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Accumulating Storyline

Guest MurderMachineX

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Guest MurderMachineX

I don't know... that's not really convincing. I know all about vril in-game and everything, but that doesn't seem enough to be a connection to vril-ya or black sun. And even with all of that proven, I don't see a need for the Hollow-Earth theory. I don't mean to be negative; I just don't see the evidence. I'm attempting to research myself, but I just haven't seen anything at the moment.

EDIT: By the way, can you edit your post to turn that huge image into a link? It's just stretching the page, and I don't want my original post to have a stretched page. Thanks.

EDIT: Question though. This could differentiate Treyarch's intentions. Is vril a mythological thing from multiple sources, or is it solely descended from that one book?


I have edited the pic, but I'll be honest, the Vril-ya ARE in the story. Hitler read that book and kept it as his bible. He sent expeditions EVERYWHERE to try and find this race, and the Nazi Zombies story is based a lot on real life. I'm mean idk what else it takes to prove it to you, but the Vril-ya are in the story. Treyarch has read the book, which claims that the race used golden rods to channel there VRIL Energy. We get a gold rod in CoTD... The book claims they make a compound in a place in the Himilayes, which is exactly where Shangri-La is rumored to be. Mythology claims that a race had large ties with a snake called a Naga, which is mentioned in the book. In the radios, something swims past the characters leg while in the water. In the book, he says that an explorer is with a friend who dies via this snake, that's EXACTLY what happens in Shangri-La. Idk what else it take to convince you that the Vril-ya are in the story.

Guest MurderMachineX

Could you give me the link to that thread you guys mentioned about aliens, angels, and vril-ya?

Guest Monopoly Mac

I warn you, if you haven't accepted Vril-Ya are part of the storyline our threads gonna be a bit much to swallow. Its the big link in my sig


As he said, it's in both our sig's. But he is right, you're going to have to have an open mind for this thread by him and I, otherwise it will be a waste of your time.

Guest MurderMachineX

Now just because a theory has a lot of support doesn't make it hold any more water than any other theory.

Yeah, that thread wasn't like how I thought it'd be.

I think a lot of you guys stray too far from the game. I know real-life does influence it, but Treyarch gets real life wrong a lot. They put vehicles and weapons that did not exist during their proper eras into the game. They had a solar eclipse in Der Riese that never existed in real life. That's just off the top of my head.

I was asking whether vril's legacy dates to anything more than that book. If so, then just because Treyarch chose vril does not mean they had to include everything about it. I could make a game about string theory, but since there's so many variations, I don't have to hold true to any single source. But if vril all roots down to that book, that's more plausible ground for your vril-ya.

The snake reference is interesting.


I understand if you don't believe everything, but some of us have been here from the early days. I joined after the GKNOVA File Drop, and have quickly read up on all I can. We have come to realize all the theories and speculation really does play it's part in the story, so we run with it and see what we can find. In this instance, we all believe to have found the orgins of the Vril Generator, the Focusing Stone, Shangri-La, Call of the Dead, and about half the writing on the Der Riese black board just with this one theory. So therefore, we all will stick with it until something tells us otherwise. Not to mention, Treyarch themselves have said that they have made a bunch of there story BECAUSE of this website.

Guest MurderMachineX

I understand if you don't believe everything, but some of us have been here from the early days. I joined after the GKNOVA File Drop, and have quickly read up on all I can. We have come to realize all the theories and speculation really does play it's part in the story, so we run with it and see what we can find. In this instance, we all believe to have found the orgins of the Vril Generator, the Focusing Stone, Shangri-La, Call of the Dead, and about half the writing on the Der Riese black board just with this one theory. So therefore, we all will stick with it until something tells us otherwise. Not to mention, Treyarch themselves have said that they have made a bunch of there story BECAUSE of this website.

I may have just joined this site, but I've been playing this game since Nacht der Untoten.

I'm easy to sway with in-game evidence. But the conjectural stuff is harder for me to believe. Do you have any other in-game support for the theory? And what about the blackboard? I never bothered to decipher that.


I understand if you don't believe everything, but some of us have been here from the early days. I joined after the GKNOVA File Drop, and have quickly read up on all I can. We have come to realize all the theories and speculation really does play it's part in the story, so we run with it and see what we can find. In this instance, we all believe to have found the orgins of the Vril Generator, the Focusing Stone, Shangri-La, Call of the Dead, and about half the writing on the Der Riese black board just with this one theory. So therefore, we all will stick with it until something tells us otherwise. Not to mention, Treyarch themselves have said that they have made a bunch of there story BECAUSE of this website.

I may have just joined this site, but I've been playing this game since Nacht der Untoten.

I'm easy to sway with in-game evidence. But the conjectural stuff is harder for me to believe. Do you have any other in-game support for the theory? And what about the blackboard? I never bothered to decipher that.

Uhm, idk... I mean I showed you the Black Sun in S-L which is the orb of light of Hollow Earth

I showed you the Black Sun on the black board.

I explained the Golden Rods which the civilization used.

On the board, there is a UFO drawing. That UFO is said to be made of VRIL Energy in real life.

Uhh, I guess most of this is truly off of real life stuff, that's honestly how most of the story came about. :?

Guest MurderMachineX

What do you make of the alien skull in Shangri-La?


Well, think it looks more like a gorilla then anything. But if it is an alien skull, I believe it to be of either Vril-ya origin or of one of their human races.

Guest MurderMachineX

There's a monkey skull right next to the alien skull, but the alien skull looks distinctively, stereotypically alien.



There's a monkey skull right next to the alien skull, but the alien skull looks distinctively, stereotypically alien.


Ahh yes I forgot about that one. I say it's the Vril-ya tbh. I mean it is supposed to be their modern home

Guest Rissole25

The secondary aim of the Bell project was to create vortices to capture VRIL into plasmoid substances. This was reported successful. It was not possible during the war to put selected humans into the Bell to receive VRIL radiations directly (to enhance physical and cerebral structure and so create the new race of mankind) because of accretions of unidentified crystalline matter in the aparatus in operation. By April 1945 the problem had been reduced to 3% from 15% over the previous four months.

It's a quote from one of my other threads. I dunno if it helps you believe the Vril-Ya have any connection to zombies but it certainly is interesting to know. I believe this is how Maxis knew about the Vril in general, and gathered it. He had his own source (The Bell).

It just seems very unlikely that the Vril-Ya have no connection to the story if Vril is involved, plus all the hints pertaining to Hollow Earth, Thule, etc. Since Vril is becoming highly important in the storyline, I believe it is only a matter of time before the Vril-Ya are directly mentioned in-game.


Hey murder machine your from the official cod fourms right' Remember me?

I think I have the same name over there

But anyway I no I'm a bit late but welcome to codz and I'm glad you stu k your STORYLINE thread here

And tac, I do belive that the viral-ya have some connection but I don't like you saying "it has been confirmed" or "it is defenatly in the story" or "everyone at codz believes..."

I'm not saying your wrong but please don't be saying stuff like that


I'm just trying to get the point across that the Vril-ya ARE in the story. But I get your point.

Guest MurderMachineX

Okay so I read the book. Before I say anything on that, how do you suppose Vril-Ya would somehow get a Pyramid on the Moon?

Hey murder machine your from the official cod fourms right' Remember me?

I think I have the same name over there

Yes. Yes. Unfortunately, Infinity Ward killed the Zombie forums over there. *sigh*


Okay so I read the book.

NO WAY?!? God I love you!! ( No homo)

Before I say anything on that, how do you suppose Vril-Ya would somehow get a Pyramid on the Moon?

That's a great question, to which I do not have a specific answer to. I am slightly under the notion that the Illuminati and Vril-ya are deeply intertwined, since all the Illuminati voices that happen immediately after touching the pyramid and the Vril artifacts on the Moon. Not to mention I believe that the Pyramid is actually the All-Seeing-Eye of the Illuminati. Other then my second sentence, I have no in-game proof to back any of this up.

Guest MurderMachineX

Hm. I'll think I'll review the Moon Radios and Film Rolls to see if I can think of something about that.

Meanwhile, the Vril Generator (Golden Rod) definately seems to correlate to their vril staffs, but I'm still going to call it the Vril Generator, since even in the book they were never properly named and since Richtofen calls it a "vril generator".

Also, if I were to advocate the Vril-Ya's existance, technically aliens are still in the story due to Hangar 18 ;)

Also, Vril-Ya's existance does not equate to the Hollow Earth Theory being correct. The novel itself does not advocate the theory at all. Only did works later use it, often marking this novel as an example. It only proposed multiple layers of civilizations on Earth, under the surface, but still an Earth with a molten core; that it mentioned specifically.

What is the "Egg"?

Anyone know what happened to the Focusing Stone? (I've done the Easter Egg; I know that much.)

By the way, it is V-R11, not VR-11, not Vr-11, not Vr11, not VR1-1, not VR11. Come on people. Spelling.

The novel mentioned nothing of Siberia. That must be something developed elsewhere.

And now that you mention it, the MPD was highly technological in nature, yet still runic in design, reflective of Vril-Ya.

Shangri-La still has no connection in my mind to vril.

At this moment, I believe Agartha to be nonexistant in the story. Brock was looking for a myth that did not exist as he thought but instead as A-Vril.

And the ending was so sad :cry:


Hm. I'll think I'll review the Moon Radios and Film Rolls to see if I can think of something about that.

Meanwhile, the Vril Generator (Golden Rod) definately seems to correlate to their vril staffs, but I'm still going to call it the Vril Generator, since even in the book they were never properly named and since Richtofen calls it a "vril generator".

Well just because it was given a name in Zombies and not in the book doesn't mean they are different things.

Also, if I were to advocate the Vril-Ya's existance, technically aliens are still in the story due to Hangar 18 ;)

Yes I suppose so, I mean the Vrik-ya could indeed be called aliens

Also, Vril-Ya's existance does not equate to the Hollow Earth Theory being correct. The novel itself does not advocate the theory at all. Only did works later use it, often marking this novel as an example. It only proposed multiple layers of civilizations on Earth, under the surface, but still an Earth with a molten core; that it mentioned specifically.

What is the "Egg"?

The egg is a silver orb that must be put into the pyramid. Holds no purpose but that

Anyone know what happened to the Focusing Stone? (I've done the Easter Egg; I know that much.)

It was put into the Golden Rod to make the Vril Device

By the way, it is V-R11, not VR-11, not Vr-11, not Vr11, not VR1-1, not VR11. Come on people. Spelling.

My apologies

The novel mentioned nothing of Siberia. That must be something developed elsewhere.

Well that was something I've kind of came up with after studying platonic shifting in Science class. It fits but can't be confirmed.

And now that you mention it, the MPD was highly technological in nature, yet still runic in design, reflective of Vril-Ya.


Shangri-La still has no connection in my mind to vril.

Really? Even though it was the gateway to Agartha? I mean the characters in the story and in the S-L Easter Egg were like identical in deaths. But you can choose not to believe.

At this moment, I believe Agartha to be nonexistant in the story. Brock was looking for a myth that did not exist as he thought but instead as A-Vril.

And the ending was so sad :cry:

Guest MurderMachineX

I said that they are one and the same.

Ehhhhh I don't think they'd be the same. Vril-Ya are like isolated underground. Aliens are from outer space.

No, the Egg is used to activate the MPD, meaning that it is a vril device as well.

The Focusing Stone was never seen being put into the golden rod. To assume so is, well, an assumption. A wrong one I contest. In Shangri-La, Richtofen has the Vril Generator. You do the Easter Egg with him, and he'll have both the Vril Generator and the Focusing Stone. You start Moon with only the Vril Generator. You might say he put them together, but the icon for the Vril Generator is the same. Later when he charges it with the hexagonal plates it changes its icon, why not before? So I don't think that's it. But I don't have another explanation to offer.

I wasn't talking to you about the spelling. I was just saying generally. While you have taken a great part in discussion on this thread, I still would like additional input from anyone reading, and so I speak accordingly sometimes.

So, what, Shangri-La's temple was a gateway to civilization below? I don't know as much about the mythical city of Shangri-La as I suppose you do.

And give me a break. "You can choose not to believe." I have been pretty lenient on my beliefs, I just require convincing; I'm not easily swayed.


I said that they are one and the same.

Ehhhhh I don't think they'd be the same. Vril-Ya are like isolated underground. Aliens are from outer space.

No, the Egg is used to activate the MPD, meaning that it is a vril device as well.

The Egg isn't the VRIL Device, it's just an orb that activates the MPD.

The Focusing Stone was never seen being put into the golden rod. To assume so is, well, an assumption. A wrong one I contest. In Shangri-La, Richtofen has the Vril Generator. You do the Easter Egg with him, and he'll have both the Vril Generator and the Focusing Stone. You start Moon with only the Vril Generator. You might say he put them together, but the icon for the Vril Generator is the same. Later when he charges it with the hexagonal plates it changes its icon, why not before? So I don't think that's it. But I don't have another explanation to offer.

It's not an assumption actually, you can look inside the VRIL Generator on Moon and see the Focusing stone in it...

I wasn't talking to you about the spelling. I was just saying generally. While you have taken a great part in discussion on this thread, I still would like additional input from anyone reading, and so I speak accordingly sometimes.

So, what, Shangri-La's temple was a gateway to civilization below? I don't know as much about the mythical city of Shangri-La as I suppose you do.

And give me a break. "You can choose not to believe." I have been pretty lenient on my beliefs, I just require convincing; I'm not easily swayed.

I'm just saying that I have researched this more than 98% of anyone on this site, so I know quite a bit regarding the history of the Vril-ya. I have thrown just about everything I can remember off the top of my head to you, and you still don't believe me. That's fine, as you say you are not easily swayed without in-game evidence, but not everything is written in, you have to have an open mind in the story, a ton of it is pure speculation and theory. I've given you in-game references to everything I am trying to prove, and apparently it still isn't enough.

Guest MurderMachineX

The Egg is a vril device in some fashion. Built for the MPD, it was a machine, if the MPD made by Vril-Ya, that was also built by the Vril-Ya as a "key" for unlocking it. And all of their machines were based on vril. It's as much as vril machine as the V-R11.

CRAP. I can't believe I didn't notice that. Sorry.

Hey, I admitted to the Vril-Ya's existance, okay? I'm not going to give way to 100% believing everything you say, but I've gotten something, 'kay?


The Egg is a vril device in some fashion. Built for the MPD, it was a machine, if the MPD made by Vril-Ya, that was also built by the Vril-Ya as a "key" for unlocking it. And all of their machines were based on vril. It's as much as vril machine as the V-R11.

While it might be a device in some fashion, it cannot be called a VRIL Device. There is only one thing that can be called the VRIL Device, and that's the Stone inside the Generator. On the loading screen they refer to that as a Device, the quotes call it a Device. The device you speak of is referred to as an Egg, not a device.

CRAP. I can't believe I didn't notice that. Sorry.

Don't worry about it :D

Hey, I admitted to the Vril-Ya's existance, okay? I'm not going to give way to 100% believing everything you say, but I've gotten something, 'kay?

I know, and I am happy you admitted it. I'm not saying you should believe everything I'm saying, all I am saying is that I have given you enough evidence to which I think anyone could comfortably agree with.

Guest MurderMachineX

You're talking about "VRIL Device" quite definitively. What separates a device utilizing vril from a "VRIL Device"?

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