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Accumulating Storyline

Guest MurderMachineX

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Because it is the VRIL Device not a VRIL Device. The VRIL Device is one specific thing, not something that can be interpreted into many different objects.

Guest MurderMachineX

How can the meteor be called the VRIL Device? It's not even vril. It's just a shrunken hunk of 115.


How can the meteor be called the VRIL Device? It's not even vril. It's just a shrunken hunk of 115.

The meteor itself isn't called the VRIL Device, that's the Focusing Stone. When combined with the VRIL Generator, it creates the VRIL Device.

Guest MurderMachineX

Oh okay. And where do you get the term "VRIL Device" from?


Oh okay. And where do you get the term "VRIL Device" from?

There is a picture of the Generator and Stone on the loading screen that says VRIL Device I believe. Then in the radios they refer to the last step before Sam comes out as the device. In the Easter Egg, the last thing you do before Sam appears is put the VRIL Device in the Pyramid.

Is there another subject we could discuss? Anything else we could decipher?

Guest MurderMachineX

Oh, well the loading screen says V Device, but that's a minor issue that I won't worry about.

Yes yes, I just wanted to fix this huge glaring flaw in my story. Thanks for that. Just read my storyline and find something to debate.

Guest Rissole25

I would just call the egg a VRIL Artifact. Richtofen said he'd found many when he was on the moon in Audio Reel 5.

I've some questions for you Murder.

-What's your take on the 2nd earth? I've deduced that it's not meant to be there, and 3arc overlooked it. But it's always nice to get others opinions.

-The year of Kino? Why do you think it's in 65'? I know about the tower, but isn't there a note in-game somewhere that says 1975?

-What's your take on Nacht's loading screen?

Also, why do you think every human on the planet was killed? Not even 50% of the planet was hit.


Alright I'll keep thinking. If you are interested in doing any research, some of our key members have tossed around the idea that 115 is actually a less stable version of VRIL Energy.

Another theory is that after Maxis is sent away in Der Riese, he was teleported to Shangri-La due to being stuck in "a wretched tunnel." That theory goes hand-in-hand with the theory that one of the characters in the Easter Egg is Maxis. That part I do not believe.

Another thing we wonder about is how Richtofen retrieves the VRIL Device the first time.

To Rissole:

I agree on the fact of 2nd earth being overlooked.

I say Kino is 1968 because those notes are in quite a few maps. Kino cannot be any earlier than 68 though.

Guest MurderMachineX

I would just call the egg a VRIL Artifact. Richtofen said he'd found many when he was on the moon in Audio Reel 5.

Maybe you've numbered them differently than I, but I can't find any mention of it anywhere.

I've some questions for you Murder.

-What's your take on the 2nd earth? I've deduced that it's not meant to be there, and 3arc overlooked it. But it's always nice to get others opinions.

Yeah, it was just a programming quirk. You're referring to the image in No Man's Land, right? Didn't they patch that? Well, either way, the entirety of the level is one map, all with the same background, space. It is just that when you are in No Man's Land, that space is blinded by a bright light called the Sun. :P But when the Earth is "blown up", it loses its atmosphere enough to see space clearly but not enough to lose all oxygen. And if you position yourself in the right way, you can see the Earth in the sky. I think they tried to use the hangar to cover it up in a hurry.

-The year of Kino? Why do you think it's in 65'? Isn't there a note in-game somewhere that says 1975?

Well, I used reasoning I saw elsewhere on this forum, but I came upon the conclusion long before I even knew of this forum. The Fernsehturm is seen in Kino, constructed between 1965-1969. I need to change the date from a static 1965 to the period mentioned, but yeah. There is no such note.

-What's your take on Nacht's loading screen?

Absolutely nothing and practically anything. Sure, it inspires interest, but it is SO vague that no reasonable conclusion can be based off of it. Sure, you could make a theory and say it matches the loading screen, but the screen is so vague that it could mean a MULTITUDE of things, so I don't bother. It's too vague to count.

Also, why do you think every human on the planet was killed? Not even 50% of the planet was hit.

Phew. This is a long one. I once explained this to someone else. Let me look for my rebuttle.

A series of explosions of that size would destroy every life in existence. This here really goes into science. I'm not an expert, but I'll try:

Even the most durable Archaebacteria would [most likely] have not survived. Strain 121 has the highest temperature threshold, which is 121 degrees Celsius. Giant missiles impacting on the Earth would have a much higher temperature in their immediate radius, which would create a dry climate all around the Earth, creating deserts.

Not to mention that a hole in the Earth can clearly be seen. This is the epicenter of the damage. It was blasted enough to send some of the debris into space. However, the rest rained back down on the Earth. This would create a shield of dust around the planet within a few days or weeks. The result of that is an increasing decline of temperature. Strain 121 can survive heat, but how well can it survive cold?

All plants would freeze to death. Fungus might thrive for a while, but eventually it would run out of nutrients or favorable conditions. If the 115-Nukes contained radiation like most nukes, fallout would also be present. Contrary to popular belief, cockroaches can only survive so much radiation, and mosquitoes can survive more than that. Not to mention that a cockroach can't survive an hour without oxygen.

And the crater isn't just a crater. It's an EXPLOSION. The ocean would be blasted away from it, yet at the same time towards it (water must fill the hole). This would create a disruption in all ocean currents. Every place would change temperature in some fashion, and tsunamis would wrap around the globe.

If the impacts were powerful enough, the Earth's core could be disrupted. We know from evidence on Mars that that is entirely possible. If that happened, then the Earth would die from within, and it would end up like Mars in not too long a time. It would also get baked from solar radiation. Most birds would die from changes in the ionosphere.

Now let's talk about location. The argument against total annihilation is that maybe there is somewhere to hide from the blast. Not really. First of all, while I do believe that mankind can achieve practically anything, they cannot achieve anything on a surprise. No bunkers were made specially for this. Normal bunkers would not suffice. The Earth would wobble in its orbit. If in North America and the blast were to leave it intact, the tsunamis would ravage the East and West coasts. California could possibly fall into the ocean if the fault line is disturbed. Central America would be drowned. South America would have forests set on fire and then frozen. Same for Africa. The sand in the Sahara might blow for hundreds of miles, depending on the chaos in the atmosphere. Europe would be drowned and frozen with no Gulf Stream or Mediterranean climate. Asia would die mostly because of temperature or the dust blocking the Sun. Australia is the same, plus tsunamis. It is possible to survive the blast in Antarctica, but there'd be no way of keeping oneself alive without technology and food.

The atmosphere would be wrecked. A nuclear blast gives off carbon dioxide. With such a dramatic increase in carbon dioxide compared to oxygen, it would be hard to breathe. We have evidence of the atmosphere diminishing, as you can see in-game the stars when looking up from Area 51, despite it being daytime. Yet the atmosphere still contains enough oxygen to breathe, for now. If the core, magentic field, and ionosphere continue to diminish, that won't be true for long. In fact, if it weren't for that Biodome, the main characters would starve to death on the Moon. (Tree leaves for breakfast. Zombie steak for dinner?)

Lastly, the missiles were laced with 115. So, to say that all living things would be killed is accurate. But the unliving would thrive. Zombies would roam the Earth, and they wouldn't all be human. All species of primate Zombies would roam the Earth. (Remember Monkey Zombies and Space Monkeys?) It is unknown if the H*llhounds would survive for that and if Zombies can survive period in the long run without a human flesh source. Either way, for now, it is better called Zombiearth.

Does that help? Again, I'm not an expert. This is all from personal knowledge of mine. I didn't go looking up facts.

@Tactical: Actually, I say in my storyline Maxis was sent to Shangri-La :D

Also, I attempt an explanation for Richtofen and the vril in my storyline.

Guest Rissole25

My bad. I meant the last Radio 6 :facepalm:

The note is apparently on multiple maps. There's a picture on the forum but I can't remember where or which thread. Tac should know though.

It makes sense about the earth and all that. But why do you think the rockets contain 115? Wouldn't that create more zombies on a much wider scale, which would help Richtofen? Maxis wanted to minimize it, not increase it. And the description for the Big Bang Theory achievement is "In Moon, gain sweet, sweet revenge", which points to the group and/or Maxis revenge against Richtofen.

However, that being said, I feel like a zombie apocalypse will be the next step, which will mean the rockets will probably have to have 115, or Treyarch will create some bizarre explanation as to why there are zombies everywhere now.

Guest MurderMachineX

My bad. I meant the last Radio 6 :facepalm:

The note is apparently on multiple maps. There's a picture on the forum but I can't remember where or which thread. Tac should know though.

It makes sense about the earth and all that. But why do you think the rockets contain 115? Wouldn't that create more zombies on a much wider scale, which would help Richtofen? Maxis wanted to minimize it, not increase it. And the description for the Big Bang Theory achievement is "In Moon, gain sweet, sweet revenge", which points to the group and/or Maxis revenge against Richtofen.

However, that being said, I feel like a zombie apocalypse will be the next step, which will mean the rockets will probably have to have 115, or Treyarch will create some bizarre explanation as to why there are zombies everywhere now.

Radio 6? You mean Radio 5 right? In that case, it says "ancient vril machine".

I think the rockets most likely came with Element 115 because Element 115 was Maxis's specialty. Also, the rockets blew up a considerable portion of the Earth, and they were made during the atomic era's infancy. Lacing them with 115 would give him an advantage by making a bigger boom.

And Maxis did gain revenge. I kinda thought it obvious actually... Maxis's idea of revenger was "blowing up" the Earth. He only did that once Ricthofen entered the device. Richtofen had gained many, many powers upon doing that, and Maxis believed that a destroyed Earth was better than an Earth controlled by Richtofen. The decision is a difficult one, but that is the one he made.

Guest Shooter

Umm Richtofen personally says the pyramid/MPD on the Moon is of VRIL origin. Samantha controls the zombies via the pyramid (Aether). Obviously the Vril-Ya have a significant importance in the storyline. There's other support that Tac has stated, but this quote makes it perfectly clear since it's coming from Richtofen himself.

Not trying to sound rude, just want to be very direct about this. The Vril-Ya is an important part of the story.

Guest MurderMachineX

Richtofen said there was vril. Nothing about Vril-Ya. But it turns out that with vril comes Vril-Ya, so it is inherently part of the story, but we've already established that. You're a little late :P

Guest Shooter

Richtofen said there was vril. Nothing about Vril-Ya. But it turns out that with vril comes Vril-Ya, so it is inherently part of the story, but we've already established that. You're a little late :P

Sorry for my tardiness, but you seem to have a big misunderstanding of a lot of the Vril-Ya and exactly how significant it is to the zombies storyline. Richtofen works with Vril, Maxis works with Vril. So obviously Vril is a lot more than just a minor influence that you view it as. It's almost become a common theory between some of us that 115 and Vril are of the same origin or material.

There's some other issues I've got with this storyline, but I gotta wait to get home so I can use my actual computer.

Guest Ehjookayted

The Vril-Ya is significant, yes, but we cannot claim it is integral or irremovable because...

Most of all zombies is theory ;)

So nothing is "right" or "wrong"

But I enjoyed the read. Brains for the work. Let's kindly improve the story of this open-minded learner! :)

Back to the realm of strategy, I go...

Guest MurderMachineX

Richtofen said there was vril. Nothing about Vril-Ya. But it turns out that with vril comes Vril-Ya, so it is inherently part of the story, but we've already established that. You're a little late :P

Sorry for my tardiness, but you seem to have a big misunderstanding of a lot of the Vril-Ya and exactly how significant it is to the zombies storyline. Richtofen works with Vril, Maxis works with Vril. So obviously Vril is a lot more than just a minor influence that you view it as. It's almost become a common theory between some of us that 115 and Vril are of the same origin or material.

There's some other issues I've got with this storyline, but I gotta wait to get home so I can use my actual computer.

I get that it is significant, but I don't think 115 and vril are the same thing. On the contrary, they seem to be two different powerful substances. Richtofen had to gather both to achieve his ultimate power.

Yup, go ahead and pick it apart :P

The Vril-Ya is significant, yes, but we cannot claim it is integral or irremovable because...

Most of all zombies is theory ;)

So nothing is "right" or "wrong"

But I enjoyed the read. Brains for the work. Let's kindly improve the story of this open-minded learner! :)

Back to the realm of strategy, I go...

Lol thank you


Thank you to Rissole for pointing out that I know where the Kino note is, I appreciate it :P Anyways, while I find the picture, it says this:


We ------- Tabun and Sarin. Be wary of the Doctor. His in---- should ...

If you want to make it out alive. We -- --- ---- one how to ar-- ---- - this time and....

Do what you must?

Date Jan 23, 75'

As for the 115 and VRIL being one and the same, I do believe they are same. I don't believe it's a coincidence that the 115 teleporter took them to a VRIL Pyramid, I believe that they are the same. VRIL Energy brings them back to life and makes them human, but when inserted into the German technology it created 115 where it doesn't bring them back fully, just into Zombies.

Guest MurderMachineX

I could see them being linked, but not the same material. Possibly virl could be an element higher than 115 that decayed. Possibly many things.

Yeah, I'd like to see that image. *sigh* Treyarch and its contradictions. Maybe the 1975 note is there much as the 2nd Shi No Numa radio is there. Which maps are the note in?


I could see them being linked, but not the same material. Possibly virl could be an element higher than 115 that decayed. Possibly many things.

And there is no link.

Yeah I found the wrong picture, but I edited my above post.

Guest Shooter

Richtofen said there was vril. Nothing about Vril-Ya. But it turns out that with vril comes Vril-Ya, so it is inherently part of the story, but we've already established that. You're a little late :P

Sorry for my tardiness, but you seem to have a big misunderstanding of a lot of the Vril-Ya and exactly how significant it is to the zombies storyline. Richtofen works with Vril, Maxis works with Vril. So obviously Vril is a lot more than just a minor influence that you view it as. It's almost become a common theory between some of us that 115 and Vril are of the same origin or material.

There's some other issues I've got with this storyline, but I gotta wait to get home so I can use my actual computer.

I get that it is significant, but I don't think 115 and vril are the same thing. On the contrary, they seem to be two different powerful substances. Richtofen had to gather both to achieve his ultimate power.

Yup, go ahead and pick it apart :P

So how do you explain the Focusing Stone? We know from doing the Eclipse Easter Egg on Shangri-La that the Focusing Stone is just a compact and shrunken 115 meteor. It's basically a very high concentration of 115 in a small stone. And the Focusing Stone is what's put into the Vril Generator to create what is basically known as the Vril Device. The Vril Generator is powered by Vril. The Focusing Stone is powering the Vril Generator, and the Focusing Stone is a 115 meteorite. Do you see where I'm going with this? Want more proof that the Stone is indeed powering the Vril Generator(Golden Rod) to create the Vril Device?


The first picture shows the Rod when we get it in CotD and before we go to Shangri-La for the Focusing Stone. The other picture shows the Vril Device when it's put into the computer during Moon. You can clearly see the Focusing Stone in the middle of the Rod.

Oh, and we also now from Moon Radio 5 that Maxis was working directly with Vril at the Der Riese facility. Now we KNOW he was working with 115 at the time in Der Riese, but never mentions anything of any other substances that he was using. Coincidence? Regardless, the fact is that BOTH Richtofen and Maxis were working directly with Vril.

Dr. Richtofen: "Gentlemen, for two long years we have toiled here and at Eagle's Nest to build up fortifications. For two long years we have taken equipment to build up our labs. For two long years we have worked under Group 935, believing that Dr. Maxis truly wants to help the world. For two long years we've led a double life. Today, that all ends."

(Inaudible conversing is heard from crowd and continues through Richtofen's speaking.)

Dr. Richtofen: "I bring to you what this project is all about. What I have worked to keep from my enemy."

Dr. Groph: "What is it Dr. Richtofen? It looks alien."

Dr. Richtofen: "It is an ancient vril machine. And you, Dr. Groph, are now the lead scientist here at Griffin Station."

(Applause for Dr. Groph is heard.)

Dr. Richtofen: "You will be the one to discover how it works."

(Applause ends.)

Dr. Groph: "We first must discover what it does."

Dr. Richtofen: "Nein, Dr. Groph, I know what it does. It is a direct connection to another dimension."

(Crowd begins conversing again.)

Dr. Groph: "Preposterous!"

Dr. Richtofen: "No more preposterous than teleporting all of you to (Static) Griffin Station."

Dr. Groph: "Is it (*Static*) How do you know what it does?"

Dr. Richtofen: "I found many interesting vril artifacts here. I have decoded them and all signs point to this device being a stable gateway to the Aether"

(Loud conversing again)

Dr. Schuster: "Dr. Richtofen, I am aware of a project being run by Dr. Maxis at Der Riese concerning vril."

Dr. Richtofen: "As am I. I am going back to my port at Group 935 to continue the charade. I will be figuring out just how much information Dr. Maxis has (*Static*) Once the machine is operational, I will enact my plan and return. Gentlemen, let the games begin."

(Applause is heard.)

Dr. Richtofen: "Shhhh, the voices are so loud!"

The Vril-Ya is significant, yes, but we cannot claim it is integral or irremovable because...

Most of all zombies is theory ;)

So nothing is "right" or "wrong"

But I enjoyed the read. Brains for the work. Let's kindly improve the story of this open-minded learner! :)

Back to the realm of strategy, I go...

How can you say that it's not an integral part of the story? Sam controling the zombies via a Vril pyramid, Richtofen's master plan, the voices in Ed's head, The Rod, Focusing Stone, VR11 (really OP, don't be a spelling nazi about it :lol: ), Shangri La and Ed's shrine. I mean the list goes on and on of things that are directly related to significant parts to this story.

It's true that there are theories behind the storyline. But there are some things we know for sure through quotes, radio, Easter Eggs, etc. And I think it's quite clear after going through those things that the Vril-Ya (and yes OP, the Vril-Ya and Vril is one in the same. Vril is the energy, and the Vril-Ya were the ancient people that harnessed that energy) is absolutely an integral part of the storyline.

Guest MurderMachineX

Yeah, I'd like to see that image. *sigh* Treyarch and its contradictions. Maybe the 1975 note is there much as the 2nd Shi No Numa radio is there. Which maps are the note in?


Yeah, I'd like to see that image. *sigh* Treyarch and its contradictions. Maybe the 1975 note is there much as the 2nd Shi No Numa radio is there. Which maps are the note in?

Yeah I'll find it for you. But what 2nd SNN radio? The time-travel one or the one from Verruckt?

Guest Shooter

Yeah, I'd like to see that image. *sigh* Treyarch and its contradictions. Maybe the 1975 note is there much as the 2nd Shi No Numa radio is there. Which maps are the note in?

Thanks to MixMasterNut for the image...

The 1975 date on the note is throwing me off big-time too.


I've counted FOUR of these on the Kino map. They were meant to be found.

EDIT: By the way, the date can be seen on the left hand side of the piece of paper close to the middle. "Date: 25 Jan '75"

Guest MurderMachineX

Want more proof that the Stone is indeed powering the Vril Generator(Golden Rod) to create the Vril Device?

Um... I'm not sure what you're trying to prove. It's obvious that the meteor and vril rod were put together. I hadn't noticed until I looked for it when Tactical mentioned it previously.

Regardless, the fact is that BOTH Richtofen and Maxis were working directly with Vril.

Yeah... Even not knowing of the Vril-Ya when writing my story, I had still noted this.

@Tactical: The time travel one.

Guest Ehjookayted

Okay, I used the wrong word. It is integral, but it is not undeniable, but nothing has been actually confirmed by Treyarch. Theoretically, we could all be wrong, but I doubt it :)

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