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Accumulating Storyline

Guest MurderMachineX

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Guest aegisknight

a: I think claiming Richtofen to be homosexual is a pretty big leap. I would like to see more evidence before such a claim.

b: The Richtofen clinic would make more sense to have been founded during the Weimar Republic, which is where he conceivably would have gained much of his medical experience. This would be necessary in regards to the storyline; there is no reason 935 would have recruited a guy who just did back-alley surgury. He would have had needed "legitimate" connections to solidify his affiliation.

c: I do no believe it makes any sense for 935 to be a German organization. The Der Reise radio asks all members to leave behind national affiliation, which would include German. The fact that they later "make a deal" with the Nazis goes farther to point this out; they would have had no reason to make such a deal if they were already part of the German state. It makes more sense for Maxis to contact the Reichstag later to seek additional funding. Actually, it would make the most sense for 935 to have been set up by the League of Nations as a multinational effort, and the aversion to Americans regardless of brilliance (since America was not a member state). It would also explain the lack of funding at the outbreak of war, and their mission statement.

d: I also do not believe Nova 6 was a 935 invention. However, I do believe Steiner was a 935 scientist, and a spy for the group within the German scientific circles. The complete lack of 935 terminologies and markings in the game storyline (and the fact that Nova 6 was specifically sought after by the Brits, but they had no knowledge of other 935 projects) lead me to believe there was no official connection between the two, but the fact that 935 had access to Nova gas and Steiner had access to 935's mind control techniques leads me to believe HE was (if Richtofen led his Griffin Station group while in 935, I do not think it out of the realm of possibility).

e: The tunnels Maxis was transported to were likely those in Shangri-La, hence the development of the Shrink Ray. He could have been in contact with the Soviets to gain more funding, which would also have explained much of the Ascension work. But thats my personal guess.

f: I think Kustover Posten may be mis-transcribed. I do not know what would he correct, but it seems that it should be a place, not a person.

g: I absolutely do not think that the Call of Duty Zombie Labs are part of the game Canon at all. From what I can tell, they were produced by IGN, not Treyarch, as promotional material. Nothing in the videos makes sense from storyline perspective.

h: I have posted elsewhere that I believe the Winter's Howl is a prototype of the left Zap Gun, while the Ray Gun serves as a prototype for the Right. I base this on sound effects, aesthetics, and the mechanics of how the weapons function. I have a full thread about these similarities somewhere.

i: I find it a bit strange you don't mention the CIA presence at Verruct as viewed through Kino der Toten

j: I maintain that the Earth was not destroyed at the end of Moon, it was simply an explosive cloud of 935 released into the upper atmosphere. The destruction of Earth makes no sense from a storyline standpoint or any other angle. The graphic of earth is undamaged, there is simply an explosive cloud overlaid.

k: The Egg is not transported to an unknown location. If you look at the rocket nearest the Sam Says terminals, you can clearly see the "exit gate" popping the egg out into the warhead when you toss the device.

Guest Monopoly Mac

a. Many of Richtofens quotes suggest a homosexual side to Richtofen. One of them includes him saying that his college roommate had a long barrel. :?

b. Maxis actually invited Richtofen to Group 935. Richtofen was a genius and any qualifications he needed could have been provided by the Illuminati. Also he may have possibly been positioned in Shi No Numa during the war serving as a Doctor to help Unit 731 with their work. Of course that is only a theory.

c. I agree.

d. I also agree. Experiments that involved both Nova 6 and reanimation were most likely kept on the down low inside the walls of Kino Der Toten.

e. I doubt that while he when he teleported, that he developed the Shrink Ray. When he is teleported to the Moon, he sounds like he is relieved that he is finally out of wretched tunnels. He may have found Shangri La while researching Vril.

g. Agreed.

h. Well, the Winters Howl was most likely developed by Porter just like the Wave gun, so you are most likely correct.

Guest aegisknight

Richtofen comes off as asexual to me, noting such things would be because he gets his kicks out of masochism. But in light of that quote, I consider it enough evidence to make the note (however, it would be nice if such things were cited in the OP).

It is unclear where the Illuminati fit into this, and while I know Maxis invited Richtofen to the group, I do not know how he would have met him. From what I understand, Maxis had no connection to the illuminati. I believe it makes MUCH more sense for Richtofen to have set up the medical clinic and have his brilliance made known through that venue, attracting Maxis's attention. Opening the clinic as suggested in the OP only draws attention to Richtofen and his dealings when he is working the hardest to keep them secret; it makes no sense.

As for Maxis, one of Richtofen's quotes when getting the shrink ray is:

I knew Maxis was working on such a device, but I had no idea he was successful
Guest Monopoly Mac

Scratch the Illuminati scenario. I didn't think too much about it but you have pointed out the flaws in it so I withdraw that theory.

Now this is a new theory that I have recently concocted. After the Nazi Party took control, Edwards bio says that he joined the army but he didn't like their morals. He was a doctor, not a soldier so Germany put him somewhere he would be useful. They stationed him at Unit 731 facility in Shi No Numa where he could study the work they were doing and also satisfy his pleasure of seeing pain.

He was kept at the Doctors Quarters and I believe Treyarch may have been hinting that he worked at Shi No Numa because in the trailer they emphasize the bloody mats and medical instruments. So when 935 raided SNN and seized the Ray Gun blueprints, they also found Richtofen and realized that he could be a valuable asset. He was an expert on the human anatomy and studied the element while he was there.


That could possibly be why Maxis invited Richtofen to his organization.

Guest aegisknight

I don't know if he was ever in the army. That part of his past seems to have been retconned out or otherwise explained away by the time we get to Black Ops. Either way, it would make more sense for SSN to either have been working cooperatively with 935 or for 935 to have set up shop there once they "evacuated" the Japanese researchers. I believe Richtofen was doing research there along with a small 935 contingent either with or after the Japanese

Guest Monopoly Mac

Well according to biography in World at War, "He joined the army so he could satisfy his need to watch people die, slowly." The Rising Sun facility may have been working cooperatively with 935 but at one point 935 had to take plans from them forcefully. They "seized" the blueprints from them.

Guest Tac

I think the Germans were working with the Japanese all the way into later 1945, and the Germans (Richfoten essentially) extracted Takeo, Nikolai, and the Ray Gun blueprints around August of 1945. With that, I think they worked co-operatively for quite some time, and the Doctors Quarters was Richtofen's, where he wrote his two books. That is my personal theory.

Also, I agree that Call of Duty Zombie labs have absolutely no influence over the story.

Guest MurderMachineX

a: I think claiming Richtofen to be homosexual is a pretty big leap. I would like to see more evidence before such a claim.

Well, do I really need to rip some quotes to prove it? He makes numerous references to male body parts. He has a thing for Nikolai. He had his quote about his college roommate. Not to mention that he is adverse to women and children (although he seems to tolerate Sarah).

b: The Richtofen clinic would make more sense to have been founded during the Weimar Republic, which is where he conceivably would have gained much of his medical experience. This would be necessary in regards to the storyline; there is no reason 935 would have recruited a guy who just did back-alley surgury. He would have had needed "legitimate" connections to solidify his affiliation.

Perhaps, but it can't be. Richtofen was a "back-alley plastic surgeon". Back-alley means that he was a shady character, not one with his own facility. 935 would have recruited someone who knew what he was doing. And apparently Richtofen knew what he was doing. He knew how, somehow, "to improve the human condition".

c: I do no believe it makes any sense for 935 to be a German organization. The Der Reise radio asks all members to leave behind national affiliation, which would include German. The fact that they later "make a deal" with the Nazis goes farther to point this out; they would have had no reason to make such a deal if they were already part of the German state. It makes more sense for Maxis to contact the Reichstag later to seek additional funding. Actually, it would make the most sense for 935 to have been set up by the League of Nations as a multinational effort, and the aversion to Americans regardless of brilliance (since America was not a member state). It would also explain the lack of funding at the outbreak of war, and their mission statement.

935 is within the boundary of Poland, and at the time that was within the boundary of Germany. Thus, being in Germany, it is a German organization. Just because of that doesn't necessarily mean that it is run by its government. American organizations like Coca-Cola aren't exclusively run by Americans. Being a German organization does not equal working for the Nazis. In fact, the Nazis had to come in power. 935 could possibly have been around before them. If Group 935 was set up by the League of Nations, it would've gotten a lot more attention than it did, and its technology would be more widespread, especially NOT to America, not being a part of it.

d: I also do not believe Nova 6 was a 935 invention. However, I do believe Steiner was a 935 scientist, and a spy for the group within the German scientific circles. The complete lack of 935 terminologies and markings in the game storyline (and the fact that Nova 6 was specifically sought after by the Brits, but they had no knowledge of other 935 projects) lead me to believe there was no official connection between the two, but the fact that 935 had access to Nova gas and Steiner had access to 935's mind control techniques leads me to believe HE was (if Richtofen led his Griffin Station group while in 935, I do not think it out of the realm of possibility).

Well Steiner was instrumental in Nova 6's design. And Steiner was a 935 scientist. Thus 935 was instrumental in Nova 6's design.

e: The tunnels Maxis was transported to were likely those in Shangri-La, hence the development of the Shrink Ray. He could have been in contact with the Soviets to gain more funding, which would also have explained much of the Ascension work. But thats my personal guess.

Yeah, I think it was Shangri-La. We discussed this, and we decided not to put it since it could've just as easily have been some place we do not know about, like Paris.

f: I think Kustover Posten may be mis-transcribed. I do not know what would he correct, but it seems that it should be a place, not a person.

I don't. I didn't just copy anything from the Call of Duty Wiki or anything. I actually looked over the transcripts myself. Honestly, there is nothing else imaginable that could be there besides a person's name.

g: I absolutely do not think that the Call of Duty Zombie Labs are part of the game Canon at all. From what I can tell, they were produced by IGN, not Treyarch, as promotional material. Nothing in the videos makes sense from storyline perspective.

Not canon? Zombies is my favorite storyline mainly because of the near complete lack of having to worry about non-canon. Last I checked, Call of Duty Zombie Labs is official endorsed by the Call of Duty franchise. Treyarch-made or not, I don't care. It does fit. It does make sense. The Americans went to Griffin Station. They set up a base at Area 51 to transport to and from Griffin Station. Call of Duty Zombie Labs simply gives more insight into the workings of the Americans during this time period. They found the Wave Gun and the Phasing Zombies, two direct references. Every other trailer is seen as canonical. Why in the world would this one not be? Because this one had a lot more effort put into it.

h: I have posted elsewhere that I believe the Winter's Howl is a prototype of the left Zap Gun, while the Ray Gun serves as a prototype for the Right. I base this on sound effects, aesthetics, and the mechanics of how the weapons function. I have a full thread about these similarities somewhere.

Yeah... but I don't think so. The Winter's Howl's shoots ice. The Ray Gun shoots plasma. The Zap Guns shoot electricity. The Winter's Howl was also made by ther Americans in the '60's, unless you believe a theory it was made earlier or something. A better explanation for weapon similarity could be (1) they are pistols; how much can you vary a futuristic pistol? (2) the Ray Gun and Zap Guns were made by the same person, H. Porter, and/or (3) the Winter's Howl, among the reverse engineered technology by the Americans, resembles the only weapon that they had had: the Ray Gun

i: I find it a bit strange you don't mention the CIA presence at Verruct as viewed through Kino der Toten

Because there isn't one. The rooms are not the same at all.

j: I maintain that the Earth was not destroyed at the end of Moon, it was simply an explosive cloud of 935 released into the upper atmosphere. The destruction of Earth makes no sense from a storyline standpoint or any other angle. The graphic of earth is undamaged, there is simply an explosive cloud overlaid.


A series of explosions of that size would destroy every life in existence. This here really goes into science. I'm not an expert, but I'll try:

Even the most durable Archaebacteria would [most likely] have not survived. Strain 121 has the highest temperature threshold, which is 121 degrees Celsius. Giant missiles impacting on the Earth would have a much higher temperature in their immediate radius, which would create a dry climate all around the Earth, creating deserts.

Not to mention that a hole in the Earth can clearly be seen. This is the epicenter of the damage. It was blasted enough to send some of the debris into space. However, the rest rained back down on the Earth. This would create a shield of dust around the planet within a few days or weeks. The result of that is an increasing decline of temperature. Strain 121 can survive heat, but how well can it survive cold?

All plants would freeze to death. Fungus might thrive for a while, but eventually it would run out of nutrients or favorable conditions. If the 115-Nukes contained radiation like most nukes, fallout would also be present. Contrary to popular belief, cockroaches can only survive so much radiation, and mosquitoes can survive more than that. Not to mention that a cockroach can't survive an hour without oxygen.

And the crater isn't just a crater. It's an EXPLOSION. The ocean would be blasted away from it, yet at the same time towards it (water must fill the hole). This would create a disruption in all ocean currents. Every place would change temperature in some fashion, and tsunamis would wrap around the globe.

If the impacts were powerful enough, the Earth's core could be disrupted. We know from evidence on Mars that that is entirely possible. If that happened, then the Earth would die from within, and it would end up like Mars in not too long a time. It would also get baked from solar radiation. Most birds would die from changes in the ionosphere.

Now let's talk about location. The argument against total annihilation is that maybe there is somewhere to hide from the blast. Not really. First of all, while I do believe that mankind can achieve practically anything, they cannot achieve anything on a surprise. No bunkers were made specially for this. Normal bunkers would not suffice. The Earth would wobble in its orbit. If in North America and the blast were to leave it intact, the tsunamis would ravage the East and West coasts. California could possibly fall into the ocean if the fault line is disturbed. Central America would be drowned. South America would have forests set on fire and then frozen. Same for Africa. The sand in the Sahara might blow for hundreds of miles, depending on the chaos in the atmosphere. Europe would be drowned and frozen with no Gulf Stream or Mediterranean climate. Asia would die mostly because of temperature or the dust blocking the Sun. Australia is the same, plus tsunamis. It is possible to survive the blast in Antarctica, but there'd be no way of keeping oneself alive without technology and food.

The atmosphere would be wrecked. A nuclear blast gives off carbon dioxide. With such a dramatic increase in carbon dioxide compared to oxygen, it would be hard to breathe. We have evidence of the atmosphere diminishing, as you can see in-game the stars when looking up from Area 51, despite it being daytime. Yet the atmosphere still contains enough oxygen to breathe, for now. If the core, magentic field, and ionosphere continue to diminish, that won't be true for long. In fact, if it weren't for that Biodome, the main characters would starve to death on the Moon. (Tree leaves for breakfast. Zombie steak for dinner?)

k: The Egg is not transported to an unknown location. If you look at the rocket nearest the Sam Says terminals, you can clearly see the "exit gate" popping the egg out into the warhead when you toss the device.

Even if what you say is true, it is not "clearly". As I have been working on this storyline for a year, and I have done the Easter Egg myself numerous times, and I have seen others do it numerous times, and not once have I seen it, nor has anyone else seen it, nor has anyone even posted mentioning it, anywhere.

Guest aegisknight

Well, do I really need to rip some quotes to prove it? He makes numerous references to male body parts. He has a thing for Nikolai. He had his quote about his college roommate. Not to mention that he is adverse to women and children (although he seems to tolerate Sarah).

I retracted this a couple posts up in the thread.

Perhaps, but it can't be. Richtofen was a "back-alley plastic surgeon". Back-alley means that he was a shady character, not one with his own facility. 935 would have recruited someone who knew what he was doing. And apparently Richtofen knew what he was doing. He knew how, somehow, "to improve the human condition".

First, what is the source for calling him such? Second, having a clinic would not necessarily make one any less "back alley", so long as he did not have the proper licensing. 935 would have recruited someone who knew what they were doing, yes, but where exactly would they have learned about Richtofen to know that he had such skills? There was no shortage of skilled surgeons and scientists in 1920's and 30's Germany.

935 is within the boundary of Poland, and at the time that was within the boundary of Germany. Thus, being in Germany, it is a German organization. Just because of that doesn't necessarily mean that it is run by its government. American organizations like Coca-Cola aren't exclusively run by Americans. Being a German organization does not equal working for the Nazis. In fact, the Nazis had to come in power. 935 could possibly have been around before them. If Group 935 was set up by the League of Nations, it would've gotten a lot more attention than it did, and its technology would be more widespread, especially NOT to America, not being a part of it.

It was not a "German" organization, it was an organization that happened to have some offices in Germany. Everything about the Der Reise quotes point to it specifically NOT being an organization affiliated with any one country, and 935 presence outside Germany, specifically in the Soviet Union (COTD) and Shi no Numa would strongly indicate otherwise. Like I said, it seems more likely to have stemmed from the League of Nations (which would explain their funding before affiliating with the Nazi party) based on their mission statement and the Der Reise radios.

Why would it have gotten more attention? If it were an organization set up under the League's aegis, it would have gotten a lot LESS attention from everyone, since it would only answer to the League, rather than any individual government. This would allow it to have its operations much more covert than otherwise while still being able to secure considerable funding. I cannot think of any other explanation of why they were able to get their resources.

Of course, several signs point to Maxis being of Scandinavian decent, rather than German, as well (specifically the spelling of his name).

Well Steiner was instrumental in Nova 6's design. And Steiner was a 935 scientist. Thus 935 was instrumental in Nova 6's design.

Just because he was a 935 scientist does not mean 935 did any work in the development of Nova gas. The gas was developed independently of 935's work, and only was incorporated later when he brought his research with him. The labs and scientists working on Nova were not affiliated with 935 in any noticable way, simply their lead man was working for two organizations.

Not canon? Zombies is my favorite storyline mainly because of the near complete lack of having to worry about non-canon. Last I checked, Call of Duty Zombie Labs is official endorsed by the Call of Duty franchise. Treyarch-made or not, I don't care. It does fit. It does make sense. The Americans went to Griffin Station. They set up a base at Area 51 to transport to and from Griffin Station. Call of Duty Zombie Labs simply gives more insight into the workings of the Americans during this time period. They found the Wave Gun and the Phasing Zombies, two direct references. Every other trailer is seen as canonical. Why in the world would this one not be? Because this one had a lot more effort put into it.

If they do not care about Canon, this entire thread serves no purpose. the Labs do not fit in with the storyline at all, if it is not made by Treyarch then it serves no purpose in this discussion. COD approved means it was approved by the publisher, not the people who make the story. Several other posters here agree with me.

As for Americans at Griffin Station, I have seen no evidence that they even actually used the teleporter. For all we know, they imported it from Richtofen's labs (since it is his design used in Der Reise and elsewhere, not the American portal-based technology, and his would already be linked to the station) and the 115 used to power the device triggered a zombie outbreak from the Soviet and American troops dead from their covert skirmish before an exploration team was ever sent through. I do not see American evidence in the station, and I do not see any Griffin evidence in No Mans Land.

Yeah... but I don't think so. The Winter's Howl's shoots ice. The Ray Gun shoots plasma. The Zap Guns shoot electricity. The Winter's Howl was also made by ther Americans in the '60's, unless you believe a theory it was made earlier or something. A better explanation for weapon similarity could be (1) they are pistols; how much can you vary a futuristic pistol? (2) the Ray Gun and Zap Guns were made by the same person, H. Porter, and/or (3) the Winter's Howl, among the reverse engineered technology by the Americans, resembles the only weapon that they had had: the Ray Gun


Because there isn't one. The rooms are not the same at all.


This one is very well documented.



This one is more controversial, but I am sticking to my guns on this. It makes zero sense for the Earth to have been destroyed. I don't claim it to be a bulletproof theory, but there are too many holes in the status quo to be followed lightly.

Even if what you say is true, it is not "clearly". As I have been working on this storyline for a year, and I have done the Easter Egg myself numerous times, and I have seen others do it numerous times, and not once have I seen it, nor has anyone else seen it, nor has anyone even posted mentioning it, anywhere.

Then you didn't look. I cannot find any videos that look at the rocket right now since it seems youtubers don't really care about it, but I would bet my round 50 SNN game that its there, and you'll feel silly for having missed it.

Guest Tac

In regards to the German organization aspect, I do think it is very plausible it wasn't German since Group 935 had already been established and Maxis struck a deal with the Nazi's AFTER their upbringing.

Being a German organization does not equal working for the Nazis. In fact, the Nazis had to come in power. 935 could possibly have been around before them.

Well, it is possible except that the Nazi's have been around since 1919, but officially began there rise to power in December of 1924. By September of 1939, Group 935 only had 38 log entries, so I don't personally think they have been around since before the Nazi's.

Just because he was a 935 scientist does not mean 935 did any work in the development of Nova gas. The gas was developed independently of 935's work, and only was incorporated later when he brought his research with him. The labs and scientists working on Nova were not affiliated with 935 in any noticable way, simply their lead man was working for two organizations.

What about the fact that Steiner was part of the Wunderwaffen team, and part of that team was 935. He was brought into that team to create the gas, so it makes sense that he was built it with 935.

As for the Gersch portal in the top of the rocket on Moon, BlindBusDrivr and I can attest to its validity.

Guest aegisknight

I dunno about that last part, the Nova gas seems to be very little of what 935 did (I haven't seen any research in any bases dealing with its invention), it seems to be something that Steiner brought with him from working with the Nazis.

It seems more likely he was invited into the group to assist with the mind control experimentation, his Nova gas was integrated into the crawler designs as a stable delivery system. Either way, its ambiguous, but I don't see much suggesting that 935 worked on the gas.

Further along the lines of the earth being destroyed, the OP puts the events of Moon happening in the 60's, a point I agree with. However, we have emails in the terminal dating into the 70's, which would be impossible if Earth was destroyed.

Guest Tac

I dunno about that last part, the Nova gas seems to be very little of what 935 did (I haven't seen any research in any bases dealing with its invention), it seems to be something that Steiner brought with him from working with the Nazis.

It seems more likely he was invited into the group to assist with the mind control experimentation, his Nova gas was integrated into the crawler designs as a stable delivery system. Either way, its ambiguous, but I don't see much suggesting that 935 worked on the gas.


Further along the lines of the earth being destroyed, the OP puts the events of Moon happening in the 60's, a point I agree with. However, we have emails in the terminal dating into the 70's, which would be impossible if Earth was destroyed.


Guest aegisknight

I have agreed with the Tesla shield theory since you first posted it, but the Blome information throws a wrench into my gears.

The development of Nova6 just doesn't fit into how I see 935 operating. It was founded with peaceful purposes in mind, and chemical warfare just doesn't mesh.

For now, what I can figure is that when Maxis contacted the Nazis for funding with the development of the undead army as his primary bargaining chip, the Reichstag also supplied him with highly skilled Nazi scientists to help further the research.

Steiner and Blome would have been part of this contingent due to their medical expertise; Blome for his experience in human experimentation (leading me to believe that Blome is directly responsible for the nova crawlers) and Steiner specializing more directly in the mind control experimentation at Kino der Toten (hence him appearing in the Kino reels).

However, Steiner had very little work done with 115, which would explain the lack of it in the Ascension group's work until apparently just before the zombie outbreak.

Guest Tac

Well 935 was a good-hearted organization in the beginning, but in 1943 when Steiner began his research under Hitler's direct orders, Group 935 had already been under the influence of the Nazi's and the Third Reich for three years and they had warped the meaning of 935 to make them create weapons for them. Group 935 started innocently but the government forced them to produce more and more weapons and dangerous materials.

Guest aegisknight

Was it forced? It seemed to me that Maxis had been heading in a weapons development direction before contact with the nazis was made. In fact, I get the impression that Richthofen was able to gain such a following specifically for opposing that trend

Guest Tac

Well, we don't know for sure. The only thing that we are sure that they were working on before contact with the Nazi's was the teleporters, but there was a crucial experiment that everyone can only guess at. But Maxis didn't give the impression to me that he was into weapons. Both he and Richtofen state that they are trying to help the world.

Group 935 is a research organization. What was the motto? To improve the human condition?

Chances are this war will end soon with a treaty or two and we will be in a much better position to help the world.
Guest aegisknight


my partner has a capture card, when the game ends he's gonna send it to me

so.... mystery solved

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest MurderMachineX

Some of you may have wondered why I didn't post anymore on this topic. I had a reason for that.

I finished. I was done. Over. For two months, having no replies minus the occasional input from Tac, I completed it myself. When I finished, I sent out the PM to a bunch of collaborators to get permission, as you know. But all that did was incite you guys to resume posting. I found this frustrating, because all these posts did nothing post-fact; I had already printed out and submitted a hard copy.

However, I retracted it. I will soon print out a second, more accurate copy. I've already made edits of mine own. Shortly, I will post that into this topic's first post. Then if anyone would like to debate or discuss, we need to do it within the next few days before I resubmit.

So if you have something to say, say it.

Guest aegisknight

I had stopped getting topic reply notifications for this topic, so I stopped checking it. I gave an exhaustive list of what I thought was wrong with it when asked for it, and several others have done the same. I don't know why you're putting it out as a definitive list if there is still some controversy over many points.

Guest MurderMachineX

I finished my storyline when help was scanty. However, I needed to know who to credit. Credit is important to me. Only then did people make their "lists". I did not ask you what was wrong with it. You gave it on your volition. I would not care that much if not some of it were actually good points.

EDIT: Just post. My fixed story isn't too different from this one. If you correct something I've already pointed out, then I'll just let you know; but I find that happening unlikely personally.

EDIT: See what I mean? Whenever I ASK for people to post, they don't. The one I time I didn't, they did.

Guest Rissole25

Will you be adding and editing this when Black Ops 2 comes out? Or just start a complete new one when it does?

Guest MurderMachineX

I will eventually. I'm not going to flock to m storyline and try to put in everything "first". That would just ruin its integrity. If I'm tempted, I might go ahead and put the stuff in that we have, or I might wait until the equivalent of Moon comes out. I say that because a lot of the storyline is purposefully going to have a ton of blanks that won't be answered until the map packs come out.

Guest MurderMachineX

I suppose I'll enter it as it flows in. Can't resist.

But I also wanted to post that I've decided that Eagle's Nest = Call of the Dead, and see what kind of responses I get.


I suppose I'll enter it as it flows in. Can't resist.

But I also wanted to post that I've decided that Eagle's Nest = Call of the Dead, and see what kind of responses I get.

Not a bad idea, it makes sense on the surface but I would like to see what evidence you have besides the circumstantial reasons about why it would make sense. A while back I posted a thread about Richtofen and Eagle's Nest.

,]When you think of Eagle's Nest, the one that usually comes to mind is the Kehlsteinhaus, "Hitler's Retreat." The Eagle's Nest he's at is actually Adlerhorst, a command compound.

A man named Albert Speer presented this compound to Hitler, but Hitler dismissed it in February 1940. Speer was then told to adapt the complex for the Luftwaffe. A branch of the Luftwaffe is the Wehrmacht, who teamed up with the Waffen-SS. For those of you who didn't know this, Dr. Richtofen is in the Wehrmacht, and possibly even the Waffen-SS. Although the Waffen-SS was autonomous and existed in parallel to the Wehrmacht, the Waffen-SS field units were placed under the operational control of the Supreme High Command of the Armed Forces, also known as the Riechstag High Command, who funded Group 935.

Guest MurderMachineX

Well the base at Call of the Dead always puzzled me in a way. It was the only one without a real name. I always had to refer to it as the "Siberian outpost". But Richtofen has all this talk of "Eagle's Nest". He says how they built Griffin Station and Eagle's Nest. And Richtofen went back and forth between the two. Richtofen also states that he found MANY vril artifacts. This would easily explain why there was one in Call of the Dead. Going back and forth between the places, Richtofen knew there'd be one at Eagle's Nest. Another was scene in Moon Film Roll 6, unless you suppose it somehow got to Siberia in that time. We also know Richtofen spent a considerable amount of time at the Siberian outpost.

That is far too many "coincidences".

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