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Accumulating Storyline

Guest MurderMachineX

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Guest Zombieofthedead

So I can clear something up....

When we say where was Maxis teleporting....didn't he get teleported to Moon with Samantha.

I read the last couple of pages but I am really confused.

No, not until later. He said that he was stuck in a tunnel.

Do we know what this tunnel is ? Is it a wormhole "tunnel"? Or an Aether Tunnel? Or a tunnel in the Earth like a Fallout Shelter?

Aether would not make sense as a tunnel, nor a wormhole, because in both those senses he probably wouldn't ever get out. We do not know where exactly it is, however.


I doubt a wormhole, Aether is an idea I am open too, but Shangri-La is my best guess.

Guest Zombieofthedead

I just want to add that this tunnel that he referred to likely isn't a place we have even gone yet. I feel like this has significance for the next, or at least a future zombie map.

Guest BlindBusDrivr

A wretched tunnel:


The Paris Catacombs :twisted:

Guest Zombieofthedead

A wretched tunnel:


The Paris Catacombs :twisted:

MAYBE. I still think it could be somewhere else, but that's a big possibility.

Guest MurderMachineX

Actually I think the Paris catacombs could be it. As we know Paris had to have a 935 base of sorts. And the catacombs are famous for their tunnels underground. So I suggest that we not assume that it is Shangri-La. While I still believe that to be our best bet too, I don't feel there is enough evidence to rule out an unknown location. I suggest we list it as unknown and simply mention earlier, when 935 was still operating normally, that Maxis built the 31-79 JGb215.

Dr. Richtofen also kept Shangri-La as a Group 935 base of operations. He modernized it, using various technologies, and he used the local Asians as a labor force. A meteor with Element 115 had also crashed there in Shangri-La on top of the Pyramid. Dr. Richtofen tried making Focusing Crystals in an attempt to shrink the meteor, but he didn't know how to shrink it. Dr. Maxis created a tool that could shrink it using Element 115. The natives of Shangri-La named it using their conglomerated language that, when visually anglicized, appears to read 31-79 JGb215. Also, a non-working prototype of another weapon, the Thundergun Mk I, was created. It was still experiencing quite a few problems, however. Dr. Richtofen also owned his own research center, the Richtofen Center for Clinical Research. It was most likely a front for some kind of experimentation.

On May 8, 1945, Germany surrendered to the Allies. Japan was the last country to surrender, on September 2, 1945, marking the end of World War II. Peculiarly, Group 935 continued to operate. Perhaps it was out of determination to turn the tables; perhaps it was merely defiance to admit defeat. Nevertheless, Group 935 operated for quite a while without Nazi funding. By this time, Dr. Maxis had authorized Dr. Richtofen to have living subjects to try to unlock secrets of the brain in a last-ditch effort to try to gain control of the Zombies. Dr. Richofen had acquired three subjects. Until he could figure out how to control them, the Armeeuntoten was put into storage containers or capsules. Dr. Richtofen also tested on Samantha for his own amusement. Sometime around this time, he created his last invention, the Monkey Bomb, using stuffed monkey corpses.

The first subject was a Soviet named Nikolai Belinski. Nikolai was a politician in the Soviet Union, and he was notorious for his success that he achieved by killing the next man in line. He also had nine ex-wives. He killed his first wife and then his second wife with a shotgun for being fat and ugly. He killed his third wife with a Sickle because she complained about him snoring. He tried to kill his fourth wife by strangling, however, she escaped, and he chased her, killing a couple people, and finally killing her with a shotgun. He killed his fifth wife by trying to drown her and then cutting off her unconscious head with an axe. No one knows what happened to his sixth wife, and his seventh wife was currently still alive. He cheated on his seventh wife, and he also wasn't on good terms with his sister. When Prime Minister Stalin heard of Nikolai's murderous habits, he made sure that Nikolai was placed on the front line in World War II.

The second subject was an Imperial Japanese soldier named Takeo Masaki. He was an honorable Bushi and Bushido warrior. His family knew he'd bring thme honor when they saw him cutting off cats' tails at the age of five. However, Takeo thought that his family brought disgrace, so he slaughtered his entire family for their dishonor. The third subject was a Mexican. Dr. Richtofen removed his spleen, killing him.

Doctor Peter McKay was a research assistant based out of Munich and an American spy of the Office of Strategic Services, or OSS. His handler, Cornelius Pernell, was stationed at an unknown location owned by Group 935, and he helped insert Dr. McKay into Der Riese. However, Dr. McKay was transferred sometime after that to Verruckt. Dr. McKay was unable to contact his superiors regularly in Verruckt, and the OSS feared that he was compromised. So the OSS sent a Marine Recon Unit to extract Dr. McKay. Two B17 airplanes were sent to Germany, each with a squad of four Marines, but the first B17 also had the team leader, Tank "The Tank" Dempsey. The first B17 arrived near Verruckt. Dempsey went ahead of his team, but he was captured by the Nazis at Verruckt on September 10, 1946, thinking that he was a spy. When Dr. McKay saw this, he unleashed the already unstable Zombie test subjects and turned off the Power, but when he did so a Zombie bit off his arm. He treated it medically before fleeing. Dempsey's captors also made a safe getaway, with Dempsey. The others weren't so lucky.

The other B17 crash landed in a remote field in Germany. Somehow, Zombies had risen here. The four Marines made a last stand this night, known as Nacht der Untoten, and died. The four other Marines that had arrived with Dempsey saw Verruckt was in shambles. They made their own last stand. Two of them died. The third, named Smokey, also died, and the 115 reanimated his body. John "Banana" was the fourth Marine; he claimed his friends liked to call him "Banana". He decapitated the zombified Smokey and was appalled that he kept coming. He then killed Smokey, but John's mind deteriorated due to some combination of all of the mental stress of Zombies and killing his comrade and the Element 115, which sometimes can cause paranoia. He wrote several limericks while trying to survive against the Zombies before he too died.

On September 17, 1945, Dr. Richtofen began his tests on Dempsey alongside his other test subjects in the Group 935 base in northern Siberia. By September 20th, 1945, all of the test subjects- Dempsey, Nikolai, and Takeo- had much of their memory removed by Dr. Richtofen. Meanwhile, at Der Riese, Dr. Maxis and the secretary, Sophia, started to have feelings for one another. Secretly, Dr. Maxis was worried that the Element 115 was affecting his mind, and Dr. Richtofen's Monkey Bomb only reinforced his worry.

On October 1, 1945, the zombie control group tests were put on hold. Dr. Maxis also refused to mass produce the Wunderwaffe DG-2; after all, the Reichstag High Command was gone. Dr. Richtofen was not happy about this. When Dr. Richtofen received word from Dr. Groph that the MPD was fully powered and ready, he began Operation Shield. Around this time, he recieved a note from the Illuminati telling him to kill Dr. Maxis. Apparently having solved the lack of Element 115, Dr. Maxis resumed the teleporter testing. Instead of testing people, which had already shown working success, he put Fluffy in the teleporter. Dr. Maxis commenced test #6, with Dr. Richtofen handling the calibration. Fluffy disappeared and then reappeared in a ball of electricity as the first H*llhound. Samantha came looking for Fluffy and saw what was happening. Dr. Richtofen, seizing his opportunity, locked Dr. Maxis and Samantha inside the room with Fluffy. They made a dash for the teleporter. However, since Dr. Richtofen hadn't recalibrated it, it sent them to different places.

Dr. Maxis was teleported to a tunnel in an unknown location. He remained hidden for an indeterminant length, and he couldn't find his way out. Fluffy's whereabouts were also unknown, but wherever it was, she had her puppies. Samantha was teleported to Griffin Station. At Griffin Station, all of the bodies whose souls were put in the MPD were buried outside. The leftover ones, who hadn't been killed, were sent to a man named Kustover Posten who planned to deal with them. Dr. Schuster was also working on a low gravity putty in the Biodome. Then the alarm sounded that there was an intruder: Samantha. In a panic, she ran towards the MPD, which was open. When she entered, it closed. The MPD transferred Samantha's soul to Aether. While her body was trapped in the MPD, she became an invisible presence peering from another dimension, possessing an as-yet unseen power.

Dr. Schuster and Dr. Groph radioed Dr. Richtofen and told him what happened. Dr. Richtofen instructed them to find Dr. Maxis and keep an eye out for Fluffy. Using a contraption derived from the Griffin Station computers, the MPD, and the Vril Generator, which was an ancient Vril-Ya artifact that Dr. Richtofen had acquired either at the Siberian outpost or Shangri-La, Dr. Schuster and Dr. Groph developed a device that literally plucked Dr. Maxis from wherever he was and teleported him directly to them. Dr. Maxis was quite angry, but Dr. Groph claimed there were more important issues than petty squabbles. Dr. Groph and Dr. Schuster explained what had happened. So, all of the scientists at Griffin Station went to the MPD. Dr. Maxis and Samantha talked, where Dr. Maxis was trying to calm her down. Then Dr. Maxis asked Samantha if she would do something for him. She said she would. He told her to kill them all. It is unknown who shot Dr. Maxis at that point, but it made Samantha snap.

Dr. Maxis had died, but he had planned ahead just in case something happened to him. With his past computer experience from the Datenbediensteter, he was able to devise an artificial intelligence, or A.I., copy of himself in a data format. He planted it in Griffin Station, either by a hard drive or a wireless connection at some point prior to this. After Samantha killed most, if not all, of the people present at Griffin Station, she turned her sights on Dr. Richtofen. For an unknown reason, Tank, Nikolai, and Takeo were sent to Shi No Numa. Before they arrived, Dr. Richtofen was at Shi No Numa when Dr. McKay arrived. Cornelius had told Dr. McKay to try to speak with either Dr. Maxis or Dr. Richtofen for help, believing that one of them may help him. After all, Dr. McKay was missing an arm, and his cover hadn't been blown. Dr. McKay went to Dr. Richtofen in a time of need, but Dr. Richtofen had discovered that Dr. McKay was an American spy, so Dr. Richtofen hung Dr. McKay.

Look over the changes and see if there is anything you guys don't agree with.

Guest MurderMachineX

I can't write any further without some discussion. For example, if we are to take the intel that is written from the point-of-view of the American military seriously, as we have in the past, then that means that Shi No Numa was overrun before the end of World War II. And that means the event with Richtofen and Peter happened in the midst of a zombie infestation.


We’ve got some bad news. The zombie infestation previously plaguing isolated areas within Germany has spread to the Pacific. Communication is shoddy at best, but we’ve pinned what sounds like an SOS signal to a remote jungle location in Japan.

Heavy fog and impassible swamp terrain have left reconnaissance efforts near fruitless. However, we have secured intelligence supporting the survival of an Allied force in the area. The map below was found on the ground near the signal location, but evacuation became necessary as night began to fall.

Our recon squad is made up of some of the toughest and meanest soldiers you’ll ever meet, but they’re smart enough to get out before the dogs start preying at night; those hounds of H*ll make their living counterparts seem about as threatening as a bunch of kittens after dinner.

With the war demanding every ounce of strength we can muster, there’s no telling when a full search and rescue operation will be conducted. For now we can only hope that our soldiers in the swamp can hold the zombies off.

Guest Monopoly Mac

MurderMachine, A few other members and I have gone over this intel and we came to the conclusion that it just over complicates things. The dates of the radios prove without a doubt that the gang went to Shi No Numa in 1946 after the war.

You could say that this intel is referring to a group of soldiers sent to SNN before the war but its honestly unnecessary. Lets just say this is a simple mistake by Treyarch.

Guest Shooter

Actually I think the Paris catacombs could be it. As we know Paris had to have a 935 base of sorts. And the catacombs are famous for their tunnels underground. So I suggest that we not assume that it is Shangri-La. While I still believe that to be our best bet too, I don't feel there is enough evidence to rule out an unknown location. I suggest we list it as unknown and simply mention earlier, when 935 was still operating normally, that Maxis built the 31-79 JGb215.

Dr. Richtofen also kept Shangri-La as a Group 935 base of operations. He modernized it, using various technologies, and he used the local Asians as a labor force. A meteor with Element 115 had also crashed there in Shangri-La on top of the Pyramid. Dr. Richtofen tried making Focusing Crystals in an attempt to shrink the meteor, but he didn't know how to shrink it. Dr. Maxis created a tool that could shrink it using Element 115. The natives of Shangri-La named it using their conglomerated language that, when visually anglicized, appears to read 31-79 JGb215. Also, a non-working prototype of another weapon, the Thundergun Mk I, was created. It was still experiencing quite a few problems, however. Dr. Richtofen also owned his own research center, the Richtofen Center for Clinical Research. It was most likely a front for some kind of experimentation.

On May 8, 1945, Germany surrendered to the Allies. Japan was the last country to surrender, on September 2, 1945, marking the end of World War II. Peculiarly, Group 935 continued to operate. Perhaps it was out of determination to turn the tables; perhaps it was merely defiance to admit defeat. Nevertheless, Group 935 operated for quite a while without Nazi funding. By this time, Dr. Maxis had authorized Dr. Richtofen to have living subjects to try to unlock secrets of the brain in a last-ditch effort to try to gain control of the Zombies. Dr. Richofen had acquired three subjects. Until he could figure out how to control them, the Armeeuntoten was put into storage containers or capsules. Dr. Richtofen also tested on Samantha for his own amusement. Sometime around this time, he created his last invention, the Monkey Bomb, using stuffed monkey corpses.

The first subject was a Soviet named Nikolai Belinski. Nikolai was a politician in the Soviet Union, and he was notorious for his success that he achieved by killing the next man in line. He also had nine ex-wives. He killed his first wife and then his second wife with a shotgun for being fat and ugly. He killed his third wife with a Sickle because she complained about him snoring. He tried to kill his fourth wife by strangling, however, she escaped, and he chased her, killing a couple people, and finally killing her with a shotgun. He killed his fifth wife by trying to drown her and then cutting off her unconscious head with an axe. No one knows what happened to his sixth wife, and his seventh wife was currently still alive. He cheated on his seventh wife, and he also wasn't on good terms with his sister. When Prime Minister Stalin heard of Nikolai's murderous habits, he made sure that Nikolai was placed on the front line in World War II.

The second subject was an Imperial Japanese soldier named Takeo Masaki. He was an honorable Bushi and Bushido warrior. His family knew he'd bring thme honor when they saw him cutting off cats' tails at the age of five. However, Takeo thought that his family brought disgrace, so he slaughtered his entire family for their dishonor. The third subject was a Mexican. Dr. Richtofen removed his spleen, killing him.

Doctor Peter McKay was a research assistant based out of Munich and an American spy of the Office of Strategic Services, or OSS. His handler, Cornelius Pernell, was stationed at an unknown location owned by Group 935, and he helped insert Dr. McKay into Der Riese. However, Dr. McKay was transferred sometime after that to Verruckt. Dr. McKay was unable to contact his superiors regularly in Verruckt, and the OSS feared that he was compromised. So the OSS sent a Marine Recon Unit to extract Dr. McKay. Two B17 airplanes were sent to Germany, each with a squad of four Marines, but the first B17 also had the team leader, Tank "The Tank" Dempsey. The first B17 arrived near Verruckt. Dempsey went ahead of his team, but he was captured by the Nazis at Verruckt on September 10, 1946, thinking that he was a spy. When Dr. McKay saw this, he unleashed the already unstable Zombie test subjects and turned off the Power, but when he did so a Zombie bit off his arm. He treated it medically before fleeing. Dempsey's captors also made a safe getaway, with Dempsey. The others weren't so lucky.

The other B17 crash landed in a remote field in Germany. Somehow, Zombies had risen here. The four Marines made a last stand this night, known as Nacht der Untoten, and died. The four other Marines that had arrived with Dempsey saw Verruckt was in shambles. They made their own last stand. Two of them died. The third, named Smokey, also died, and the 115 reanimated his body. John "Banana" was the fourth Marine; he claimed his friends liked to call him "Banana". He decapitated the zombified Smokey and was appalled that he kept coming. He then killed Smokey, but John's mind deteriorated due to some combination of all of the mental stress of Zombies and killing his comrade and the Element 115, which sometimes can cause paranoia. He wrote several limericks while trying to survive against the Zombies before he too died.

On September 17, 1945, Dr. Richtofen began his tests on Dempsey alongside his other test subjects in the Group 935 base in northern Siberia. By September 20th, 1945, all of the test subjects- Dempsey, Nikolai, and Takeo- had much of their memory removed by Dr. Richtofen. Meanwhile, at Der Riese, Dr. Maxis and the secretary, Sophia, started to have feelings for one another. Secretly, Dr. Maxis was worried that the Element 115 was affecting his mind, and Dr. Richtofen's Monkey Bomb only reinforced his worry.

On October 1, 1945, the zombie control group tests were put on hold. Dr. Maxis also refused to mass produce the Wunderwaffe DG-2; after all, the Reichstag High Command was gone. Dr. Richtofen was not happy about this. When Dr. Richtofen received word from Dr. Groph that the MPD was fully powered and ready, he began Operation Shield. Around this time, he recieved a note from the Illuminati telling him to kill Dr. Maxis. Apparently having solved the lack of Element 115, Dr. Maxis resumed the teleporter testing. Instead of testing people, which had already shown working success, he put Fluffy in the teleporter. Dr. Maxis commenced test #6, with Dr. Richtofen handling the calibration. Fluffy disappeared and then reappeared in a ball of electricity as the first H*llhound. Samantha came looking for Fluffy and saw what was happening. Dr. Richtofen, seizing his opportunity, locked Dr. Maxis and Samantha inside the room with Fluffy. They made a dash for the teleporter. However, since Dr. Richtofen hadn't recalibrated it, it sent them to different places.

Dr. Maxis was teleported to a tunnel in an unknown location. He remained hidden for an indeterminant length, and he couldn't find his way out. Fluffy's whereabouts were also unknown, but wherever it was, she had her puppies. Samantha was teleported to Griffin Station. At Griffin Station, all of the bodies whose souls were put in the MPD were buried outside. The leftover ones, who hadn't been killed, were sent to a man named Kustover Posten who planned to deal with them. Dr. Schuster was also working on a low gravity putty in the Biodome. Then the alarm sounded that there was an intruder: Samantha. In a panic, she ran towards the MPD, which was open. When she entered, it closed. The MPD transferred Samantha's soul to Aether. While her body was trapped in the MPD, she became an invisible presence peering from another dimension, possessing an as-yet unseen power.

Dr. Schuster and Dr. Groph radioed Dr. Richtofen and told him what happened. Dr. Richtofen instructed them to find Dr. Maxis and keep an eye out for Fluffy. Using a contraption derived from the Griffin Station computers, the MPD, and the Vril Generator, which was an ancient Vril-Ya artifact that Dr. Richtofen had acquired either at the Siberian outpost or Shangri-La, Dr. Schuster and Dr. Groph developed a device that literally plucked Dr. Maxis from wherever he was and teleported him directly to them. Dr. Maxis was quite angry, but Dr. Groph claimed there were more important issues than petty squabbles. Dr. Groph and Dr. Schuster explained what had happened. So, all of the scientists at Griffin Station went to the MPD. Dr. Maxis and Samantha talked, where Dr. Maxis was trying to calm her down. Then Dr. Maxis asked Samantha if she would do something for him. She said she would. He told her to kill them all. It is unknown who shot Dr. Maxis at that point, but it made Samantha snap.

Dr. Maxis had died, but he had planned ahead just in case something happened to him. With his past computer experience from the Datenbediensteter, he was able to devise an artificial intelligence, or A.I., copy of himself in a data format. He planted it in Griffin Station, either by a hard drive or a wireless connection at some point prior to this. After Samantha killed most, if not all, of the people present at Griffin Station, she turned her sights on Dr. Richtofen. For an unknown reason, Tank, Nikolai, and Takeo were sent to Shi No Numa. Before they arrived, Dr. Richtofen was at Shi No Numa when Dr. McKay arrived. Cornelius had told Dr. McKay to try to speak with either Dr. Maxis or Dr. Richtofen for help, believing that one of them may help him. After all, Dr. McKay was missing an arm, and his cover hadn't been blown. Dr. McKay went to Dr. Richtofen in a time of need, but Dr. Richtofen had discovered that Dr. McKay was an American spy, so Dr. Richtofen hung Dr. McKay.

Look over the changes and see if there is anything you guys don't agree with.

You're spot on with alot of this stuff in my opinion.

Guest MurderMachineX

MurderMachine, A few other members and I have gone over this intel and we came to the conclusion that it just over complicates things. The dates of the radios prove without a doubt that the gang went to Shi No Numa in 1946 after the war.

You could say that this intel is referring to a group of soldiers sent to SNN before the war but its honestly unnecessary. Lets just say this is a simple mistake by Treyarch.

I disagree. Is there really such a thing as OVERcomplicating this? Zombies is overcomplicated in itself. I agree that some Intel should not be used: only Zombies-related ones and ones that are not merely advertisements. But we have articles written directly from Treyarch that have a persona of realism.

I'm not saying that they Intels must be valid. But I don't think overcomplication should be a factor. The story is already complicated. I think the Intel would actually add quite a bit of welcomed detail.

As for the specific example, it is possible that the following occurred. Shi No Numa got overrun. Marine expeditions go there. WWII ends. Peter and Richtofen meet. Richtofen hides at Shi No Numa for a while. Our group goes there. Marine expeditions catch wind of the group. So forth.

It isn't too far to make it fit. But it is direct word from Treyarch. I don't see why it shouldn't be evaluated as such.

You're spot on with alot of this stuff in my opinion.

Thanks :D

Guest Zombieofthedead

Well, if it was overrun before the war, that kills the idea of Verruckt being the first outbreak, now doesn't it? ;)

But yeah, I've had the idea of this before, but I totally didn't see the intel. Nice job finding that.

Guest Monopoly Mac

You're right, the storyline is very complicated. I guess what I was just trying to say was Treyarch made a small mistake when they said that the war was still going on. There is no sign of US marines being at SNN so I don't understand why they would mention marines. If you want to still try to implement the intel in the story I'll go and help.

Guest Zombieofthedead

You're right, the storyline is very complicated. I guess what I was just trying to say was Treyarch made a small mistake when they said that the war was still going on. There is no sign of US marines being at SNN so I don't understand why they would mention marines. If you want to still try to implement the intel in the story I'll go and help.

Parachutes are there, covered in blood. I mean, it's a far off guess, but what else would they be for? I guess the marines just got eaten, in the end.

Though it is likely you are right, I think in this sense the Intel is off. This was most likely to promote the map. Actually, I think that is the case for most intel, but bits and pieces of it are related.

Guest MurderMachineX

@ZotD: Well I still think that the maps occured semi-chronologically in the point-of-view of the characters.

@MonopolyMac: Well who's to say that it is a mistake? Could it be? Possibly. But unless it creates a huge confliction, I believe we could make it work. Well, I don't think the Intel directly mentioned Marines. I just assumed. I think we should implement it unless we find a direct, unavoidable contradiction.

EDIT: With no reply yet, I just decided to list all the Intel I have that I felt was relevant:


We’ve got some bad news. The zombie infestation previously plaguing isolated areas within Germany has spread to the Pacific. Communication is shoddy at best, but we’ve pinned what sounds like an SOS signal to a remote jungle location in Japan.

Heavy fog and impassible swamp terrain have left reconnaissance efforts near fruitless. However, we have secured intelligence supporting the survival of an Allied force in the area. The map below was found on the ground near the signal location, but evacuation became necessary as night began to fall.

Our recon squad is made up of some of the toughest and meanest soldiers you’ll ever meet, but they’re smart enough to get out before the dogs start preying at night; those hounds of H*ll make their living counterparts seem about as threatening as a bunch of kittens after dinner.

With the war demanding every ounce of strength we can muster, there’s no telling when a full search and rescue operation will be conducted. For now we can only hope that our soldiers in the swamp can hold the zombies off.

You're not going to believe this.

Recon has picked up some very strange information. Until recently, I would have marked this zombie infestation as the most twisted turn of events our boys have yet encountered. However, it turns out that the men themselves are about as unlikely a group as the zombies attacking them.

Intelligence reports reveal that it is not just our boys trapped in the Japanese swamplands. The fact that these four haven't killed each other alone speaks measures of the immense danger they must be facing.

Below you'll find their profiles. Oh, how adversity affects us.

Tank Dempsey (USA)

Tank Dempsey: American hero. Give him a loaded weapon, a good woman, and something to shoot at and he’s happy. Cross him and he’ll rip your guts out and use them as a bandolier. Dempsey was selected for this mission after he showed his true grit at the battle for Peleliu. His unit was captured during the early raids before the main invasion, and he spent 2 weeks in a rat infested bamboo cage submerged in malarial water. Eventually, he gnawed his way through the cage, and then gnawed his way through his captors armed only with a Bobby pin and his Medal of Honor which he keeps secreted in various body cavities. There is no before the war for Dempsey, there is no after. There is only the legend of Tank Dempsey, and how he won the war for the rest of us.

Leaving behind a wake of destruction and meat sacks wherever he goes, Dempsey is the man to have on your side when faced with an undead apocalypse.

Nikolai Belinski (RUS)

Stalin himself cannot stare Nikolai in the eye, no one can. For in his eyes you see the soul of a man burning with a hatred of all things living. His closet is full of skeletons, many of them with the flesh still attached. Before the war, Nikolai quickly made his way up through the party ranks by killing the next man in line, and by marrying politically. His aspirations all came crashing down after his fifth wife mysteriously died while cleaning Nikolai’s axe with her neck. Little did he know that she had been sleeping with a high ranking party official on the side. After her tragic demise, Nikolai’s reputation spread quickly through the party, and it wasn’t long before Stalin himself had heard about the psychopathic politician who killed anything that came within 5 feet of him. As soon as the war started, Nikolai was dropped at the front line and forgotten about, where he wallowed in self pity and Vodka for several years.

With many weapons in his arsenal, not least of which is his breath, Nikolai Belinski can look death in the eye and say “I know you”.

Takeo Masaki (JPN)

Tattooed on the inside of Takeo’s eyelids is the Japanese proverb “Life is light when compared to honor”. For Takeo, life has no meaning if not to perfect one’s discipline and to reveal a warrior’s true character and honor. He ponders this and other philosophical questions as his Katana slices through the flesh and sinew of his enemy.

Takeo was born into wealth. His family dynasty dates back several centuries, and throughout that time they have been highly decorated Samurai and Bushi. Takeo is no exception to this celebrated bloodline. When the family first saw the young, life-filled 5 year old Takeo playing in the street with his Katana and slicing the tails off terrified kittens, they knew he was destined to bring honor to the Masaki name.

The war was a perfect opportunity for Takeo to explore his bloodlust and study the nature of those less honorable than himself. If you fall victim to his swift action and might, know that you have helped a man better than you reach enlightenment.

Doctor Richtofen (GER)

Beware The Doc. This message was scrawled across walls of every town under Axis control. Starvation may cripple you, dysentery may wreck you, and gunfire may rip the flesh from your bones, but Beware The Doc.

Meet Dr. Richtofen, known affectionately as The Butcher to his victims as they scream in agony moments before he snuffs out their light. Throughout his career, Richtofen has always been at the forefront of torture and information extraction research. Before the war he was a back alley plastic surgeon, who created an army of monstrous affluent Weimar socialites that would follow him around and laugh at every joke the genius doctor made. This all fell apart when the republic fell and the Nazi party took control. To Richtofen, their values were too moral, too liberal for his liking. He joined the army so he could satisfy his need to watch people die, slowly.

An incurable sociopath, he sees no moral distinction between natural death and murder. The victim is the victim, regardless of how their demise manifests itself.

He has a collection of stuffed animals, most of them posed in positions of terror at the instant of their death.


We are digging deeper into the mystery of this zombie plague and we have uncovered shrouded intel detailing a hidden facility in the German country side. Trailing this conspiracy is one rabbit hole we fear to enter, but if we ever hope to eradicate this threat, we must pursue all leads.

Intel is limited, but we have managed to recover blue prints of the structure. The facility is known as Der Riese, which translates to "The Giant" in English. What we can gather so far, leads us to believe the facility was used for the most gruesome and ghastly experiments. I tremble at the thoughts of what horrors await those who enter its bloodied doorways.

Meanwhile, our engineers have been able to discover massive amounts of electricity being consumed within the facility's walls. Rumors suggest that the scientist within were able to create working prototypes of human teleporters. Initially, I would have shrugged this intel off as nonsense, but after transcribing the reports of Shi No Numa, I don't know what to believe.

For anyone who finds themselves within the walls of this facility, I pray for your safe return. If this is the epicenter of the zombie infestation, may you find the courage to face this evil in its most unholy grounds and find the strength to send its inhabitants back to Hell.

There were just too many of them. A Hell Hound took out a huge chunk of my thigh and I’m losing blood fast. There’s not too much time left, so I’ll pass on what I know. The Pack A Punch machine. Apparently you can put in practically any weapon into this thing and out comes a super powerful version of your weapon. This is great news for us – I just hope you last long enough to use it.

Pass this info on to HQ. It’s the full list of weapon upgrades. And good luck against the undead – I got a bad feeling you’ll need it…

30 Cal => B115 accelerator

BAR => The Widow Maker

Colt 45 => C-3000 b1at-ch35

Shotgun Double Barreled => 24 Bore long range

FG42 => 420 Impeller

Gewehr43 = > G115 Compressor

M1A1 Carbine => Widdershins RC-1

M1Garand => M1000

MG42 => Barracuda FU-A11

MP40 => The Afterburner

.357 Magnum => .357 Plus 1 K1L-u

PPSh-41 => The Reaper

Shotgun => Gut Shot

STG-44 => Spatz-447 +

Thompson => Gibs-o-matic

Type 100 => 1001 Samurais

Panzerschrek => Longinus

PTRS-41 => The Penetrator

M7 Launcher => The Imploder

Kar98k => Armageddon

Ray Gun => Porter’s X2 Ray Gun

Wunderwaffe DG-2 => Wunderwaffe DG-3 JZ

M2 Flamethrower => FIW Nitrogen cooled

Confidential Information / Security Level 5

Consider yourself lucky troops, because we're about to let you in on a little secret. Soldiers from the darkest reaches of our offensive are finding themselves facing the army of the damned, but that's not all they're discovering. Underneath this evil, we're guessing there is a Nazi spider web that connects all of these outbreaks and that out there, there are clues that can expose its gossamer threads. We are gathering reports of strange sightings and happenings, besides the undead rising from their graves that is, which seem to be creating trends within the field. What we're presenting to you today is one of these trends. Ever since the second outbreak at Nacht der Untoten, troops have been noticing strange radio transmissions and broadcasts taking place in the dead of the night. Back at HQ, we are hoping these rumors can help you soldiers come closer to unraveling the truth.

Some of our men who've braved through the woods of Nacht der Untoten have dug up intel, which we found earlier to be irrelevant, but under recent circumstances, we now deem it vital to our growing case file. Our contacts say that there is a hidden radio, that for all rational reasons should not operate, but does. Those who've managed to activate the radio say that it plays an endless cycle of haunting songs and some of our Soviet allies have reported hearing their homeland's victory song through its cursed speakers.

Of course, these phantom transmissions do not end in Nacht der Untoten. Shi No Numa holds it own fair share of mysteries. Within the walls of Shi No Numa, some have reported hearing not music, but radio calls from a rogue signal. We haven’t been able to get an accurate report on what is said within this radio call, but we are sure it is connected to this conspiracy.

We can't be sure, but we are thinking that hidden transmissions can be found in the recently discovered Der Riese as well. That’s why we’re sharing this information with you troops. We need you to head out into the field and discover what we can't. You'll need to be smart and you'll need teamwork to survive, but if you can get past the hordes of the flesh-eating undead, you may find the truth behind the horror. Within the supplies section of the Call of Duty HQ, you'll find the only known transmissions we have.


In my eyes, it is a mishap by Treyarch, the same way that we hear Demonic Laughter in Verruckt, even though Verruckt is before Sam was in the Pyramid. It is just something that was too early in the process of the story that must be overlooked at this point. I mean I still believe that SNN was in 1945, but we know it wasn't during the war.

Guest MurderMachineX

But it musn't be overlooked. We know we play at Shi No Numa after WWII. But the Intel only makes the claim that it was overrun sometime during WWII. The thing with Sam at Verruckt was completely contradictory. But this isn't. Shi No Numa was the first map to have intentional, elaborate backstory, evidenced by the characters' presence. This coincides with the influx of intel. It only became story-related with the release of Shi No Numa.


But it musn't be overlooked. We know we play at Shi No Numa after WWII. But the Intel only makes the claim that it was overrun sometime during WWII. The thing with Sam at Verruckt was completely contradictory. But this isn't. Shi No Numa was the first map to have intentional, elaborate backstory, evidenced by the characters' presence. This coincides with the influx of intel. It only became story-related with the release of Shi No Numa./quote]

With the war demanding every ounce of strength we can muster, there’s no telling when a full search and rescue operation will be conducted.

That is true, but what about this. What about, instead of it meaning that the war is still going on, it is saying that the post-war is taking up all the efforts? I just called my history professor and had a nice little chat with him, and he said that the line quoted above could actually mean that post-war is what he is referencing.

Guest MurderMachineX

Like, a zombie war or something? I suppose.

But whatever we decide, I still think the Intel is valid and can be worked into the story in some fashion. Do you agree?


Not a zombie war, like a normal post-war, nothing zombies related. We still had to rebuild parts of Germany and attend a multitude of meetings, not to mention there was still some fighting after the war was announced as ended, so we still had to put our efforts into post-war activities.

I can agree for the most part. I think that the place wasn't in full breakout mode when Takeo, Nikolai, and Tank arrived. However, you nor I have any proof for when the breakout occurred therefore we don't know what could have happened, we can only infer.

Guest MurderMachineX

Okay. I can see that as a possibility.

Well, if we believe the Intel, then that means the breakout did indeed occur before they arrived. As it talks about the Zombies there, and only afterwards they discuss their discovery of the four survivors.


Hmm. It says the zombies have spread from Germany to SNN and they found an SOS in the jungle, I believe to be from SNN's Communication Hut. I believe that the gang went to SNN, and then the Zombies broke out after they arrived and they sent for an SOS. There was an Allied force (the recon squad in the next paragraph) in the area that was sent to try and find the place, but they found a map near (distance unknown) SNN but they had to evacuate as nightfall was coming.

Guest MurderMachineX

That sounds quite plausible, actually. I like it.

That's just the first Intel. Care to take a wack at the second?


Man it has been a while since I have done these. Ok, first thing is first, the second intel proves that they weren't sent by the US to get Richtofen.

Intelligence reports reveal that it is not just our boys trapped in the Japanese swamplands. The fact that these four haven't killed each other alone speaks measures of the immense danger they must be facing.

That shows that the US didn't send them after the Massacre at Der Riese, which leaves open the ideas of being sent by someone else or going on their own. Either they went alone or an outside group found a map of SNN, in Der Riese perhaps, (the one the recon group found on the ground) and then went to find Richtofen.

Guest MurderMachineX

I'm not sure what you mean by

"Either they alone or an outside group found a map in Der Riese perhaps (the one the recon group found on the ground) and then going to find Richtofen."

So I think the Intel basically says the following fights happened in this order:

Nacht der Untoten Marines

Verruckt Marines

Shi No Numa Crew

Shi No Numa Allies

Shi No Numa Marines

Der Riese Marines

Nacht der Untoten Marines 2

Nacht der Untoten Soviets

Der Riese Crew


Oh wow lol, forgot a few key words there. I edited the post, but it should read:

Either they went alone or an outside group found a map of SNN, in Der Riese perhaps, (the one the recon group found on the ground) and then went to find Richtofen.

You are confusing the crap out of me with using the term Marines lol. Marines were never in Shi No Numa, only Nikolai, Takeo, Tank, and Richtofen. Unless you mean that the Marines were the recon group, but I don't think you do since you just agreed with me up above that the recon group were the Allies.

I see:

Nacht Der Untoten Marines

Verruckt Marines

Shi No Numa Crew (4 main characters)

Shi No Numa Allies (Weren't in SNN, but were near)

As for the Der Riese Marines, are you referring to the quotes that never got used? I think that was in case they replaced the characters. I don't know, but regardless, I am not including them as a part of this story.

Nacht Der Untoten Marines 2

Nacht Der Untoten Soviets

Der Riese Crew

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