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Accumulating Storyline

Guest MurderMachineX

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Guest Zombieofthedead

Actually... we had already listed Steiner as being in 935...

And as I've said before, we could think of a million and one reasons of what could be. But you say yourself that Richtofen was the most valid reason. We can't be sure beyond a shadow of a doubt, so that is good enough.

Technically, I said it's one of the most valid, not THE most. I personally think going there for Peter, or looking for something else is a little more valid. It still does not make sense to me that they would pinpoint his exact location.

Okay guys. I think we need to rewind a bit. We've strayed a bit from where we left off. Although, we still need to decide for certain where the test subjects were staying. I think Call of the Dead, but I'm not certain. I'm writing the next paragraph below. I'm putting Call of the Dead just for the time being.

Agreed. CotD and Der Riese seem the most likely.

On September 17, 1945, Dr. Richtofen began his tests on Dempsey alongside his other test subjects in the Group 935 base in northern Siberia. By September 20th, 1945, all of the test subjects- Dempsy, Belinski, and Masaki- had much of their memory removed by Dr. Richtofen. Meanwhile, at Der Riese, Dr. Maxis and the secretary, Sophia, started to have feelings for one another. Secretly, Dr. Maxis was worried that the Element 115 was affecting his mind, and the Dr. Richtofen's Monkey Bomb only reinforced his worry.

Description sounds good.


Looks good to me, just remember that Tank's last name is Dempsey not Dempsy ;)

Guest MurderMachineX

@ZotD: but Nikolai and Takeo had no relationship with Peter necessary to go get him. They all knew Richtofen equally.

Thanks guys. But I've forgotten to mention anything about what happened in Moon up to this point. So I have updated everything since 1942. Please review carefully to make sure you agree with the changes. New lines are in red.

On January 20, 1942, Dr. Maxis completed the Datenbediensteter, which was the computer network of Der Riese. Dr. Richtofen did not trust nor like Dr. Maxis, and Dr. Richtofen began to do many things behind Dr. Maxis's back. Dr. Richtofen finished his teleporter, and he was able to use it to teleport to the Moon and back as much as he wished. In doing so, he secretly organized a workforce to help him build a base on the Moon, known as Griffin Station. When it was finally completed that year, Dr. Richtofen announced to the rebellious Group 935 workers that they were to work in Griffin Station from now on, and he revealed the purpose: the Pyramid, or as Dr. Richtofen called it, the MPD. He assigned Doctor Groph to be the leader of Griffin Station. Dr. Richtofen continued to work for Dr. Maxis, who knew nothing of what Dr. Richtofen had done. Also in 1942, the Uranium Club was disbanded due to lack of funding.

Dr. Richtofen led two lives. He had his real purposes and his guise at Der Riese. He even became involved with the Illuminati, a secret worldwide organization bent on world domination. At Griffin Station, Dr. Schuster and Dr. Groph found out that souls power the MPD. Over the next three years many advancements were made in Group 935. First of all, Group 935 had its headquarters at Der Riese, but it also had a facility that functioned as a theatre, showcase, and experimentation lab, known as Kino der Toten. Dr. Maxis, Dr. Richtofen, and other scientists would go back and forth here, but they usually stayed at Der Riese. Dr. Maxis and Dr. Richtofen commenced test #4 on the teleporter and finally got it working, although Dr. Richtofen's personal teleporters had already been working; Dr. Maxis didn't know about that. They then commenced test #5 using a dog, but for some reason the dog didn't reappear at the mainframe. All of this was made possible with Element 115. So Group 935 scientists scoured the globe for other meteor impact sites that had Element 115, and they found the following: Shi No Numa, Japan; Tunguska, Soviet Union; Groom Lake, Area 51, Nevada, United States; and the Moon, which was confirmed via Group 935's Astronomical Team. A newly developed Group 935 invention was the Pack-A-Punch, which upgraded normal weapons into laser weaponry. Group 935 also discovered that Element 115 had the ability to reanimate cells.

Japan also became intrigued in Element 115, so Japan installed the Rising Sun facility at Shi No Numa, the location of Japan's meteor impact. Japan was an ally of Germany, and naturally Group 935 was interested in Japan's involvements with Element 115, so they worked together, with Group 935 pulling the strings. The Japanese designed the Ray Gun, and the designs were seized by Group 935. Dr. Maxis then actually built the Ray Gun in Der Riese. A scientist of Group 935, Doctor H. Porter, designed the upgraded Porter's X2 Ray Gun, which was the upgraded Ray Gun, and inserted the designs into the Pack-A-Punch. Dr. Richtofen also created a weapon, the Wunderwaffe DG-2, which utilized Element 115, electricity, and a miniature anti-gravity mechanism. He had been working on it for a while, but he finally finished it, and later another scientist created the designs for the Wunderwaffe DG-3 JZ, the upgraded form, and inserted them into the Pack-A-Punch.

Then Group 935 discovered that not only did Element 115 reanimate cells, but it also reanimated entire bodies. The Reichstag High Command commended this discovery, and dubbed these Zombies as the Armeeuntoten. Dr. Maxis tried repeatedly to get the Zombies to listen to commands, using mind control techniques at Kino der Toten, but they would not listen. Only one Zombie showed any progress of listening to commands, and that he was named Subject Two-Six. Subject Two-Six was progressing through experiments in Kino der Toten when an alarm went off, with bright lights and loud noises, causing Subject Two-Six to go berserk, and the workers had no choice but to kill him. The Wittenau Sanatorium in Germany was converted into a Zombie-testing facility known as Verrückt. Dr. Maxis was secretly worried about the whole ordeal.

Dr. Richtofen began sending Zombies to Griffin Station to be killed to power the MPD. Meanwhile, the scientists at Verrückt created four Perks-A-Cola that enhanced your physical abilities. They were Juggernog, Speed Cola, Double-Tap Root Beer, and Quick Revive. They were soon shipped to Group 935's bases around the world. In 1944, a new subdivision of Group 935 was created with a purpose of developing a deadly war chemical known as Nova gas. Its brainchild was Doctor Friederick Steiner. He combined two gases, Tabun and Sarin, to create Nova gas. Scientists used this Nova gas at Kino der Toten to create a mutant variant of Zombies, called Gas Zombies.

The Reichstag High Command began to pressure Group 935 by witholding funding. Dr. Maxis urged them to continue to fund the program. He also told them that the teleporters were functioning, but he said that they were at a standstill due to not having enough Element 115 to continue the experiment. The Wunderwaffe DG-2, he also mentioned, was completely functional but it needed a couple years to be mass produced. Dr. Maxis started to become a bit paranoid and untrusting of Dr. Richtofen, but he dismissed it as Element 115 affecting his mind. The original Die Glocke, as well as the Fly Trap, their exact purposes unknown yet speculated to have something to do with a spaceship or anti-gravity mechanism, were then created in a long and arduous process.

In response to the lack of Element 115, Dr. Maxis authorized a Group 935 cargo ship to establish a surreptitious base on the coast of northern Siberia in the Soviet Union, where a considerable number of fragments from the exploded Tunguska meteor had landed. The area also seemed to have vril energy, in which Dr. Maxis took an interest. Doctor Harvey Yena was among the scientists sent to that area. There, he invented his own personal weapon with Element 115, the Scavenger, He also made the upgraded form, naming it after himself: the Hyena Infra-Dead. The scientists there researched the vril energy, and finalized a weapon utilizing it: the V-R11, as well as its upgraded form, the V-R11 Lazarus. The scientists also created a new Perk-A-Cola: Deadshot Daiquiri.

Dr. Richtofen also kept Shangri-La as a Group 935 base of operations. He modernized it, using various technologies, and he used the local Asians as a labor force. A meteor with Element 115 had also crashed there in Shangri-La on top of the Pyramid. Dr. Richtofen tried making Focusing Crystals in an attempt to shrink the meteor, but he didn't know how to shrink it. Also, a non-working prototype of another weapon, the Thundergun Mk I, was created. It was still experiencing quite a few problems, however. Dr. Richtofen also owned his own research center, the Richtofen Center for Clinical Research. It was most likely a front for some kind of experimentation.

On May 8, 1945, Germany surrendered to the Allies. Japan was the last country to surrender, on September 2, 1945, marking the end of World War II. Peculiarly, Group 935 continued to operate. Perhaps it was out of determination to turn the tables; perhaps it was merely defiance to admit defeat. Nevertheless, Group 935 operated for quite a while without Nazi funding. By this time, Dr. Maxis had authorized Dr. Richtofen to have living subjects to try to unlock secrets of the brain in a last-ditch effort to try to gain control of the Zombies. Dr. Richofen had acquired three subjects. Until he could figure out how to control them, the Armeeuntoten was put into storage containers or capsules. Dr. Richtofen also tested on Samantha for his own amusement. Sometime around this time, he created his last invention, the Monkey Bomb, using stuffed monkey corpses.

The first subject was a Soviet named Nikolai Belinski. Nikolai was a politician in the Soviet Union, and he was notorious for his success that he achieved by killing the next man in line. He also had nine ex-wives. He killed his first wife and then his second wife with a shotgun for being fat and ugly. He killed his third wife with a Sickle because she complained about him snoring. He tried to kill his fourth wife by strangling, however, she escaped, and he chased her, killing a couple people, and finally killing her with a shotgun. He killed his fifth wife by trying to drown her and then cutting off her unconscious head with an axe. No one knows what happened to his sixth wife, and his seventh wife was currently still alive. He cheated on his seventh wife, and he also wasn't on good terms with his sister. When Prime Minister Stalin heard of Nikolai's murderous habits, he made sure that Nikolai was placed on the front line in World War II.

The second subject was an Imperial Japanese soldier named Takeo Masaki. He was an honorable Bushi and Bushido warrior. His family knew he'd bring thme honor when they saw him cutting off cats' tails at the age of five. However, Takeo thought that his family brought disgrace, so he slaughtered his entire family for their dishonor. The third subject was a Mexican. Dr. Richtofen removed his spleen, killing him.

Doctor Peter McKay was a research assistant based out of Munich and an American spy of the Office of Strategic Services, or OSS. His handler, Cornelius Pernell, was stationed at an unknown location owned by Group 935, and he helped insert Dr. McKay into Der Riese. However, Dr. McKay was transferred sometime after that to Verruckt. Dr. McKay was unable to contact his superiors regularly in Verruckt, and the OSS feared that he was compromised. So the OSS sent a Marine Recon Unit to extract Dr. McKay. Two B17 airplanes were sent to Germany, each with a squad of four Marines, but the first B17 also had the team leader, Tank "The Tank" Dempsey. The first B17 arrived near Verruckt. Dempsey went ahead of his team, but he was captured by the Nazis at Verruckt on September 10, 1946, thinking that he was a spy. When Dr. McKay saw this, he unleashed the already unstable Zombie test subjects and turned off the Power, but when he did so a Zombie bit off his arm. He treated it medically before fleeing. Dempsey's captors also made a safe getaway, with Dempsey. The others weren't so lucky.

The other B17 crash landed in a remote field in Germany. Somehow, Zombies had risen here. The four Marines made a last stand this night, known as Nacht der Untoten, and died. The four other Marines that had arrived with Dempsey saw Verruckt was in shambles. They made their own last stand. Two of them died. The third, named Smokey, also died, and the 115 reanimated his body. John "Banana" was the fourth Marine; he claimed his friends liked to call him "Banana". He decapitated the zombified Smokey and was appalled that he kept coming. He then killed Smokey, but John's mind deteriorated due to some combination of all of the mental stress of Zombies and killing his comrade and the Element 115, which sometimes can cause paranoia. He wrote several limericks while trying to survive against the Zombies before he too died.

On September 17, 1945, Dr. Richtofen began his tests on Dempsey alongside his other test subjects in the Group 935 base in northern Siberia. By September 20th, 1945, all of the test subjects- Dempsey, Nikolai, and Takeo- had much of their memory removed by Dr. Richtofen. Meanwhile, at Der Riese, Dr. Maxis and the secretary, Sophia, started to have feelings for one another. Secretly, Dr. Maxis was worried that the Element 115 was affecting his mind, and Dr. Richtofen's Monkey Bomb only reinforced his worry.

On October 1, 1945, the zombie control group tests were put on hold. Dr. Maxis also refused to mass produce the Wunderwaffe DG-2; after all, the Reichstag High Command was gone. Dr. Richtofen was not happy about this. When Dr. Richtofen received word from Dr. Groph that the MPD was fully powered and ready, he began Operation Shield. Around this time, he recieved a note from the Illuminati telling him to kill Dr. Maxis. Apparently having solved the lack of Element 115, Dr. Maxis resumed the teleporter testing. Instead of testing people, which had already shown working success, he put Fluffy in the teleporter. Dr. Maxis commenced test #6, with Dr. Richtofen handling the calibration. Fluffy disappeared and then reappeared in a ball of electricity as the first H*llhound. Samantha came looking for Fluffy and saw what was happening. Dr. Richtofen, seizing his opportunity, locked Dr. Maxis and Samantha inside the room with Fluffy. They made a dash for the teleporter. However, since Dr. Richtofen hadn't recalibrated it, it sent them to different places.

We know Samantha went to the Moon. But where did Maxis go? He went "somewhere" until Groph was able to find him. I think that the "somewhere" is Shangri-La.

Guest Zombieofthedead

@ZotD: but Nikolai and Takeo had no relationship with Peter necessary to go get him. They all knew Richtofen equally.They had no knowledge of him at all. Lost their memories, remember? Dempsey even says he thought he saw Richtofen before Shi no numa, but just couldn't remember. As for them having no need to find Peter, true, though the Soviets may have wanted to find more research, and the Japanese... well, crap happened to Takeo, too. Maybe they wanted to find out what happened to him? I'm not sure.

But overall, pretty good what you have so far! (Aside from the fact that I don't agree with all it, but I can't disprove any of it either).

As for where Maxis went... that's difficult to say. Didn't maxis say something about being stuck in a cave or something? I forget. But Shangri-La could potentially be it.

Guest MurderMachineX

I was talking equally. Even though equal was zero. But you bring up a good point with that quote.

I think that since there is no known need to find Peter and that since there could be a number of reasons, each uncertain, to find Richtofen means that Richtofen is the more likely candidate.

And yes. We know Maxis invented the 31-79 JGb215. So he had to have been there at some point (or somehow his invention got there). And it seems to be that Richtofen is pulling the strings at Shangri-La. So I couldn't imagine Maxis being there until this point, making the weapon during his stay. However, this would mean the weapon got little use of actually building anything if it were used to shrink things, like Tac suggests. But perhaps it wasn't? Perhaps it was built alongside the Focusing Crystals specifically to get the meteor. Maybe Maxis thought that he could use it somehow.


In my eyes, Maxis was at Shangri-La at some point. Not sure when or how, but I believe he was. He made a weapon that has the name of 31-79JGb 215, and I was the first on the site to point out that hidden in that is coordinates to a place in the Himalayas, so he had to of known of the place.

As for where he went when teleported:

- It could be Aether since some believe Aether is Hell and when Richtofen goes down he says "I'm coming for you Maxis!!" and other times he says things about how it is too early to go to Hell.

- It could be Shangri-La since he calls it a wretched tunnel, and in the radios they use the word wretched, so there may be a connection.

- It could be the catacombs of Paris, a possible foreshadow of events.

Guest Zombieofthedead

There are tunnels in most maps, so god knows what it is as of now. I don't know if Paris catacombs would even work as a map... that'd be even more narrow than Shangri La. Shangri La makes a ton of sense, but I don't think he could have made it in such a small time frame. CotD would equally make sense, but there are openings there. I highly doubt it's Nacht or Der Riese's tunnels. Same with another part of the moon. Aether... I would also doubt. Nothing really exists there. It's just more of a way to get across time/space.

It could be an Egyptian map, now that I think about it. I mean, pyramids after all. Tunnels would make alot of sense there, too ;)


I think that Paris because it was supposed to be another map, Shangri-La because of all the tunnels, or Aether due to the quote are the only real options, but that is just my opinion. I 100% say it is not Der Riese or Nacht, absolutely no reason for there to be. Call of the Dead MAYBE, only because of the intel where it says there is some noise coming from below the lighthouse, but some believe it is nothing. As for Aether, anything can be there, I mean the Gersch Device is connected with Aether, Gersch is in Aether, it is possible for Maxis to be too. The only reason I doubt it is because Sam is a goddess in Aether basically, I think she would know if Maxis was there since she knew Gersch was.

Guest Zombieofthedead

I think that Paris because it was supposed to be another map, Shangri-La because of all the tunnels, or Aether due to the quote are the only real options, but that is just my opinion. I 100% say it is not Der Riese or Nacht, absolutely no reason for there to be. Call of the Dead MAYBE, only because of the intel where it says there is some noise coming from below the lighthouse, but some believe it is nothing. As for Aether, anything can be there, I mean the Gersch Device is connected with Aether, Gersch is in Aether, it is possible for Maxis to be too. The only reason I doubt it is because Sam is a goddess in Aether basically, I think she would know if Maxis was there since she knew Gersch was.

Eh, I don't think they would use the catacombs. Again, too narrow.

And actually, NOTHING is in Aether. You read faust's teleportation thread, right? Well, it's sort of an area you can't go to normally. You can't be there very long, you just get thrown back out. Hence how teleportation works.

I don't think Sam can control aether.... and I really doubt anyone could be in there for long periods. It wouldn't be considered a tunnel, that I am sure of.


I think that they might be a portion of the map, not the whole thing. All you have to do is make some sort of tunneling system like on Shangri-La where Brock and Gary got stuck, I think it could work.

As for the Aether, I don't think you remember the quote about how the pyramid is a stable gateway to Aether. I mean Sam just touched the pyramid and was put into the pyramid, she is in Aether controlling everything. Things CAN be in Aether, with the teleporters at least, you have a destination set, THAT is why it pulls you back out.

Guest Zombieofthedead

I think that they might be a portion of the map, not the whole thing. All you have to do is make some sort of tunneling system like on Shangri-La where Brock and Gary got stuck, I think it could work.

As for the Aether, I don't think you remember the quote about how the pyramid is a stable gateway to Aether. I mean Sam just touched the pyramid and was put into the pyramid, she is in Aether controlling everything. Things CAN be in Aether, with the teleporters at least, you have a destination set, THAT is why it pulls you back out.

It was, in quote, "A gateway to another dimension," doesn't mean it can be controlled. That makes no sense. And the reason why it pulls you out is that you don't belong, hence some of the random teleportations. There is quite literally nothing in Aether. It is the dimension between dimensions.

But good point about the catacombs.


I think that they might be a portion of the map, not the whole thing. All you have to do is make some sort of tunneling system like on Shangri-La where Brock and Gary got stuck, I think it could work.

As for the Aether, I don't think you remember the quote about how the pyramid is a stable gateway to Aether. I mean Sam just touched the pyramid and was put into the pyramid, she is in Aether controlling everything. Things CAN be in Aether, with the teleporters at least, you have a destination set, THAT is why it pulls you back out.

It was, in quote, "A gateway to another dimension," doesn't mean it can be controlled. That makes no sense. And the reason why it pulls you out is that you don't belong, hence some of the random teleportations. There is quite literally nothing in Aether. It is the dimension between dimensions.

But good point about the catacombs.

Good point about the dimensions, but what about how Gersch is saying that Sam is coming for him and she is moving quickly. I don't think that she can control so much about the world without being in Aether, like, I don't know anywhere else they could be.

Guest Zombieofthedead

Good point about the dimensions, but what about how Gersch is saying that Sam is coming for him and she is moving quickly. I don't think that she can control so much about the world without being in Aether, like, I don't know anywhere else they could be.

Yeah, that confuses me as well...

I think it's similar to how maxis ended up in the terminal on Moon, after all it sounds like his voice is coming from speakers, but I'm not sure how Samantha would be after him... I seriously don't think it's aether, but I don't know what else it could be.


I know that MurderMachineX says that Maxis in the computer on Moon is an AI, Artificial Intelligence, and that it just has his emotions, etc, and that it why it sounds like it is him since it is presumed by some that he died.

Guest Zombieofthedead

Eh, I don't know. That could be, but I have a hard time believing they could effectively do that. Besides, who programmed that? I have a hard time believing Sam did, and Maxis couldn't have in the limited time he spent on the moon.


What if it is the Data Servant program? I mean it is connected with Der Riese, but Der Riese didn't have this vocal technology perhaps. I am just spitting ideas, but we do know that Maxis put personal files into the program.

Guest Zombieofthedead

What if it is the Data Servant program? I mean it is connected with Der Riese, but Der Riese didn't have this vocal technology perhaps. I am just spitting ideas, but we do know that Maxis put personal files into the program.

That could well be, actually. I mean, I still doubt they would be able to get the emotions and such across, but it's possible.


What if it is the Data Servant program? I mean it is connected with Der Riese, but Der Riese didn't have this vocal technology perhaps. I am just spitting ideas, but we do know that Maxis put personal files into the program.

That could well be, actually. I mean, I still doubt they would be able to get the emotions and such across, but it's possible.

That is what I was thinking, it seems like it'd be rather difficult to do that, but I have kept the idea open.

Guest MurderMachineX

In my eyes, Maxis was at Shangri-La at some point. Not sure when or how, but I believe he was. He made a weapon that has the name of 31-79JGb 215, and I was the first on the site to point out that hidden in that is coordinates to a place in the Himalayas, so he had to of known of the place.

As for where he went when teleported:

- It could be Aether since some believe Aether is Hell and when Richtofen goes down he says "I'm coming for you Maxis!!" and other times he says things about how it is too early to go to Hell.

- It could be Shangri-La since he calls it a wretched tunnel, and in the radios they use the word wretched, so there may be a connection.

- It could be the catacombs of Paris, a possible foreshadow of events.

I've seen many threads about the 31-79 JGb215 on this site, and I have not seen anything about coordinates with actual evidence. I've seen people propose it but never back it up. And how could you have coordinates with only four numbers?

Aether isn't synonymous with Hades. It is, by definition, a place between life and death. Heaven and the Underworld are death.

I think it is Shangri-La. Paris? Well, that's an interesting possibility. But I think that since we know Maxis was at Shangri-La at some point, it points to Shangri-La more.

Oh! I need to edit somewhere in there that 935 had a little-known (as of now, anyway) base in Paris.

There are tunnels in most maps, so god knows what it is as of now. I don't know if Paris catacombs would even work as a map... that'd be even more narrow than Shangri La. Shangri La makes a ton of sense, but I don't think he could have made it in such a small time frame. CotD would equally make sense, but there are openings there. I highly doubt it's Nacht or Der Riese's tunnels. Same with another part of the moon. Aether... I would also doubt. Nothing really exists there. It's just more of a way to get across time/space.

It could be an Egyptian map, now that I think about it. I mean, pyramids after all. Tunnels would make alot of sense there, too ;)

Who says Maxis dug a tunnel?

I think that Paris because it was supposed to be another map, Shangri-La because of all the tunnels, or Aether due to the quote are the only real options, but that is just my opinion. I 100% say it is not Der Riese or Nacht, absolutely no reason for there to be. Call of the Dead MAYBE, only because of the intel where it says there is some noise coming from below the lighthouse, but some believe it is nothing. As for Aether, anything can be there, I mean the Gersch Device is connected with Aether, Gersch is in Aether, it is possible for Maxis to be too. The only reason I doubt it is because Sam is a goddess in Aether basically, I think she would know if Maxis was there since she knew Gersch was.

Moon replaced Paris in the developing stage. I don't think it was Call of the Dead, as Richtofen was familiar with that location. So he'd have been sure to have checked it early on for Maxis. But yeah, the Aether things has too many holes.

I think that Paris because it was supposed to be another map, Shangri-La because of all the tunnels, or Aether due to the quote are the only real options, but that is just my opinion. I 100% say it is not Der Riese or Nacht, absolutely no reason for there to be. Call of the Dead MAYBE, only because of the intel where it says there is some noise coming from below the lighthouse, but some believe it is nothing. As for Aether, anything can be there, I mean the Gersch Device is connected with Aether, Gersch is in Aether, it is possible for Maxis to be too. The only reason I doubt it is because Sam is a goddess in Aether basically, I think she would know if Maxis was there since she knew Gersch was.

Eh, I don't think they would use the catacombs. Again, too narrow.

And actually, NOTHING is in Aether. You read faust's teleportation thread, right? Well, it's sort of an area you can't go to normally. You can't be there very long, you just get thrown back out. Hence how teleportation works.

I don't think Sam can control aether.... and I really doubt anyone could be in there for long periods. It wouldn't be considered a tunnel, that I am sure of.

Um... Aether is another dimension. With dimensions, you LITERALLY cannot imagine what it is like unless you were to go there. Ever read Flatland? No matter how the Sphere tries to explain the 3rd dimension, the Square did not understand until the Sphere enlightened him by showing him.

I think that they might be a portion of the map, not the whole thing. All you have to do is make some sort of tunneling system like on Shangri-La where Brock and Gary got stuck, I think it could work.

As for the Aether, I don't think you remember the quote about how the pyramid is a stable gateway to Aether. I mean Sam just touched the pyramid and was put into the pyramid, she is in Aether controlling everything. Things CAN be in Aether, with the teleporters at least, you have a destination set, THAT is why it pulls you back out.

Okay, what is all this talk of tunnels?

As for teleportation. You are literally in a state between life and death when you teleport, because you "die" for an instant. For a split second, you don't exist anywhere in the known universe. So the game proposes for this duration, you are in Aether (i.e. the swirly vortex).

I think that they might be a portion of the map, not the whole thing. All you have to do is make some sort of tunneling system like on Shangri-La where Brock and Gary got stuck, I think it could work.

As for the Aether, I don't think you remember the quote about how the pyramid is a stable gateway to Aether. I mean Sam just touched the pyramid and was put into the pyramid, she is in Aether controlling everything. Things CAN be in Aether, with the teleporters at least, you have a destination set, THAT is why it pulls you back out.

It was, in quote, "A gateway to another dimension," doesn't mean it can be controlled. That makes no sense. And the reason why it pulls you out is that you don't belong, hence some of the random teleportations. There is quite literally nothing in Aether. It is the dimension between dimensions.

But good point about the catacombs.

There is not nothing in Aether. Samantha's soul was there. Gersch's. Richtofen's. And the H*llhounds, perhaps. (They spawn from WHERE exactly?) And doesn't Samantha reference other things being in there?

Yeah, I've extrapolated the A.I. thing a lot. We know from Samantha's quotes that Maxis was killed. And we've analyzed the Radios before to determine that Maxis was shot at the end. Not Samantha. (I might try to find that thread.) Yet Maxis exists in Moon, "in the machine" [- Richtofen]. Further evidence by Richtofen that Maxis is nothing but a program:

"Maxis! How on Earth did you get into the machine?!"

"But now you are dead. And your little girl is going to be next."

"And delete. Goodbye, Dr. Maxis."

So Maxis is in the computer. How could this be? To me, the most logical conclusion is that he is data, an A.I. How did he become one? Well he had to have been made by someone. And who else but Maxis himself? Maxis even had hands-on experience with the Datenbediensteter. And remember, the only thing we know of the Datenbediensteter is through files retrieved from a Soviet asset of the CIA. Their computer system could have been very complex for all we know. And we know Maxis made the Datenbediensteter. We also know that Richtofen was able to call Groph via telecommunication. So apparently wireless communication is somehow manageable to the Moon. So whether Maxis had a hard drive on his person or sent it there wirelessly, he somehow managed to get his A.I. to the Moon before he himself died. I think this is because he was getting suspicious of Richtofen (which he was, as documented), so he made the A.I. in case something happened to him.


I made a thread about it but Faust accidentally deleted it. Basically, you take the letters and make them into numbers, thus they become the coordinates. J=10, G=7, B=2, and then you have the numbers. You put the periods in the right places and it becomes the coordinates.

Guest MurderMachineX


31 10.72N 79 2.15E

31 1.072N 79 2.15E

31 10.72N 79 21.5E

31 1.072N 79 21.5E

Those 4 coordinates get you 4 places in the Himalayas.

Guest MurderMachineX

Ehhhh. I'm not sure. That's not concrete enough for me really... I have a different theory behind the name.

I say that, when he created the weapon, the natives named it. Using their language, which was a conglomeration of languages, they wrote the name on the side. When you acquire the weapon, you essentially visually anglicize the name, calling it the 31-79 JGb215. After all, both Mayan and English characters are definately used. And some look Greek or Phonecian.


That's fine, this is just the one topic I am very stubborn on lol. I don't like to think it has more than one reference in its name and that is really the only one that makes sense to me thus far.

Guest MurderMachineX

Well the Mayan characters are as plain as day. But that isn't really definitive for anything.

"Raises more questions than it does answers."

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