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Accumulating Storyline

Guest MurderMachineX

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Guest BlindBusDrivr

That's a really good summary of Agartha and the ancient races.

I don't think it would even be possible though for the Vril ya to be the illuminati, because Richtofen killed them all in Shangri La.


He didn't kill them all though, he killed a small portion of them in Shangri-La, there are signs everywhere in the map about it being an evil place, one of which being the stepping stones in the Easter Egg having Illuminati lettering on them. And historically, based on the stories of the many old philosophers, when the Vril-ya had a split, some were good and others were bad. The one's that were bad supposedly went to Shangri-La. Why else would Richtofen be teleported to an Illuminati pyramid on the Moon which is full of Vril artifacts? Then, when he touches the Illuminati pyramid, gets teleported to a Vril-ya HQ, aka Shangri-La?

Your summary seems pretty sound, I'll go with it. And to answer your question, I don't have a specific thread for it, I have generally kept it away from its own thread because there are some who disagree, not to mention the topic can get a bit lengthy.

Guest MurderMachineX

Thanks guys.

Wait wait. Who did Richtofen kill in Shangri-La? I was aware that he'd been there, but I didn't see any evidence of him killing anyone.

Hm. How do you think we should handle that then? (that being Vril-Ya = Illuminati) You could explain your case right now if you wish, but you seem reluctant. If that's the case, we could just wait on that, do other things first.


Richtofen killed of some of the Vril-ya at Shangri-La we believe, since there are a lot of dead bodies and a few quotes I believe that hinted towards that. I'll see what I can find to help out.

Regarding Vril-ya = Illuminati, my thoughts are rather scattered so I wouldn't be able to make a true attempt at gathering and presenting a truly convincing argument. I think that we should just hold out until later and thebn decide if we want to truly have another go at that part. :D

Guest MurderMachineX

I had always thought that he just went there, and they revered him as a god; the dead bodies everywhere, just a result of a Zombie outbreak.

But for now, since that is after the following event, Tunguska!:

By 1871, Edward Bulwer-Lytton was the first surface-dweller to interact with the bottom-dwellers. By that time, these people, most of whom were under the name and race Vril-Ya, had formed a utopia, far exceeding the intelligence, technology, and weaponry of any surface nation. He wrote a book about it, announcing Vril-Ya to the surface world, but only a small fraction of the population actually believed him. Later on June 30th, 1908, a large meteor containing Element 115 exploded shortly before impact upon the Siberian expanse within the Russian Empire.

Pretty sure what is next is WWII. Any objections? Anywhere anyone wants to start? Feel free to input anything, guys. It's going to get quite particular in WWII.

EDIT: I'm just going ahead and posting the next part.

So, here it is:

In January 1919, the German Empire of World War I transformed to become the Weimar Republic. Within the Weimar Republic, Doctor Edward Richtofen practiced back-alley plastic surgery, becoming affluent in politics and quite popular. However, in 1933, when the Nazi Party gained control of the country, turning the Weimar Republic into The Greater Reich, or Nazi Germany, he joined the Nazi army to satisfy his obsession with death.

This is taken from dates in history and Richtofen's biography, below:

"Beware The Doc. This message was scrawled across walls of every town under Axis control. Starvation may cripple you, dysentery may wreck you, and gunfire may rip the flesh from your bones, but Beware The Doc.

Meet Dr. Richtofen, known affectionately as The Butcher to his victims as they scream in agony moments before he snuffs out their light. Throughout his career, Richtofen has always been at the forefront of torture and information extraction research. Before the war he was a back alley plastic surgeon, who created an army of monstrous affluent Weimar socialites that would follow him around and laugh at every joke the genius doctor made. This all fell apart when the republic fell and the Nazi party took control. To Richtofen, their values were too moral, too liberal for his liking. He joined the army so he could satisfy his need to watch people die, slowly.

An incurable sociopath, he sees no moral distinction between natural death and murder. The victim is the victim, regardless of how their demise manifests itself.

He has a collection of stuffed animals, most of them posed in positions of terror at the instant of their death."


My changes are in red, just a heads up.

It all looks good to me. One thing is that, since Richtofen's bio says the following: "To Richtofen, their values were too moral, too liberal for his liking. He joined the army so he could satisfy his need to watch people die, slowly." I would personally say in your paragraph, "... turning the Weimar Republic into The Greater Reich, or Nazi Germany. He wasn't able to be a back-alley surgeon from that point on due to the party's morals, so he joined the Nazi army to satisfy his obsession with death."

I would do something like that, just to show why he had to join the army instead of continue the path he was on.

Guest MurderMachineX

Okay, great. Thanks. Also, I think I should add something in there about him being a homosexual since at least college, as seen by this his Shangri-La quote:

Ah I do love the Spectre. It has a nice boom to it. It's a little gun, but it has a long barrel, like my college roommate.

as the only way he could know that about his roommate was if he'd had seen his "barrel". So he must have actually been homosexual at the time, i.e. this isn't just crazy Richtofen talking.


Yes sir, that is indeed true. Lol it's weird for me to picture him being homosexual, but I know it's true. Anyways, what is next?

Guest MurderMachineX

Lol. I suppose the Moon Radios, unless there is something earlier. Piecing it together should be easy until the one where he gets teleported to the Moon comes in.

EDIT: Oh, first we have to mention the Wunderwaffes of Reichstag, as seen in the Project Nova Intel.


Ah yes, the Wunderwaffe. I'd begin with Group 935 if I were you, explaining the creation of it and such.

Guest MurderMachineX

Well, I actually did Group 935 last, because the other ones aren't nearly as important. Especially because we'll be dealing with Group 935 from here on for a little while. But I can see your point, especially because Group 935 was running as early as September 4th. But I just added two paragraphs. If you think it should be different, let me know. I stopped right before September 4th.

On September 1, 1939, Nazi Germany invaded Poland, plunging the world into World War II. The government of Nazi Germany, the Reichstag High Command, acquired six Wunderwaffe programs to have an edge in the war. The first Wunderwaffe was the Uranium Club, which was a nuclear energy project whose purpose was to weaponize nuclear fission technology. The second Wunderwaffe was the Aggregate Rocket series, most importantly the A9-A12 models, all of which were designed for the purposes of transporting satellites into low Earth orbit. The most prominent of the A9-A12 models was the V-2 Rocket, the first projectile to reach space. The third Wunderwaffe was the DGS 228 and 346, proposed rocket-powered aircrafts that would culminate in the development of a supersonic reconnaissance planes. The fourth Wunderwaffe was the Rocket U-Boat, a submarine designed to carry and fire ballistic missiles. The fifth Wunderwaffe was the Landkreuzer P 1500 Monster, a 1,000-ton tank that would act as a transport for the 800mm Schwerer Gustav artillery gun, the largest ever fired.

The sixth Wunderwaffe was the acquisition of Group 935, an organization based on the improvement of the human race, headquartered near Breslau, Lower Silesia, Poland. The Reichstag High Command signed a contract with Group 935's leader, Doctor Ludvig Maxis, M.D., who kept it secret from the employees, as Dr. Maxis was well aware of the Nazis' controversial tactics. Group 935 would receive funding, and in return it would produce weaponry for the Nazi army.


That first paragraph is irrefutable evidence since it is in the campaign intel, but I have Die Glocke added into mine. Also, I don't think that the acquisition of 935 was a Wunderwaffe, I look at WW's as physical objects, so I don't believe that the Group was one.

Guest MurderMachineX

Yes, the sixth one is Die Glocke. But I figured that included all of Group 935. As isn't the Bell related to the Fly Trap? And the Fly Trap is in Der Riese. So, I figured the entirety of 935 was included in the Wunderwaffe Program.

EDIT: Oh and so is the Teleporter. Which is it? What exactly does Zombies say IS the Die Glocke?


Zombies says that Die Glocke can be anything from time travel devices (teleporters I assume) to anti-gravity machines. History says it's the latter, but I believe it's both. The only reason I wouldn't put 935 as WW is because they did a lot more than just Die Glocke. However, everything they did could possibly be brought back to DG, so it's your call.

Guest MurderMachineX


On September 1, 1939, Nazi Germany invaded Poland, plunging the world into World War II. The government of Nazi Germany, the Reichstag High Command, acquired six Wunderwaffe programs to have an edge in the war. The first Wunderwaffe was the Uranium Club, which was a nuclear energy project whose purpose was to weaponize nuclear fission technology. The second Wunderwaffe was the Aggregate Rocket series, most importantly the A9-A12 models, all of which were designed for the purposes of transporting satellites into low Earth orbit. The most prominent of the A9-A12 models was the V-2 Rocket, the first projectile to reach space. The third Wunderwaffe was the DGS 228 and 346, proposed rocket-powered aircrafts that would culminate in the development of a supersonic reconnaissance planes. The fourth Wunderwaffe was the Rocket U-Boat, a submarine designed to carry and fire ballistic missiles. The fifth Wunderwaffe was the Landkreuzer P 1500 Monster, a 1,000-ton tank that would act as a transport for the 800mm Schwerer Gustav artillery gun, the largest ever fired.

The sixth Wunderwaffe was the Die Glocke, which has been rumored to be anything from teleportation to anti-gravity machines. Die Glocke was overseen by Group 935, an organization based on the improvement of the human race, headquartered near Breslau, Lower Silesia, Poland. The Reichstag High Command signed a contract with Group 935's leader, Doctor Ludvig Maxis, M.D., who kept the contract secret from the employees, as the employees were from many nationalities. Group 935 would receive funding, and in return it would produce weaponry for the Nazi army.

EDIT: Adding:

Dr. Richtofen had become a scientist of Group 935. By September 4, 1939, he and another scientist, Doctor Schuster, commenced 151 tests on a matter transference prototype. A meteor containing Element 115 had crashed at Der Riese some time ago before the facility's creation. Using a microgram of the Element, Dr. Richtofen and Dr. Schuster used a the teleporter that they invented to teleport a walnut weighing 10 grams three feet away. Test #151 was successful. Dr. Richtofen told Dr. Maxis about the innovation, but Dr. Maxis was not pleased. He believed the teleporter to be a waste of resources and that nothing beneficial would come of it. Dr. Maxis also confided in Dr. Richtofen about the contract with the Reichstag High Command. Dr. Richtofen thought that the teleporter could aid Nazi Germany significantly and that Dr. Maxis might be lying about disapproval in order to steal his work, so Dr. Richtofen and Dr. Schuster continued to work on the teleporter despite Dr. Maxis's objections.


Looks good to me! On your 3rd line, 3/4 of the way in you say "...Dr. Richtofen and Dr. Schuster used a the teleporter..." I'd change it to "... Dr. Richtofen and Dr. Schuster used the prototype teleporter..."

Guest MurderMachineX

Urgh. I had this huge reply but my internet disconnected and deleted it right when I sent it! Urrgh.

Anyway. Look at Moon Radio 3.

You can notice that Richtofen gets teleported into a room full of AIR. The Pyramid room in the game does not have air. Also he says the room has no electrical appliances. He also says that there are passages on the ceiling. This tells us that this room has been significantly altered since the in-game time. Also, he starts hearing a whispering voice. I think this is because he just touched the Pyramid. The Pyramid put the voices in his head. What do you think?


I had a talk with Faust about this too. It has been a long time since I have played the map, but he says that there is a loading bay/dock in that area, and so putting that in took out the air. And I agree, It has been long believed that the voices are Illuminati yes? Based on the quotes of various maps by Richtofen, then we learned that the pyramid was of Vril-ya origin, which is another factor of why I believe that the Illuminati = Vril-Ya. Buy regardless of that, the voices did indeed come from the pyramid.

Guest MurderMachineX

So you believe the voices in his head are Illuminati? and thus, not real? That seems to contradict the very existence of the Illuminati. Unless you suggest they are talking to him through telepathy...


Yeah ever since about Der Riese almost everyone has believed that the voices are Illuminati, and I am not saying they are not real, nor are the telepathy. They are real and inside his head, why do you believe I mean they are not real?

Guest MurderMachineX

No, not almost everybody. Just you and some prominent figures on this website. That isn't everybody.

The entire organization of the Illuminati is not just voices inside Richtofen's head. That's impossible. You can try to say the Illuminati doesn't exist, but there are so many references to them, that that's not plausible. If they do exist, then they can't just be inside Richtofen's head. A voice in one's head cannot physically leave such evidence. In fact, if it didn't exist, the Illuminati code would not exist, or at least would have been merely made up. Voices in Richtofen's head being Illuminati, the very idea claims the Illuminati is not real.


No, I mean almost everybody that has ever studied the story. The Illuminati were the most mysterious aspect of the story a while back, and Richtofen has MANY quotes about them, so naturally, a very large amount of people began to develop the thought that the Illuminati were the voices.

I would appreciate it if you would elaborate on why the voices being in his head means the Illuminati don't exist, because I am extremely confused. All it means is that they planted voices in his head, not that the Illuminati were ONLY in Ed's head like you think I said.

Guest MurderMachineX

If you say "the Illuminati are the voices in his head" which you have in various ways, then you are saying that the entire organization of the Illuminati is within Richtofen's head. THAT is impossible. So you say that the Illuminati planted voices in his head? Then the voices are NOT Illuminati, but planted voices of the Illuminati. Even that I don't see very logical. The Illuminati are just people, they can't plant voices in people's heads. The Pyramid, being of Vril-Ya origin, I think is a more plausible cause of the voices. The only way that matches up is if the Illuminati are the Vril-Ya, but that's circular reasoning. That is saying that Theory A is more credible because of Theory B while Theory B is more credible because of Theory A, where Theory A is the Illuminati having planted voices and Theory B is that the Illuminati is the Vril-Ya.

Guest Monopoly Mac

I think I've "studied the story" and I actually don't agree about the voices. If it was the Illuminati, that would suggest that they somehow built the pyramid before 1938. We know the Illuminati likes push their goals using other counters or organizations. No one went to the Moon back then. Also the voices seem to encourage Richtofen to kill as when he gets insta kill or a weapon the voices get louder. It just wouldn't make sense to me.


I apologize, I had figured you understand what I meant when I said the the voices in his head were Illuminati, I mean obviously there isn't like a person in his head, but the Illuminati planted voices in his head, directions of you will. That was more the angle I was going at I guess.

No one knows what the Illuminati is exactly, it could be a single person, 7 million people, or an idea. But I mean obviously there are voices in his head, they came from somewhere. That means they had to planted in his mind, and it is either by the Vril-ya or the Illuminati. I believe they are the same, so naturally I say that the Illuminati planted directions in his head.

To MonopolyMac: Well I believe that the Vril-ya and Illuminati are the same entity, or atleast deeply intertwined, so to me, that means that they were indeed on the moon before 1938.

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