish the possibility of it being in '35 or '75. I've only just theorized the letter's meaning. Who says that Richtofen sent it?

Guest Matuzz

I can take you a new picture of the note when I have time.

I can max out Black Ops so it will be the best quality you get without searching it from the files.

But still I believe its not 3. :D

Guest MurderMachineX

Okay, thanks. I'd appreciate that.

Um, guys. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. I'm finding it hard to keep doing this; the facts just keep building up. I need a different approach to this.

If you have a suggestion, I'd be glad to hear it.

but how about this:

I'll post facts and source and the like, and unless someone opposes it, I'll go ahead and put it in. I might also ask questions. And then, later on, if some other evidence appears, we can add it in too. Does that sound good?

Guest Matuzz

Okay, thanks. I'd appreciate that.

Um, guys. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. I'm finding it hard to keep doing this; the facts just keep building up. I need a different approach to this.

If you have a suggestion, I'd be glad to hear it.

but how about this:

I'll post facts and source and the like, and unless someone opposes it, I'll go ahead and put it in. I might also ask questions. And then, later on, if some other evidence appears, we can add it in too. Does that sound good?

Well ok, I try to disprove everything I can so only facts go in :lol:

Guest MurderMachineX

Well, the way I see it is this. Facts are pinpoints on the Zombie storyline coordinate plane. Theories are the lines we draw to get from one point to the other. The best line from one point to another is a straight one. There's only one straight line, and we have to bend our lines to be as straight as possible, not crooked or curved.

Okay, so I think I'll build a timeline off of the Radios. I'll see what you guys think, and, if approved, when can throw something else in and mix it with the Radios, CIA perhaps.

EDIT: Okay, so I added all the Radios to the first post. But meanwhile, I had a question. Have you seen the thread that shows how Tank gives the tutorial in the Black Ops iPod Zombies? It gets pretty specific, so I was wondering if it could be canonical. I would personally hope so, but it look bleak. The reason is that at the end, Rook "turns". That goes against Nazi Zombie biology. Throughout the series, it has been impossible to turn into a Zombie. You have to die first, and then your body becomes reanimated by 115. This contradicts that. So... does that mean this tutorial must be considered non-canonical like the last one?


Well, the way I see it is this. Facts are pinpoints on the Zombie storyline coordinate plane. Theories are the lines we draw to get from one point to the other. The best line from one point to another is a straight one. There's only one straight line, and we have to bend our lines to be as straight as possible, not crooked or curved.

Okay, so I think I'll build a timeline off of the Radios. I'll see what you guys think, and, if approved, when can throw something else in and mix it with the Radios, CIA perhaps.

EDIT: Okay, so I added all the Radios to the first post. But meanwhile, I had a question. Have you seen the thread that shows how Tank gives the tutorial in the Black Ops iPod Zombies? It gets pretty specific, so I was wondering if it could be canonical. I would personally hope so, but it look bleak. The reason is that at the end, Rook "turns". That goes against Nazi Zombie biology. Throughout the series, it has been impossible to turn into a Zombie. You have to die first, and then your body becomes reanimated by 115. This contradicts that. So... does that mean this tutorial must be considered non-canonical like the last one?

Actually I think the zombies do infect humans who then become zombies.

Why? Because if not the we only would have Nazi Zombies which were the original test subjects that turned into zombies.

The 115 in the zombies infects people just like the meteorite in Shi No Numa swamp turned Imperial army members into zombies.

Then there is the diver zombies, military police zombies and villager zombies etc.

We haven't seen anyone turning because Takeo, Nikolai and Tank are immune to the 115 most likely Richtofen too or at least very resistant.

I believe I have heard quotes from other character wondering if Richtofen is turning into zombie.


i personal believe both tutorials are non-canon but the rest of the levels are ie. peters grave in snn

explain in detail in one of the links in my sig

ans also was there any exposed 115 in verrauck?

Guest MurderMachineX

nyarc, yeah, I remember discussing that with you. I agree with you.

Matuzz, I disagree. 115 is the infecting agent. In Verruckt, Der Riese, and Kino der Toten, you see Nazi Zombies come out of the ground. In Shi No Numa, you see Imperial Japanese Zombies come out of the ground. In "Five", you see the American Zombies come out of the ground (in the labs, there's breaching from underneath). In Ascension and Call of the Dead, Soviet Zombies come out of the ground. In Shangri-La, Asian Zombies come out of the ground. In Moon, multinational Zombies come out of the ground. These aren't people who were bitten and turned. These were dead bodies that were resurrected by 115. That's how it transmits. Every place that uses 115 has an outbreak eventually because somehow the 115 contaminates into the dead bodies, resurrecting them. It's why we haven't had a "turning". It violates a long-held rule with zombie lore, but Zombies violates much more than that. For one, they don't try to bite. Two, they can survive when headless. CoD Zombies are their own thing, biology-wise.


yea it says that 115 reanimated cells via electrical properties not by infection so that is very possable but im am not 100% convinced on it to be honest but i defiantly think the zombies can infect you even if it only kills you.

Guest MyLittleHellhound

Hi guys, this is my first comment on the thread, so I just thought that these theories (by me) might help the story out a bit more.

The Perk Machineshttp://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=19040

A journey into Takeo's rootshttp://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=19014

A journey into Nikolai and Dempsey's capture- Dempsey was totally off-http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=18965

Guest MurderMachineX

Okay, thank you very much. I'll read them :)

Hey guys, does anyone know what to make of the 2nd Shi No Numa Radio?

Guest Rissole25

The one added in Black Ops?

Normally I say it was added just to explain how they time-traveled from Der Riese to Kino and nothing more. But I've been thinking about it lately and I may have an explanation.

Shi No Numa had a Communications Room, and picked up a lot of messages. In total, their are six radios you activate. Two are actual messages. One of the others has the audio from the Verruckt trailer. It could've been possible that through the time-travel, it picked up their conversation? It's a long shot, but it's the only thing I can think of that might connect it.


I think the 2nd radio is just to explain how they got to Kino from Der Riese, nothing else. It goes with the Kino loading screen where they are in the DR teleporter and then ZZZZZZ they are in Kino.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest MurderMachineX

Okay, guys. So I tried to analyze the Radios and form a story. But I just couldn't do it. I couldn't write out a storyline, basing it only on the Radios and nothing else when I know there is so much more. The idea would have been to add the so much more in later, but I'm too biased for it. So, I think I am going about it the wrong way and wasting everyone's time.

Thus, I propose a new way. Chronologically! Here is what I have so far. It's based on the Vril-Ya. I tried to summarize it.

Thousands of years B.C.E., there was a great catastrophe on Earth. A huge flood nearly killed what was mankind. While some survived on the surface of the planet, some had taken refuge underneath. Earth's crust has always been very porous, allowing layers of habitats underneath the one existing on the surface. As time progressed, the bottom-dwellers became more advanced, developing into kingdoms, aristocracies, and democracies. Eventually the surface-dwellers advanced to that stage as well. By 1871, Edward Bulwer-Lytton was the first surface-dweller to interact with the bottom-dwellers. By that time, these people, most of whom were under the name and race Vril-Ya, had formed a utopia, far exceeding the intelligence, technology, and weaponry of any surface nation. He wrote a book about it, announcing Vril-Ya to the surface world, but only a small fraction of the population actually believed him.

Does anyone have anything to add in between Thousands of years B.C.E. and 1871? I'm thinking no, but hey, I've been wrong before. So the next step is to pick the most chronologically following event. I believe this is the Tunguska Event, no? 1908? Anyone have anything between 1871 and 1908?

@MyLittleHound: Very informative threads. While I do not agree with everything you said, I believe you made some good points, and I hope to discuss them further in this thread.

@Rissole25: I suppose. I had previously thought that the Radio itself was sent back in time to Shi No Numa, which is just as unlikely I think. There just doesn't seem to be any way that is, well, likely.

@TacticalInsertion: Yeah, I know some things are just put in to explain, but they are still in there under the guise of enhancing the storyline, and I really think they should be treated as such. It's a Radio like any other, so why not count it? If nothing else, if we NEVER find a good reason for it, it could theoretically be marked under "Cause Unknown". :P


You seem to hit it on the head chronologically. That paragraph looks great, makes sense. As you picked up in the last 8 pages of thread, I am all about detail so my version of that is a bit longer, but yours is an exceptional summary that offers the basics of what's needed.

As far as the radio, I completely agree. I think that if they are put in to explain like I said, then they are there to advance the story like you pointed out. I wasn't aware I hinted they weren't, but that is neither here nor there as we are now on the same page. :) If you'd like, I have a great link in my sig, it's a great base for chronological timeline, all based on in game facts. It's in my sig and right here.

Guest MurderMachineX

Am I too concise? I want to include every detail as well, but I also want to constrain myself to the Zombies storyline. By that I mean that I don't want to include every little detail of every thing that ever happened in World War II, the Cold War, or human history unless it is pertinent to the Zombies storyline. Is there something I missed from my paragraph that you think should be added?

And your thread seems sound. It may prove a good reference.

Guest MurderMachineX

I was about to put something about the Tunguska event, when I realized that it may not be the next event. What about Shangri-La? Anyone have anything about Shangri-La's past?

EDIT: Another question. Does anyone have any theories on the pyramids? MixMasterNut cleverly found the whole Three Pyramids thing in his Moon thread, however, the Moon's pyramid doesn't look the same in-game as it does on the comic? So, are they the same pyramid with just graphical differences? It also looked much bigger. Anyone?


I understand fully about your holding back, makes sense. No need to have every little thing, but sometimes it can be good. I am in the middle, I talk with MixMasterNut on Skype a ton and he brings up stuff which is utterly brilliant but my ignorant mind shrugs it off. That's a weakness of mine.

Regardless, I won't get too into the satanic and rumor shit about Shangri-La. However, I think it comes WAY before Tunguska, just with the Vril-ya having an appearance there and it being a gateway to Agartha and such. I date it pretty far back, but that is just me.

Regarding the pyramids, I was one of the first on CoDz to bring up that the Vril-ya, or the evil portion centered at Shangri-La, were actually the Illuminati. I still slightly believe it, so my own theory is that the Vril-ya were centered around Richtofen since he is their most influential member at that time. With that, they teleport to Area 51 and then the Vril-ya take their pyramid to the Moon.

Guest MurderMachineX

Okay. So I've made this:

Thousands of years B.C.E., there was a great catastrophe on Earth. A huge flood nearly killed what was mankind. While some survived on the surface of the planet, some had taken refuge underneath. Earth's crust has always been very porous, allowing layers of habitats underneath the one existing on the surface. As time progressed, the bottom-dwellers became more advanced, developing into kingdoms, aristocracies, and democracies. This underground was called many things in man's history; one name was Agartha.

However, there were physical locations on the Earth's surface that connected Agartha with the outer Earth. One such location was Shangri-La. Surface-dwelling Asians lived there, and their language was a conglomeration of modern languages. As told in Buddhism, there were three Pyramids built by a highly-advanced, technological race, a race from Agartha. They were in actuality vehicles for an unknown purpose. One Pyramid was on the surface; that Pyramid was present in Shangri-La. The other Pyramids were present, however they were catastrophicaly launched into the sky. One landed upon the Moon, and another moved into orbit around the Earth.

By 1871, Edward Bulwer-Lytton was the first surface-dweller to interact with the bottom-dwellers. By that time, these people, most of whom were under the name and race Vril-Ya, had formed a utopia, far exceeding the intelligence, technology, and weaponry of any surface nation. He wrote a book about it, announcing Vril-Ya to the surface world, but only a small fraction of the population actually believed him.

The Pyramid part is hazy, but I believe it, unless proved otherwise. What's this with them being Illuminati? Which of your threads talks about it?

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