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Accumulating Storyline

Guest MurderMachineX

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Guest BlackOpsTiger

Hmm not so sure about Maxis being Artificial Intelligence or a program.

The CIA terminals make mentions of him being a "Man" ahead of his time and another entry mentions Sophia distracting him while he is working, because they were attracted to each other.

However, I do believe Maxis survived in Aether when the connection was first created for the first time in Der Riese, during a Radio transmission, and I have a theory as to how it happened.

If anybody remembers the radio message in Der Riese about needing more Element 115 and mentioning Area 51, Maxis also requested a "larger conduit to channel the energy"

Nobody ever looked into this, but I think I've cracked Stage Two: regulation by Control, and it has a lot to do with the TV's on Five, the pyramid on Moon, and well I'll create a new topic soon, maybe tomorrow because it's a lot of things put together dealing with the Tesla Tehcnology and his "aether" theory of Gravity and how electricity could travel through the "Aether" which led to his discovery of wireless electricity, radio waves, etc. Which was 935's plan to control the zombies, anyway I have TONS of proof backing my theory up, and will post it soon.


Well we're not saying he was AI at all times, just after Moon when he is presumably shot and killed yet we still hear him converse with Richtofen.

Guest BlackOpsTiger

Well we're not saying he was AI at all times, just after Moon when he is presumably shot and killed yet we still hear him converse with Richtofen.

Ahh, I see that makes a little bit more since, it's either that or that because Maxis grew suspicous of Richtofen he pre-recorded messages on the system in Griffin Station to try and stop Richtofen's Grand Scheme which was to be able to control the zombies through the MPD, which I believe was connected through earth with the "conduit" or channel which was the Eiffel Tower and various relay stations placed around the world that were setup to broadcast the radio waves through "aether" which was how things teleported from place to place, same applies for the radio "waves" being broadcast to Earth.

The reason I say this is because in the message sent to the Reichstage more Element 115 is requested and a "larger conduit to channel the energy" which I have discovered is the developed theory of Electromagnetic Waves, which was how they were going to broadcast the M.P.D. Signal on the moon, because Tesla's theory with these devices on the Chalkboard was that their was an "ether" that had 3 spectrums of electromagnet ranges, and using this theory 935 was able to find the spectrum where matter could be transferred through Aether, but we know that it eventually bent space and time and ended up with a direct connection to the M.P.D. on the moon.

There is still one small connection I haven't been able to make, the hellhounds, and various references to the Illuminati/Satan, because it is separate from Vril, yet the TV's picking up the "Illuminati" symbol on Earth are evidence for the broadcast from the M.P.D. being relayed to earth, but the hellhounds have no connection with the Device, or do they? Maybe in there is a dimension in Aether like hell where Fluffy was sent and transformed but sent back to Earth by samantha to breed and attack Richtofen.

hmmm... oh Treyarch even when it seems like the story is over, we never know if it is, because they won't say if we have got it right...

Guest Zombieofthedead

Who says Maxis dug a tunnel?

He didn't dig it. He was teleported to one.

Moon replaced Paris in the developing stage. I don't think it was Call of the Dead, as Richtofen was familiar with that location. So he'd have been sure to have checked it early on for Maxis. But yeah, the Aether things has too many holes.

There were many series of tunnels there that he may not have explored. This one was most likely closed. I do, however, find it unlikely that it is CotD.

Um... Aether is another dimension. With dimensions, you LITERALLY cannot imagine what it is like unless you were to go there. Ever read Flatland? No matter how the Sphere tries to explain the 3rd dimension, the Square did not understand until the Sphere enlightened him by showing him.

True, true. But we only see it a few seconds. It's just a swirling mass of, well we don't know. We really don't know if you can actually stay in it.

Okay, what is all this talk of tunnels?

As for teleportation. You are literally in a state between life and death when you teleport, because you "die" for an instant. For a split second, you don't exist anywhere in the known universe. So the game proposes for this duration, you are in Aether (i.e. the swirly vortex).

How do you die when you leave the universe? You aren't, because you are still physically alive. You just aren't there.

There is not nothing in Aether. Samantha's soul was there. Gersch's. Richtofen's. And the H*llhounds, perhaps. (They spawn from WHERE exactly?) And doesn't Samantha reference other things being in there?

Actually, we don't know that any of these things are in aether. And actually, Samantha's soul was in her body, not aether. I don't remember her referencing anything about aether, but if you find anything, please share it.

Yeah, I've extrapolated the A.I. thing a lot. We know from Samantha's quotes that Maxis was killed. And we've analyzed the Radios before to determine that Maxis was shot at the end. Not Samantha. (I might try to find that thread.) Yet Maxis exists in Moon, "in the machine" [- Richtofen]. Further evidence by Richtofen that Maxis is nothing but a program:

"Maxis! How on Earth did you get into the machine?!"

"But now you are dead. And your little girl is going to be next."

"And delete. Goodbye, Dr. Maxis."

So Maxis is in the computer. How could this be? To me, the most logical conclusion is that he is data, an A.I. How did he become one? Well he had to have been made by someone. And who else but Maxis himself? Maxis even had hands-on experience with the Datenbediensteter. And remember, the only thing we know of the Datenbediensteter is through files retrieved from a Soviet asset of the CIA. Their computer system could have been very complex for all we know. And we know Maxis made the Datenbediensteter. We also know that Richtofen was able to call Groph via telecommunication. So apparently wireless communication is somehow manageable to the Moon. So whether Maxis had a hard drive on his person or sent it there wirelessly, he somehow managed to get his A.I. to the Moon before he himself died. I think this is because he was getting suspicious of Richtofen (which he was, as documented), so he made the A.I. in case something happened to him.

And I don't know about Maxis being AI... as I've said it's possible, but it just seems a little... I don't know, awkward? How can they achieve a fully emotional AI like that? I find it unlikely, even if there are already zombies, teleporters, etc. I won't rule it out because we have no other idea, but AI... doesn't really have that kind of emotions.


As for teleportation. You are literally in a state between life and death when you teleport, because you "die" for an instant. For a split second, you don't exist anywhere in the known universe. So the game proposes for this duration, you are in Aether (i.e. the swirly vortex).

How do you die when you leave the universe? You aren't, because you are still physically alive. You just aren't there.

If you approach this from a standard idea of teleportation, then your body literally just transports. If you look at it from quantum teleportation, essentially you die and everything in you is just copied and then reformed into You V2.0, but you are still you. You will act the same, look the same, think the same, etc. You are identical, but you are not your original creation physically.

Guest K1llsteelr

I dont know if this is relevent or old news but Pygmalion


ELIZA was named after Eliza Doolittle, a working-class character in George Bernard Shaw's play Pygmalion,

The first modern computers were the massive code breaking machines of the Second World War (such as Z3, ENIAC and Colossus). The latter two of these machines were based on the theoretical foundation laid by Alan Turing and developed by John Von Neumann.

Von Neumann was a pioneer of the application of operator theory to quantum mechanics, in the development of functional analysis, a principal member of the Manhattan Project and the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton (as one of the few originally appointed), and a key figure in the development of game theory and the concepts of cellular automata, the universal constructor, and the digital computer. Von Neumann's mathematical analysis of the structure of self-replication preceded the discovery of the structure of DNA


A prototype was developed at Bell Telephone Laboratories, better known as "Bell Labs", under the direction of A. B. Clark, assisted by British mathematician Alan Turing


One of those, used (among other duties) for telephone conversations between Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt was intercepted and unscrambled by the Germans. At least one German engineer had worked at Bell Labs before the war and came up with a way to break them. Later versions were sufficiently different that the German team was unable to unscramble them. Early versions were known as "A-3" (from AT&T)



However, the first widely practical differential analyser was constructed by Harold Locke Hazen and Vannevar Bush at MIT, 1928–1931,

The model differential analyser built at Manchester University in 1934 by Douglas Hartree and Arthur Porter

From Yuri Gagarin's first manned spaceflight until 2002, every manned Soviet and Russian spacecraft Vostok, Voskhod and Soyuz was equipped with a Globus instrument showing the apparent movement of the Earth under the spacecraft through the displacement of a miniature terrestrial globe, plus latitude and longitude indicators.

By contrast, the US manned space programs have used a similar, mechanical positional indicator only during two of its early Mercury missions before discarding it (and using its former niche in Mercury's instrument panel as an equivalent to a car's glove compartment). The American instrument was a crude, smaller equivalent to the Soviets', an all-mechanical device (hand-wound) of limited complexity. Given the more extensive radio communication network with the spacecraft afforded by NASA, all subsequent manned missions, including lunar Apollo missions and Space Shuttle missions, used onboard maps, ground telemetry and more recently, computerized maps on portable laptop computers to provide the astronauts with positional information.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voskhod_Sp ... instrument


The instrument unit, using many theories and design features that originated in the wartime V-2 program in Germany, is an interesting example of technology transfer


In the earliest forms of delay line memory, information introduced to the memory in the form of electric pulses was transduced into mechanical waves that propagated relatively slowly through a medium, such as a cylinder filled with a liquid like mercury, a magnetostrictive coil, or a piezoelectric crystal

thus the delay lines had to be timed such that the pulses would arrive at the receiver just as the computer was ready to read it. Typically many pulses would be "in flight" through the delay, and the computer would count the pulses by comparing to a master clock to find the particular bit it was looking for.

Mercury was used because the acoustic impedance of mercury is almost exactly the same as that of the piezoelectric quartz crystals

Optical delay line memory

In the 1980s a team associated with Prof. William Wolf at University of Colorado-Boulder were experimenting with all-optical computers and needed memory that was fast enough to keep up with the optical switches of the processing unit. Their solution was to bounce a laser beam off the corner reflector that had been left on the Moon by the Apollo astronauts, and encode the memory as pulses on the laser beam.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunar_Lase ... experiment



A proportional counter is a measurement device to count particles of ionizing radiation and measure their energy.

An inert gas is used to fill the tube, with a quench gas added to ensure each pulse discharge terminates

Proportional counters are also useful for detection of high energy photons, such as X-rays or gamma-rays, provided these can penetrate the entrance window.


A scintillation counter measures ionizing radiation. The sensor, called a scintillator, consists of a transparent crystal, usually phosphor, plastic (usually containing anthracene), or organic liquid (see liquid scintillation counting) that fluoresces when struck by ionizing radiation.

The scintillation counter was invented in 1944 by Sir Samuel Curran whilst he was working on the Manhattan Project at the University of California at Berkeley,


Gated pulse extraction

Ionization current signals are all pulses with a local peak in between. Using a logical AND gate in continuous time (having a stream of "1" and "0" pulses as one input and the current signal as the other), the tail portion of every current pulse signal is extracted. This gated discrimination method is used on a regular basis on liquid scintillators.The gated delay unit is precisely to this end, and makes a delayed copy of the original signal in such a way that its tail section is seen alongside its main section on the oscilloscope screen

Take a look at the Magnetstromapparat on the board and underneath it

Take a look at the telepad and watch for the square waveform in the pulses


Beginning in July 1959, the three-year-old chimpanzee was trained at the Holloman Air Force Base Aero Medical Field Laboratory to do simple, timed tasks in response to electric lights and sounds. In his pre-flight training, Ham was taught to push a lever within five seconds of seeing a flashing blue light; failure to do so resulted in an application of positive punishment in the form of a mild electric shock to the soles of his feet, while a correct response earned him a banana pellet


Goto 3.45 to 6.00 with captain slow for ham and simon says

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... QtTY3Zxv0Q

Guest Zombieofthedead

If you approach this from a standard idea of teleportation, then your body literally just transports. If you look at it from quantum teleportation, essentially you die and everything in you is just copied and then reformed into You V2.0, but you are still you. You will act the same, look the same, think the same, etc. You are identical, but you are not your original creation physically.

I see what you mean.

Makes me remember why I hate science. Science is a (insert insult here). I'm just going to refer to it as "rebuilding."

@K1llsteelr, that is a hefty read there.


As more proof of involvement of the company GK:





Guest thasqueakyb

I cringed at Richtofen's secret homosexuality.

I can't help but be a fangirl of him, I'd rather him be straight, but if anything I always thought he was bisexual at best. Oh well, if the information points towards homosexuality, I'll deal.


Did we ever find a reason for Richtofen's insanity that followed him touching one of the pyramids? Why would such a intellectual and powerful sub-race create pyramids and statues that would cause mental damage?


I cringed at Richtofen's secret homosexuality.

I can't help but be a fangirl of him, I'd rather him be straight, but if anything I always thought he was bisexual at best. Oh well, if the information points towards homosexuality, I'll deal.


Did we ever find a reason for Richtofen's insanity that followed him touching one of the pyramids? Why would such a intellectual and powerful sub-race create pyramids and statues that would cause mental damage?

We all have separate ideas. Some of the people think that he was mentally unstable before the pyramid and that he was in the Illuminati already and joined just to take out Maxis. Persoanlly, I think the voices are Illuminati and he got them from the pyramid. They planted the ideas of control and power, so he wanted to take out Maxis, eventually doing so under the Illuminati's influence.

Guest MurderMachineX

Well we're not saying he was AI at all times, just after Moon when he is presumably shot and killed yet we still hear him converse with Richtofen.

Ahh, I see that makes a little bit more since, it's either that or that because Maxis grew suspicous of Richtofen he pre-recorded messages on the system in Griffin Station to try and stop Richtofen's Grand Scheme which was to be able to control the zombies through the MPD, which I believe was connected through earth with the "conduit" or channel which was the Eiffel Tower and various relay stations placed around the world that were setup to broadcast the radio waves through "aether" which was how things teleported from place to place, same applies for the radio "waves" being broadcast to Earth.

The reason I say this is because in the message sent to the Reichstage more Element 115 is requested and a "larger conduit to channel the energy" which I have discovered is the developed theory of Electromagnetic Waves, which was how they were going to broadcast the M.P.D. Signal on the moon, because Tesla's theory with these devices on the Chalkboard was that their was an "ether" that had 3 spectrums of electromagnet ranges, and using this theory 935 was able to find the spectrum where matter could be transferred through Aether, but we know that it eventually bent space and time and ended up with a direct connection to the M.P.D. on the moon.

There is still one small connection I haven't been able to make, the hellhounds, and various references to the Illuminati/Satan, because it is separate from Vril, yet the TV's picking up the "Illuminati" symbol on Earth are evidence for the broadcast from the M.P.D. being relayed to earth, but the hellhounds have no connection with the Device, or do they? Maybe in there is a dimension in Aether like hell where Fluffy was sent and transformed but sent back to Earth by samantha to breed and attack Richtofen.

hmmm... oh Treyarch even when it seems like the story is over, we never know if it is, because they won't say if we have got it right...

It's not prerecorded messages, as this Maxis has a conversation with Richtofen via the computer.

Your explanation of radio signals seems logical and makes sense.

Who says Maxis dug a tunnel?

He didn't dig it. He was teleported to one.

Moon replaced Paris in the developing stage. I don't think it was Call of the Dead, as Richtofen was familiar with that location. So he'd have been sure to have checked it early on for Maxis. But yeah, the Aether things has too many holes.

There were many series of tunnels there that he may not have explored. This one was most likely closed. I do, however, find it unlikely that it is CotD.

Um... Aether is another dimension. With dimensions, you LITERALLY cannot imagine what it is like unless you were to go there. Ever read Flatland? No matter how the Sphere tries to explain the 3rd dimension, the Square did not understand until the Sphere enlightened him by showing him.

True, true. But we only see it a few seconds. It's just a swirling mass of, well we don't know. We really don't know if you can actually stay in it.

Okay, what is all this talk of tunnels?

As for teleportation. You are literally in a state between life and death when you teleport, because you "die" for an instant. For a split second, you don't exist anywhere in the known universe. So the game proposes for this duration, you are in Aether (i.e. the swirly vortex).

How do you die when you leave the universe? You aren't, because you are still physically alive. You just aren't there.

There is not nothing in Aether. Samantha's soul was there. Gersch's. Richtofen's. And the H*llhounds, perhaps. (They spawn from WHERE exactly?) And doesn't Samantha reference other things being in there?

Actually, we don't know that any of these things are in aether. And actually, Samantha's soul was in her body, not aether. I don't remember her referencing anything about aether, but if you find anything, please share it.

Yeah, I've extrapolated the A.I. thing a lot. We know from Samantha's quotes that Maxis was killed. And we've analyzed the Radios before to determine that Maxis was shot at the end. Not Samantha. (I might try to find that thread.) Yet Maxis exists in Moon, "in the machine" [- Richtofen]. Further evidence by Richtofen that Maxis is nothing but a program:

"Maxis! How on Earth did you get into the machine?!"

"But now you are dead. And your little girl is going to be next."

"And delete. Goodbye, Dr. Maxis."

So Maxis is in the computer. How could this be? To me, the most logical conclusion is that he is data, an A.I. How did he become one? Well he had to have been made by someone. And who else but Maxis himself? Maxis even had hands-on experience with the Datenbediensteter. And remember, the only thing we know of the Datenbediensteter is through files retrieved from a Soviet asset of the CIA. Their computer system could have been very complex for all we know. And we know Maxis made the Datenbediensteter. We also know that Richtofen was able to call Groph via telecommunication. So apparently wireless communication is somehow manageable to the Moon. So whether Maxis had a hard drive on his person or sent it there wirelessly, he somehow managed to get his A.I. to the Moon before he himself died. I think this is because he was getting suspicious of Richtofen (which he was, as documented), so he made the A.I. in case something happened to him.

And I don't know about Maxis being AI... as I've said it's possible, but it just seems a little... I don't know, awkward? How can they achieve a fully emotional AI like that? I find it unlikely, even if there are already zombies, teleporters, etc. I won't rule it out because we have no other idea, but AI... doesn't really have that kind of emotions.

I still don't understand this talk of tunnels.

I found it. The quote I was referencing was "The blackness will swallow your pride, for something far more terrible than you lies here!"

There's no other way to explain it. It has emotions, just like Maxis did. It's basically a silicon copy of Maxis. Only pop culture makes robots out to be unemotional. No guarantee that is how it would really work.

As for teleportation. You are literally in a state between life and death when you teleport, because you "die" for an instant. For a split second, you don't exist anywhere in the known universe. So the game proposes for this duration, you are in Aether (i.e. the swirly vortex).

How do you die when you leave the universe? You aren't, because you are still physically alive. You just aren't there.

If you approach this from a standard idea of teleportation, then your body literally just transports. If you look at it from quantum teleportation, essentially you die and everything in you is just copied and then reformed into You V2.0, but you are still you. You will act the same, look the same, think the same, etc. You are identical, but you are not your original creation physically.

I find that very, very creepy.

I dont know if this is relevent or old news but Pygmalion


ELIZA was named after Eliza Doolittle, a working-class character in George Bernard Shaw's play Pygmalion,

The first modern computers were the massive code breaking machines of the Second World War (such as Z3, ENIAC and Colossus). The latter two of these machines were based on the theoretical foundation laid by Alan Turing and developed by John Von Neumann.

Von Neumann was a pioneer of the application of operator theory to quantum mechanics, in the development of functional analysis, a principal member of the Manhattan Project and the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton (as one of the few originally appointed), and a key figure in the development of game theory and the concepts of cellular automata, the universal constructor, and the digital computer. Von Neumann's mathematical analysis of the structure of self-replication preceded the discovery of the structure of DNA


A prototype was developed at Bell Telephone Laboratories, better known as "Bell Labs", under the direction of A. B. Clark, assisted by British mathematician Alan Turing


One of those, used (among other duties) for telephone conversations between Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt was intercepted and unscrambled by the Germans. At least one German engineer had worked at Bell Labs before the war and came up with a way to break them. Later versions were sufficiently different that the German team was unable to unscramble them. Early versions were known as "A-3" (from AT&T)



However, the first widely practical differential analyser was constructed by Harold Locke Hazen and Vannevar Bush at MIT, 1928–1931,

The model differential analyser built at Manchester University in 1934 by Douglas Hartree and Arthur Porter

From Yuri Gagarin's first manned spaceflight until 2002, every manned Soviet and Russian spacecraft Vostok, Voskhod and Soyuz was equipped with a Globus instrument showing the apparent movement of the Earth under the spacecraft through the displacement of a miniature terrestrial globe, plus latitude and longitude indicators.

By contrast, the US manned space programs have used a similar, mechanical positional indicator only during two of its early Mercury missions before discarding it (and using its former niche in Mercury's instrument panel as an equivalent to a car's glove compartment). The American instrument was a crude, smaller equivalent to the Soviets', an all-mechanical device (hand-wound) of limited complexity. Given the more extensive radio communication network with the spacecraft afforded by NASA, all subsequent manned missions, including lunar Apollo missions and Space Shuttle missions, used onboard maps, ground telemetry and more recently, computerized maps on portable laptop computers to provide the astronauts with positional information.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voskhod_Sp ... instrument


The instrument unit, using many theories and design features that originated in the wartime V-2 program in Germany, is an interesting example of technology transfer


In the earliest forms of delay line memory, information introduced to the memory in the form of electric pulses was transduced into mechanical waves that propagated relatively slowly through a medium, such as a cylinder filled with a liquid like mercury, a magnetostrictive coil, or a piezoelectric crystal

thus the delay lines had to be timed such that the pulses would arrive at the receiver just as the computer was ready to read it. Typically many pulses would be "in flight" through the delay, and the computer would count the pulses by comparing to a master clock to find the particular bit it was looking for.

Mercury was used because the acoustic impedance of mercury is almost exactly the same as that of the piezoelectric quartz crystals

Optical delay line memory

In the 1980s a team associated with Prof. William Wolf at University of Colorado-Boulder were experimenting with all-optical computers and needed memory that was fast enough to keep up with the optical switches of the processing unit. Their solution was to bounce a laser beam off the corner reflector that had been left on the Moon by the Apollo astronauts, and encode the memory as pulses on the laser beam.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunar_Lase ... experiment



A proportional counter is a measurement device to count particles of ionizing radiation and measure their energy.

An inert gas is used to fill the tube, with a quench gas added to ensure each pulse discharge terminates

Proportional counters are also useful for detection of high energy photons, such as X-rays or gamma-rays, provided these can penetrate the entrance window.


A scintillation counter measures ionizing radiation. The sensor, called a scintillator, consists of a transparent crystal, usually phosphor, plastic (usually containing anthracene), or organic liquid (see liquid scintillation counting) that fluoresces when struck by ionizing radiation.

The scintillation counter was invented in 1944 by Sir Samuel Curran whilst he was working on the Manhattan Project at the University of California at Berkeley,


Gated pulse extraction

Ionization current signals are all pulses with a local peak in between. Using a logical AND gate in continuous time (having a stream of "1" and "0" pulses as one input and the current signal as the other), the tail portion of every current pulse signal is extracted. This gated discrimination method is used on a regular basis on liquid scintillators.The gated delay unit is precisely to this end, and makes a delayed copy of the original signal in such a way that its tail section is seen alongside its main section on the oscilloscope screen

Take a look at the Magnetstromapparat on the board and underneath it

Take a look at the telepad and watch for the square waveform in the pulses


Beginning in July 1959, the three-year-old chimpanzee was trained at the Holloman Air Force Base Aero Medical Field Laboratory to do simple, timed tasks in response to electric lights and sounds. In his pre-flight training, Ham was taught to push a lever within five seconds of seeing a flashing blue light; failure to do so resulted in an application of positive punishment in the form of a mild electric shock to the soles of his feet, while a correct response earned him a banana pellet


Goto 3.45 to 6.00 with captain slow for ham and simon says

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... QtTY3Zxv0Q

I really don't understand what is the point that you are trying to make. It just seems like an expository of information.

As more proof of involvement of the company GK:





Oh that's cool. But funny thing is, those are the two maps with Gas Zombies.

I cringed at Richtofen's secret homosexuality.

I can't help but be a fangirl of him, I'd rather him be straight, but if anything I always thought he was bisexual at best. Oh well, if the information points towards homosexuality, I'll deal.


Did we ever find a reason for Richtofen's insanity that followed him touching one of the pyramids? Why would such a intellectual and powerful sub-race create pyramids and statues that would cause mental damage?

We all have separate ideas. Some of the people think that he was mentally unstable before the pyramid and that he was in the Illuminati already and joined just to take out Maxis. Persoanlly, I think the voices are Illuminati and he got them from the pyramid. They planted the ideas of control and power, so he wanted to take out Maxis, eventually doing so under the Illuminati's influence.

Yes, what Tac said basically. There's nothing confirming it exactly, so it is up to theory.


Oh that's cool. But funny thing is, those are the two maps with Gas Zombies.

Yup! Note that GK is the chemical company that had ties with the Nazi's. They funded them, probably where GKNOVA6 comes from.

Guest K1llsteelr

I really don't understand what is the point that you are trying to make. It just seems like an expository of information.

Sorry i shouldnt really post if i cant elaborate as my inadequate written skills seem to confuse matters so i try and stay within my abilitys

What if it is the Data Servant program? I mean it is connected with Der Riese, but Der Riese didn't have this vocal technology perhaps. I am just spitting ideas, but we do know that Maxis put personal files into the program.

Discovery though analysis







Guest Zombieofthedead

I still don't understand this talk of tunnels.

Maxis, when being teleported to the moon "How did you get me out of that tunnel?"

I found it. The quote I was referencing was "The blackness will swallow your pride, for something far more terrible than you lies here!"

There's no other way to explain it. It has emotions, just like Maxis did. It's basically a silicon copy of Maxis. Only pop culture makes robots out to be unemotional. No guarantee that is how it would really work.

I don't think that is aether, I mean it's a strong possibility, but I think in general it just has to do with the pyramid. I'm not really sure what else it could be, so aether in general will work until we learn more.

Guest MurderMachineX

Oh that's cool. But funny thing is, those are the two maps with Gas Zombies.

Yup! Note that GK is the chemical company that had ties with the Nazi's. They funded them, probably where GKNOVA6 comes from.

But GK didn't come around until after WWII. The Nova gas used to make the Gas Zombies would originate from Steiner's work, not GK's.

@K1lsteelr: No, please don't just quit. I appreciate input. Just help me understand what it is that you are saying. You have a lot of information; I just don't understand it's significance and relation to the storyline.

@ZotD: Ohhhhhhh. Okay. Well Shangri-La is over HALF tunnels. And there's even more (unplayable) where Brock and Gary got trapped. Umm, as for your second sentence... I really don't understand what you are saying. Could you rephrase?

Guest Zombieofthedead

@ZotD: Ohhhhhhh. Okay. Well Shangri-La is over HALF tunnels. And there's even more (unplayable) where Brock and Gary got trapped. Umm, as for your second sentence... I really don't understand what you are saying. Could you rephrase?

Lol, I failed at the second sentence. It's just you kinda went on one topic to another and I couldn't makes sense of it right.

ANYWAYS, now that I reexamined what you said before my post, well I can't really argue with it much, except that no one has really made a fully emotional AI yet. I don't know, I don't think Maxis is AI, but I am not sure. I'll settle on it for now, though.

Guest MurderMachineX

Okay. Cool. But that's actually an issue we don't really need to deal with right now.

The immediate issue is: Where did Maxis go? Now, I think it is Shangri-La, and I have said why. Now, there isn't anything extremely definitive, so I will only put that if we can get to a consensus of sorts on that.


But GK didn't come around until after WWII. The Nova gas used to make the Gas Zombies would originate from Steiner's work, not GK's.

Incorrect, GK was a company in the game that was shut down in 1947 for making chemicals for the Nazi's, it began in the late 30's or early 40's.

As for Shangri-La, due to the only real evidence based on what we have seen so far, that is the best guess I suppose.

Guest K1llsteelr

The example of names i wrote are a indication that the tech in the maps can be

interperated with the layered clues and this will help with the story

RADIATION effects on missiles[youtube:2fmz75lo]dkUp64uM9y4[/youtube:2fmz75lo][/spoiler:2fmz75lo]

Although different experiments,goals and technolgy there seems a common link

to computing and analysis in the maps and links to provide some extra back story

Lets look at the verruckt and the book curran and open some threads

and see if there is any loops


Sir Samuel Crowe Curran

He is the inventor of the scintillation counter, the proportional counter,

and the proximity fuse

Lets take a look at the proportional counter


http://www.orau.org/ptp/collection/prop ... oprops.htm

Theres a lot of information here but it doesnt make any direct links

although there is a meter involved and its a device for analysis

and mention of noble and quench gases

Lets think about its purpose and look at previous tech

that can be associated and see if there is any other info


In 1908 Hans Geiger, with Ernest Rutherford at the Victoria

University of Manchester (now the University of Manchester),

developed a device that would later be called the "Geiger counter "

He was a member of the Uranium Club.


Father of nuclear physics

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernest_Rut ... _of_Nelson[/spoiler:2fmz75lo]

Ernest Rutherford, 1st Baron Rutherford of Nelson OM, FRS (30 August 1871 – 19 October 1937) was a British-New Zealand chemist and physicist who became known as the father of nuclear physics. In early work he discovered the concept of radioactive half-life, proved that radioactivity involved the transmutation of one chemical element to another, and also differentiated and named alpha and beta radiation,

He noticed that a sample of radioactive material invariably took the same amount of time for half the sample to decay—its "half-life"—and created a practical application using this constant rate of decay as a clock, which could then be used to help determine the age of the Earth, which turned out to be much older than most of the scientists at the time believed

Under him, Nobel Prizes were awarded to James Chadwick for discovering the neutron (in 1932), John Cockcroft and Ernest Walton for an experiment which was to be known as splitting the atom using a particle accelerator, and Edward Appleton for demonstrating the existence of the ionosphere





Lets freeze this enquiry now as it needs some images of tech in the map so it can be tied with data to give it some foundation

Closer analysis of the power room and the hardware that loops round the map could give more clues to what they where doing








Back to Curran lets have a look at the Proximity fuse


Following receipt of details from the British, the experiments were successfully... Lloyd Berkner of Tuve's staff devised an improved fuze using separate tubes (British English: thermionic valves or just "valves") for transmission and reception

The Germans started their own independent research in the 1930s but the programme was cut in 1940 . Upon resumption of research and testing by Rheinmetall(The company is also involved in a variety of advanced metal-working and milling technologies, allowing it to provide special high-quality components for small arms in addition to heavy weapon production) in 1944 the Germans managed to develop and test fire several hundred working prototypes before the war ended.

Vannevar Bush, head of the U.S. Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) during this war, credited the proximity fuze with three significant effects


Scintillation is an interesting subject but i will leave that

If you look at the maps you have evidence of computers and this can be bridged with intel there is a lot of detail to be found that makes fairly convincing patterns to provide background theory

Hybrid metals


Cycling charges

Mercury (memory)


Crystals Etc

Proof by contradiction

quod est absurdum" ("which is absurd"), along the lines of Q.E.D., but this notation is rarely used today. A graphical symbol sometimes used for contradictions is a downwards zigzag arrow "lightning" symbol


Guest MurderMachineX

@Tactical: GK was a front company for Nova 6. But Nova gas originated with Steiner. And, you aren't that convincing with the Shangri-La thing.

@Kilsteelr: Again, this hardly relates to the Zombies storyline.

Firstly, I hardly see how any of that referred to Verruckt.

You didn't mention that the Curran book can be found throughout the Multiplayer maps, which is an important detail that I only happened to know.

Geiger counters are important WHY exactly?

You mention look at the power room, but there is nothing else concerning it after that.

Vannevar Bush is part of the story, but you mention very little about his involvement.

QED is more commonly used to stand for "quod erat demonstrandum", or "which was to be demonstrated". You'd use it in a complicated problem as a finisher to say that more could be used, unnecessarily, to prove your answer.

Guest Ehjookayted

@Kilsteelr: Again, this hardly relates to the Zombies storyline.

Firstly, I hardly see how any of that referred to Verruckt.

You didn't mention that the Curran book can be found throughout the Multiplayer maps, which is an important detail that I only happened to know.

Geiger counters are important WHY exactly?

You mention look at the power room, but there is nothing else concerning it after that.

Vannevar Bush is part of the story, but you mention very little about his involvement.

QED is more commonly used to stand for "quod erat demonstrandum", or "which was to be demonstrated". You'd use it in a complicated problem as a finisher to say that more could be used, unnecessarily, to prove your answer.

He is giving you information and wants you to draw your own conclusions, applying it to the storyline. That's my take on it. Nice research, Kilsteelr.

Guest MurderMachineX

If that's the case, I still don't see much of what can be concluded on it.

If anyone else can see something to conclude,...

Guest football5699

So I can clear something up....

When we say where was Maxis teleporting....didn't he get teleported to Moon with Samantha.

I read the last couple of pages but I am really confused.

Guest Zombieofthedead

So I can clear something up....

When we say where was Maxis teleporting....didn't he get teleported to Moon with Samantha.

I read the last couple of pages but I am really confused.

No, not until later. He said that he was stuck in a tunnel.

Guest MyLittleHellhound

So I can clear something up....

When we say where was Maxis teleporting....didn't he get teleported to Moon with Samantha.

I read the last couple of pages but I am really confused.

No, not until later. He said that he was stuck in a tunnel.

Do we know what this tunnel is ? Is it a wormhole "tunnel"? Or an Aether Tunnel? Or a tunnel in the Earth like a Fallout Shelter?

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