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Accumulating Storyline

Guest MurderMachineX

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Guest MurderMachineX

Added some paragraphs. Let me know if anyone disagrees. If no one says anything, I'm left with no choice but to assume I'm right. To avoid multiple posts in a row, I'm just editing this post repeatedly.

By October 5, 1955, the United States had acquired control of the Verrückt facility. Everything they could find was catalogued. On this day, Doctor Julius Robert "Oppy" Oppenheimer of Majestic-12 sent an e-mail to Dr. Bush detailing his interest in a limerick from John "Banana" that he found in the archive and was found in Verruckt next to an empty M1919 Browning. Dr. Bush replied on the same day, having found another limerick. Dr. Oppenheimer replied on October 24, 1955, with two new limericks, detailing the awful events that unfolded before John "Banana"'s death. On October 31, 1955, Dr. Bush e-mailed Dr. Oppenheimer, telling him that he finished deciphering the Servant files from the Datenbediensteter and asked how Dr. Oppenheimer was proceeding with the radio transcripts. Dr. Bush and Dr. Oppenheimer worked together and kept in contact, meeting with one another in person. However, the McCarthyism movement began in the United States, where government officials would be disbarred due to affiliations with communism. Dr. Oppenheimer had relatives as well as spouses that were involved with the Communist Party of America, so he was disbarred and lost his clearance to the Dreamland server. In a last-ditch attempt to secure his files, he sent an e-mail to Dr. Bush on January 1, 1956, with his password on it, so that the information would not be lost.

Over the next few years, the United States proliferated its study of Element 115. However, the Soviet Union also began study of Element 115, evidenced by its capture of Der Riese, Shangri-La, and the Siberian outpost. The United States housed many of its experiments in the basement of the Pentagon as well at its top secret facility in Area 51, Nevada. The Soviet Union housed its tests primarily at the Baikonur Cosmodrone. Both countries reverse engineered much of the technology from Group 935. The Soviet Union created two new Perks-A-Cola: Stamin-Up and PhD Flopper. The Sovet Union also created the Thundergun Mk II, which was fully operable and able to be upgraded via Pack-A-Punch into the Zeus Cannon, as well as the R7 rocket series. The United States recreated the Gas Zombies, Monkey Bombs, Teleporters, and Electro-Shock Defenses. Both countries recreated the Ray Gun and the Pack-A-Punch. The United States created the Winter's Howl with its upgraded form, the Winter's Fury.

Meanwhile at the Baikonur Cosmodrone, the Casimir Mechanism was invented. Its exact purpose is unclear, but it related to the dimension of Aether in some fashion. Doctor Yuri Kravcheski made a disruption that was related to an explosion of the Casimir Mechanism that nearly completely destroyed it. As a result, Doctor Gersch, a high-ranking member at the Baikonur Cosmodrone and of the Ascension Group of the Soviet Union, removed Dr. Kravcheski from the 115 experiments, transferring him to the AK64-A rocket experiments, where he would launch monkeys into space. Dr. Kravcheski was upset, and he claimed that Project Mercury, also known as the Gersch Device, was capable of much more than what the others thought. Development on the Gersch Device had stalled, and meanwhile Dr. Kravcheski either found or wrote a diary that contained knowledge of Element 115.

Dr. Gersch also commented that the Thundergun Mk II, or as he called it, Project Thunder, was coming along well. Dr. Kravcheski dwindled to insanity, likely due to an influence of Samantha. He kept seeing teddy bears and Matryoshka Dolls everywhere, and he even began hearing voices in his head. Samantha gave Dr. Kravcheski specifications on modifications to the Gersch Device. When he finished, he fetched Dr. Gersch to bare witness to the invention. Dr. Gersch said that it better be good, or he'd permanently remove Dr. Kravcheski. When Dr. Kravcheski turned it on, it created a vortex that sucked up Dr. Gersch, teleporting him to the MPD on the Moon, which thus brought his soul to Aether. Samantha orchestrated this due to loneliness. Dr. Kravcheski was conscience-striken when he realized what he did.

The exact date is unsure, however, it must have been either October 23, 26, or 27, or November 6, 7, 8, or 12, 1963. On of one of those stormy days, United States President John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy organized a meeting between himself and Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz at the Pentagon. Kennedy also invited Secretary of Defense Robert Strange McNamara, for support, and Senator Richard Milhous Nixon, as a courteous gesture of sportsmanship over losing the previous election. The order of business was to rectify relations between Cuba and the United States, citing the specific example of the Cuban Missile Crisis from the previous year. They were having the meeting that day at 3:00 PM when Zombies started to break into the Pentagon. They used weapons found in the Pentagon to try to survive against the Zombies, and one of the Zombies was rather intelligent: the Pentagon Thief. He would steal weapons; it is unknown what caused his transformation to be different than the other Zombies. They also, for an unknown reason, made phone calls to the Baikonur Cosmodrone. Eventually, they survived the Zombie outbreak. All records and evidence of the outbreak was kept to the utmost secrecy, and Kennedy, McNamara, Nixon, and Castro never told anyone. On November 22, 1963, Kennedy was assassinated.

Despite Dr. Gersch being gone, the Ascension Group minimally improved the Thundergun Mk II, into the Thundergun Mk III, by improving its reloading capabilities. The only known Thundergun Mk III was sent as part of a weapon cache to Kowloon City, Hong Kong, China. Sometime in late 1968 to 1969, Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, and Dr. Richtofen finally reappeared. They had teleported from 1946 at Der Riese to this time at Kino der Toten. Kino der Toten had long been abandoned, and somehow a Thundergun Mk II ended up there. Some of the Zombies that were contained in canisters had broken loose, starting a Zombie outbreak. Many Gas Zombies were also rampant. Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, and Dr. Richtofen fought against the Zombies, until Dr. Richtofen teleported them away to the Baikonur Cosmodrone in 1963, at the same time as the Pentagon outbreak.

Now at this point, we need to decide something. The Pocket Teleporter.

How do they teleport from place to place?

They teleport from Shi No Numa (that has no Teleporter) to Der Riese (that has a Teleporter).

They teleport from Der Riese (that has a Teleporter) to Kino der Toten (that has a Teleporter).

They teleport from Kino der Toten (that has a Teleporter) to Ascension (that has no Teleporter).

They teleport from Ascension (that has no Teleporter) to Call of the Dead (that has a Teleporter).

They teleport from Call of the Dead (that has a Teleporter) to Shangri-La (that has no Teleporter).

They teleport from Shangri-La (that has no Teleporter) to No Man's Land (that has no Teleporter [besides the one that goes to the Moon]).

There's got to be a connection here. I suppose Richtofen got the Pocket Teleporter at Kino der Toten. He used it from then on out. But then why do they NEED the Teleporter to work in Call of the Dead?

EDIT: I've got an idea!

Perhaps it went down like this. Richtofen is a master at calibrating teleporters, so maybe he does each individually?

After Shi No Numa, Richtofen took them to an unknown Teleporter to teleport them to Der Riese. They used the Teleporter in Der Riese to go to Kino der Toten. They used the Pocket Teleporter found there to go to Ascension, but it only works ONCE! They then use a Gersch Device that Richtofen recalibrates to send them to Call of the Dead. Then they use the Teleporter there to send them to Shangri-La. Shangri-La, as we've seen, had a crude Teleporter. Richtofen hacks into that and sends them to No Man's Land. Then they use the Teleporter there to send them to the Moon.

Honestly, it is the ONLY thing that I think is even possible. So I say that we add it!

EDIT: I'll wait one or two days for a response. If I get none, I'll go ahead and add the Pocket Teleporter. (I really want assistance guys, but just because I get none does not mean that I'm going to stop all progress.)


Sorry I have been gone MMX, I had Prom so it has been rather hectic! I will attempt to shed some light on the paragraphs above.

The Soviet Union created two new Perks-A-Cola:

I'd change it to Perk-A-Cola's personally.

The United States recreated the the Gas Zombies

You have "the" twice.

Meanwhile at the Baikonur Cosmodrone, the Kassimir Mechanism was invented.

It is spelled Casimir not Kassimir.

The exact date is unsure, however, it must have been either October 23, 26, or 27, or November 6, 7, 8, or 12, 1963.

Did you get these dates via these days being documented as storms or how did you get them?

One of one of those stormy days,

"On" instead of "one" in the beginning of the sentence.

until Dr. Richtofen teleported them away to the Baikonur Cosmodrone in 1962

I believe it's 1963 not 1962.

Regarding the teleporter, I had once heard the theory that they shot the DG-2 at the Shi No Numa meteor and it overloaded it like it did in Der Riese and that is how they teleported to Der Riese. Pocket Teleporter is very possible as a one time thing, that makes sense to me. As for Ascension, there is a dimensional rift in the sky, so I think that after recalibrating the Gersch Device it takes them to Call of the Dead. I'm not sure exactly how the rift matters, but I think it allows for the Gersch Device to teleport outside the map, so maybe there was no recalibration needed.

Guest MurderMachineX

Sorry I have been gone MMX, I had Prom so it has been rather hectic! I will attempt to shed some light on the paragraphs above.

It's okay. :)

The Soviet Union created two new Perks-A-Cola:

I'd change it to Perk-A-Cola's personally.

Yes, but MLA grammatical rules indicate that the first, initial word in a hyphened phrase is pluralized. For example, I have a sister-in-law. Bob has two sisters-in-law. Bob does not have two "sister-in-laws". Same goes here, i.e. Perks-A-Cola.

The United States recreated the the Gas Zombies

You have "the" twice.

Thanks :D

Meanwhile at the Baikonur Cosmodrone, the Kassimir Mechanism was invented.

It is spelled Casimir not Kassimir.

CRAP. I keep forgetting that.

The exact date is unsure, however, it must have been either October 23, 26, or 27, or November 6, 7, 8, or 12, 1963.

Did you get these dates via these days being documented as storms or how did you get them?

These were days that had precipitation, required for a storm. The 7th had strong winds as well as a long rain, so I think the 7th is most likely, but it could've been any of those days.

One of one of those stormy days,

"On" instead of "one" in the beginning of the sentence.

Lol, spellchecker much? jk jk

until Dr. Richtofen teleported them away to the Baikonur Cosmodrone in 1962

I believe it's 1963 not 1962.

Oh yes, I meant 1963. Thank you.

Regarding the teleporter, I had once heard the theory that they shot the DG-2 at the Shi No Numa meteor and it overloaded it like it did in Der Riese and that is how they teleported to Der Riese. Pocket Teleporter is very possible as a one time thing, that makes sense to me. As for Ascension, there is a dimensional rift in the sky, so I think that after recalibrating the Gersch Device it takes them to Call of the Dead. I'm not sure exactly how the rift matters, but I think it allows for the Gersch Device to teleport outside the map, so maybe there was no recalibration needed.

Hm. The Shi No Numa thing is appealing, but I think that since creating a teleeporter took so much work that such a thing couldn't be so simple.

Dimensional rift? Maybe I just haven't noticed it. Could you point it out?

EDIT: I think the Gersch Device would have to be recalibrated. Richtofen says "too far into the future" as if he had expected to have control over it, which a rift would not likely allow.


Dimensional rift? Maybe I just haven't noticed it. Could you point it out?

Richtofen says after the Easter Egg, "Fascinating, a Dimensional Rift! Goodbye Gersch, it would have been good to know you!"

Guest MurderMachineX

I just figured that was Gersch escaping with the Casimir Mechanism.

EDIT: Well, since you agreed with its plausibility, and I really don't know an alternative, and since you haven't responded yet, I'm just going to make the next paragraph, starting with an edit of the last one. I hope that's okay. I'm also editing a sentence into the story that will tell of the Pocket Teleporter's invention.

Despite Dr. Gersch being gone, the Ascension Group minimally improved the Thundergun Mk II, into the Thundergun Mk III, by improving its reloading capabilities. The only known Thundergun Mk III was sent as part of a weapon cache to Kowloon City, Hong Kong, China. Sometime in late 1968 to 1969, Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, and Dr. Richtofen finally reappeared. They had teleported from 1946 at Der Riese to this time at Kino der Toten. Kino der Toten had long been abandoned, and somehow a Thundergun Mk II ended up there. Some of the Zombies that were contained in canisters had broken loose, starting a Zombie outbreak. Many Gas Zombies were also rampant. Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, and Dr. Richtofen fought against the Zombies, until Dr. Richtofen found the Pocket Teleporter and used it to teleport them away to the Baikonur Cosmodrone in 1963, at the same time as the Pentagon outbreak.

Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, and Dr. Richtofen found that the Baikonur Cosmodrone was completely overrun with Zombies. Dr. Richtofen grabbed a spacesuit to where. The Pocket Teleporter only worked once; it then became non-functioning. They fought against the Zombies at the same time as the politicians at the Pentagon, although here in Russia it was midnight. Samantha was torturing Dr. Gersch in Aether for her own amusement. He begged the four to help him. Meanwhile, the rocket modules that launched long ago occasionally rained down at the Baikonur Cosmodrone, and the Element 115 reanimated the Space Monkeys within them. They had an unusual affiliation for the Perks-A-Cola; and unlike normal chimpanzees, they had tails.

The Gersch Device was a fully functioning weapon that created black holes for Zombie-killing and for teleportation. Samantha even created a weapon of her own: the explosive Matryoshka Dolls. The four launched the R7 Rocket present at the Baikonur Cosmodrone, and then they started fixing the Casimir Mechanism. They put the generator back in its place, connected it to the computer network, drain power from the Perk-A-Cola machines, drain the power from letter-shaped Power-Ups from Aether made by Dr. Gersch, and give the Casimir Mechanism more power by blasting it with Wonder Weapons, such as the Thundergun and Gersch Devices. All these things fully charged the Casimir Mechanism. When it was fully charged, it freed Dr. Gersch from Samantha's confinement. It is unknown what happened to Dr. Gersch. Dr. Richtofen used a Gersch Device as a portable Teleporter to teleport to the Siberian outpost.

The next thing I was thinking of saying is like this: Since Dr. Gersch was "free", I think he was released from the MPD. He left the MPD, without Samantha. What he did then I am unsure. It would explain why there are Gersch Devices at Griffin Station. Dr. Gersch, being Russian, might be the origin of the Soviet R7 Rockets on the Moon.

EDIT: Okay. I was thinking that there are too many Russian things on Griffin Station to think that the Russians were never there: Stamin-Up, PhD Flopper, Gersch Devices, and the R-7 Rockets. I think all of this means that Gersch was just the first Russian there. With too many holes and no one to confirm this, I'm just going to have to have a bunch of "unknown"s.

Sometime later in Area 51, there was a ruckus at Hangar 18. The area contained many top secret technologies, such as a repulsive shield generator and Casimir plates. It also had three alien bodies. However, one turned out to still be alive, and it made a bloody escape. This would have been cause for alarm had the Soviet Spetsnaz not invaded Hangar 18 at about that time. The American Black Ops fought them and crushed the invaders, but the alien was long gone. Also, Griffin Station was discovered by the United States. At Area 51, they built a Teleporter that lead to Griffin Station. There, they found many strange devices. Curiously, Gersch Devices, R-7 Rockets, and the Russian Perks-A-Cola were there along with the German technology. Many modifications were made to the area, and a large Teleporter was installed to make ease for mass transit.

The United States developed a new division, Call of Duty Zombie Labs, to oversee operations at Area 51 and Griffin Station in matters concerning Zombies. They tested Zombie behavior in low gravity among other things, such as the Zap Guns, which could be put together to become the Wave Gun. They found the Zap Guns there, presumably built by Dr. Porter. Later, Brock and his assistant Gary, two explorers in the Himalayas, discovered Shangri-La in their search to find Agartha. However, they pressed a button which teleported them back in time, where there was a solar eclipse. In their attempt to escape the Zombies that had overrun Shangri-La, they got trapped in an inescapable room of the temple, where they stayed until they starved to death. Then, in December 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed.

Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, and Dr. Richtofen arrived at the Siberian outpost. However, it was a bit later than Dr. Richtofen had hoped: it was March 2011. They were not alone. George Andrew Romero was a famous writer and director of Zombie-related scripts and films. He found some Nazi documents detailing Zombies and Element 115, so naturally he wanted to produce a movie about it. He decided to shoot the film at the Siberian outpost, and he recruited four actors for the film. Sarah Michelle Gellar was famous for her role in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". Robert Barton Englund was famous for his role in "Nightmare on Elm Street". Dan "Danny" Treyo was famous for his role in "Machete". Michael Rooker was famous for his role in "The Walking Dead". They were filming the movie, "Call of the Dead", when a Zombie attacked George, and they both fell into the frigid water, along with a stage light.

Zombies started reanimating all over the Siberian outpost. Sarah, Robert, Danny, and Michael grabbed some weapons and began fighting against the Zombies. George turned into a Zombie as well. However, he was more powerful than any other Zombie; it is unknown what caused this. Perhaps it was the stage light's electricity or some vril in the area. The actors came upon a small, locked, metal room with some strange people talking from inside it. The strange people were Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, and Dr. Richtofen. Takeo was sick to his stomach from all the teleporting. Dr. Richtofen asks the actors to find an extra fuse to turn the lights on in the room. They find one and put in the wall, turning on the lights. Nikolai saw a blinking button and pressed it, which turned on the MDT security system. The actors destroyed the power sources of the MDT security system when Nikolai asked for some vodka. Dr. Richtofen urged the actors to find some vodka, and they did; they sent it through the tube into the room. Dr. Richtofen gave it to Tank and Nikolai, who became drunk. Takeo was already incapacitated.

Dr. Richtofen then requested that they find the Vril Generator. It is unknown how it got here; somehow in the aftermath of the incident on Griffin Station, the Vril Generator ended up at the Siberian outpost, and Dr. Richtofen knew about it. The actors searched. They found little slips of color-coded paper with numbers on them, as well as corresponding dials within the lighthouse at the Siberian outpost. they changed the dials to match the numbers, and then they connected four Morse code Radios that sent a signal relay to a light in the sky, likely the Vril-Ya Pyramid in orbit around the Earth. The actors then pressed some switches on the bridge of the crashed ship on the coast, and the switches activated an unmanned submarine nearby that rose out of the ocean. The submarine emitted a series of foghorn trumpet blasts. In return, the actors used some land-based foghorns reciprocally. The sumbarine shone a green stream of light that hit the light in the lighthouse, refracting to the base of the bottom of the lighthouse. The actors did all of this while surviving against Zombies and George. Meanwhile, Dr. Richtofen changed out of his spacesuit.

One of the actors acquired the V-R11 which could be used it to turn Zombies back into humans because of its vril energy. The humans would panic and run for their lives, merely to be killed. Curiously, a human ran to the green light at the base of the lighthouse. Before he made it to the top, the actors killed him, which may seem morbid and cruel, but the former Zombies had little more sense than when they were Zombies just from sheer fright. It is unknown why or how, but the human was vaporized when it reached the top of the lighthouse. From his nonexistant corpse dropped the Vril Generator, which was apparently immune to the vaporization. The actors return the Vril Generator to Dr. Richtofen via the tube connected to the small metal room. By this time, Dr. Richtofen had fixed the Teleporter in the room. Dr. Richtofen said goodbye to Sarah, Robert, Danny, and Michael before telling Takeo that it was the raw fish that makes him puke and teleporting away, to Shangri-La.

Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, and Dr. Richtofen arrived at Shangri-La sometime after 1990. Much of Shangri-La was different from its appearance when Dr. Richtofen first found it. There were tunnels underground with modern and semi-modern mining equipment. The area also had a crude hydroelectric power system, which was connected to various things, such as Perk-A-Cola machines, a Pack-A-Punch, and various mechanisms around the temple. The Soviets had been overrun by the Zombies, and there was evidence of their presence, such as the Russian Perks-A-Cola, pieces of Lunar Landers, and Spikemores, which were Claymores jury-rigged to explode in a flurry of punji stakes. Three new varieties of Zombies surfaced in Shangri-La. Monkey Zombies were reanimated monkeys from the jungle surrounding Shangri-La. That had an irate fascination with Samantha's Power-Ups. Napalm Zombies were Zombies that had napalm infused into their bodies. Shrieker Zombies were ancient bodies that reanimted into Zombies. Having died long ago and merely being preserved, they have less flesh to their bodies and, as such, are light, nimble, and quick, and they have outstanding control over air flow.

Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, and Dr. Richtofen found a set of four stone buttons in the center of Shangri-La. When they pressed them all at the same time, it activated the ancient, crude Teleporter within Shangri-La that was used by Brock and Gary. It took them, and any Zombies present, back an unknown length of time to the time when Brock and Gary became trapped. However, the buttons Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, and Dr. Richtofen pressed were only temporary; after so long a time they'd return to the present and have to press the buttons again.

[shangri-La Easter Egg to be filled in later.]

Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, and Dr. Richtofen then arrived at Area 51 sometime in or after the 1960's. It was overrun like no place before it was overrun, with Zombies and H*llhounds, and it was now better known as No Man's Land. Dr. Richtofen had put the Focusing Stone into the crevice in the Vril Generator, effectively merging them together into what he called the Vril Device. Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, and Dr. Richtofen used the Teleporter set up by the United States government in No Man's Land that had a direct connection with Griffin Station to actually go to Griffin Station. The four put on Pressurized External Suits. Dr. Richtofen's inner spacesuit turned out to be unnecessary. Two new types of Zombies appeared in Griffin Station alongside the regular Zombies. Astro-Zombies were reanimated bodies that happened to be in spacesuits at the time of their reanimation. They were super-pressurized, and they had the ability, somehow, to teleport at will. Phasing Zombies were Gas Zombies that mutated, gaining the ability to consistently teleport forward in between every few steps they take.

Using four terminals found outside Griffin Station, Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, and Dr. Richtofen gained access to the Griffin Station mainframe. Then one of the four grabbed the Hacker, a device built in Griffin Station with the sole purpose to hack into electronics. They used it to hack into the mainframe. Then, Excavator Pi breached through Tunnel 6 in Griffin Station, completely destroying the atmosphere and artificial gravity in that sector. However, the drilling dislodged the Egg from its resting place, and the four found it. The Egg acted as a key to the MPD. The four put it in the MPD, and a glass tank emerged from it. They killed 25 Zombies, their souls filling the machine. Then they flipped the switch, which made the MPD open, exposing Samantha, cryogenically frozen inside.

Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, and Dr. Richtofen acquired a Wire from the Laboratories in Griffin Station and two Casimir plates from No Man's Land. They put these on an apparatus, connecting it to a terminal. Dr. Richtofen placed the Vril Device in between the Casimir plates, where it floated. Dr. Richtofen hacked into the mainframe, accessing the Casimir Mechanism using the apparatus he created. This activated the long dormant Maxis A.I., who tried to stop him. However, Dr. Richtofen deleted him and finished charging the Vril Device. Four glass tanks emerge from the MPD. The four then kill one hundred Zombies, their souls filling the machine. Then Dr. Richtofen placed the charged Vril Device into the MPD, which made him switch souls with Samantha. Dr. Richtofen became the being trapped in Aether, while Samantha was now trapped in Richtofen's body.

Now being the ruler of extraordinary powers, Dr. Richtofen decided to make his own twist on Power-Ups, to change the eyes of the Zombies to blue, and to make his own theme music. These were mere warm-ups for his plans of ruling the world. However, the Maxis A.I. contacts Tank, Nikolai, Takeo, and Samantha through a recording, saying that he wasn't deleted, but just impaired, claiming that he can minimize the damage that Dr. Richtofen would cause. So they use the four terminals again to free the Maxis A.I., and they teleport the Egg using a Gersch Device to an unknown location, which triggered a launch. Thinking that a world without people was better than a world controlled by Dr. Richtofen, the Maxis A.I. launched three R-7 Rockets towards the Earth and blew it up.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Tac

I personally don't know what to make of the perk machines, but it wouldn't surprise me if Gersch was in Griffin Station, but not working under the Russians IMO.

As for the Americans finding Griffin Station, I personally disagree. I think that the Group 935 operative inside America that Maxis mentioned in the Der Riese radios is the person who made the teleporter. The only reason I think that I don't see very much physical evidence that the United States had knowledge of the station.

Other than that, I don't really see any pressing issues with the story.

Guest Monopoly Mac

If a whole hangar in Area 51 was dedicated to that one teleporter, then surely it was built by the Americans for a reason. One person couldn't have made the teleporter. Also the United States knew there was 115 present on the Moon and they could have discovered Griffin Station from Apollo 11. There are conspiracies that they found aliens or a German base, maybe in this universe, they found Griffin Station.

Guest Tac

I just have a hard time thinking that they found the station since no one references it. For all we know, Area 51 was abandoned due to the outbreak and the teleporter was finished beforehand.

Guest MurderMachineX

Well yeah. Area 51 had in its possession a Teleporter that directly linked to Griffin Station. That seems to be more than a coincidence, especially since the one in Griffin Station is so similar to it. And, the Pyramid room in Griffin Station has been heavily modified since any of the Radios documenting it. If the US modified it by putting down a Teleporter that had a stable connection with their own, both the same model, then that would explain the modifications. I.e., there is no more oxygen in the room because there's a hole in the ceiling. There are no more passageways on the ceiling because the ceiling has been replaced with a Teleporter. Also, just because no one mentions anything of it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The Vril-Ya are never mentioned by name. (Analogy). Besides, there is no definate evidence for when Moon occurs. It is sometime between the '60's and the future. So it easily could have been far ahead in the future, which would make it less likely we'd have heard of it in the other 1940's/1960's maps.

Guest Tac

Well it's so consistent with the Griffin Station one, which was a German station as we know, so I believe that the Germans built them both. The Pyramid room has been heavily modified, yes, but who says the Germans didn't do it? There are thousands of radios and audio transcripts that we don't know about, so just because it isn't in the radio doesn't necessarily mean it didn't happen, just as you were saying with the other thing.

Guest MurderMachineX

After the incident where Samantha was told to kill them all? They're too busy being killed to be modifying the Station.

Guest Tac

They easily could have modified the station before the incident, they had been there from January 1940 well into to 1942, that's at least 2 years of work form a dedicated and full-time team.

Guest Monopoly Mac

Well others actually brought up a really good point to me. At the end of the ads on the comic book loading screen, there are three astronauts wandering and it says above them, "meanwhile", suggesting that it may not be the characters. A very good observation by the MixMasterNut is that there are three astronauts and the last manned mission to the Moon consisted of three members. Seeing as the next scene in the comic shows an excavator, I think it's safe to assume that they found Griffin Station.

Guest Tac

There are actually four in the loading screen, not three. Three wandering in the ditch and one on the ridge just above them.

Guest Monopoly Mac

You got me there Tac. I was positive there were only three but thanks for correcting me. It may not be Apollo 17 but I'm sure that this isn't our team because of the reasons I stated.

Guest MurderMachineX

In every single Radio leading up to the incident with Samantha there was clearly oxygen in the Pyramid room. That means they hadn't modified it, because the modifications included the removal of oxygen. Not to mention that the removal of oxygen is NOT a good thing. No one would TRY to remove it. It would be downright sloppy of Germans to modify their own base and lose oxygen in one of the areas. However, another country, the US, still relatively new to the technology, could be excused for not being perfect at the job.

Guest Monopoly Mac

The Americans also most likely didn't understand how the M.P.D worked and didn't know how to open it. So instead they used the pyramid as a power amplifier for the teleporter above.

Guest Tac

It's honestly a pretty well thought out theory and makes sense, but while it may make sense in the logical aspect, I don't really see any legitimate evidence that suggests them to be there or to even have known of Griffin Station. The theory is logical, but it's not based on any evidence I am aware of, just a theory trying to connect the dots.

EDIT: I'm not saying it's bad, I've done it too, but because I don't see any real intriguing evidence, I can't just hop on the bandwagon and believe it.

Guest MurderMachineX

It's not as loose as you make it out to be. We have clear evidence. There is oxygen in the room. Then there isn't. We use logic to explain why, and it doesn't have a hole anywhere; it makes sense. So technically it is a theory, but it seems to me a strong one.

And, me + Mac =/= bandwagon

Guest Tac

Well I just don't see any evidence of the Americans knowing of Griffin Station or being in Griffin Station. We know there was a 935 Operative in America, so given the blueprints, he could have made the teleporter in the abandoned area. If it wasn't abandoned, the breakout could have happened at any point in Area 51 and made others not use it anymore. Idk, I'm not saying that your logic has a hole, I just see circumstantial evidence, not physical, about the Americans being in Griffin Station. I'm not going to say your theory is untrue, or that it is impossible, but I am just not entirely convinced to this point. I feel like if true, it is a big find and I have to fully get my mind around it first. It's nothing personal, I just have to get my mind around what I believe to be a very important theory.

Guest Zombieofthedead

Well I just don't see any evidence of the Americans knowing of Griffin Station or being in Griffin Station. We know there was a 935 Operative in America, so given the blueprints, he could have made the teleporter in the abandoned area. If it wasn't abandoned, the breakout could have happened at any point in Area 51 and made others not use it anymore. Idk, I'm not saying that your logic has a hole, I just see circumstantial evidence, not physical, about the Americans being in Griffin Station. I'm not going to say your theory is untrue, or that it is impossible, but I am just not entirely convinced to this point. I feel like if true, it is a big find and I have to fully get my mind around it first. It's nothing personal, I just have to get my mind around what I believe to be a very important theory.

It's a possibility, I mean there is a teleporter linked to Area 51. I think that teleporting there may have caused the zombies to outbreak onto area 51. I mean, why would there be a teleporter to griffin station if the Americans had no idea about it?

Guest Tac

Well, my train of thought was that the undercover 935 Agent in Area 51 made it. He could have gotten it past the Americans by perhaps building it in a place on the site that was abandoned, or maybe the outbreak had happened so they weren't there anymore.

Guest Zombieofthedead

Well, my train of thought was that the undercover 935 Agent in Area 51 made it. He could have gotten it past the Americans by perhaps building it in a place on the site that was abandoned, or maybe the outbreak had happened so they weren't there anymore.

Area 51 is not that big... at least from the satellite view. I don't think there would be an abandoned area, and they definitely wouldn't have concealed it, big as it is. I don't see how a 935 agent would be "undercover" either, aren't most of their leaders dead? I doubt that many of them were loyal that long after. I think it's far more logical to assume that a 935 agent informed Americans of the moon, and they demanded a way to get there, and so it was built.

Though if you can combat this, by all means do it. I want to see your logic behind this.

Guest Tac

Well most of their leaders are dead, yes, but that is in at least 1942. Griffin Station has been around for at least 2 years, so if the teleporter was built before the leaders had been killed, then they would still be loyal.

However, now that I remember that the sign in No Man's Land says 1960 on it, then I guess that would imply that for someone to put the sign up, they would have seen the teleporter. If they saw the teleporter, then they must've known it was there.

The only thing I can say at this point is that your guys just about convinced me. Perhaps they demanded a way to get there from the undercover agent and he requested blueprints or coordinates or something to program the teleporter to get to Griffin Station? I mean there is no way that he just got lucky and found the place to teleport to, especially since there is the mainframe there and all. I think that he got 935 to give him the necessary parts, unannounced to them it was to help the Americans. He was a double agent. It's Corenlius Pernell. Dah, sorry. Off topic.

Guest MurderMachineX

There's no luck about it. The US was the only country to land men on the Moon. Not to mention the number of satellites it had, as well as telescopes. Apparently someone saw something.

Also, there isn't AN American Group 935 agent. Dr. Maxis said they had operatives in Group 935. Not one particular character. They had spies in the US, just like the US had spies in Germany.

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